985 resultados para Lamarca, Luis, 1793-1850-Critica e interpretacion


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Los cuentos de Jorge Luis Borges pertenecen, de algún modo, al género de la literatura de terror. No en un sentido estricto, claro está, pero tampoco en un sentido meramente metafórico. Ciertamente, los cuentos que integran Ficciones o El Aleph aterrorizan a todo el mundo, pues muchos no los leen por miedo de no entenderlos y el resto, al leerlos, se ven embargados por ese terror metafísico que provoca la violentación de nuestros modos de entender la realidad. Borges es, pues, un terrorista, pero un terrorista apaciguador, puesto que busca aterrorizarnos con el objetivo de liberarnos del miedo. Se trata, por así decirlo, de un miedo homeopático, de un purgante que ha de ser expulsado junto con todo aquello que buscaba eliminar. Mi intención es estudiar de qué modo podemos sostenerle la mirada a los cuentos de Borges, con el doble objetivo de posibilitar su lectura a aquellos que los evitan por miedo a no entenderlos y de ayudar a aquellos que osan leerlos a superar el miedo mediante el cual Borges pretende serenarnos.


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A lo largo de más de dos milenios los pensadores escépticos han compartido concepciones políticas semejantes. El hecho de que muchos de estos rasgos sean reconocibles en Borges refuerza la interpretación escéptica de su obra que he defendido en mi tesis doctoral y en diversos artículos. Analizaré, en primer lugar, la actitud política, conservadora, tradicionalmente asociada al escepticismo; en segundo lugar, el modo en que Borges participa de dicho conservadurismo progresista; y, en tercer lugar, aquellas características del pensamiento borgeano que pueden llevarnos a considerarlo como un intelectual según la definición que propone del mismo Edward W. Said en Representations of the intellectual.


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El proyecto GEOCISTEM intentó hallar un substituto vítreo alcalino natural, económico y viable industrialmente, a los reactivos químicos empleados en un cemento silicatado patentado. Se realizó una completa prospección de los recursos consistentes en rocas volcánicas vítreas ricas en álcalis (Na2O+K2O > 10 %, K>>Na), preferentemente fragmentarias (piroclásticas) en diferentes regiones volcánicas europeas (Italia, Grecia, España). Unas 100 muestras fueron analizadas (elementos mayores mediante FRX; caracterización, petrográfica y mediante DRX) y 10 fueron empleadas en la fabricación (en laboratorio y escala semiindustrial) del cemento silicatado. Se obtuvo toda una familia de cementos (diez) con alta resistencia a la compresión (50-60 MPa a los 28 días), resistentes a la corrosión y que no desarrollan reacción alcalina-agregados, muy adecuados para el encapsulado de residuos especiales; todo ello con una notable reducción del consumo de energía en el proceso de fabricación y en el consumo de silicato de K (hasta 1/3-1/4 del requerido en la patente original). El estudio químico-mineralógico desarrollado demuestra que la formulación original del cemento era excesivamente restrictiva, y que la mineralogía producida en los procesos de desvitrificación naturales controla estrictamente el rendimiento de estos nuevos recursos durante el proceso de fabricación del cemento. Las rocas anhidras con feldespatos alcalinos y fases silíceas cristalinas predominantes obtenidas a temperaturas inferiores a las magmáticas (desvitrificación) son más interesantes que las zeolitizadas naturalmente, ya que no requieren calcinación previa con el consiguiente ahorro energético.


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This paper analyzes the impact of infrastructure investment on Spanish economic growth between 1850 and 1935. Using new infrastructure data and VAR techniques, this paper shows that the growth impact of local-scope infrastructure investment was positive, but returns to investment in large nation-wide networks were not significantly different from zero. Two complementary explanations are suggested for the last result. On the one hand, public intervention and the application of non-efficiency investment criteria were very intense in large network construction. On the other hand, returns to new investment in large networks might have decreased dramatically once the basic links were constructed.


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S'inscrivant dans le sous-domaine interdisciplinaire de l'Urban Political Ecology (UPE), cette thèse dresse une géo-histoire foucauldienne de l'eau urbaine, particulièrement l'eau en réseau, en Suisse entre 1850 et nos jours. Plus précisément, il s'agit d'une étude des modes d'exercice du pouvoir (les formes de gouvernementalité) et de leurs outils (les technologies de pouvoir), focalisée sur l'eau en réseau et menée à l'aide d'une méthode archéogénéalogique. Cette recherche apporte des contributions théoriques et empiriques à l'UPE. Du côté théorique, elle propose l'adoption d'une approche foucauldienne dans le domaine de l'UPE, elle définit le potentiel et les implications de son éthique de la recherche et elle décrit certains parmi les principaux concepts, théories et méthodes foucauldiens mobilisables au sein de l'UPE de l'eau. Du côté empirique, elle applique l'approche proposée à une série d'études de cas, permettant de dresser la géo-histoire mentionnée plus haut mais aussi de nuancer le cadre théorique et méthodologique, de l'enrichir et d'en pointer les limites. A travers l'étude d'archives de la presse locale, les trois premières études de cas montrent que deux formes de gouvernementalité ont coexisté en Suisse pendant la période étudiée, à savoir le biopouvoir et la gouvernementalité néolibérale. Cependant, ces deux formes de gouvernementalité dévient considérablement des modèles proposés par Michel Foucault. Par exemple, des technologies de pouvoir permettant le gouvernement à distance relatives à la santé de la population ont fait leur apparition dès la deuxième moitié du dix-neuvième siècle, ce qui interroge la définition du biopouvoir telle qu'elle avait initialement été proposée par Michel Foucault. La dernière étude de cas est centrée sur l'époque contemporaine. Elle indique qu'à l'heure actuelle une production centralisée d'argumentaires destinés aux citoyens-consommateurs a lieu dans des espaces non-statutaires d'inspiration néolibérale (les soft spaces). Cette production discursive centralisée se révèle efficace et contribue, paradoxalement, au maintien d'un modèle helvétique décentralisé et démocratique en matière d'eau du robinet. Des recherches ultérieures pourraient permettre de tester la pertinence de l'approche foucauldienne adoptée ici dans d'autres cas d'étude, de nuancer et enrichir ultérieurement le cadre théorique et d'améliorer la méthode utilisée.


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William Whewell's and Richard Jones's criticism of Jeremy Bentham's and David Ricardo's "dismal" views on the relation of theory and evidence in political economy was motivated by the former's views on the structuring role of natural theology for questions of method and evidence in the sciences, including political economy. In comparison, natural theology was for Richard Whately as structuring on these issues as it was for the Cambridge men. Whately's view on natural theology, however, conformed with the Ricardian predilection for theory over facts. The differences between the Cambridge men and Whately became manifest after (or better: during) the publication of Jones's book on rent in 1831 and led to a somewhat acerbic exchange of views on the role of definitions in science and the use of history for establishing scientific evidence. As far as political economy was concerned, Whately's stance carried the day in Victorian England.


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An annual-resolved precipitation reconstruction for the last 800 yr in Southern Spain has been performed using stable carbon isotope (δ13C) of Pinus nigra tree rings. The reconstruction exhibits high- to low-frequency variability and distinguishes a Little Ice Age (LIA, AD 13501850) characterized by lower averaged rainfall than both in the transition from the Medieval Climate Anomaly to the LIA and in the 20th century. The driest conditions are recorded during the Maunder solar Minimum (mid 17thearly 18th centuries), in good agreement with the Spanish documentary archive. Similar linkage between solar activity (maximum/minimum) and precipitation (increase/decrease) is observed throughout the entire LIA. Additionally, the relationship between the hydrological pattern in the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco during the LIA suggests different spatial distribution of precipitation in the south-eastern sector of the North Atlantic region such as it is known currently. Whereas in the instrumental record the precipitation evolves similarly in both regions and opposite to the North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) index, the coldest periods of the LIA shows a contrasting pattern with drier conditions in the South of Spain and wetter in Northern Africa. We suggest an extreme negative NAO conditions, accompanied by a southward excursion of the winter rainfall band beyond that observed in the last century, can explain this contrast. The sustained NAO conditions could have been triggered by solar minima and higher volcanic activity during the LIA.


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This chapter analyses the effects of Natural Resources on the Chilean economy in the long run -1850-1950-. Specifically, the authors focus their attention on the mining cycles -nitrates and copper- and their impact on the mining activity. We also compare it with the evolution of the industry and whole economy, and how this has affected the economic growth of the country. In that sense, the industrial performance in Chile at the end of the 19th century until the Great Depression is still under debate. The optimistic view of Kirsch -1977- forehead the pessimistic view of Lagos -1966- and Palma -1979-. The new data and its analyses shows a neutral effect of the Natural Resources in the industrial development.


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Although Jean Paul Marat (1743-1793) is known as a political activist and as a founder of the controversial journal L'Ami du Peuple during the French Revolution, an important period of his life was spent as a medical practionner, and as a scientist. In 1765 he went to England, where he remained for eleven years mostly dedicated to medical practice and publications on that subject and on political and moral questions. Returning to France in 1776 he iniciated his researches on fire, electricity and light, that lasted practically until the French Revolution. In 1787 he published a translation of Newton's Opticks. In this article we describe in some detail his medical and scientific practice giving particular emphasis to his experiments on optics and to his theory about colors which strongly departs from newtonian theory, fully accepted by the French scientific community of the time.


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A pyrographically decorated gourd, dated to the French Revolution period, has been alleged to contain a handkerchief dipped into the blood of the French king Louis XVI (1754-1793) after his beheading but recent analyses of living males from two Bourbon branches cast doubts on its authenticity. We sequenced the complete genome of the DNA contained in the gourd at low coverage (similar to 2.5x) with coding sequences enriched at a higher similar to 7.3x coverage. We found that the ancestry of the gourd's genome does not seem compatible with Louis XVI's known ancestry. From a functional perspective, we did not find an excess of alleles contributing to height despite being described as the tallest person in Court. In addition, the eye colour prediction supported brown eyes, while Louis XVI had blue eyes. This is the first draft genome generated from a person who lived in a recent historical period; however, our results suggest that this sample may not correspond to the alleged king.


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In the last few years, Economic Theory has revised two basic ideas around the economics of the household: that family income is the result of the individual income of each of its members (income pooling), and that all family members living in the household have equal access to its resources. Unequal access to family resources (among women and men, on the one hand, and among the elderly, adults and children, on the other), is now understood as an input (for instance, that women eat less food and of worst quality than men), and as an output (for instance that women have poorer health, higher epidemic mortality, or are less tall than men as a result, among other things, of having received less food and poorer medical care, and/or of a heavier workload). Despite the fact that inequality in intra‐family consumption has become the center of attention in academic and international agencies, it can still not be found in the agenda of Economic History. In this paper we look at some of the resources consumed by Spanish families in the 19th century: food, alcoholic beverages, clothes and shoes. Medical topographies, our main source, suggest that unequal access to family resources among household members had a strong impact on their health and wellbeing.