772 resultados para Literacy--Egypt--Oxyrhynchite Nome.
Literacy is an invaluable asset to have, and has allowed for communication, documentation and the spreading of ideas since the beginning of the written language. With technological advancements, and new possibilities to communicate, it is important to question the degree to which people’s abilities to utilise these new methods have developed in relation to these emerging technologies. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to analyse the state of students’ at Dalarna University mulitimodal literacy, as well as their experience of multimodality in their education. This has led to the two main research questions: What is the state of the students at Dalarna University multimodal literacy? And: How have the students at Dalarna University experienced multimodality in education? The paper is based on a mixed-method study that incorporates both a quantitative and qualitative aspect to it. The main thrust of the research paper is, however, based on a quantitative study that was conducted online and emailed to students via their program coordinators. The scope of the research is in audio-visual modes, i.e. audio, video and images, while textual literacy is presumed and serves as an inspiration to the study. The purpose of the study is to analyse the state of the students’ multimodal literacy and their experience of multimodality in education. The study revealed that the students at Dalarna University have most skill in image editing, while not being very literate in audio or video editing. The students seem to have had mediocre experience creating meaning through multimodality both in private use and in their respective educational institutions. The study also reveals that students prefer learning by means of video (rather than text or audio), yet are not able to create meaning (communicate) through it.
PANA V Evaluation of a Literacy ProjectSUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONSThis evaluation set out to explore the impact of the literacy work carried out through PANA V. It focussed on clarifying effects such as empowerment and poverty reduction in relation to the civil society. Two specific objectives were to evaluate the methodological approach and the didactic materials and to evaluate the sustainability of the project.Although the focus of the evaluation has been PANA V, the project has been evaluated in its context, as one in a series of five projects located in Rwanda ten years after the war and genocide. The conclusion will consider future plans in this field.The evaluator has striven to create a holistic picture of the effects of the project, although the given time for the evaluation was short. Only three weeks were spent in the field study and only ten days in the actual field. Although there were some organisational and logistic problems, as is common when carrying out a study like this in a poor country, many literacy sites were visited and quite many participators were interviewed. The overall impression from the study is overwhelmingly positive. So many people commit themselves in this task of teaching Rwandans reading, writing and numeracy. Despite harsh conditions learners strive to learn and group leaders devote themselves to the task. Many leaders on different levels try their very best to manage their difficult and demanding task. The main objective was to explore the impact of the project on poverty reduction, particularly on empowerment and strategies for everyday life. Women were to be regarded particularly. From the results it is clear that the project has a strong, positive impact both on poverty reduction and empowerment of marginalised groups. Among those who have benefited from the alphabetisation are mainly women. Unfortunately, when it comes to leaders in PANA, who may also be said to have benefited from the project, only a small minority is women. This is something that is recommended that it be reconsidered inside the organisation. As a majority of the targeted learners are women, and as the economic and social situation of women in Rwanda is generally weak, this is a question that I recommend the Pentesostal church and ADEPR to look particularly into. With many women being single breadwinners of their households, it is important that also women get access to positions that may bring benefits of different kind.It is also clear that the project has positive effects for the civil society. In the present situation in Rwanda, during the process of reconciliation and rapid progress, basic education for the poor majority is a democratic issue. In a country with a plethora of internet-cafés in the capital and a small minority that use cars and mobile-telephones to communicate nation-wide, it is of outmost importance that the majority acquires basic education, of which literacy is a central part. To strengthen the civil society in Rwanda literacy is important. One central issue is then that Rwanda develops toward becoming a country where literacy is used for the benefit of the citizens and it is a democratic issue that all citizens get an opportunity to participate. Crucial for this is that strong efforts are put into primary schools nation-wide. Literacy projects for adults, like PANA, may only complement these efforts, but they constitute important and necessary complements. Other relevant ways to promote literacy are campaigns in Radio and TV and through cultural events such as festivals, music and theatre. News papers, magazines and books are natural parts of such campaigns as well as adult education. As stated under the results not much can be said about the didactics in this evaluation. On the whole the methodology and the materials fill their function well and receive a high reputation. As people learn to read and write under very simple conditions, obviously the approach is appropriate. A few suggestions may be given from the study:•Focus groups leaders’ attention on clearness, that they show very clearly what is to be read. Good structuring is probably of great importance for many learners.•Make clear what is tested in the tests and consider the possibility to use a holistic test that would be more congruent with the methodology. The possibility to use only one grade, pass, would enable a more practical test, such as reading a short, relevant text, writing something relevant and solving practical mathematic problems. Avoid tests that demand school knowledge.•Avoid using methaphors such as “fight against illiteracy” and connections between illiteracy/literacy and darkness/light. It is not true that illiteracy causes bad things and that literacy only brings good. •Be prepared that it may be more difficult in the future to achieve the goals as it may be the case that the early learners where the ones who achieved easily. The goal of “literacy in six month” in PANA will probably hold only for some learners but also those who do not manage in six months need literacy skills.A third objective was to secure sustainability. As for sustainability of the project in itself, and of the literacy process, the main conclusion is that there is a good potential. The commitment and devotedness among many involved in PANA proves good. One weakness is individual leaders in ADEPR who do not see this as an important task for the Pentecostal church in Rwanda. Other weaknesses are the unwillingness to mention explicitly the wish, for example among group leaders, to get some kind of incentive and the fear of loosing believers by cooperation with other organisations. A higher degree of transparency in this issue would probably solve some irritations and tensions.As for the sustainability of the literacy skills much may be done to improve. The acquired skills seem to be comparably relevant. The level achieved, and the level tested, may be defined as basic literacy skills, consisting of basic reading, writing and numeracy skills. However, these skills are very restricted and there is a high risk that the skills will decline, which means that there is a high risk that people will forget how to read and write because of lack of exercising. From these conclusions a few suggestions for future development will be given.
This study has investigated the question of relation between literacy practices in and out of school in rural Tanzania. By using the perspective of linguistic anthropology, literacy practices in five villages in Karagwe district in the northwest of Tanzania have been analysed. The outcome may be used as a basis for educational planning and literacy programs. The analysis has revealed an intimate relation between language, literacy and power. In Karagwe, traditional élites have drawn on literacy to construct and reconstruct their authority, while new élites, such as individual women and some young people have been able to use literacy as one tool to get access to power. The study has also revealed a high level of bilingualism and a high emphasis on education in the area, which prove a potential for future education in the area. At the same time discontinuity in language use, mainly caused by stigmatisation of what is perceived as local and traditional, such as the mother-tongue of the majority of the children, and the high status accrued to all that is perceived as Western, has turned out to constitute a great obstacle for pupils’ learning. The use of ethnographic perspectives has enabled comparisons between interactional patterns in schools and outside school. This has revealed communicative patterns in school that hinder pupils’ learning, while the same patterns in other discourses reinforce learning. By using ethnography, relations between explicit and implicit language ideologies and their impact in educational contexts may be revealed. This knowledge may then be used to make educational plans and literacy programmes more relevant and efficient, not only in poor post-colonial settings such as Tanzania, but also elsewhere, such as in Western settings.
Information and communication technology (ICT) is a subject that is being discussed as a tool that is used within education around the world. Furthermore it can be seen as a tool for teachers to individualize students´ education. Students with literacy difficulties, such as dyslexia, are in constant need of new ways to learn, and new ways to be motivated to learn. The aim of this study is to see what research says in regard to how ICT can be used as a tool to help students with literacy difficulties. Literacy difficulties can be due to a number of things, such as the student has not been taught how to read, trouble within the family which can cause distress, or a neurological disorder such as dyslexia. Furthermore, the main research questions will focus on how ICT can be compared to traditional education forms, such as books and a more teacher centered education within the classroom, and whether ICT can be preferred. The results of this literature review indicates that ICT can be seen as a way for teachers to help students with literacy difficulties gain more self-esteem – something the literature tells us students with learning difficulties lack. The results also show how ICT can lead to a more individualized education. This is due to tools that increase reading comprehension and tools that give direct response when working with ICT, which helps students work more independently.
The purpose of this thesis is to study the literacy formed when a class blog is used as a tool for students studying history and explore how this particular literacy is used to generate historical knowledge. The study was conducted during the course of a project in which ninth-grade students contributed entries to a common blog in the form of a diary written by individuals who experienced the Second World War. Its three major objectives were to study the students' perception of the blog in relation to their gender and level of historical knowledge; how they and their teacher esta-blished and used the formed literacy; and how the students related to this in the production of historical knowledge. In analyzing the results, a concept of literacy was used based on seven writing practices all linked to the new medium and history education. The study was based on a questionnaire, interviews and various student texts. In order to perform a content analysis on the study results a theoretical framework for historical conscious-ness was included. The results show that in using the writing practices a literacy characterized by colla-borative authorship was formed. The study concludes that this affects both what and how the students learn. Together they show each other that history is comprised of many small stories, not necessarily strictly coherent with the general history as told by their textbooks. Examining the students’ blog entries made a new learning process visible that enabled the enhancement of their historical consciousness.
A escrita do nome próprio tem ocupado um lugar privilegiado na aprendizagem, operador por excelência, a partir do qual podem-se realizar uma série de permutações em suas letras, emprestando-se a constituir outros nomes. Esperase que através da escrita do nome o sujeito possa demonstrar maior estabilidade em um eu que tenha domínio sobre a linguagem. A hipótese inicialmente formulada é de que na escrita do nome está em jogo a constituição subjetiva do escrevente e que as diferentes associações nas e com as letras tipográficas revelam os processos através dos quais se dá a inscrição de sujeito na linguagem. É ao sujeito da inscrição que estamos nos referindo, submetido à incidência das leis que regulam a linguagem. Podemos entreler, ler nas entrelinhas, na escrita do nome e em seus desdobramentos, impasses, omissões, trocas e rasuras, o que uma escrita não consciente – no sentido de não se sustentar numa hipótese enquanto exercício de uma reflexão – desvela sobre os processos de criação da cultura e de um sujeito, através da passagem realizada entre a transmissão de um nome próprio à apropriação de um próprio ao nome.
O artigo a seguir apresenta um alerta quanto ao problema da sistemática adotada pela jurisprudência acerca da desconsideração da personalidade jurídica no brasil. Ele confronta as bases dessa teoria com a prática dos tribunais, além de clarificar a diferença entre a desconsideração propriamente dita e a responsabilidade pessoal dos administradores e sócios. Analisando essa realidade, parece haver uma subversão do mecanismo de proteção da empresa para o atendimento de outros interesses. Postura esta que pode prejudicar a segurança jurídica, gerar grandes entraves à viabilização de empreendimentos num sistema de livre mercado, desestimular investimentos produtivos, impedir o crescimento e, em última instância, prejudicar o desenvolvimento econômico brasileiro.
This paper provides evidence of the effects of adult literacy on individuals’ income and employability in Brazil based on information obtained from the monthly employment survey (PME). The OLS results indicate that after controlling for observable characteristics, there is a 21.25% increase in wages for individuals who become literate; however, there is no significant impact on employability. Moreover, the findings show an 8.1% increase in the probability of being employed in the formal sector. We also explore the longitudinal structure of the dataset to control for unobservable fixed characteristics of individuals. The fixed-effects estimators show smaller effects compared to the OLS estimators. We find that literacy has a 4.4% effect on wages and a 4.3% impact on the probability of being formally employed. The effects are significantly different from zero.
CORRÊA, Lucas Andrade Sá. Um nome e um programa: Érico Sachs e a Política Operária. Esta dissertação pretende discutir a trajetória do militante marxista Érico Sachs. Austríaco, nascido em 1922, Érico chegaria ao Brasil em 1939, após viver na Áustria, União Soviética e França. Em 1961, Sachs seria um dos fundadores da Organização Revolucionária Marxista – Política Operária (ORM-POLOP). A ORM-POLOP ocupou um importante papel nos debates e nas lutas da esquerda nas décadas de 1960 e 1970. Apesar da sua influência na direção e formulação das linhas políticas da POLOP, Érico Sachs permanece quase desconhecido de militantes e historiadores. Usando o conceito de “atualidade da revolução” de Lukacs, pretende-se entender a influência causada pela estratégia defendida por Sachs, especialmente nos anos 1960, e o seu isolamento, nos anos 1970 e 1980, assim como o seu posterior “esquecimento”.
Tal como ressaltado em de Faro e Guerra (2014), tem sido frequente em nossos tribunais, sentenças judiciais determinando que, relativamente ao caso de amortizações de dívidas com prestações constantes, a popular Tabela Price seja substituída por um sistema que, fundamentado em uma particular aplicação do regime de juros simples, vem sendo cognominado de “Método de Gauss” (cf. Antonick e Assunção, 2006 e Nogueira, 2013). E isso, frize-se, mantendo-se o valor numérico da taxa de juros especificada no contrato de financiamento (usualmente, habitacional). A par de ser totalmente inadequado, como discutido em de Faro (2014c), associar o nome do grande matemático alemão Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) ao procedimento em questão, sucede que ao mesmo, como a qualquer outro que seja baseado no regime de juros simples, associam-se incontornáveis inconsistências. Como já anteriormente, amplamente evidenciado em de Faro (2013b e 2014a). Tomando a Tabela Price como base de comparação, o propósito do presente trabalho é o de aprofundar a análise das deficiências do que tem sido denominado como “Método de Gauss”. Em particular, dado que as sentenças judiciais costumam não alterar os valores numéricos das taxas contratuais de juros, substituindo tão somente o regime de juros compostos, que está implícito na Tabela Price, pela peculiar variante do regime de juros simples que está subjacente ao que se chama de “Método de Gauss”, buscar-se-á considerar a questão do ponto de vista do financiador.