956 resultados para Keratoconus eyes
A new species of sand-dwelling catfish genus Pygidianops, P. amphioxus, is described from the Negro and lower Amazon basins. The new species differs from its three congeners in the elongate eel-like body, the short barbels, and the small caudal fin, continuous with the body, among other traits of internal anatomy. The absence of anal fin further distinguishes P. amphioxus from all other Pygidianops species except P. magoi and the presence of eyes from all except P. cuao. The new Pygidianops seems to be the sister species to P. magoi, the two species sharing a unique mesethmoid with a dorsally-bent tip lacking cornua, and a produced articular process in the palatine for the articulation with the neurocranium. Pygidianops amphioxus is a permanent and highly-specialized inhabitant of psammic environments. Additional characters are proposed as synapomorphies of Pygidianops, including a hypertrophied symphyseal joint and associated ligament in the lower jaw; an elongate, laterally-directed, process on the dorsal surface of the premaxilla; and a rotated lower jaw, where the surface normally facing laterally in other glanapterygines is instead directed ventrally. These and other characters are incorporated into a revised phylogenetic diagnosis of Pygidianops.
Caracteres genéricos são ampliados para Irundisaua Martins & Galileo, 2005 (configuração das antenas; processo prosternal com largura menor ou igual à largura de uma procoxa; protíbias achatadas e fortemente alargadas para o ápice) ao qual se adicionam espécies transferidas de Acanthoderes Audinet-Serville, 1835: I. forsteri (Tippmann, 1960) comb. nov. do Peru e Brasil (Amazonas) e I. ucayalensis (Tippmann, 1960) comb. nov. do Equador, Peru e Brasil (Amazonas).Três novos gêneros são descritos: (1) Catuana comb. nov., espécie-tipo, C. thoracica (Tippmann, 1960) comb. nov., caracterizado pelo mesosterno com tubérculo; (2) Mundeu comb. nov., espécie-tipo, M. maculicollis (Bates, 1861) comb. nov., com protórax arredondado nos lados e protíbias alargadas; (3) Urangaua comb. nov., caracteriza-se pelos olhos finamente facetados e divididos, comprimento dos antenômeros III e IV subigual ao comprimento dos antenômeros V-XI em conjunto; é proposto para duas espécies: U. analis Melzer, 1935, comb. nov., espécietipo, e U. subanalis (Zajciw, 1964) comb. nov. Adiciona-se chave para as espécies de Urangaua.
A imagem por ressonância magnética (IRM) é o método de diagnóstico por imagem não invasivo mais sensível para avaliar as partes moles, particularmente o encéfalo, porém trata-se de uma técnica onerosa. O método fundamenta-se no fenômeno da ressonância magnética nuclear que ocorre quando núcleos atômicos com propriedades magnéticas presentes no corpo são submetidos a um campo magnético intenso, sendo posteriormente excitados por energia de radiofrequência e gerando, por sua vez, um sinal de onda de radiofrequência capaz de ser captado por uma antena receptora, passando por um processo matemático, chamado Transformada de Fourier, para posterior formação da imagem. Esse estudo objetivou realizar 10 exames completos da cabeça em cadáveres de cães normais à IRM e confeccionar um Atlas com as estruturas identificadas. As imagens foram adquiridas em um aparelho de ressonância magnética Gyroscan S15/HP Philips com campo magnético de 1,5Tesla. Os cadáveres foram posicionados com a cabeça no interior de uma bobina de cabeça humana e foram submetidos a cortes iniciais sagitais a partir de onde se planejou os cortes transversais e dorsais nas sequências de pulso spin-eco T1, T2 e DP. Em T1 utilizou-se TR=400ms e TE=30ms, T2 utilizou-se TR=2000ms e TE=80ms e na DP utilizou-se TR=2000ms e TE=30ms. A espessura do corte foi de 4mm, o número de médias foi igual a 2, a matriz foi de 256x256, o fator foi igual a 1,0 e o campo de visão foi de 14cm. A duração do exame completo da cabeça foi de 74,5minutos. As imagens obtidas com as sequências utilizadas e com a bobina de cabeça humana foram de boa qualidade. Em T1 a gordura tornou-se hiperintensa e o líquido hipointenso. Em T2 a gordura ficou menos hiperintensa e o líquido hiperintenso. A cortical óssea e o ar foram hipointensos em todas as sequências utilizadas devido a baixa densidade de prótons. A sequência DP mostrou o melhor contraste entre a substância branca e cinzenta quando comparada a T2 e a T1. T2 evidenciou o líquido cefalorraquidiano tornando possível a distinção dos sulcos e giros cerebrais. Através do exame de IRM foi possível, pelo contraste, identificar as estruturas ósseas componentes da arquitetura da região, músculos, grandes vasos venosos e arteriais e estruturas do sistema nervoso central, além de elementos do sistema digestório, respiratório e estruturas dos olhos entre outras. Nesse estudo as IRM adquiridas nas sequências T1, DP e T2 foram complementares para o estudo dos aspectos anatômicos da cabeça de cães demonstrando-os com riqueza de detalhes. O tempo requerido para o exame completo da cabeça é compátivel para uso em animais vivos desde que devidamente anestesiados e controlados. Os resultados obtidos por esse trabalho abrem caminho em nosso meio, para o estudo de animais vivos e para o início da investigação de doenças, principalmente as de origem neurológica, visto ser esta técnica excelente para a visibilização do encéfalo.
Two cases of feline intraocular sarcoma were reported in stray cats that presented blindness and hypotonia of the affected eye for years before the tumor development. Phthisis bulbi, a final stage of a severe inflammation of the eye, is frequently unmonitored because eyes are blind, small, opaque, and not painful. Yet, this report shows that monitoring and early enucleation of eyes of cats with phthisis bulbi are important and should be considered as a treatment option, because feline intraocular sarcoma is an aggressive tumor that significantly decreases live expectancy.
Eletrorretinograma (ERG) é o meio diagnóstico objetivo e não-invasivo para avaliar a função retiniana e detectar precocemente, em várias espécies, lesões nas suas camadas mais externas. As indicações mais comuns para ERG em cães são: avaliação pré-cirúrgica de pacientes com catarata, caracterização de distúrbios que causam cegueira, além de servir como importante modelo para o estudo da distrofia retiniana que acomete o homem. Vários são os fatores que podem alterar o ERG tais como: eletrorretinógrafo, fonte de estimulação luminosa, tipo do eletrodo, tempo de adaptação ao escuro, tamanho pupilar, opacidade de meios e protocolo de sedação ou anestesia; além da espécie, raça e idade. Objetivou-se com este estudo padronizar o ERG para cães submetidos à sedação, seguindo o protocolo da International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV), utilizando Ganzfeld e eletrodos Burian Allen. Foram realizados 233 eletrorretinogramas em cães, 147 fêmeas e 86 machos, com idades entre um e 14 anos. Dos 233 cães examinados, 100 apresentavam catarata em diferentes estágios de maturação, 72 eram diabéticos e apresentavam catarata madura ou hipermadura, 26 apresentaram eletrorretinograma compatível com degeneração retiniana progressiva, três apresentaram eletrorretinograma compatível com síndrome da degeneração retiniana adquirida subitamente e 32 não apresentaram lesão retiniana capaz de atenuar as respostas do ERG, sendo considerados normais quanto à função retiniana. A sedação foi capaz de produzir boa imobilização do paciente sem rotacionar o bulbo ocular, permitindo adequada estimulação retiniana bilateralmente, com auxílio do Ganzfeld. O sistema eletrodiagnóstico Veris registrou com sucesso e simultaneamente de ambos os olhos, as cinco respostas preconizadas pela ISCEV. Como o ERG de campo total tornou-se exame fundamental na rotina oftalmológica, sua padronização é indispensável quando se objetiva comparar resultados de laboratórios distintos. A confiabilidade e reprodutibilidade deste protocolo foi demonstrada com a obtenção de registros de ótima qualidade utilizando protocolo padrão da ISCEV, eletrorretinógrafo Veris, Ganzfeld e eletrodos Burian Allen nos cães submetidos à sedação.
Background: Drosophila retinal architecture is laid down between 24-48 hours after puparium formation, when some of the still uncommitted interommatidial cells (IOCs) are recruited to become secondary and tertiary pigment cells while the remaining ones undergo apoptosis. This choice between survival and death requires the product of the roughest (rst) gene, an immunoglobulin superfamily transmembrane glycoprotein involved in a wide range of developmental processes. Both temporal misexpression of Rst and truncation of the protein intracytoplasmic domain, lead to severe defects in which IOCs either remain mostly undifferentiated and die late and erratically or, instead, differentiate into extra pigment cells. Intriguingly, mutants not expressing wild type protein often have normal or very mild rough eyes. Methodology/Principal Findings: By using quantitative real time PCR to examine rst transcriptional dynamics in the pupal retina, both in wild type and mutant alleles we showed that tightly regulated temporal changes in rst transcriptional rate underlie its proper function during the final steps of eye patterning. Furthermore we demonstrated that the unexpected wild type eye phenotype of mutants with low or no rst expression correlates with an upregulation in the mRNA levels of the rst paralogue kin-of-irre (kirre), which seems able to substitute for rst function in this process, similarly to their role in myoblast fusion. This compensatory upregulation of kirre mRNA levels could be directly induced in wild type pupa upon RNAi-mediated silencing of rst, indicating that expression of both genes is also coordinately regulated in physiological conditions. Conclusions/Significance: These findings suggest a general mechanism by which rst and kirre expression could be fine tuned to optimize their redundant roles during development and provide a clearer picture of how the specification of survival and apoptotic fates by differential cell adhesion during the final steps of retinal morphogenesis in insects are controlled at the transcriptional level.
Background and Objective: Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) is a life-threatening dermatosis characterized by epidermal sloughing and stomatitis. We report the case of a 7-year-old boy in whom laser phototherapy (LPT) was highly effective in reversing the effects of an initial episode of SJS that had apparently developed in association with treatment with phenobarbital for a seizure disorder. The patient was first seen in the intensive care unit (ICU) of our institution with fever, cutaneous lesions on his extremities, trunk, face, and neck; mucosal involvement of his genitalia and eyes (conjunctivitis); ulcerative intraoral lesions; and swollen, crusted, and bleeding lips. He reported severe pain at the sites of his intraoral and skin lesions and was unable to eat, speak, swallow, or open his mouth. Materials and Methods: Trying to prevent and minimize secondary infections, gastric problems, pain, and other complications, the patient was given clindamycin, ranitidine, dipyrone, diphenhydramine (Benadryl) drops, and morphine. In addition, he was instructed to use bicarbonate solution and Ketoconazole (Xylogel) in the oral cavity. Because of the lack of progress of the patient, the LPT was selected. Results: At 5 days after the initial session of LPT, the patient was able to eat gelatin, and on the following day, the number and severity of his intraoral lesions and his labial crusting and swelling had diminished. By 6 days after his initial session of LPT, most of the patient's intraoral lesions had disappeared, and the few that remained were painless; the patient was able to eat solid food by himself and was removed from the ICU. Ten sessions of LPT were conducted in the hospital. The patient underwent three further and consecutive sessions at the School of Dentistry, when complete healing of his oral lesions was observed. Conclusion: The outcome in this case suggests that LPT may be a new adjuvant modality for SJS complications.
Purpose: To evaluate the ocular toxicity of escalating doses of intravitreous adalimumab (Humira (R)) in the rabbit eye. Methods: Thirty New Zealand albino rabbits received intravitreous injections of 0.5mg (6 eyes), 1.0mg (6 eyes), 2.5mg (6 eyes), 5mg (6 eyes), and 10mg (6 eyes) adalimumab. Slit lamp biomicroscopy and fundoscopy were carried out at baseline, day 7, and day 14 after intravitreous injection, whereas electroretinography (ERG) was carried out at baseline and day 14. Animals were euthanized on day 14, and histopathological examination of the eyes was performed. Results: Slit lamp biomicroscopy and fundoscopy were normal in all eyes receiving doses up to 5mg. In the 10mg group, 3 of 6 eyes showed mild anterior chamber inflammatory reaction on day 7. Similarly, scotopic and photopic a- and b-wave ERG amplitudes at baseline and day 14 were similar in all groups up to 5mg, but there was a significant decrease in the photopic-wave ERG response in the 10mg group (P = 0.046). Finally, histopathology demonstrated no differences among eyes receiving balanced salt solution, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, or 10mg of adalimumab. Conclusions: Intravitreous adalimumab exhibited no associated ocular short-term toxicity in rabbit eyes up to the 5mg dose. In the 10mg group mild clinical findings and ERG amplitude reduction could reflect early toxicity.
Adults of Pseudopolydora rosebelae sp. nov. inhabit silty tubes on muddy bottoms in shallow water in southern Brazil, states of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. They are rare and extremely delicate, attaining 20 mm long for 55 chaetigers. The worms are distinctive by their colourful yellow and black pigmentation on the anterior part of body and palps, prominent transverse hood on the dorsal anterior edge of chaetiger 3, and lack of coloured respiratory pigment in blood. Of 12 examined individuals, all were females. Oogenesis is intraovarian; oocytes develop from chaetigers 14-15 to chaetigers 24-36. Recently laid oocytes were about 150 mu m in diameter, with embryos and developing larvae found in capsules inside female tubes in March-June. Broods comprised up to 23 capsules with 400 propagules. Capsules were joined to each other in a string and each attached by a single thin stalk to the inner wall of the tube. Larvae hatched at the 4-chaetiger stage and fed on plankton. Pelagic larvae are unique among Pseudopolydora in having large ramified mid-dorsal melanophores from chaetiger 3 onwards. Competent larvae are able to settle and metamorphose at the 15-chaetiger stage, but can remain planktonic up to 18 chaetigers. They have one pair of unpigmented ocelli and three pairs of black eyes in the prostomium, unpaired ramified mid-dorsal melanophores on chaetiger 1 and on the pygidium, ramified lateral melanophores on chaetigers 5-10, prominent yellow chromatophores in the prostomium, peristomium, on dorsal and ventral sides of chaetigers and in the pygidium. Branchiae are present on chaetigers 7-10, and gastrotrochs are arranged on chaetigers 3, 5, 7 and 12. Provisional serrated bristles are present in all notopodia, and hooks are present in neuropodia from chaetiger 8 onwards. Two pairs of provisional protonephridia are present in chaetigers 1 and 2, and adult metanephridia are present from chaetiger 4.
A new species of Brazilian troglobitic harvestman of the genus Iandumoema (Opiliones : Gonyleptidae)
Iandumoema setimapocu sp.n. is described from the cave Lapa do Zu, Coraao de Jesus, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The new species is closely related to Iandumoema uai Pinto-da-Rocha, 1996 in the subfamily Pachylinae, from which it differs by the following features: Male femur IV straight; the male apophysis on coxa IV directed obliquely backward; eyes depigmented; tubercles on femur IV close to each other, separated by about one diameter; male pedipalpal tibia with ectal setae IiiIi; lack of median setae on ventral plate of penis. Iandumoema is the first exclusively troglobitic genus of Opiliones in Brazil that contains two species.
We investigated the effect of joint immobilization on the postural sway during quiet standing. We hypothesized that the center of pressure (COP), rambling, and trembling trajectories would be affected by joint immobilization. Ten young adults stood on a force plate during 60 s without and with immobilized joints (only knees constrained, CK; knees and hips, CH; and knees, hips, and trunk, CT). with their eyes open (OE) or closed (CE). The root mean square deviation (RMS, the standard deviation from the mean) and mean speed of COP, rambling, and trembling trajectories in the anterior-posterior and medial-lateral directions were analyzed. Similar effects of vision were observed for both directions: larger amplitudes for all variables were observed in the CE condition. In the anterior-posterior direction, postural sway increased only when the knees, hips, and trunk were immobilized. For the medial-lateral direction, the RMS and the mean speed of the COP, rambling, and trembling displacements decreased after immobilization of knees and hips and knees, hips, and trunk. These findings indicate that the single inverted pendulum model is unable to completely explain the processes involved in the control of the quiet upright stance in the anterior-posterior and medial-lateral directions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Postural control was studied when the subject was kneeling with erect trunk in a quiet posture and compared to that obtained during quiet standing. The analysis was based on the center of pressure motion in the sagittal plane (CPx), both in the time and in the frequency domains. One could assume that postural control during kneeling would be poorer than in standing because it is a less natural posture. This could cause a higher CPx variability. The power spectral density (PSD) of the CPx obtained from the experimental data in the kneeling position (KN) showed a significant decrease at frequencies below 0.3 Hz compared to upright (UP) (P < 0.01), which indicates less sway in KN. Conversely, there was an increase in fast postural oscillations (above 0.7 Hz) during KN compared to UP (P < 0.05). The root mean square (RMS) of the CPx was higher for UP (P < 0.01) while the mean velocity (MV) was higher during KN (P < 0.05). Lack of vision had a significant effect on the PSD and the parameters estimated from the CPx in both positions. We also sought to verify whether the changes in the PSD of the CPx found between the UP and KN positions were exclusively due to biomechanical factors (e.g., lowered center of gravity), or also reflected changes in the neural processes involved in the control of balance. To reach this goal, besides the experimental approach, a simple feedback model (a PID neural system, with added neural noise and controlling an inverted pendulum) was used to simulate postural sway in both conditions (in KN the pendulum was shortened, the mass and the moment of inertia were decreased). A parameter optimization method was used to fit the CPx power spectrum given by the model to that obtained experimentally. The results indicated that the changed anthropometric parameters in KN would indeed cause a large decrease in the power spectrum at low frequencies. However, the model fitting also showed that there were considerable changes also in the neural subsystem when the subject went from standing to kneeling. There was a lowering of the proportional and derivative gains and an increase in the neural noise power. Additional increases in the neural noise power were found also when the subject closed his eyes.
P>Background: We aimed to evaluate the ascorbic acid concentration in secondary aqueous humour (AH) from glaucomatous patients and to compare it with primary AH from primary open-angle glaucoma patients and non-glaucomatous patients. Methods: Primary AH samples were prospectively obtained from clinically uncontrolled primary open-angle glaucoma patients and senile cataract patients (controls) prior to trabeculectomy and cataract surgery. Secondary AH samples were obtained from eyes with previous intraocular surgery, prior to trabeculectomy or cataract surgery. AH (0.1 mL) was aspirated by inserting a 26-gauge needle into the anterior chamber just before surgery and then immediately stored at -80 degrees C. The ascorbic acid concentration was determined in a masked fashion by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Results: A total of 18 patients with senile cataract, 16 glaucomatous patients with primary AH (no previous intraocular surgery) and 11 glaucomatous patients with secondary AH (previous intraocular surgery) were included. There was no difference in mean age between groups (P = 0.15). The mean +/- standard deviation concentration of ascorbic acid in the secondary AH from glaucomatous patients (504 +/- 213 mu mol/L [95% confidence interval {CI}, 383-624]) was significantly lower than the concentration of ascorbic acid found in the primary aqueous of primary open-angle glaucoma (919 +/- 427 mu mol/L [95% CI, 709-1128]) and control patients (1049 +/- 433 mu mol/L [95% CI, 848-1249]; P < 0.01, Kruskal-Wallis test). Conclusions: The ascorbic acid concentration in secondary AH of glaucomatous patients was approximately twofold lower in comparison with primary AH of glaucomatous and cataract patients. The implications of a reduced concentration of ascorbic acid in the secondary AH deserve further investigation.
The aim of the present work was to obtain an ophthalmic delivery system with improved mechanical and mucoadhesive properties that could provide prolonged retention time for the treatment of ocular diseases. For this, an in situ forming gel comprised of the combination of a thermosetting polymer, poly (ethylene oxide)-poly (propylene oxide)-poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO-PPO-PEO, poloxamer), with a mucoadhesive agent (chitosan) was developed. Different polymer ratios were evaluated by oscillatory rheology, texture and mucoadhesive profiles. Scintigraphy studies in humans were conduced to verify the retention time of the formulations developed. The results showed that chitosan improves the mechanical strength and texture properties of poloxamer formulations and also confers mucoadhesive properties in a concentration-dependent manner. After a 10-min instillation of the poloxamer/chitosan 16:1 formulation in human eyes, 50-60% of the gel was still in contact with the cornea surface, which represents a fourfold increased retention in comparison with a conventional solution. Therefore, the developed formulation presented adequate mechanical and sensorial properties and remained in contact with the eye surface for a prolonged time. In conclusion, the in situ forming gel comprised of poloxamer/chitosan is a promising tool for the topical treatment of ocular diseases. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Some motor tasks can be completed, quite literally, with our eyes shut. Most people can touch their nose without looking or reach for an object after only a brief glance at its location. This distinction leads to one of the defining questions of movement control: is information gleaned prior to starting the movement sufficient to complete the task (open loop), or is feedback about the progress of the movement required (closed loop)? One task that has commanded considerable interest in the literature over the years is that of steering a vehicle, in particular lane-correction and lane-changing tasks. Recent work has suggested that this type of task can proceed in a fundamentally open loop manner [1 and 2], with feedback mainly serving to correct minor, accumulating errors. This paper reevaluates the conclusions of these studies by conducting a new set of experiments in a driving simulator. We demonstrate that, in fact, drivers rely on regular visual feedback, even during the well-practiced steering task of lane changing. Without feedback, drivers fail to initiate the return phase of the maneuver, resulting in systematic errors in final heading. The results provide new insight into the control of vehicle heading, suggesting that drivers employ a simple policy of “turn and see,” with only limited understanding of the relationship between steering angle and vehicle heading.