994 resultados para Jorge Ferreira de Vasconcelos
41º Congresso Internacional de História da Medicina (Societé Internationale d´Histoire de la Médecine)
Registramos a ocorrência de epidemia de dengue causada pelo sorotipo 2 (DEN 2) na cidade de Araguaina, estado do Tocantins (TO) situado no Brasil central. Quatrocentos indíviduos de 74 famílias, residentes nos bairros S. João, Araguaina Sul e Neblina foram entrevistados e sangrados, independentemente de terem adoecido ou não. Os soros tanto de adultos quanto de crianças de ambos os sexos foram usados para pesquisa de anticorpos inibidores da hemaglutinação (IH) e IgM através de ensaio imunoenzimático (MAC ELISA). Nas casas onde haviam doentes no momento do inquérito, sangue total também foi colhido para tentativa de isolamento de vírus. O quadro clínico apresentado pelos pacientes foi caracterizado por febre, cefaléia, mialgias, artralgias e exantema do tipo máculo-papular não pruriginoso. A infecção foi mais frequente em mulheres (33.9%) do que nos homens (23.8%), ocorrendo em todas as faixas etárias, inclusive em crianças com menos de um ano de idade, bem como em maiores de 70 anos. Um total de 1105 mosquitos (56 fêmeas e 45 machos de Culex quinquefasciatus e 567 fêmeas e 437 machos de Aedes aegypti) foram obtidos a partir de larvas coletadas em Araguaina. As fêmeas de Ae. aegypti obtidas das larvas fizeram repasto sangüíneo em 8 pacientes febris. O diagnóstico laboratorial foi feito por isolamento de vírus (cultura de células de Aedes albopictus, clone C6/36) e por sorologia (IH e MAC ELISA). Foram isoladas 5 amostras de DEN 2 de pacientes febris e tipadas por imunofluorescência indireta usando anticorpos monoclonais de dengue. Nenhuma amostra viral foi isolada de mosquitos. Outrossim, comprovou-se infecção em 111 pessoas sangradas, o que revelou um índice de positividade de 27.75% (111 em 400), sendo que 66.2% das famílias estudadas apresentaram pelo menos um indivíduo positivo. Ocorreram ainda, 26.1% de infecções assintomáti-cas. Por outro lado, a correlação de positividade entre os dois testes usados (IH e MAC ELISA) foi de 94.6%. Estimamos que ocorreram aproximadamente 83.250 casos da doença, entre 15 de março a 31 de maio de 1991. Esta é a primeira epidemia de DEN 2 em um estado da Amazônia Brasileira, portanto em área endêmica de febre amarela, e a primeira evidência da interiorização do DEN 2, até então restrito ao Rio de Janeiro.
Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica Ramo Automação e Eletrónica Industrial
This paper extents the by now classic sensor fusion complementary filter (CF) design, involving two sensors, to the case where three sensors that provide measurements in different bands are available. This paper shows that the use of classical CF techniques to tackle a generic three sensors fusion problem, based solely on their frequency domain characteristics, leads to a minimal realization, stable, sub-optimal solution, denoted as Complementary Filters3 (CF3). Then, a new approach for the estimation problem at hand is used, based on optimal linear Kalman filtering techniques. Moreover, the solution is shown to preserve the complementary property, i.e. the sum of the three transfer functions of the respective sensors add up to one, both in continuous and discrete time domains. This new class of filters are denoted as Complementary Kalman Filters3 (CKF3). The attitude estimation of a mobile robot is addressed, based on data from a rate gyroscope, a digital compass, and odometry. The experimental results obtained are reported.
Here in is described the clinical and laboratorial findings of a laboratory-acquired infection caused by the virus SP H 114202 (Arenavirus, family Arenaviridae) a recently discovered agent responsible for a viral hemorrhagic fever. The patient was sick for 13 days. The disease had an abrupt onset characterized by high fever (39ºC.), headache, chills and myalgias for 8 days. In addition, on the 3rd day, the patient developed nauseas and vomiting, and in the 10th, epigastralgia, diarrheia and gengivorrhagia. Leucopenia was seen within the 1 st week of onset, with counts as low as 2,500 white cells per mm³. Counts performed after the 23th day of the onset were within normal limits. With the exception of moderate lymphocitosis, no changes were observed in differential counts. An increase in the liter of antibodies by complement fixation, neutralization and ELISA (IgM) was detected. Suckling mice and baby hamsters were inoculated intracerebrally with 0.02 ml of blood samples collected in the 2nd and 7th days of disease. Attempts to isolate the virus were also made in Vero cells. No virus was isolated. This virus was isolated before in a single occasion in São Paulo State, in 1990, from the blood of a patient with hemorrhagic fever with a fatal outcome. The manipulation of the virus under study, must be done carefully, since the transmission can occur through aerosols.
Feature discretization (FD) techniques often yield adequate and compact representations of the data, suitable for machine learning and pattern recognition problems. These representations usually decrease the training time, yielding higher classification accuracy while allowing for humans to better understand and visualize the data, as compared to the use of the original features. This paper proposes two new FD techniques. The first one is based on the well-known Linde-Buzo-Gray quantization algorithm, coupled with a relevance criterion, being able perform unsupervised, supervised, or semi-supervised discretization. The second technique works in supervised mode, being based on the maximization of the mutual information between each discrete feature and the class label. Our experimental results on standard benchmark datasets show that these techniques scale up to high-dimensional data, attaining in many cases better accuracy than existing unsupervised and supervised FD approaches, while using fewer discretization intervals.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Microelectrónica e Nanotecnologia
Over the last fifty years mobility practices have changed dramatically, improving the way travel takes place, the time it takes but also on matters like road safety and prevention. High mortality caused by high accident levels has reached untenable levels. But the research into road mortality stayed limited to comparative statistical exercises which go no further than defining accident types. In terms of sharing information and mapping accidents, little progress has been mad, aside from the normal publication of figures, either through simplistic tables or web pages. With considerable technological advances on geographical information technologies, research and development stayed rather static with only a few good examples on dynamic mapping. The use of Global Positioning System (GPS) devices as normal equipments on automobile industry resulted in a more dynamic mobility patterns but also with higher degrees of uncertainty on road traffic. This paper describes a road accident georeferencing project for the Lisbon District involving fatalities and serious injuries during 2007. In the initial phase, individual information summaries were compiled giving information on accidents and its majour characteristics, collected by the security forces: the Public Safety Police Force (Polícia de Segurança Pública - PSP) and the National Guard (Guarda Nacional Republicana - GNR). The Google Earth platform was used to georeference the information in order to inform the public and the authorities of the accident locations, the nature of the location, and the causes and consequences of the accidents. This paper also gives future insights about augmented reality technologies, considered crucial to advances to road safety and prevention studies. At the end, this exercise could be considered a success because of numerous consequences, as for stakeholders who decide what to do but also for the public awareness to the problem of road mortality.
Generation of epidemiological data on perinatally-transmitted infections is a fundamental tool for the formulation of health policies. In Brazil, this information is scarce, particularly in Northeast, the poorest region of the country. In order to gain some insights of the problem we studied the seroprevalence of some perinatally-transmitted infections in 1,024 low income pregnant women in Salvador, Bahia. The prevalences were as follow: HIV-1 (0.10%), HTLV-I/II (0.88%), T.cruzi (2.34%). T.pallidum (3.91%), rubella virus (77.44%). T.gondii IgM (2.87%) and IgG (69.34%), HBs Ag (0.6%) and anti-HBs (7.62%). Rubella virus and T.gondii IgG antibodies were present in more than two thirds of pregnant women but antibodies against other pathogens were present at much lower rates. We found that the prevalence of HTLV-I/II was nine times higher than that found for HIV-1. In some cases such as T.cruzi and hepatitis B infection there was a decrease in the prevalence over the years. On the other hand, there was an increase in the seroprevalence of T.gondii infection. Our data strongly recommend mandatory screening tests for HTLV-I/II, T.gondii (IgM), T.pallidum and rubella virus in prenatal routine for pregnant women in Salvador. Screening test for T.cruzi, hepatitis and HIV-1 is recommended whenever risk factors associated with these infections are suspected. However in areas with high prevalence for these infections, the mandatory screening test in prenatal care should be considered.
O presente trabalho descreve a análise feita a um veículo de todo o terreno. O kartcross/buggy em estudo é usado em provas do tipo Baja, sendo estas provas longas e com traçados sinuosos. O veículo, já construído, foi testado através de softwares, a nível estrutural e ciclístico, pretendendo-se assim efetuar engenharia inversa sobre o mesmo. No decorrer da sua utilização normal o kartcross/buggy sofre vários tipos de solicitações, como sejam aceleração, travagem e força centrípta em curva. Portanto, o veículo deve ser capaz de suportar estes esforços e ter uma boa habilidade. Além dos testes em uso corrente foi analisada também a rigidez torsional do quadro do veículo e do veículo completo, podendo-se assim melhorar estes valores. A nível ciclístico foram analisados os parâmetros das suspensões como o camber, convergência/divergência, caster, entre outros. Da análise destes parâmetros e possível fazerem-se melhorias de forma a que o veículo tenha um melhor desempenho. Para validar os testes computacionais efetuados foi reproduzido experimentalmente o teste da rigidez torsional. No final, compararam-se os valores numéricos com os experimentais e aferir se o modelo se encontra bem representado.
Twenty-eight isolates of Histoplasma capsulation were obtained from eight species of forest mammals from the States of Amazonas, Pará and Rondônia in the Amazon Region of Brazil. Primary isolates were obtained by inoculating triturated liver and spleen tissue intradermally and intraperito-neally in hamsters. Mycological diagnosis in hamsters presenting lesions was confirmed by histopathology and culture on Sabouraud dextrose-agar. Infected hamsters developed signs of disease within two to nine months; all had disseminated visceral lesions and most also had skin lesions at the sites of inoculation. None of the hamsters inoculated with skin macerates of the original hosts developed histoplasmosis, and histopathological examination of the viscera of the wild hosts failed to reveal H. capsulation. Prevalence of infection was considerably higher in females than in males both for the opossum Didelphis marsupialis and for total wild animals (479) examined. It is proposed that canopy-dwelling mammals may acquire the infection from conidia borne on convective currents in hollow trees with openings at ground-level.
Dissertação de Doutoramento no ramo de Geografia e Planeamento Regional, especialidade de Novas Tecnologias em Geografia,