1000 resultados para Lähi-itä
Traits that mediate species interactions are evolutionarily shaped by biotic and abiotic drivers, yet we know relatively little about the relative importance of these factors. Herbivore pressure, along with resource availability and third-party' mutualists, are hypothesized to play a major role in the evolution of plant defence traits. Here, we used the model system Plantago lanceolata, which grows along steep elevation gradients in the Swiss Alps, to investigate the effect of elevation, herbivore pressure, mycorrhizal inoculation and temperature on plant resistance. Over a 1200 m elevation gradient, the levels of herbivory and iridoid glycosides (IGs) declined with increasing elevation. By planting seedlings at three different elevations, we further showed that both low-elevation growing conditions and mycorrhizal inoculation resulted in increased plant resistance to herbivores. Finally, using a temperature-controlled experiment comparing high- and low-elevation ecotypes, we showed that high-elevation ecotypes are less resistant to herbivory, and that lower temperatures impair IGs deployment after herbivore attack. We thus propose that both lower herbivore pressure, and colder temperatures relax the defense syndrome of high elevation plants.
A one page informational sheet about skin cancer and the hat you wear. Sun Safety
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää lääkelogistisen palvelumallin tuomaa muutosta Itä-Helsingin palvelutalojen hoitohenkilökunnan työajankäyttöön. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten lääkelogistinen palvelumalli muutti hoitohenkilökunnan työajankäyttöä suhteessa lääkehuoltoon, välittömään ja välilliseen hoitotyöhön, muuhun työajan käyttöön sekä toimintakykyä tukevaan työhön. Ennakko-oletuksena oli, että lääkehuollosta vapautuisi muutoksen myötä työaikaa, joka voitaisiin kohdentaa välittömään ja asiakkaiden toimintakykyä tukevaan työhön. Raportointien välillä palvelutaloista oli lääkelogistisen palvelumallin myötä siirtynyt osa asiakkaiden lääkehoitoon liittyvistä tehtävistä apteekeille. Tutkimus toteutettiin survey-tutkimuksena käyttäen kokonaisotantaa Itä-Helsingin neljässä palvelutalossa. Työajankäyttötiedot koottiin hoitohenkilökunnan itseraportoimana marraskuussa 2005 (n=65) ja syyskuussa 2006 (n=70). Työntekijät täyttivät viiden päivän ajan kyselylomaketta, jossa työajankäyttö raportoitiin kymmenen minuutin jaksoissa luokiteltujen koodien mukaisesti. Tulokset kuvattiin prosentteina, keskiarvoina sekä alku- ja lopputilanteiden välisiä eroja vertailemalla Excelin ja SPSS:n avulla. Tulosten tilastollisessa tarkastelussa käytettiin Wilcoxonin merkkitestiä. Tutkimusaikana hoitohenkilökunnan lääkehuoltoon käyttämä työaika väheni. Vapautunut työaika kohdentui välittömän ja toimintakykyä tukevan työn sijaan välilliseen hoitotyöhön. Myös välittömän työajan prosentuaalinen osuus väheni. Muutosta voitaneen osin selittää syksylle 2006 sijoittuneella sähköisen asiakastietojärjestelmän käyttöönotolla. Ammattiryhmittäin suurin muutos tapahtui sairaanhoitajien kohdalla, jossa sekä välillisen työajan että muun työajan käyttö lisääntyivät merkittävästi. Palvelutalojen kesken esiintyi myös eroavaisuuksia käytetyn työajan suhteen. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella lääkelogististen tehtävien ulkoistaminen on mahdollista sekä järkevää henkilökunnan ajankäytön näkökulmasta. Tiettyjä palveluja, kuten esimerkiksi osa lääkelogistisista tehtävistä, ulkoistamalla voidaan kohdentaa hoitohenkilökunnan työaikaa välittömään hoitotyöhön. Tulevaisuuden haasteena on hoitohenkilökunnan riittävyys ja palvelujen turvaaminen asiakkaille. Työajan kohdentaminen hoitotyön kannalta keskeisiin asioihin on tärkeä haaste työyhteisöille ja edellyttää selkeää johtamista.
The purpose of the thesis was to explore expectations of elderly people on the nurse-client relationship and interaction in home care. The aim is to improve the quality of care to better meet the needs of the clients. A qualitative approach was adopted. Semi-structured theme interviews were used for data collection. The interviews were conducted during spring 2006. Six elderly clients of a private home care company in Southern Finland acted as informants. Content analysis was used as the method of data analysis. The findings suggest that clients expect nurses to provide professional care with loving-kindness. Trust and mutual, active interaction were expected from the nurse-client relationship. Clients considered it important that the nurse recognizes each client's individual needs. The nurse was expected to perform duties efficiently, but in a calm and unrushed manner. A mechanic performance of tasks was considered negative. Humanity was viewed as a crucial element in the nurse-client relationship. Clients expressed their need to be seen as human beings. Seeing beyond the illness was considered important. A smiling nurse was described to be able to alleviate pain and anxiety. Clients hoped to have a close relationship with the nurse. The development of a close relationship was considered to be more likely if the nurse is familiar and genuine. Clients wish the nurses to have a more attending presence. Clients suggested that the work areas of the nurses could be limited so that they would have more time to transfer from one place to another. Clients felt that they would benefit from this as well. The nurses were expected to be more considerate. Clients wished for more information regarding changes that affect their care. They wished to be informed about changes in schedules and plans. Clients hoped for continuity from the nurse-client relationship. Considering the expectations of clients promotes client satisfaction. Home care providers have an opportunity to reflect their own care behaviour on the findings. To better meet the needs of the clients, nurses could apply the concept of loving-kindness in their work, and strive for a more attending presence.
An informational sheet about workplace sexual harassment produced by Iowa Commission on the Status of Women.
An informational sheet about housing and sexual harassment produced by Iowa Commission on the Status of Women.
Based on testimonies by Cape Verdean individuals with different social condition and institutional responsibility on one hand and, on the other hand, on the consideration of the historical burden and the policies adopted after the independence, this article is focused on the creation of a social conscience about poverty and the manifestations of micro-violence through the action of institutions and NGOs committed in the eradication of poverty and prevention of behaviors potentially generating and perpetuating micro-violence and social exclusion. The political environment and the perception of an involvement of Cape Verdeans in a common destiny are deemed crucial to the achievement of these purposes.
BACKGROUND: Clients of street sex workers may be at higher risk for HIV infection than the general population. Furthermore, there is a lack of knowledge regarding HIV testing of clients of sex workers in developed countries. METHOD: This pilot study assessed the feasibility and acceptance of rapid HIV testing by the clients of street-based sex workers in Lausanne, Switzerland. For 5 evenings, clients in cars were stopped by trained field staff for face-to-face interviews focusing on sex-related HIV risk behaviors and HIV testing history. The clients were then offered a free anonymous rapid HIV test in a bus parked nearby. Rapid HIV testing and counselling were performed by experienced nurse practitioners. Clients with reactive tests were offered confirmatory testing, medical evaluation, and care in our HIV clinic. RESULT: We intercepted 144 men, 112 (77.8%) agreed to be interviewed. Among them, 50 (46.6%) had never been tested for HIV. A total of 31 (27.7%) rapid HIV tests were performed, 16 (51.6%) in clients who had not previously been tested. None were reactive. Initially, 19 (16.9%) additional clients agreed to HIV testing but later declined due to the 40-minute queue for testing. CONCLUSION: This pilot study showed that rapid HIV testing in the red light district of Lausanne was feasible, and that the clients of sex workers accepted testing at an unexpectedly high rate. This setting seems particularly appropriate for targeted HIV screening, since more than 40% of the clients had not previously been tested for HIV even though they engaged in sex-related HIV risk behaviour.
Medical errors compromise patient safety in ambulatory practice. These errors must be faced in a framework that reduces to a minimum their consequences for the patients. This approach relies on the implementation of a new culture without stigmatization and where errors are disclosed to the patients; this culture implies the build up of a system for reporting errors associated to an in-depth analysis of the system, looking for root causes and insufficient barriers with the aim to fix them. A useful education tool is the "critical situations" meeting during which physicians are encouraged to openly present adverse events and "near misses". Their analysis, with supportive attitude towards involved staff members, allows to reveal systems failures within the institution or the private practice.
This note elaborates on a recent article by Chan, Greenbaum and Thakor(1992) who contend that fairly priced deposit insurance is incompatiblewithfree competition in the banking sector, in the presence of adverseselection.We show here that at soon as one introduces a real economic motivationfromprivate banks to manage the deposits from the public, then fairly priceddeposit insurance becomes possible. However, we also show that sucha fairlypriced insurance is never desirable, precisely because of adverseselection.We compute the characteristics of the optimal premium schedule, whichtradesoff between the cost of adverse selection and the cost of ``unfaircompetition ''.