1000 resultados para Iowa. State Tax Commission.


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Audit report of Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa, and its discretely presented component unit as of and for the years ended June 30, 2013 and 2012


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Before the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) was established by legislation in July 1974, there were several state agencies that handled the tasks that are now the responsibility of an integrated, multimodal Iowa DOT. Among those agencies was the Iowa State Highway Commission (IHC). You are invited to read a brief history of the Iowa DOT here:http://www.iowadot.gov/about/organizationalhistory.htm The IHC operated as an independent state agency between 1913 and 1974. In 1968, the IHC created and released This is YOUR Highway Commission, a 24 ½- minute film that showcased the responsibilities and functions of the IHC. The narrator describes the activities of various offices and employees, and explains how those activities benefited Iowas citizens and motorists. The film journeys through all areas of IHC responsibility to Iowas roadways, including administration, planning, design, bidding, right of way, materials, construction, maintenance and facilities. As part of the Iowa DOT’s effort to preserve and archive its historical resources, the original 16mm film was professionally cleaned, restored and digitized so that it could be made available via this website. The Iowa DOT is currently researching and compiling information necessary to prepare detailed biographies of the IHC employees identified in the film. Included in each biography will be still frames taken from the film, as well as other images from the Iowa DOT’s archives. This more comprehensive description of the film will be available in the future. In the meantime, below is a list of the IHC employees who have been identified. The list is arranged in the order in which each employee first appears in the film. There remain numerous unidentified employees in the film, and the Iowa DOT would greatly appreciate any assistance in identifying them. If you recognize an IHC employee in the film who is not on this list, please contactbeth.collins@dot.iowa.gov with any information you feel would be useful. Identified employees: Joseph Coupal, Jr.—Director of Highways Harry Bradley—Commissioner Derby Thompson—Commissioner John Hansen—Commissioner Koert Voorhees—Commissioner Harold Shiel—Engineer Howard Gunnerson—Chief engineer Martha Groth—Commission Secretary Robert Barry—Commissioner Nancy Groomes—Director’s Secretary Russell Moreland—Planning C.B. Anderson—Planning Gus Anderson—Engineer Carl Schach—Deputy chief engineer Raymond Kassel—Hearings engineer (later director of Transportation) Bob Given—Deputy chief engineer Don McLean—Director of Engineering Howard Thielen—Surveying (using rod) John Huss—Surveying (using leveling transit) John “Harley” McCoy—Surveying (taking notes) Jim Smith—Right of Way Keith Davis—Contracts Sherrill P. Freed—Sign Shop Olav Smedal—Director of Public Information


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The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) through the Highway Division is responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of roadways that will provide a high level of serviceability to the motorist. First, the motorist expects to be able to get where he wants to go, but now he also demands a minimum level of comfort. In the construction of new roadways, the public is quick to express dissatisfaction with rough pavements. The Highway Division of the Iowa DOT (formerly Iowa State Highway Commission) has a specification which requires a "smooth-riding surface". For over 40 years, new portland cement concrete (pcc) pavement has been checked with a 10-foot rolling straightedge. The contractor is required to grind, saw or mill off all high spots that deviate more than 1/8" from the 10-foot straight line. Unfortunately, there are instances where a roadway that will meet the above criteria does not provide a "smooth-riding surface". The roadway may have monger undulations (swales) that result in an undesirable ride. The objective of this project was to develop a repeatable, reliable time stable, lightweight test unit to measure the riding quality of pcc pavement at normal highway speed the day after construction.


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Report on the Iowa Department on Aging


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The inadequate supply of suitable road surfacing material in the southern part of Iowa raises the question of the possibility of utilizing certain shales abundant in this area. These carbonaceous shales commonly overlie the coal beds and may also be found as impurities in the coal seams. They constitute the "slate" which with minor amounts of coal makes up the "gob" piles at the mines. These shales frequently contain enough carbonaceous material to burn. Those which do not usually require only a relatively small amount of coal mixed with them to support combustion. As a result, the "gob" piles frequently burn. The residual shale material is frequently used locally as a road surfacing material. However, since there is no control over the burning, there is no assurance that the product is the most suitable which might be produced or that it is even uniform in its properties. To determine if a controlled burning would produce a suitable road building product economically a research project "Use of Shales as Highway Materials" (ISHC Project HR-21, IEES Project 299-S) was set up in the Iowa Engineering Experiment Station with funds provided by the Iowa State Highway Commission, This project was supervised by Charles Frush, formerly Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering at Iowa State University. The various shales were subjected to controlled burning, and the solid residues were tested for their suitability for highway use.


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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) impacts the lives of thousands of Iowans each year. The effects of brain injury (often called the "silent epidemic" because resulting injury is often not visible to others) are cognitive, emotional, and social but may also result in physical disability. This state plan, created by the Governor's Advisory Council on Brain Injuries, is intended to provide guidance for brain injury services and prevention activities in Iowa. This is the fourth Iowa State Plan for Brain Injury. In addition to a statewide needs assessment, development of this plan included recommendations made by the Mental Health and Disability Services Redesign Brain Injury Work-group. For the first time in the history of TBI surveillance in Iowa, the numbers and rates of TBI deaths are decreasing, however hospitalizations and emergency department visits resulting from TBI are steadily increasing. This trend is likely due to the decrease in motor vehicle accidents and improved hospitalization protocols. Looking to the future, the Advisory Council on Brain Injuries identified goals in each of four focus areas. These focus areas are: #1 Individual and family access; dedicated to the enhancement of the lives of individuals with brain injuries and their families. #2 Service and support availability; #3 Service system enhancements; continued funding growth and public awareness campaigns that draw attention to the impact of brain injury. #4 Brain injury prevention; working to prevent and reduce three of the most common causes of brain injury are falls, no helmet use, and motor vehicle crashes.


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Audit report on the Iowa State Fair Authority for the year ended October 31, 2013


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Report on Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa, for the year ended June 30, 2013


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This book, published jointly by the American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of American and Iowa State University presents the papers that were given at a symposium held in Ames, Iowa, on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, 1965 on the general topic of plant environment and efficient water use.


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Report on Iowa State Prison Industries – Farms for the year ended June 30, 2013


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Iowa has been a HRSA State Planning Grant participant since October 2000. Iowas purpose in participating in the program has remained constant: to identify, through research, policies that will help expand access to affordable health insurance coverage for all Iowans. The Iowa State Planning Grant project (Iowa-SPG) has been able to serve as a significant state data resource on the uninsured in Iowa throughout its tenure. Through the use of State Planning Grant resources, policymakers, the media, and interested citizens have been able to access, from one convenient and trusted source, a variety of information on Iowas uninsured population. Section 1 of this report presents an update of state-level data on the uninsured with a focus on the data that has been of greatest interest to various Iowa constituencies during the State Planning Grant years, 2001-2005.


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Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the Iowa State University of Science and Technology student financial aid system for the period of April 22, 2013 through May 17, 2013


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Audit report of Iowa State Prison Industries for the year ended June 30, 2014


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Experience Iowas natural beauty and all the fun our state parks off er as you make memories with family and friends. With an array of activities for outdoor enthusiasts of all ages, there’s something for everyone whether you’re visiting for an afternoon or a week. Grab a camera, a loved one or two, a sense of adventure and come explore. Hike to a breathtaking overlook, canoe along a peaceful river, fish for trout, learn about native species, roast marshmallows over the campfire and more at one of Iowas 72 state parks.


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This issue review provides information about the Iowa State Patrol's general fund budget; specifically, vehicle depreciation and fuel expenses.