939 resultados para Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gumtree
Vol. 1, 11th ed. Vol. 2, 8th ed.
At head of title: 90th Congress, 1st session. Joint committee print.
The biology and phenology of the eriophyid mite, Floracarus perrepae Knihinicki and Boczek,a potential biological control agent of Lygodium microphyllum (Cav.) R. Br., was studied in its native range - Queensland, Australia. F. perrepae forms leaf roll galls oil tile subpinnae of L. microphyllum. It has a simple biology, with females and males produced throughout the year. Tile Population was female biased at 10.5 to 1. The immature development time was 8.9 ± 0.1 and 7.0 ± 0.1 days; adult longevity was 30.6 ± 1.6 and 19.4 ± 1.2 days and mean fecundity per female was 54.5 ± 3.2 and 38.5 ± 1.6 eggs at 21 and 26 ° C, all respectively. Field studies showed that tile mite was active year round, with populations peaking when temperatures were cool and soil moisture levels were highest. Two species of predatory mites, Tarsonemus sp. and a species of Tydeidae, along with the pathogen Hirsutella thompsonii, had significant effects oil all life stages of F. perrepae. Despite high levels of predators and the pathogen, F. perrepae caused consistent damage to L. microphyllum at all the field sites over the entire 2 years of the study.
Recent studies have revealed marked differences in the basal dendritic structure of layer III pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex of adult simian primates. In particular, there is a consistent trend for pyramidal cells of increasing complexity with anterior progression through occipitotemporal cortical visual areas. These differences in pyramidal cell structure, and their systematic nature, are believed to be important for specialized aspects of visual processing within, and between, cortical areas. However, it remains unknown whether this regional specialization in the pyramidal cell phenotype is unique to simians, is unique to primates in general or is widespread amongst mammalian species. In the present study we investigated pyramidal cell structure in the prosimian galago (Otolemur garnetti). We found, as in simians, that the basal dendritic arbors of pyramidal cells differed between cortical areas. More specifically, pyramidal cells became progressively more spinous through the primary (V1), second (V2), dorsolateral (DL) and inferotemporal ( IT) visual areas. Moreover, pyramidal neurons in V1 of the galago are remarkably similar to those in other primate species, in spite of large differences in the sizes of this area. In contrast, pyramidal cells in inferotemporal cortex are quite variable among primate species. These data suggest that regional specialization in pyramidal cell phenotype was a likely feature of cortex in a common ancestor of simian and prosimian primates, but the degree of specialization varies between species. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Allocation procedures, have attracted considerable interest among higher education institutions in recent years. Relevant previous research indicates that several universities adopt different approaches to the resource allocation problem, employing models and procedures that reflect their organisational arrangements and their internal socio – political dynamics. We argue that while studying accounting processes in their organisational context, the role of trust should also be considered carefully. In particular, it is very important to consider the attitudes of the individuals involved and interacting within organisational processes, and especially the trust between them, which plays an important role to the overall good governance of these processes. In our study, the role of interpersonal trust in an old Scottish University resource allocation process is examined. The study indicates that trust is a very necessary insight to the facilitation of social structures of accountability that enhance a better governance of the resource allocation process.
Automobile manufacture in the UK West Midlands peaked during the 1950s and early 1960s but, with overseas competition, declined thereafter. Successive policies, such as government supported mergers to form the British Motor Corporation in the 1950s, green-field development away from the region in the 1960s, nationalisation of the (then) British Leyland in the 1970s, Japanese FDI in the 1980s and the Rover-centric Accelerate Project in the 1990s have failed to halt the decline. Since early 2000, regional policy has been the responsibility of the Regional Development Agency, Advantage West Midlands. The RDA has moved away from traditional support based on the needs of big companies or ‘champions’ and adopted an approach centred on a mix of small and large businesses and high level research, and – arguably – an ‘open innovation’ model. Here, we examine these new policies and their potential to create an innovative and competitive regional environment.
During the 1970s and 1980s, close linkages were established between unionists in Volkswagen's Uitenhage plant in South Africa and Wolfsburg in Germany. The ensuing relationship resulted in trade union internationalism and solidarity with South African workers in their struggle against apartheid. After the insertion of the South African plant into the global production networks of the company, a range of new pressures and challenges confronted the union in South Africa. This resulted in the mass dismissal in 2000. In an attempt to garner international support and solidarity, the dismissed workers tapped into existing structures with no success, illustrating the reconfiguration of trade union internationalism away from worker interests to those of the unions and company. © 2010 UALE.
Background: Increased exposure to anticholinergic medication is problematic, particularly in those aged 80 years and older.
Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to identify tools used to quantify anticholinergic medication burden and determine the most appropriate tool for use in longitudinal research, conducted in those aged 80 years and older.
Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted across six electronic databases to identify existing tools. Data extraction was conducted independently by two researchers; studies describing the development of each tool were also retrieved and relevant data extracted. An assessment of quality was completed for all studies. Tools were assessed in terms of their measurement of the association between anticholinergic medication burden and a defined set of clinical outcomes, their development and their suitability for use in longitudinal research; the latter was evaluated on the basis of criteria defined as the key attributes of an ideal anticholinergic risk tool.
Results: In total, 807 papers were retrieved, 13 studies were eligible for inclusion and eight tools were identified. Included studies were classed as ‘very good’ or ‘good’ following the quality assessment analysis; one study was unclassified. Anticholinergic medication burden as measured in studies was associated with impaired cognitive and physical function, as well as an increased frequency of falls. The Drug Burden Index (DBI) exhibited most of the key attributes of an ideal anticholinergic risk tool.
Conclusion: This review identified the DBI as the most appropriate tool for use in longitudinal research focused on older people and their exposure to anticholinergic medication burden.
Helsingin poliisisoittokunta on konserttitoiminnallaan suorittanut suhdetoimintatyötä Helsingin poliisilaitoksen hyväksi jo lähes 70 vuotta. Tämän tutkimuksen päämääränä oli tarkastella Helsingin poliisisoittokunnan konserttitoiminnan suhdetoiminnallista tehokkuutta yhden konserttitapahtuman osalta. Tutkimus suoritettiin tapaustutkimuksena jonka suorittamisessa käytettiin Survey-menetelmää. Tapaustutkimuksen kohteeksi valikoitui Helsingin poliisisoittokunnan Savoy-teatterissa 10.–11.02.2014 esittämä konserttitapahtuma. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus koostui ennen konserttia tehdyistä haastatteluista sekä konserttitapahtuman jälkeen suoritetusta yleisökyselystä. Helsingin poliisilaitoksen henkilöstöjohtajalle sekä Helsingin poliisisoittokunnan kapellimestarille ja intendentille suoritettujen haastattelujen avulla pyrittiin selvittämään Helsingin poliisisoittokunnan konserttitoiminnalle asetettuja suhdetoiminnallisia tavoitteita ja strategioita. Haastatteluista saatu tieto auttoi tutkimuskysymysten sekä yleisökyselyssä käytettäväksi tulevien mittareiden rakentamista. Yleisökyselylomake toimi tärkeimpänä aineistona tutkimuksessa. Yleisökyselyn vastaajien hankkimisessa käytettiin harkinnanvaraista otosta eli näytettä. Saatuja vastauksia analysoitiin koko vastaajajoukon sekä Helsingin poliisilaitoksen suhdetoiminnassa määriteltyjen sidosryhmien osalta. Analysoinnissa käytettiin sekä kvantitatiivisin että kvalitatiivisia menetelmiä. Tästä saadun tiedon pohjalta voitiin tehdä päätelmiä kyseisen konserttitapahtuman suhdetoiminnallisesta tehokkuudesta. Yleisökyselyn tulosten pohjalta tehdyissä päätelmissä tukeuduttiin Walter Lindemannin esittämään metodiin, jossa suoritetun suhdetoimintaprojektin kokonaistehokkuutta suositellaan tarkasteltavaksi sen panostusten, vaikutusten ja lopputulosten tehokkuudesta saatujen tulosten kautta. Panostuksissa keskityttiin konserttitapahtuman markkinointitoimien tehokkuuteen. Vaikutuksissa tarkastelun kohteena oli yleisökyselyyn vastanneiden tyytyväisyys konserttitapahtuman eri osatekijöitä kohtaan. Lopputulosten kohdalla tarkasteltavaksi tuli Helsingin poliisisoittokunnan maine sekä Helsingin poliisisoittokunnan ja konserttiyleisön välisen suhteen tila. Yleisökyselystä saatujen tuloksien lisäksi tukeuduttiin näiden kolmen osa-alueen osalta tehdyissä päätelmissä niiden osalta julkaistuun kirjallisuuteen sekä aiempaan tutkimusmateriaaliin. Tutkimuksen perusteella voitiin kyseisen Helsingin poliisisoittokunnan konserttitapahtuman suhdetoiminnallisen tehokkuuden todeta olleen erittäin hyvä. Nämä tehokkuudesta saadut tulokset toistuivat samankaltaisina sekä koko tutkittavan joukon että tarkastelussa olleiden sidosryhmien kohdalla. Havaitut kehittämiskohteet kohdistuivat lähinnä panostusten kohdalla suoritettuihin markkinointitoimiin. Yleisökyselyn vastaajien hankinnassa käytetty harkinnanvarainen otos rajoitti tutkimustulosten yleistämistä. Yleisökyselyyn saatu korkea vastausprosentti sekä otokseen sisältynyt laaja sidosryhmien edustus mahdollisti kuitenkin tutkimustulosten hypoteesitason yleistämistä.
The Diversity Advisory Committee (DAC) will discuss the dynamics of the process of assessing the diversity health at the University of Maryland Libraries. From designing the survey instrument through analyzing the results to the final writing of the report of diversity and inclusion, the committee members will unveil their challenges and achievements in presenting unbiased conclusions from this assessment project. In completing this project, the committee consulted the university’s wisdom, including (1) the College of Information Studies for creating the survey; (2) the Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment (IRPA), and Division of Information Technology (DIT) for analyzing the results; and (3) the Campus Assessment Working Group (CAWG) model for organizing the content of the final report.
Malnutrition and nutritional problems are common in older adults. Multiple chronic disease, inflammation, cognitive and functional impairment, geriatric syndromes (including delirium, falls or chronic pain) and drug use (i.e. polypharmacy, adverse drug reactions) may play a role in the onset of malnutrition and nutritional problems.
Adverse drugs reactions (ADRs) in the older population are a major healthcare problem resulting in significant morbidity, healthcare consumption and high costs.
This publication constitutes the fruits of National Science Centre research projects (grant no 2011/01/M/HS3/02142 – 6 articles) and the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities (grant no 0108/NPH3/H12/82/2014 – 3 articles). We would like to acknowledge and at the same time express our sincere gratitude for the generosity shown by the following at the Adam Mickiewicz University in making this publication possible: the Dean of the Department of History, Institute of Pre-history and the Eastern Institute.