334 resultados para Lightning Bolt
Emotion-based analysis has raised a lot of interest, particularly in areas such as forensics, medicine, music, psychology, and human-machine interface. Following this trend, the use of facial analysis (either automatic or human-based) is the most common subject to be investigated once this type of data can easily be collected and is well accepted in the literature as a metric for inference of emotional states. Despite this popularity, due to several constraints found in real world scenarios (e.g. lightning, complex backgrounds, facial hair and so on), automatically obtaining affective information from face accurately is a very challenging accomplishment. This work presents a framework which aims to analyse emotional experiences through naturally generated facial expressions. Our main contribution is a new 4-dimensional model to describe emotional experiences in terms of appraisal, facial expressions, mood, and subjective experiences. In addition, we present an experiment using a new protocol proposed to obtain spontaneous emotional reactions. The results have suggested that the initial emotional state described by the participants of the experiment was different from that described after the exposure to the eliciting stimulus, thus showing that the used stimuli were capable of inducing the expected emotional states in most individuals. Moreover, our results pointed out that spontaneous facial reactions to emotions are very different from those in prototypic expressions due to the lack of expressiveness in the latter.
Funding: Verity Watson acknowledges financial support from the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates. The funders had no role in the study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publication. Acknowledgements: We thank Marjon van der Pol, Mandy Ryan and Rainer Schulz for helpful comments and suggestions throughout the project. We also thank Karen Gerard and Tim Bolt for comparing the results of our systematic review with a similar systematic review they are conducting at the same time. We would like to thank Douglas Olley for excellent research assistance.
Quelques sites archéologiques comme Olympie, Stymphalos et Olynthe possèdent respectivement un répertoire faisant l’étude des armes de jet retrouvées durant une série de campagnes de fouilles archéologiques. Parmi ces indexes, figurent fréquemment des pointes de flèche, des balles de fronde et des saurotères (contrepoids de lance ou de javelot) provenant de différentes périodes historiques gréco-romaines. À travers les 20e et 21e siècle de notre ère, des spécialistes comme D. Robinson (1931), A. Snodgrass (1964), H. Baitinger (2001), C. Hagerman (2014) dédièrent une partie de leur expertise pour produire des synthèses sur ces objets jadis négligés. Ainsi, ils parvinrent à créer de grandes encyclopédies commentées composées de projectiles retrouvés en sol grec. À l’aide de ces bases de données, les archéologues militaires sont en mesure d’établir des datations et l’origine prétendue de certains types de projectiles. Jusqu’en 2015, les artéfacts militaires trouvés sur le site archéologique d’Argilos n’avaient jamais fait l’objet d’une étude de synthèse. D’abord, inspiré par de publications semblables, ces projectiles furent soumis à un inventaire sous forme de catalogue. Au total, deux types de balles de fronde en plomb, onze types de pointes de flèche et un type de saurotère furent identifiés. Finalement, ce nouveau contenu fut assujetti à des analyses comparatives avec d’autres sites archéologiques possédant des données similaires. Les conclusions découlant de ces analogies donnèrent naissance à la première typologie des armes de jet argilienne. Certes, les analyses se heurtèrent à certains obstacles, notamment à une compréhension de la quasi-inexistence d'une pointe de flèche typiquement "grecque" et à la confusion systématique quant à la distinction entre un saurotère et une pointe de javelot, voire possiblement un carreau de gastraphétès (une sorte d’arbalète imposante utilisée lors de sièges durant le 4e siècle av. J.-C.). En partie, ceci découle de l'historique d'échanges entre la Grèce et les autres peuples méditerranéens, balkaniques et orientaux. En outre, de nombreuses réformes militaires des périodes archaïque et classique provoquèrent une évolution constante sur les aspects stratégiques et les tactiques militaires. Considérant ces facteurs parmi tant d'autres et le fait qu'Argilos ait été une fondation grecque en territoire thraco-macédonien, la possibilité d'influence "étrangère" devient alors prépondérante sur la typologie des projectiles argiliens publiée dans le présent mémoire. Avec beaucoup d’espoir, nous croyons sans équivoque que ce travail de recherche contribuera grandement non seulement à l’histoire d’Argilos, mais aussi à l’étude des projectiles en Grèce du nord.
Las referencias culturales en las obras teatrales representan auténticos retos de traducción, puesto que afectan a la representabilidad del texto teatral y condicionan su recepción. Les Fourberies de Scapin (1671), una de las piezas más conocidas de Molière, contiene una gran cantidad de referencias culturales que afectan su mise en scène. Mediante un análisis comparativo, se ha comprobado que la traducción al español de Julio Gómez de la Serna de los años setenta, con un estilo literario y en ocasiones libre, no consigue trasladar ciertos componentes culturales que resultan empero esenciales para la lectura y representación del texto teatral.
We propose a novel bolt-on module capable of boosting the robustness of various single compact 2D gait representations. Gait recognition is negatively influenced by covariate factors including clothing and time which alter the natural gait appearance and motion. Contrary to traditional gait recognition, our bolt-on module remedies this by a dedicated covariate factor detection and removal procedure which we quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate. The fundamental concept of the bolt-on module is founded on exploiting the pixel-wise composition of covariate factors. Results demonstrate how our bolt-on module is a powerful component leading to significant improvements across gait representations and datasets yielding state-of-the-art results.
Experimental tests have been completed for high-strength 8.8 bolts for studying their mechanical performance subjected to tensile loading. As observed from these tests, failure of structural bolts has been identified as in one of two ways: threads stripping and necking of the threaded portion of the bolt shank, which is possibly due to the degree of fit between internal and external threads. Following the experimental work, a numerical approach has been developed for demonstration of the tensile performance with proper consideration of tolerance class between bolts and nuts. The degree of fit between internal and external threads has been identified as a critical factor affecting failure mechanisms of high-strength structural bolts in tension, which is caused by the machining process. In addition, different constitutive material laws have been taken into account in the numerical simulation, demonstrating the entire failure mechanism for structural bolts with different tolerance classes in their threads. It is also observed that the bolt capacities are closely associated with their failure mechanisms.
Le bois subit une demande croissante comme matériau de construction dans les bâtiments de grandes dimensions. Ses qualités de matériau renouvelable et esthétique le rendent attrayant pour les architectes. Lorsque comparé à des produits fonctionnellement équivalents, il apparait que le bois permet de réduire la consommation d’énergie non-renouvelable. Sa transformation nécessite une quantité d’énergie inférieure que l’acier et le béton. Par ailleurs, par son origine biologique, une structure en bois permet de stocker du carbone biogénique pour la durée de vie du bâtiment. Maintenant permis jusqu’à six étages de hauteur au Canada, les bâtiments de grande taille en bois relèvent des défis de conception. Lors du dimensionnement des structures, les zones des connecteurs sont souvent les points critiques. Effectivement, les contraintes y sont maximales. Les structures peuvent alors apparaitre massives et diminuer l’innovation architecturale. De nouvelles stratégies doivent donc être développées afin d’améliorer la résistance mécanique dans les zones de connecteurs. Différents travaux ont récemment porté sur la création ou l’amélioration de types d’assemblage. Dans cette étude, l’accent est mis sur le renforcement du bois utilisé dans la région de connexion. L’imprégnation a été choisie comme solution de renfort puisque la littérature démontre qu’il est possible d’augmenter la dureté du bois avec cette technique. L’utilisation de cette stratégie de renfort sur l’épinette noire (Picea Mariana (Mill.) BSP) pour une application structurale est l’élément de nouveauté dans cette recherche. À défaut d’effectuer une imprégnation jusqu’au coeur des pièces, l’essence peu perméable de bois employée favorise la création d’une mince couche en surface traitée sans avoir à utiliser une quantité importante de produits chimiques. L’agent d’imprégnation est composé de 1,6 hexanediol diacrylate, de triméthylopropane tricacrylate et d’un oligomère de polyester acrylate. Une deuxième formulation contenant des nanoparticules de SiO2 a permis de vérifier l’effet des nanoparticules sur l’augmentation de la résistance mécanique du bois. Ainsi, dans ce projet, un procédé d’imprégnation vide-pression a servi à modifier un nouveau matériau à base de bois permettant des assemblages plus résistants mécaniquement. Le test de portance locale à l’enfoncement parallèle au fil d’un connecteur de type tige a été réalisé afin de déterminer l’apport du traitement sur le bois utilisé comme élément de connexion. L’effet d’échelle a été observé par la réalisation du test avec trois diamètres de boulons différents (9,525 mm, 12,700 mm et 15,875 mm). En outre, le test a été effectué selon un chargement perpendiculaire au fil pour le boulon de moyen diamètre (12,700 mm). La corrélation d’images numériques a été utilisée comme outil d’analyse de la répartition des contraintes dans le bois. Les résultats ont démontré une portance du bois plus élevée suite au traitement. Par ailleurs, l’efficacité est croissante lorsque le diamètre du boulon diminue. C’est un produit avec une valeur caractéristique de la portance locale parallèle au fil de 79% supérieure qui a été créé dans le cas du test avec le boulon de 9,525 mm. La raideur du bois a subi une augmentation avoisinant les 30%. Suite au traitement, la présence d’une rupture par fissuration est moins fréquente. Les contraintes se distribuent plus largement autour de la région de connexion. Le traitement n’a pas produit d’effet significatif sur la résistance mécanique de l’assemblage dans le cas d’un enfoncement du boulon perpendiculairement au fil du bois. De même, l’effet des nanoparticules en solution n’est pas ressorti significatif. Malgré une pénétration très faible du liquide à l’intérieur du bois, la couche densifiée en surface créée suite au traitement est suffisante pour produire un nouveau matériau plus résistant dans les zones de connexion. Le renfort du bois dans la région des connecteurs doit influencer le dimensionnement des structures de grande taille. Avec des éléments de connexion renforcés, il sera possible d’allonger les portées des poutres, multipliant ainsi les possibilités architecturales. Le renfort pourra aussi permettre de réduire les sections des poutres et d’utiliser une quantité moindre de bois dans un bâtiment. Cela engendrera des coûts de transport et des coûts reliés au temps d’assemblage réduits. De plus, un connecteur plus résistant permettra d’être utilisé en moins grande quantité dans un assemblage. Les coûts d’approvisionnement en éléments métalliques et le temps de pose sur le site pourront être revus à la baisse. Les avantages d’un nouveau matériau à base de bois plus performant utilisé dans les connexions permettront de promouvoir le bois dans les constructions de grande taille et de réduire l’impact environnemental des bâtiments.
Public Lightning is an important part of municipality’s nighttime landscape. Lighting can be used to enhance public safety and security while improving the aesthetic appeal of the surrounding properties but with the current global financial crisis, such lighting systems must also be sustainable. Most climate policy efforts focus on the state and international level, however national governments won’t be able to meet their international commitments without local action. In Portugal, the Public Lighting is responsible for 3% of energy consumption. The problem is that the trend is to increase (about 4-5% per year) which represents very high costs for the municipal authorities. In terms of numbers are analyzed in this thesis 45 of 278 existent in Continental Portugal what represents only 16,2 % of the counties. This where the local authorities in Portugal that had a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) that had been accepted and made available in the Covenant of Mayors website until the end of year 2013. It is important that the Covenant of Mayors will increase the local authorities awareness for energy efficiency and especially to public lighting because there is still a long way to go in terms of energy consumption reduction. In future works it would be interesting to see the payback of the EolGreen post in a real scenario due to lack of energy consumption from the grid it would allow to have a pretty high initial investment even with the maintenance that those technologies need.
The analysis of steel and composite frames has traditionally been carried out by idealizing beam-to-column connections as either rigid or pinned. Although some advanced analysis methods have been proposed to account for semi-rigid connections, the performance of these methods strongly depends on the proper modeling of connection behavior. The primary challenge of modeling beam-to-column connections is their inelastic response and continuously varying stiffness, strength, and ductility. In this dissertation, two distinct approaches—mathematical models and informational models—are proposed to account for the complex hysteretic behavior of beam-to-column connections. The performance of the two approaches is examined and is then followed by a discussion of their merits and deficiencies. To capitalize on the merits of both mathematical and informational representations, a new approach, a hybrid modeling framework, is developed and demonstrated through modeling beam-to-column connections. Component-based modeling is a compromise spanning two extremes in the field of mathematical modeling: simplified global models and finite element models. In the component-based modeling of angle connections, the five critical components of excessive deformation are identified. Constitutive relationships of angles, column panel zones, and contact between angles and column flanges, are derived by using only material and geometric properties and theoretical mechanics considerations. Those of slip and bolt hole ovalization are simplified by empirically-suggested mathematical representation and expert opinions. A mathematical model is then assembled as a macro-element by combining rigid bars and springs that represent the constitutive relationship of components. Lastly, the moment-rotation curves of the mathematical models are compared with those of experimental tests. In the case of a top-and-seat angle connection with double web angles, a pinched hysteretic response is predicted quite well by complete mechanical models, which take advantage of only material and geometric properties. On the other hand, to exhibit the highly pinched behavior of a top-and-seat angle connection without web angles, a mathematical model requires components of slip and bolt hole ovalization, which are more amenable to informational modeling. An alternative method is informational modeling, which constitutes a fundamental shift from mathematical equations to data that contain the required information about underlying mechanics. The information is extracted from observed data and stored in neural networks. Two different training data sets, analytically-generated and experimental data, are tested to examine the performance of informational models. Both informational models show acceptable agreement with the moment-rotation curves of the experiments. Adding a degradation parameter improves the informational models when modeling highly pinched hysteretic behavior. However, informational models cannot represent the contribution of individual components and therefore do not provide an insight into the underlying mechanics of components. In this study, a new hybrid modeling framework is proposed. In the hybrid framework, a conventional mathematical model is complemented by the informational methods. The basic premise of the proposed hybrid methodology is that not all features of system response are amenable to mathematical modeling, hence considering informational alternatives. This may be because (i) the underlying theory is not available or not sufficiently developed, or (ii) the existing theory is too complex and therefore not suitable for modeling within building frame analysis. The role of informational methods is to model aspects that the mathematical model leaves out. Autoprogressive algorithm and self-learning simulation extract the missing aspects from a system response. In a hybrid framework, experimental data is an integral part of modeling, rather than being used strictly for validation processes. The potential of the hybrid methodology is illustrated through modeling complex hysteretic behavior of beam-to-column connections. Mechanics-based components of deformation such as angles, flange-plates, and column panel zone, are idealized to a mathematical model by using a complete mechanical approach. Although the mathematical model represents envelope curves in terms of initial stiffness and yielding strength, it is not capable of capturing the pinching effects. Pinching is caused mainly by separation between angles and column flanges as well as slip between angles/flange-plates and beam flanges. These components of deformation are suitable for informational modeling. Finally, the moment-rotation curves of the hybrid models are validated with those of the experimental tests. The comparison shows that the hybrid models are capable of representing the highly pinched hysteretic behavior of beam-to-column connections. In addition, the developed hybrid model is successfully used to predict the behavior of a newly-designed connection.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, 2015.
Se presenta un estudio de detección y caracterización de eventos sísmicos del tipo volcano tectónicos y largo periodo de registros sísmicos generados por el volcán Cotopaxi. La estructura secuencial de detección propuesta permite en un registro sísmico maximizar la probabilidad de presencia de un evento y minimizar la ausencia de este. La detección se la realiza en el dominio del tiempo en cuasi tiempo real manteniendo una tasa constante de falsa alarma para posteriormente realizar un estudio del contenido espectral de los eventos mediante el uso de estimadores espectrales clásicos como el periodograma y paramétricos como el método de máxima entropía de Burg, logrando así, categorizar a los eventos detectados como volcano tectónicos, largo periodo y otros cuando no poseen características pertenecientes a los otros dos tipos como son los rayos.
Quelques sites archéologiques comme Olympie, Stymphalos et Olynthe possèdent respectivement un répertoire faisant l’étude des armes de jet retrouvées durant une série de campagnes de fouilles archéologiques. Parmi ces indexes, figurent fréquemment des pointes de flèche, des balles de fronde et des saurotères (contrepoids de lance ou de javelot) provenant de différentes périodes historiques gréco-romaines. À travers les 20e et 21e siècle de notre ère, des spécialistes comme D. Robinson (1931), A. Snodgrass (1964), H. Baitinger (2001), C. Hagerman (2014) dédièrent une partie de leur expertise pour produire des synthèses sur ces objets jadis négligés. Ainsi, ils parvinrent à créer de grandes encyclopédies commentées composées de projectiles retrouvés en sol grec. À l’aide de ces bases de données, les archéologues militaires sont en mesure d’établir des datations et l’origine prétendue de certains types de projectiles. Jusqu’en 2015, les artéfacts militaires trouvés sur le site archéologique d’Argilos n’avaient jamais fait l’objet d’une étude de synthèse. D’abord, inspiré par de publications semblables, ces projectiles furent soumis à un inventaire sous forme de catalogue. Au total, deux types de balles de fronde en plomb, onze types de pointes de flèche et un type de saurotère furent identifiés. Finalement, ce nouveau contenu fut assujetti à des analyses comparatives avec d’autres sites archéologiques possédant des données similaires. Les conclusions découlant de ces analogies donnèrent naissance à la première typologie des armes de jet argilienne. Certes, les analyses se heurtèrent à certains obstacles, notamment à une compréhension de la quasi-inexistence d'une pointe de flèche typiquement "grecque" et à la confusion systématique quant à la distinction entre un saurotère et une pointe de javelot, voire possiblement un carreau de gastraphétès (une sorte d’arbalète imposante utilisée lors de sièges durant le 4e siècle av. J.-C.). En partie, ceci découle de l'historique d'échanges entre la Grèce et les autres peuples méditerranéens, balkaniques et orientaux. En outre, de nombreuses réformes militaires des périodes archaïque et classique provoquèrent une évolution constante sur les aspects stratégiques et les tactiques militaires. Considérant ces facteurs parmi tant d'autres et le fait qu'Argilos ait été une fondation grecque en territoire thraco-macédonien, la possibilité d'influence "étrangère" devient alors prépondérante sur la typologie des projectiles argiliens publiée dans le présent mémoire. Avec beaucoup d’espoir, nous croyons sans équivoque que ce travail de recherche contribuera grandement non seulement à l’histoire d’Argilos, mais aussi à l’étude des projectiles en Grèce du nord.
Recent legislation and initiatives set forth high academic expectations for all high school graduates in the area of reading (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, 2010; Every Student Succeeds Act, 2015). To determine which students need additional support to meet these reading standards, teachers can conduct universal screening using formative assessments. Maze Curriculum-Based Measurement (Maze-CBM) is a commonly used screening and progress monitoring assessment that the National Center on Intensive Intervention (2013) and the Center on Instruction (Torgesen & Miller, 2009) recommend. Despite the recommendation to use Maze-CBM, little research has been conducted on the reliability and validity of Maze-CBM for measuring reading ability for students at the secondary level (Mitchell & Wexler, 2016). In the papers included in this dissertation, I present an initial investigation into the use of Maze-CBM for secondary students. In the first paper, I investigated prior studies of Maze-CBM for students in Grades 6 through 12. Next, in the second paper, I investigated the alternate-form reliability and validity for screening students in Grades 9 and 10 using signal detection theory methods. In the third paper, I examined the effect of genre on Maze-CBM scores with a sample of students in Grades 9 and 10 using multilevel modeling. When writing these three papers, I discovered several important findings related to Maze-CBM. First, there are few studies that have investigated the technical adequacy of Maze-CBM for screening and progress monitoring students in Grades 6 through 12. Additionally, only two studies (McMaster, Wayman, & Cao, 2006; Pierce, McMaster, & Deno, 2010) examined the technical adequacy of Maze-CBM for high school students. A second finding is that the reliability of Maze-CBM is often below acceptable levels for making screening decisions or progress monitoring decisions (.80 and above and .90 and above, respectively; Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt, 2007) for secondary students. A third finding is that Maze-CBM scores show promise of being a valid screening tool for reading ability of secondary students. Finally, I found that the genre of the text used in the Maze-CBM assessment does impact scores on Maze-CBM for students in Grades 9 and 10.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política, 2016.
It is an Olympic year and we have just witnessed the fantastic games hosted by Rio de Janeiro. Well done to team USA for winning the most medals overall but also well done to so many other nations and individuals who performed so well or were ambassadors in other ways. Teenage swimmer Yusra Mardini who swam for the refugee team and South Africa's Wayde van Niekerk who broke the longstanding 400 m record of Michael Johnson that has stood since 1999. Of course, we must mention sprinter Usain Bolt and swimmer Michael Phelps, who have now transcended superstar status and entered a new level of icon. My personal highlight was the sportsmanship witnessed in the 5000 m when American Abbey D’Agostino was accidentally felled by New Zealand runner Nikki Hamblin. D’Agostino helped Hamblin back to her feet but slumped to the track after realising her own injury. Hamblin helped her up and stayed with her so that both completed the race. The International Olympic Committee has awarded both with the prestigious Pierre de Coubertin award, also known as the International Fair Play Trophy. Fair play is of paramount importance in publishing in peer-reviewed papers. At CLAE we try and maintain, as do other journals, this by ensuring double blind peer review and allowing authors to select the most appropriate handling editor for their submission. Our handling editors are placed across the world (2 in Europe, 1 in the Americas, 1 in Australia and 1 in Asia) and part of their role is to encourage submissions from their region. Over the last decade we certainly have seen more and more papers from places that haven’t previously published in CLAE. In this issue of CLAE we have a true international blend of papers. We have papers from authors from the UK, USA, Iran, Jordan, France, Poland, Turkey, Nigeria, France, Spain and Brazil. I think it's a testament to the continued success of the journal that we are attracting new writers from so many parts of the world and retain papers from more established authors and research centres. We do continue to attract many weaker papers that are rejected early in the review process. Often these will be unexceptional case reports or papers describing a surgical technique. Case reports are published but only those that offer something original and especially those with interesting photographs. In this issue you will see Professor James Wolffsohn (UK) has an interesting paper around a lot of the focus of his recent research activity into clinical evaluation of methods of correcting presbyopia. In this paper he highlights predictors to aid success of presbyopic contact lenses. If you have been involved in any clinical work or research in the field of dry eye disease then you will know well the CLDEQ (Contact Lens Dry Eye Questionnaire) devised by Robin Chalmers and her colleagues (USA). This issue of CLAE details the latest research using the CLDEQ-8 (the 8 item version of the CLDEQ). The Shahroud Eye Cohort Study has produced many papers already and in this issue we see Fotouhi Akbar (Iran) looking at changes in central and peripheral corneal thickness over a five year period. These days we use a lot of new instrumentation, such as optical low-coherence reflectometry. In this issue Emre Güler (Turkey) compares that to a new optical biometry unit. Dry eye is more common and in this issue we see a study by Oluyemi Fasina (Nigeria) to investigate the disease in adults in South-West Nigeria. The TearLab™ is now commonly used to investigate osmolarity and Dorota Szczesna-Iskander (Poland) looks at measurement variability of this device. Following the theme of dry eyes and tear testing Renaud Laballe (France) looks at the use of scleral lenses as a reservoir-based ocular therapeutic system. In this issue we have a couple of papers looking at different aspects of keratoconus. Magdalena Popiela (UK) looks at demographics of older keratoconic patients in Wales, Faik Orucoglu (Turkey) reports a novel scoring system for distinguishing keratoconus from normal eyes, Gonzalo Carracedo (Spain) reports the effect of rigid gas permeable lens wear on dry eye in keratoconus and Hatice Nur Colak (Turkey) compares topographic and aberrations in keratoconus. Other interesting papers you will find are Mera Haddad (Jordan) investigates contact lens prescribing in Jordan, Camilla Fraga Amaral (Brazil) offers a report on the use of ocular prosthetics, Naveed Ahmed Khan (Malaysia) reports of the use of dimethyl sulfoxide in contact lens disinfectant and Michael Killpartrick (UK) offers a short piece with some useful advice on contamination risk factors that may occur from the posterior surface of disposable lenses. So for this issue I would say that the Gold Medal for biggest contribution in terms of papers has to go to Turkey. I could have awarded it to the UK too, but Turkey has three full papers and the UK has two plus one short communication. Turkey is also one of the countries that has shown the largest increase in submissions over the last decade. Finally, welcome aboard to our newest Editorial Board Member Nicole Carnt from Australia. Nicole has been an active researcher for many years and acted as a reviewer for CLAE many times in the past. We look forward to working with you.