939 resultados para Liquidity proxies


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A importância de um elevado nível de comprometimento entre os cooperados e sua cooperativa é consenso na literatura, o que vem impulsionando a pesquisa empírica sobre o tema. Este artigo insere-se nessa corrente e avalia empiricamente os condicionantes de um maior grau de comprometimento e sua influência sobre o desempenho financeiro de uma cooperativa. Duas são suas principais contribuições: diferentemente de parte relevante da literatura, que tem por foco características dos associados, neste trabalho investiga-se a relação entre as características das cooperativas e o nível de comprometimento, o que resulta em diferentes implicações de política; no artigo faz-se uso de dados em painel não balanceado sobre as cooperativas agrícolas paulistas, o PDICOOP, base de dados ainda pouco explorada e que permite maior representatividade e menor sujeição a problemas econométricos de viés de seleção. Os resultados são consistentes com hipóteses da literatura sobre custos e benefícios da ação coletiva, estando o comprometimento positivamente correlacionado com o tamanho da cooperativa (benefícios da ação coletiva) e negativamente correlacionado com o número de cooperados e seu grau de heterogeneidade - proxies para os custos de coordenação. A relação entre comprometimento e desempenho financeiro é, contudo, inconclusiva, devido à falta de boas variáveis instrumentais para o controle de endogeneidade.


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The stable isotope composition of ostracod fossils is useful for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Laboratory as well as 'natural environment' cultures demonstrate that the carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of ostracod shells faithfully record the environmental conditions at the time of valve precipitation. Oxygen isotope composition of ostracod calcite reflects the composition and temperature of the host water, but ostracod shells are enriched in 18O compared to the value expected for inorganic calcite precipitating under equilibrium under the same conditions. This 'vital effect' is generally constant for closely related species and equals 1.5 to 3 0/00 for Candoninae, 0 to 2.5 0/00 for Cyprididae and 0.8 to 1.5 0/00 for Cytheroidea. The carbon isotope composition of ostracod calcite is controlled by a complex interaction between the ecology of the species and environmental parameters. Previous natural environmental studies suggest that many (but not all) taxa crystallize their shells in or very close to equilibrium with the carbon isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon, and that the composition of littoral, epifaunal species reflects seasonal variation in the carbon isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon of bottom water according to their life cycles, while that of deep-water, infaunal species reflects the variation interstitial pore water according to microhabitat preferences.


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Objective: To investigate personality traits in patients with Alzheimer disease, compared with mentally healthy control subjects. We compared both current personality characteristics using structured interviews as well as current and previous personality traits as assessed by proxies.Method: Fifty-four patients with mild Alzheimer disease and 64 control subjects described their personality traits using the Structured Interview for the Five-Factor Model. Family members filled in the Revised NEO Personality Inventory, Form R, to evaluate their proxies' current personality traits, compared with 5 years before the estimated beginning of Alzheimer disease or 5 years before the control subjects.Results: After controlling for age, the Alzheimer disease group presented significantly higher scores than normal control subjects on current neuroticism, and significantly lower scores on current extraversion, openness, and conscientiousness, while no significant difference was observed on agreeableness. A similar profile, though less accentuated, was observed when considering personality traits as the patients' proxies remembered them. Diachronic personality assessment showed again significant differences between the 2 groups for the same 4 domains, with important personality changes only for the Alzheimer disease group.Conclusions: Group comparison and retrospective personality evaluation are convergent. Significant personality changes follow a specific trend in patients with Alzheimer disease and contrast with the stability generally observed in mentally healthy people in their personality profile throughout their lives. Whether or not the personality assessment 5 years before the current status corresponds to an early sign of Alzheimer disease or real premorbid personality differences in people who later develop Alzheimer disease requires longitudinal studies.


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This article highlights some of the links between pre-morbid personality and clinical features of dementia. Indeed, personality characteristics forge an individual's coping strategies and thus influence the expression of behavioural and psychiatric syndromes of dementia (BPSD) or its precursor stages. Some personality traits such as neuroticism may impact on cognitive decline. BPSD being among the most important determinants of a patient's and their proxies' burden, a better understanding of the links between pre-morbid personality characteristics and BPSD will help define care strategies.


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This paper analyzes the implications of pre-trade transpareny on market performance. We find that transparency increases the precision held by agents, however we show that this increase in precision may not be due to prices themselves. In competitive markets, transparency increases market liquidity and reduces price volatility, whereas these results may not hold under imperfect competition. More importantly, market depth and volatility might be positively related with proper priors. Moreover, we study the incentives for liquidity traders to engage in sunshine trading. We obtain that the choice of sunshine/dark trading for a noise trader is independent of his order size, being the traders with higher liquidity needs more interested in sunshine trading, as long as this practice is desirable. Key words: Market Microstructure, Transparency, Prior Information, Market Quality, Sunshine Trading


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Richer and healthier agents tend to hold riskier portfolios and spend proportionally less on health expenditures. Potential explanations include health and wealth effects on preferences, expected longevity or disposable total wealth. Using HRS data, we perform a structural estimation of a dynamic model of consumption, portfolio and health expenditure choices with recursive utility, as well as health-dependent income and mortality risk. Our estimates of the deep parameters highlight the importance of health capital, mortality risk control, convex health and mortality adjustment costs and binding liquidity constraints to rationalize the stylized facts. They also provide new perspectives on expected longevity and on the values of life and health.


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Does financial development result in capital being reallocated more rapidly to industries where it is most productive? We argue that if this was the case, financially developed countries should see faster growth in industries with investment opportunities due to global demand and productivity shifts. Testing this cross-industry cross-country growth implication requires proxies for (latent) global industry investment opportunities. We show that tests relying only on data from specific (benchmark) countries may yield spurious evidence for or against the hypothesis. We therefore develop an alternative approach that combines benchmark-country proxies with a proxy that does not reflect opportunities specific to a country or level of financial development. Our empirical results yield clear support for the capital reallocation hypothesis.


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O trabalho monográfico ora apresentado, pretende evidenciar as potencialidades da Bolsa de Valores de Cabo Verde, no que tange a sua criação, desempenho, evolução, funcionamento e contribuição para a economia do país. O presente trabalho tem também como propósito, estudar de que forma como o mercado de capitais contribui para a economia de um país, o porque das empresas recorrerem a esse mercado, quais os benéficos ao estar cotada numa Bolsa e ainda qual a razão de algumas não estarem inseridas nele. Esse mercado que hoje conquista vários investidores a nível mundial, é considerado como sendo uma opção infalível e de grande relevância para a economia de qualquer país, sendo também uma escolha para poupar e financiar investimentos. Entendemos que, a existência de um Mercado de Capitais num país como o nosso, sendo este um PDM, onde existe forte dependência do estrangeiro e há necessidade de criar atributos capazes de garantir o apoio à sua economia, é um privilégio, pois apesar dos riscos e dificuldades enfrentados encontra-se em activa e sempre com rumo a uma melhoria. Em forma de conclusão, afirmamos que o nosso mercado de capitais além de ser rudimentar, apresenta baixos níveis de liquidez em relação a frequência de transacção de títulos. Pelo que ficamos com alguma reserva quanto aos benefícios que terão os potenciais investidores. The monograph presented here, aims to highlight the potential of the Stock Exchange of Cape Verde, with respect to its creation, performance, development, operation and contribution to the economy. This work also has the purpose to study that how the capital market contributes to the economy of a country, why companies resort to this market, which benefits by being listed on a stock exchange and also the reason some do not being inserted in it. This market that many investors now conquering the world, is considered to be infallible and a choice of great importance to the economy of any country, is also a choice to save and fund investments. We understand that the existence of a capital market in a country like ours, this being a developed country average, where there is heavy reliance on overseas and need to create features that would guarantee support for its economy, it is a privilege, because despite the risks and difficulties faced is in active and always towards an improvement. By way of conclusion, we note that our capital market as well as being rough, has low levels of liquidity in relation to frequency of trading of securities. Therefore we are left with some reservations about the benefits that have the potential investors.


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Rock slope instabilities are implicitly linked to the supply of sediment and debris recharging channels prone to debris flow. Hence, the incorporation of bedrock structure and terrain morphology can be relevant in the analysis of sediment budget and debris flow hazard assessment. Here, the mode of debris production of the Manival catchment (northern French Alps) is documented by the study of its morphostructural aspects extracted from high resolution DEM. Terrain implication in the process of debris supply is evaluated by: a) A systematic classification of the major morphological units based on the slope gradient that enables a spatial analysis of zones of debris production and deposition. b) A detailed structural analysis performed on DEM in order to identify potential unstable slopes. c) An analysis of the gullies orientation that informs in term of structural control of the sources zones. d) Localisation of high density joints sets that document about whether sources of continuous debris production are controlled by the structural setting of the catchment. These DEM-based indicators can be used as proxies for assessing the influences of the current topography and enable to quantify a degree of susceptibility to mass wasting and hillslope erosion activity. This present contribution suggests some directions for characterizing sediment flux dynamic in small alpine catchment.


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AIM: In normal aging, subjective cognitive decline (SCD) might reflect personality traits or affective states rather than objective cognitive decline. However, little is known on the correlates of SCD in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The present study investigates SCD in MCI patients and healthy older adults, and explores the association of SCD with personality traits, affective states, behavioral and psychological symptoms (BPS), and episodic memory in patients with MCI as compared with healthy older adults. METHODS: A total of 55 patients with MCI and 84 healthy older adults were recruited. Standard instruments were used to evaluate SCD, episodic memory, BPS and affective states. Premorbid and current personality traits were assessed by proxies using the NEO Personality Inventory Revised. RESULTS: Patients with MCI generally reported SCD more often than healthy older adults. SCD was positively associated with depressive symptoms in both groups. With regard to personality, no significant relationship was found in the healthy older group, whereas agreeableness was significantly negatively related to SCD in the MCI group. No significant association was found between SCD and episodic memory. CONCLUSIONS: SCD is more prevalent in patients with MCI than in the healthy elderly, but it does not reflect an objective cognitive impairment. SCD rather echoes depressive symptoms in both patients with MCI and healthy subjects. The negative association of SCD with agreeableness observed in patients with MCI could indicate that MCI patients scoring high on the agreeableness trait would not report SCD in order to prevent their relatives worrying about their increasing cognitive difficulties. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2014; 14: 589-595.


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We argue that the main barrier to an integrated international interbankmarket is the existence of asymmetric information between differentcountries, which may prevail in spite of monetary integration or successfulcurrency pegging. In order to address this issue, we study the scope forinternational interbank market integration with unsecured lending whencross-country information is noisy. We find not only that an equilibriumwith integrated markets need not always exist, but also that when it does,the integrated equilibrium may coexist with one of interbank marketsegmentation. Therefore, market deregulation, per se, does not guaranteethe emergence of an integrated interbank market. The effect of a repo marketwhich, a priori, was supposed to improve efficiency happens to be morecomplex: it reduces interest rate spreads and improves upon the segmentationequilibrium, but\ it may destroy the unsecured integrated equilibrium, sincethe repo market will attract the best borrowers. The introduction of othertransnational institutional arrangements, such as multinational banking,correspondent banking and the existence of "too-big-to-fail" banks mayreduce cross country interest spreads and provide more insurance againstcountry wide liquidity shocks. Still, multinational banking, as theintroduction of repos, may threaten the integrated interbank marketequilibrium.


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We present a model of shadow banking in which financial intermediaries originate and trade loans, assemble these loans into diversified portfolios, and then finance these portfolios externally with riskless debt. In this model: i) outside investor wealth drives the demand for riskless debt and indirectly for securitization, ii) intermediary assets and leverage move together as in Adrian and Shin (2010), and iii) intermediaries increase their exposure to systematic risk as they reduce their idiosyncratic risk through diversification, as in Acharya, Schnabl, and Suarez (2010). Under rational expectations, the shadow banking system is stable and improves welfare. When investors and intermediaries neglect tail risks, however, the expansion of risky lending and the concentration of risks in the intermediaries create financial fragility and fluctuations in liquidity over time.


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The increased fragility of the banking industry has generatedgrowing concern about the risks associated with the paymentsystems. Although in most industrial countries differentinterbank payment systems coexist, little is really knownabout their propierties in terms of risk and efficiency. Wetackle this question by comparing the two main types ofpayment systems, gross and net, in a framework whereuncertainty arises from several sources: the time ofconsumption, the location of consumption and the return oninvestment. Payments across locations can be made either bydirectly transferrring liquidity or by transferring claimsagainst the bank in the other location. The two mechanism areinterpreted as the gross and net settlement systems ininterbank payments. We characterize the equilibria in the twosystems and identify the trade-off in terms of safety andefficiency.


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Clinical experience suggests that longstanding personality characteristics as a person's most distinctive features of all are likely to play a role in how someone with dementia copes with his increasing deficiencies. Personality characteristics may have a pathoplastic effect on both behavioral and psychological symptoms (BPS) or on cognition as well as cognitive decline. Cognitive disorders accompanied by BPS are a tremendous burden for both the patient and their proxies. This review suggests that premorbid personality characteristics are co-determinants of BPS in cognitive disorders, but much effort is needed to clarify whether or not specific premorbid personality traits are associated with specific BPS as no strong links have so far emerged. This review further shows that a growing field of research is interested in the links not only between quite short-lived emotional states and cognitive processes, but also between longstanding personality traits and cognition in both healthy individuals and patients with neurodegenerative disorders. Furthermore, a few studies found that specific premorbid personality traits may be risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases. However, research findings in this area remain scarce despite a huge literature on personality and cognitive disorders in general. An important shortcoming that hampers so far the progress of our understanding in these domains is the confusion in the literature between longstanding premorbid personality traits and transient personality changes observed in neurodegenerative diseases. Few studies have based their assessments on accepted personality theories and carefully investigated premorbid personality traits in patients with cognitive disorders, although assessing personality may be complicated in these patients. Studying the impact of personality characteristics in cognitive disorders is an especially promising field of research in particular when concomitantly using neurobiological approaches, in particular structural brain imaging and genetic studies as suggested by as yet rare studies. Improved understanding of premorbid personality characteristics as determinants of both BPS or cognitive capacities or decline is likely to influence our attitudes towards the treatment of demented patients and ultimately to help in alleviating a patient's and their proxies' burden.


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This paper analyses the impact of asymmetric information in the interbankmarket and establishes its crucial role in the microfoundations of the monetarypolicy transmission mechanism. We show that interbank market imperfectionsinduce an equilibrium with rationing in the credit market. This has two majorimplications: first, it reconciles the irresponsiveness of business investment to theuser cost of capital with the large impact of monetary policy (magnitude effect)and, second, it shows that banks liquidity positions condition their reaction tomonetary policy (Kashyap and Stein liquidity effect).