928 resultados para Kruger, Barbara
Chapter in Merrill, Barbara (ed.) (2009) Learning to Change? The Role of Identity and Learning Careers in Adult Education. Hamburg: Peter Lang Publishers. URL: http://www.peterlang.com/ index.cfm?vID=58279&vLang=E&vHR=1&vUR=2&vUUR=1
This study was carried out to determine the incidence of malaria in an endemic region of Amazonas State, Venezuela. For this, 200 random samples were collected from symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals from San Fernando de Atabapo and Santa Barbara. Epidemiological factors were related to malaria infection, which was diagnosed by microscopy observation and amplification of the 18S rDNA sequence by PCR. Malaria prevalence in these populations was 28.5%, whilst P. vivax and P. falciparum prevalences were 12 and 17%, respectively. No infection by P. malariae was found. A mixed infection was found on an asymptomatic individual. Prevalence patterns differed between age groups depending on the Plasmodium species. We found that 34.8% of the P. vivax and 15.2% of the P. falciparum infections were asymptomatic. The use of nets was helpful to prevent P. vivax infection, but did not protect against P. falciparum infection. The results suggest the presence of more than one mosquito vector in the area, displaying a differential pattern of infection for each Plasmodium species. There appear to be risk factors associated with malaria infections in some individuals. The population based approach and PCR diagnosis improved the accuracy of the statistical analysis in the study.
We have studied the cardiac chronotropic responses to the Valsalva maneuver and to dynamic exercise of twenty chronic chagasic patients with normal left ventricular function and no segmental wall abnormalities by two-dimensional echocardiogram. The absolute increase in heart rate of the patients (Δ = 21.5 ± 10 bpm, M±SD) during the maneuver was significantly diminished when compared to controls (Δ = 31.30 ± 70, M±SD, p = 0.03). The minimum heart rate (58.24 ± 8.90 vs. 62.80 ± 10, p = 0.68) and the absolute decrease in heart rate at the end of the maneuver (Δ = 38.30 ± 13 vs. Δ = 31.47 ± 17, p = 0.10) were not different from controls. The initial heart rate acceleration during dynamic exercise (Δ = 12 ± 7.55 vs. Δ = 19 ± 7.27, M±SD, p = 0.01) was also diminished, but the heart rate recovery during the first ten seconds was more prominent in the sero-positive patients (Median: 14, Interquartile range: (9.75-17.50 vs. 5(0-8.75, p = 0.001). The serum levels of muscarinic cardiac auto-antibodies were significantly higher in the chagasic patients (Median: 34.58, Interquartile Range: 17-46.5, Optical Density) than in controls (Median: 0, Interquartile Range: 0-22.25, p = 0.001) and correlated significantly and directly (r = 0.68, p = 0.002) with early heart rate recovery during dynamic exercise. The results of this investigation indirectly suggest that, the cardiac muscarinic auto-antibodies may have positive agonist effects on parasympathetic heart rate control of chagasic patients.
Em 2002, comecei a gravar música popular portuguesa no terreno, para, em seguida, estudar mais profundamente as danças de paus, de espadas e as danças mouriscas portuguesas a Norte do rio Douro. • Actualmente, concentro- me no Baile dos Ferreiros da procissão do Corpo de Deus, de Penafiel, a Dança dos Mourisqueiros e dos Bugios da festa de S. João Baptista, de Sobrado e a Dança do Rei David da festa de S. João de Braga. Os dois complexos festivos em que estas danças se inserem são, portanto, o Corpo de Deus e o S. João - festas religiosas com grande importância em Portugal. Os critérios para a selecção destes complexos festivos são as danças dramáticas que neles se encontram e, sobretudo, encontraram. Em primeiro lugar, analiso até que ponto se trata, nestas danças dramáticas, de "danças mouriscas", um gênero de dança pan-europeu, e vejo, além disso, até que ponto se encontra nelas uma representação do "mouro". O termo "mouro" é, no meu estudo, categórico para "o infiel, o marginalizado e/ou o louco", e o termo "dança mourisca", utilizo como categoria de manifestações teatrais, coreográficas e festivas em que os mouros são representados. Estas categorias servem-me aqui para uma reflexão sobre a memória colectiva em complexos festivos, principalmente a memória colectiva rehgiosa que une em si diferentes memórias. Mostro também a manipulação da memória e a invenção da tradição, assim como factores de resistência da memória. Além disso, explico, principalmente em teoria, o efeito ou poder dos ritos comemorativos, aos quais pertencem as representações dramáticas estudadas. Não me concentro apenas na representação do "mouro" nas danças, mas discuto também o quadro religioso em que estas representações se manifestam, em primeiro lugar, a procissão do Corpo de Deus.
SUMMARY Inflammation due to Shigella flexneri can cause damage to the colonic mucosa and cell death by necrosis and apoptosis. This bacteria can reach the bloodstream in this way, and the liver through portal veins. Hypoxia is a condition present in many human diseases, and it may induce bacterial translocation from intestinal lumen. We studied the ability of S. flexneri to invade rat hepatocytes and Caco-2 cells both in normoxic and hypoxic microenvironments, as well as morphological and physiological alterations in these cells after infection under hypoxia. We used the primary culture of rat hepatocytes as a model of study. We analyzed the following parameters in normoxic and hypoxic conditions: morphology, cell viability, bacterial recovery and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) released. The results showed that there were fewer bacteria within the Caco-2 cells than in hepatocytes in normoxic and hypoxic conditions. We observed that the higher the multiplicity of infection (MOI) the greater the bacterial recovery in hepatocytes. The hypoxic condition decreased the bacterial recovery in hepatocytes. The cytotoxicity evaluated by LDH released by cells was significantly higher in cells submitted to hypoxia than normoxia. Caco-2 cells in normoxia released 63% more LDH than hepatocytes. LDH increased 164% when hepatocytes were submitted to hypoxia and just 21% when Caco-2 cells were in the same condition. The apoptosis evaluated by Tunel was significantly higher in cells submitted to hypoxia than normoxia. When comparing hypoxic cells, we obtained more apoptotic hepatocytes than apoptotic Caco-2 cells. Concluding our results contribute to a better knowledge of interactions between studied cells and Shigella flexneri. These data may be useful in the future to define strategies to combat this virulent pathogen.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Developmental Biology
In this study the authors used the Elisa-based antigen detection tests that distinguish E. histolytica from E. dispar to examine the prevalence of E. histolytica infection in individuals from an urban slum in Fortaleza, Northeastern, Brazil. This test has a sensitivity and specificity that is comparable to PCR and isoenzyme analysis, which is the gold standard. Single stools samples were obtained from 735 individuals. The prevalence of E. histolytica infection was 14.9% (110/735) and 25.4%(187/735) for E. dispar-E. histolytica complex. The most affected age group for E. histolytica /E. histolytica-E. dispar infection was the 1-5 year olds but there was no remarkable decrease with age. There was no significant difference in colonization rates between males and females. The results from this survey demonstrate that E. histolytica is highly prevalent in the Community studied. Furthermore, it offers promise for the antigen detection test as a sensitive and technically simple tool for detecting E. histolytica infection in the field.
The association between depression and cardiovascular disease is well documented. Nevertheless, the process through which they are linked remains unknown, as does the direction of this relationship. Studies have suggested both that depression is a risk factor for heart disease and that heart disease is a risk factor for depression. A number of studies have established that a relationship exists between depression and inflammation, with alterations in the levels of inflammatory markers (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-alpha and others). Depressive symptoms have also been identified in many diseases characterized by inflammatory processes e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, diabetes, tuberculosis and cardiovascular diseases. In this brief viewpoint, we explain and propose how to use Chagas disease, a disorder characterized by inflammatory processes and leading to cardiovascular and autonomic problems, as a model for studying the directionality of the relationship between heart disease and depression.
Relatos da prevalência das parasitoses intestinais no Brasil são pontuais e têm sido descritos em diferentes populações, tornando difícil um diagnóstico abrangente. Visando estudar a variação em 35 anos da prevalência de enteroparasitoses em escolares de Caxias do Sul, RS, foram avaliados 9.787 exames parasitológicos de fezes realizados por centrífugo-sedimentação. Resultaram positivas 5.655 (58%) amostras sendo mais prevalente a infestação por Ascaris lumbricoides (47%), Trichuris trichiura (36%), Enterobius vermicularis (8%) e os protozoários: Giardia lamblia (24%) e Entamoeba coli (20%). A prevalência geral diminuiu de 89% para 37%, com um decréscimo médio de 1,4% ao ano. Houve redução na prevalência de Ascaris lumbricoides de 61 para 26% e de Trichuris trichiura de 38 a 18%. Para Giardia lamblia não houve alteração significativa. A prevalência de Entamoeba coli cresceu de 29 a 46%. Os decréscimos obtidos na prevalência dos helmintos são provavelmente devidos às melhorias da infra-estrutura e às ações formativas desenvolvidas nas escolas.
In any area of study, it is necessary to define the subject of investigation. In the case of evolutionary novelty this is a particularly difficult task, as a clear definition of the concept that is suitable across di↵erent levels of biological organization has yet to emerge. We proceed with a definition for morphological novelty proposed by M¨uller and Wagner (1991), and introduce the dorsal appendages on eggs of Drosophilidae as such a novelty. These structures are part of the eggshell, and help supply oxygen to the embryo. A wide variety of phenotypes can be found, which is thought to have a single origin in the common ancestor of Drosophilidae.(...)
Three different treatments were applied on several specimens of dolomitic and calcitic marble, properly stained with rust to mimic real situations (the stone specimens were exposed to the natural environment for about six months in contact with rusted iron). Thirty six marble specimens, eighteen calcitic and eighteen dolomitic, were characterized before and after treatment and monitored throughout the cleaning tests. The specimens were characterized by SEM-EDS (Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersion System), XRD (XRay Diffraction), XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence), FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) and color measurements. It was also made a microscopic and macroscopic analysis of the stone surface along with the tests of short and long term capillary absorption. A series of test trials were conducted in order to understand which concentrations and contact times best suits to this purpose, to confirm what had been written to date in the literature. We sought to develop new methods of treatment application, skipping the usual methods of applying chemical treatments on stone substrates, with the use of cellulose poultice, resorting to the agar, a gel already used in many other areas, being something new in this area, which possesses great applicability in the field of conservation of stone materials. After the application of the best methodology for cleaning, specimens were characterized again in order to understand which treatment was more effective and less harmful, both for the operator and the stone material. Very briefly conclusions were that for a very intense and deep penetration into the stone, a solution of 3.5% of SDT buffered with ammonium carbonate to pH around 7 applied with agar support would be indicated. For rust stains in its initial state, the use of Ammonium citrate at a concentration of 5% buffered with ammonium to pH 7 could be applied more than once until satisfactory results appear.
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PhD Project (SFRH/BD/48231/2008: PTDC/SAU-MII/105114/2008 and DAAD scholarship/2010)
Um dos fenómenos com que o especialista ou simples interessado na Baixa Idade Média europeia mais frequentemente se depara é, sem dúvida, a caracterização desse século XIV que a voz abalizada de Duby crismaria de “viragem” (Duby 1989: 173) como marcado pela instabilidade, precaridade e incerteza próprias de todo um mundo composto de mudança. Respigando ao acaso algumas obras produzidas pela historiografia inglesa, esperam-nos etiquetas e descrições como Hierarchy and Revolt (Holmes 1975), 2 “Order and Conflict” (Briggs 1985: 82), The Age of Adversity (Lerner 1968), An Age of Ambition (Du Boulay 1970), “the century of war, plague and disorder” (McDowall 1995: 43), etc. Elucidativo é também o subtítulo de um romance histórico de Barbara Tuchman: A Distant Mirror. The Calamitous Fourteenth Century (Tuchman 1980). Descontando o que nesta representação possa existir ou subsistir de subjectivo ou convencional, o século XIV foi, ainda assim, dentro e fora de Inglaterra, um período de profundas tensões, convulsões e mutações de ordem demográfica, económica, social, laboral, política e religiosa; fustigado pela Peste Negra (1348-49), por insurreições populares como a Jacquerie (1358), os Ciompi (1378), os Maillotins (1382) ou a Revolta dos Camponeses (1381), por cisões religiosas e teológicas como o Grande Cisma do Ocidente (1378-1417) e o aparecimento dos lollards, a partir da década de 1370.