982 resultados para Jansen, Wibke
The magnetic polarity stratigraphy at Site 907 obtained from the shipboard pass-through magnetometer and from discrete samples is readily interpretable back to the onset of the Gilbert Chron (5.89 Ma). From this level to the base of the section at ~14 Ma, the interpretation is corroborated by silicoflagellate datums with predictable correlation to polarity chrons. The resulting magnetostratigraphic interpretation differs from those proposed in the Leg 151 (Hole 907A) and 162 (Holes 907B and 907C) Initial Reports volumes. An important hiatus in the 7-10 Ma interval at Site 907 caused sedimentation to slow or cease for ~2.7 m.y. We have revised the shipboard correlation among the three holes at Site 907, resulting in a new composite section splice and recalculation of composite depths. For Site 985, magnetostratigraphic interpretation is possible down to ~150 meters below seafloor (mbsf) (C3An/C3Ar) at ~6 Ma. There are no useful biostratigraphic datums from Site 985 to support this interpretation; however, the interpretation is supported by the correlation of Sites 985 and 907 using natural gamma data from the shipboard multisensor track. Below ~150 mbsf at Site 985, drilling-related deformation at the onset of extended core barrel drilling precluded magnetostratigraphic interpretation.
Carbon isotopic records from benthic foraminifera are used to map patterns of deep ocean circulation between 3 and 2 million years ago, the interval when significant northern hemisphere glaciation began. The delta18O and delta13C data from four Atlantic sites (552, 607, 610, and 704) and one Pacific site (677) show that global cooling over this interval was associated with increased suppression of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formation. However, the relative strength of NADW production was always greater than is observed during late Pleistocene glaciations when extreme decreases in NADW are observed in the deep North Atlantic. Our data indicate that an increase in the equator-to-pole temperature gradient associated with the onset of northern hemisphere glaciation did not intensify deepwater production in the North Atlantic but rather the opposite occurred. This is not unexpected as it is the "warm high-salinity" characteristic, rather than the "low temperature", of thermocline waters that is critical to the deepwater formation process in this region today.