977 resultados para Larry Strate
We outline our first steps towards marrying two new and emerging technologies; the Virtual Observatory (e.g, Astro- Grid) and the computational grid. We discuss the construction of VOTechBroker, which is a modular software tool designed to abstract the tasks of submission and management of a large number of computational jobs to a distributed computer system. The broker will also interact with the AstroGrid workflow and MySpace environments. We present our planned usage of the VOTechBroker in computing a huge number of n–point correlation functions from the SDSS, as well as fitting over a million CMBfast models to the WMAP data.
Experimental evidence suggests that nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) signaling pathways are intimately intertwined, with mutual attenuation or potentiation of biological responses in the cardiovascular system and elsewhere. The chemical basis of this interaction is elusive. Moreover, polysulfides recently emerged as potential mediators of H2S/sulfide signaling, but their biosynthesis and relationship to NO remain enigmatic. We sought to characterize the nature, chemical biology, and bioactivity of key reaction products formed in the NO/sulfide system. At physiological pH, we find that NO and sulfide form a network of cascading chemical reactions that generate radical intermediates as well as anionic and uncharged solutes, with accumulation of three major products: nitrosopersulfide (SSNO−), polysulfides, and dinitrososulfite N-nitrosohydroxylamine-N-sulfonate (SULFI/NO), each with a distinct chemical biology and in vitro and in vivo bioactivity. SSNO− is resistant to thiols and cyanolysis, efficiently donates both sulfane sulfur and NO, and potently lowers blood pressure. Polysulfides are both intermediates and products of SSNO− synthesis/decomposition, and they also decrease blood pressure and enhance arterial compliance. SULFI/NO is a weak combined NO/nitroxyl donor that releases mainly N2O on decomposition; although it affects blood pressure only mildly, it markedly increases cardiac contractility, and formation of its precursor sulfite likely contributes to NO scavenging. Our results unveil an unexpectedly rich network of coupled chemical reactions between NO and H2S/sulfide, suggesting that the bioactivity of either transmitter is governed by concomitant formation of polysulfides and anionic S/N-hybrid species. This conceptual framework would seem to offer ample opportunities for the modulation of fundamental biological processes governed by redox switching and sulfur trafficking.
Effective defense against natural threats in the environment is essential for the survival of individual animals. Thus, instinctive behavioral responses accompanied by fear have evolved to protect individuals from predators and from opponents of the same species (dominant conspecifics). While it has been suggested that all perceived environmental threats trigger the same set of innately determined defensive responses, we tested the alternate hypothesis that different stimuli may evoke differentiable behaviors supported by distinct neural circuitry. The results of behavioral, neuronal immediate early gene activation, lesion, and neuroanatomical experiments indicate that the hypothalamus is necessary for full expression of defensive behavioral responses in a subordinate conspecific, that lesions of the dorsal premammillary nucleus drastically reduce behavioral measures of fear in these animals, and that essentially separate hypothalamic circuitry supports defensive responses to a predator or a dominant conspecific. It is now clear that differentiable neural circuitry underlies defensive responses to fear conditioning associated with painful stimuli, predators, and dominant conspecifics and that the hypothalamus is an essential component of the circuitry for the latter two stimuli.
Felsic microgranular enclaves with structures indicating that they interacted in a plastic state with their chemically similar host granite are abundant in the Maua Pluton, SE Brazil. Larger plagioclase xenocrysts are in textural disequilibrium with the enclave groundmass and show complex zoning patterns with partially resorbed An-rich cores (locally with patchy textures) surrounded by more sodic rims. In situ laser ablation-(multi-collector) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry trace element and Sr isotopic analyses performed on the plagioclase xenocrysts indicate open-system crystallization; however, no evidence of derivation from more primitive basic melts is observed. The An-rich cores have more radiogenic initial Sr isotopic ratios that decrease towards the outermost part of the rims, which are in isotopic equilibrium with the matrix plagioclase. These profiles may have been produced by either (1) diffusional re-equilibration after rim crystallization from the enclave-forming magma, as indicated by relatively short calculated residence times, or (2) episodic contamination with a decrease of the contaminant ratio proportional to the extent to which the country rocks were isolated by the crystallization front. Profiles of trace elements with high diffusion coefficients would require unrealistically long residence times, and can be modeled in terms of fractional crystallization. A combination of trace element and Sr isotope data suggests that the felsic microgranular enclaves from the Maua Pluton are the products of interaction between end-member magmas that had similar compositions, thus recording `self-mixing` events.
We report the first U-Pb baddeleyite/zircon date for a felsic volcanic rock from the Parana Large Igneous Province in south Brazil. The new date of 134.3 +/- 0.8 Ma for a hypocrystalline Chapeco-type dacite from Ourinhos (northern Parana basin) is an important regional time marker for the onset of flood basalt volcanism in the northern and western portion of the province. The dated dacite was erupted onto basement rocks and is overlain by a high-Ti basalt sequence, interpreted to be correlative with Pitanga basalts elsewhere. This new U-Pb date for the Ourinhos dacite is consistent with the local stratigraphy being slightly older than the few reliable step-heating (40)Ar/(39)Ar dates currently available for overlying high-Ti basalts (133.6-131.5 Ma). This indicates an similar to 3 Ma time span for the building of the voluminous high-Ti lava sequence of the Parana basin. On the other hand, it overlaps the (40)Ar/(39)Ar dates (134.8-134.1 Ma) available for the stratigraphically older low-Ti basalt (Gramado + Esmeralda types) and dacite-rhyolite (Palmas type) sequences from South Brazil, which is consistent with the short-lived character of this volcanism and its rapid succession by the high-Ti sequence. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Urban particulate matter (UPM) contributes to lung cancer incidence. Here, we have studied the mutagenic activity and DNA adduct-forming ability of fractionated UPM extractable organic matter (EOM). UPM was collected with a high-volume sampler in June 2004 at two sites, one at street level adjacent to a roadway and the other inside a park within the urban area of the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. UPM was extracted using dichloromethane, and the resulting EOM was separated by HPLC to obtain PAH, nitro-PAH, and oxy-PAH fractions which were tested for mutagenicity with the Salmonella strains TA98 and YG1041 with and without S9 metabolic activation. The PAH fraction from both sites showed negligible mutagenic activity in both strains. The highest mutagenic activity was found for the nitro-PAH fraction using YG1041 without metabolic activation; however, results were comparable for both sites. The nitro-PAH and oxy-PAH fractions were incubated with calf thymus DNA under reductive conditions appropriate for the activation of nitro aromatic compounds, then DNA adduct patterns and levels were determined with thin-layer chromatography (TLC) (32)p-postlabeling method using two enrichment procedures-nuclease PI digestion and butanol extraction. Reductively activated fractions from both sites produced diagonal radioactive zones (DRZ) of putative aromatic DNA adducts on thin layer plates with both enrichment procedures. No such DRZ were observed in control experiments using fractions from unexposed filters or from incubations without activating system. Total adduct levels produced by the nitro-PAH fractions were similar for both sites ranging from 30 to 45 adducts per 10(8) normal nucleotides. In contrast, the DNA binding of reductively activated oxy-PAH fractions was three times higher and the adduct pattern consisted of multiple discrete spots along the diagonal line on the thin layer plates. However, DNA adduct levels were not significantly different between the sampling sites. Both samples presented the same levels of mutagenic activity. The response in the Salmonella assay was typical of nitroaromatics. Although, more mutagenic activity was related to the nitro-PAH fraction in the Salmonella assay, the oxy-PAH fractions showed the highest DNA adduct levels. More studies are needed to elucidate the nature of the genotoxicants occurring in Sao Paulo atmospheric samples. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Com a globalização do mercado e o alto nível de competitividade no setor educacional, as organizações, para manterem-se, devem ser ágeis e competentes. Neste contexto, a gestão eficiente dos recursos e a obtenção de informações precisas que apóiem a tomada de decisão dependerão, em grande parte, de um sistema de informações de custos. Este sistema deverá ter como base um método de custeio que forneça informações, a fim de atender as distintas necessidades dos gestores dos diversos níveis hierárquico e das diversas áreas de atuação. O trabalho consiste no estudo de uma metodologia de custeio aplicável a uma Instituição de Ensino Superior – IES privada, a qual atenda as três perspectivas que são fornecer informações para embasar a composição dos preços, para apoiar o processo decisório e para o planejamento e controle de gastos. Para tanto, partiu-se da pesquisa bibliográfica no levantamento do estado da arte relacionada ao tema. Com o estudo de caso buscou-se a identificação das necessidades de informações de custos, demandadas pelos gestores da IES, por meio de pesquisa qualitativa. A partir dessa identificação, as necessidades foram cruzadas com os métodos de custeio existentes, o que permitiu a identificação do método mais adequado a IES. Nesta etapa foi possível o cruzamento entre a teoria e a prática, onde foram comparados o método proposto em relação ao atual método adotado pela IES o que possibilitou a identificação das deficiências do modelo atual e suas causas. A partir disto, propõe-se uma sistemática mais adequada para apoiar a tomada de decisão, com o intuito de melhoria do desempenho da instituição. Os resultados obtidos demonstram o cumprimento do objetivo onde, considerando as necessidades de informações de custos dos gestores, o método de custeio por atividades é o mais adequado para o suporte a gestão da IES.
Este trabalho estã centrado no estudo do caso -- Sistema Comercial da Companhia de Saneamento do Paranã - SANEPAR e consequentemente na apresentação de alternativas organizacionais voltadas para o estabelecimento de coerência entre objetivos, recursos e ambiência que envolvem esse sistema. Foi dese~volvido tendo como base teórica o modelo de anãlise organizacional sustentado por Jay R. Galbraith em ORGANIZATION DESIGN, 1977. Calcado num diagnóstico participativo, foi buscado o alcance de objetivos voltados para o conhecimento de aspectos do sistema, como transação ambiental, a natureza das tarefas, a estrutura e o processo de tomada de decisão. Para tanto, foi recomendado a aplicação de um IIMix Organizacional composto de 6 estrategias basicas, provenientes tanto da administração classica quanto da contingencial/orgânica. Pela situação organizacional encontrada, se concluiu que o Sistema Comercial da SANEPAR apresenta uma administração difusa e, bastante descaracterizada estruturalmente, o que compromete a eficiência de seu desempenho. Sua ãrea de competência/autoridade funcional, estã subordinada a um orgao de planejamento que, alem das suas atividades peculiares, tambem se encarrega da direção do Sistema Comercial. Essa situação incide na qualidade dos resultados finais necessarios, i. e, na eficacia e efetividade dos dois sistemas dentro do contexto em que atuam, visto estarem seus principais recursos, humanos, gerando decisões sem uma base informacional consistente e relevante e, dentro de um desenho estrutural que dificulta a consecução dos resultados. O mix recomendado visa dotar o sistema de maior capacidade de transaçao com o ambiente em geral, via uma administração estrategica calcada num desenho estrutural concebido para propiciar informação precisa, decisao relevante e alcance de resultados necessãrios. r proposto visando subordinar o sistema diretamente a uma Diretoria, emancipando-o da subordinação ao Planejamento e, elevando sua autoridade, ao mesmo nivel de importância dos principais sistemas da Empresa. Dessa forma, foi planejada uma atuação gerencial mais dinâmica e profissional ao sistema via processo de tomada de decisão lógico, releva~ te e conhecido. Assim, objetiva-se reduzir a niveis insignificantes a incerteza constatada, principal causadora dos atrasos e distorções ocorrentes no processo e alcance dos resultados desejados. Esses instrumentos, certamente, facilitarão as relações no interior do sistema e, deste, com o ambiente em geral, garantindo assim, a abertura do caminho rumo ao atinamento da eficácia e efetividade gerencial.
Neste trabalho, propomos uma análise sobre as estratégias de rearticulação identitária do Brasil na primeira década do século XXI, tendo em vista a projeção internacional do país via Diplomacia Cultural. Para tanto, definimos como objeto de nossa análise as relações entre o Brasil e a França, a partir de dois eventos principais: (i) O ano do Brasil na França e (ii) o Ano da França no Brasil. A partir das contribuições teórico-metodológicas originárias da vertente francesa sobre a História Cultural, bem como da Escola Inglesa de Relações Internacionais e do campo da Historiografia das Relações Culturais Internacionais, buscamos verificar como a Diplomacia Cultural, no caso brasileiro, deve ser compreendida enquanto uma política de governo, favorecida pelo ethos articulado e disponibilizado do país e de seus representantes em alguns momentos de sua história – em nosso caso, durante o governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010). Nesse sentido, buscamos perceber como a discursividade sobre múltiplas identidades brasileiras se insere nesse contexto enquanto mecanismo de projeção do Brasil no cenário internacional.
Este projeto teve como principal objetivo continuar o desenvolvimento do quiosque multimédia FNAC. Filial do Grupo Pinault Printemps, a FNAC é líder europeu na distribuição de bens tecnológicos e culturais. Nesta fase do desenvolvimento, o foco do projeto centrou-se na procura da melhor forma de mostrar ao utilizador a localização de um produto na loja FNAC Madeira, expansão das funcionalidades aos restantes produtos e o redesenho da interface do quiosque multimédia FNAC. Por forma a identificar uma forma eficaz de dar a conhecer ao utilizador a localização de um produto dentro da loja FNAC Madeira, foi efetuado um estudo que consistiu em questionários e testes com utilizadores para comparar duas formas de localização, por planta da loja ou por vídeo em tempo real. A primeira versão do quiosque multimédia FNAC apenas possuía suporte a livros, pelo que foi necessário tornar a aplicação o mais abstrata possível por forma a gerar as categorias de produtos em runtime recorrendo a ficheiros XML. Por fim, para redesenhar a interface do quiosque multimédia FNAC, foram efetuadas análises às interfaces da primeira versão, utilizando as heurísticas de Nielsen e os “Principles of good form” de Larry Constantine. Após a fase de análise as interfaces foram redesenhadas tendo por base a análise efetuada, o guia de norma FNAC 2011 e breves testes de usabilidade com utilizadores. Do estudo realizado, na procura pela melhor forma de localização, foram identificados alguns problemas relacionados com a utilização de um vídeo em tempo real para a identificação, tal como as interferências externas por parte dos outros clientes do espaço comercial e foi possível constatar um melhor desempenho e aceitação da localização por planta. A localização por planta mostrou-se suficiente para os utilizadores conseguirem identificar o local onde o produto estava exposto, pois permitia-lhes identificar o local onde encontravam-se e obter uma localização mais precisa do local, necessitando apenas de olhar em volta para conseguir relacionar o que era possível visualizar na planta com aquilo que os rodeava na loja.
This work reports on the study of the nanophosphor. Y2O2S:Er(2%),Yb(1%) obtained from polymeric resin to be evaluated as fluorescent label with Suitable features to conjugate with bio-molecules for bioassay up-converting phosphor technology (UPT) application A conjugation protocol between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and the aminofunctionalized nanophosphor containing or not spherical silica was established UV-vis results indicated an effective conjugation between nanophosphor particles and the protein up-conversion measurements under 980 nm excitation performed for samples before and after aminofunctionalization showed that nanophosphor particles luminescence features keep unchanged in all cases All results suggest that the adapted protocol is feasible to provide a nanoparticle-protein effective conjugation preserving nanophosphor optical features The presence of spherical silica can be considered advantageous to increase conjugation efficiency Therefore. the developed procedure is applicable for future conjugations between the chosen nanophosphor and the streptavidin protein chat takes part in the well known self-recognition system avidin-biotin. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Purpose: This study evaluated the affect of disc displacement and articular disc repositioning on stability after surgical counterclockwise rotation and advancement of the maxillomandibular complex.Patients and Methods: A total of 72 patients (59 females, 13 males), with an average age of 30 years (range, 15 to 60 years) were evaluated. The patients were divided into 3 groups. Group 1 (G1; n = 21), with healthy temporomandibular joints (TMJs), underwent double jaw surgery only. Group 2 (G2; n = 35), with articular disc dislocation, underwent articular disc repositioning using the Mitek anchor (Mitek Surgical Products, Westwood, MA) technique concomitantly with orthognathic surgery. Group 3 (G3; n = 16), with articular disc dislocation, underwent orthognathic surgery only. Average postsurgical follow-up was 31 months. Each patient's lateral cephalograms were traced, digitized twice, and averaged to estimate surgical changes and postsurgical stability.Results: After surgery, the occlusal plane angle was decreased significantly in all 3 groups: by -6.3 +/- -15.0 degrees in G1, by -9.6 +/- 4.8 degrees in G2, and by -7.1 +/- 4.8 degrees in G3. The maxillomandibular complex was advanced and rotated counterclockwise similarly in all 3 groups, with advancement at the menton of 12.4 +/- 5.5 mm in G1, 13.5 +/- 4.3 mm in G2, and 13.6 +/- 5.0 mm in G3; advancement at the B point of 9.5 +/- 4.9 mm in G1, 10.2 +/- 3.7 mm in G2, and 10.8 +/- 3.7 mm in G3; and advancement at the lower incisor edge of 7.1 +/- 4.6 mm in G1, 6.6 +/- 3.2 mm in G2, and 7.9 +/- 3.0 mm in G3. Postsurgery, the occlusal plane angle increased in G3 (2.6 +/- 3.8 degrees; 37% relapse rate) but remained stable in G1 and G2. Postsurgical mandibular changes in the horizontal direction demonstrated a significant relapse in G3 at the menton (-3.8 +/- 4.1 mm; 28%), the B point (-3.0 +/- 3.4 mm; 28%), and the lower incisor edge (-2.3 +/- 2.1 mm; 34%) but remained stable in G1 and G2.Conclusions: Maxillomandibular advancement with counterclockwise rotation of the occlusal plane is a stable procedure for patients with healthy TMJs and for patients undergoing simultaneous TMJ disc repositioning using the Mitek anchor technique. Those patients with preoperative TMJ articular disc displacement who underwent double-jaw surgery and no TMJ intervention experienced significant relapse. (C) 2008 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
Objective: Mechanical properties of the acrylic resins used for denture fabrication may be influenced by water and temperature. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of thermocycling on the flexural and impact strength of a high-impact (Lucitone 199) and a urethane-based denture material (Eclipse).Materials and methods: Flexural strength (64 x 10 x 3.3 mm) and impact strength (60 x 6 x 4 mm) specimens were made following the manufacturers' instructions and assigned to two groups (n = 10): control (C) - not thermocycled - and T - thermocycled (5000 cycles between 5 and 55 degrees C). Specimens were submitted to three-point bending and Charpy impact tests.Results: Flexural strength (MPa) and impact strength (kJ/m(2)) data were analysed with two-way ANOVA (p = 0.05). The flexural strength of material Eclipse (C, 136.5; T, 130.7) was significantly higher than that of resin Lucitone 550 (C, 99.4; T, 90.1). Material Eclipse exhibited significantly higher impact strength (C, 6.9; T, 5.3) than the resin Lucitone 550 (C, 3.5; T, 3.0). For both materials, a significant decrease in flexural and impact strengths was observed when the specimens were thermocycled.Conclusion: Flexural and impact strengths were higher for Eclipse than for Lucitone 550, in both groups. Thermocycling decreased the flexural and impact strengths of Eclipse and Lucitone 550.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)