329 resultados para Intercrossed arches


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This research analyzed the spatial relationship between a mega-scale fracture network and the occurrence of vegetation in an arid region. High-resolution aerial photographs of Arches National Park, Utah were used for digital image processing. Four sets of large-scale joints were digitized from the rectified color photograph in order to characterize the geospatial properties of the fracture network with the aid of a Geographic Information System. An unsupervised landcover classification was carried out to identify the spatial distribution of vegetation on the fractured outcrop. Results of this study confirm that the WNW-ESE alignment of vegetation is dominantly controlled by the spatial distribution of the systematic joint set, which in turn parallels the regional fold axis. This research provides insight into the spatial heterogeneity inherent to fracture networks, as well as the effects of jointing on the distribution of surface vegetation in desert environments.


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This dissertation uncovers the path of Pernambuco’s independent cinema of the Retomada, of its production in the second half of the 1990s until mid 2012 when the sector manages to secure a funding edict (Funcultura) for its films and at the same time establishes a few symbolic mechanisms which contributed to the consolidation of a new cycle, the post-Retomada, namely: cinephilia and brodagem. Because it is a cinematography (pernambucana) outside the Rio-São Paulo axis, that is, outside the great center of the brazillian culture industry, the cinema produced in Pernambuco built a very specific modus operandi, in which a material basis, the consolidation of Funcultura, intercrossed with two symbolic practices feeding on each other, cinephilia and brodagem. In this regard, we seek not to establish the material perspective as the primary determination as opposed to the symbolic one. Futhermore, we followed the path of cinephilia in its direct commucation with the brodagem, and how both these logics pressured authorities to institute an incentive funding separated from other artforms in the state. From this point of view, we attempted to trace the trajectory of this cinematography in its external nuances, but also taking into account the internal nuances of its works of art (films). Following this, we created categories to define and distinguish the nuances of the Retomada and post-Retomada productions regarding ethical and aesthetical choices made by directors from both generations.


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This dissertation uncovers the path of Pernambuco’s independent cinema of the Retomada, of its production in the second half of the 1990s until mid 2012 when the sector manages to secure a funding edict (Funcultura) for its films and at the same time establishes a few symbolic mechanisms which contributed to the consolidation of a new cycle, the post-Retomada, namely: cinephilia and brodagem. Because it is a cinematography (pernambucana) outside the Rio-São Paulo axis, that is, outside the great center of the brazillian culture industry, the cinema produced in Pernambuco built a very specific modus operandi, in which a material basis, the consolidation of Funcultura, intercrossed with two symbolic practices feeding on each other, cinephilia and brodagem. In this regard, we seek not to establish the material perspective as the primary determination as opposed to the symbolic one. Futhermore, we followed the path of cinephilia in its direct commucation with the brodagem, and how both these logics pressured authorities to institute an incentive funding separated from other artforms in the state. From this point of view, we attempted to trace the trajectory of this cinematography in its external nuances, but also taking into account the internal nuances of its works of art (films). Following this, we created categories to define and distinguish the nuances of the Retomada and post-Retomada productions regarding ethical and aesthetical choices made by directors from both generations.


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Due to properties such as excellent biocompatibility, high resistance to corrosion and low specific weight, titanium has been considered a material of great interest for Dentistry. It has been widely used in implants and orthognathic surgeries. Recently, titanium has been seen as a feasible alternative for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, either in pure titanium (99.75%) or in titanium alloy forms (Ti-6Al-4V; Ti-6A1-7Nb). Based on a review of the literature, this work studied the use of titanium for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, focusing on its advantages and disadvantages as well as its characteristics. It was concluded that the use of titanium is a convenient option for partially edentulous arches rehabilitation with quite satisfactory and promising clinical results. However, the need for highly-equipped laboratories increases the cost, preventing its large scale use.


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Due to properties such as excellent biocompatibility, high resistance to corrosion and low specific weight, titanium has been considered a material of great interest for Dentistry. It has been widely used in implants and orthognathic surgeries. Recently, titanium has been seen as a feasible alternative for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, either in pure titanium (99.75%) or in titanium alloy forms (Ti-6Al-4V; Ti-6A1-7Nb). Based on a review of the literature, this work studied the use of titanium for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, focusing on its advantages and disadvantages as well as its characteristics. It was concluded that the use of titanium is a convenient option for partially edentulous arches rehabilitation with quite satisfactory and promising clinical results. However, the need for highly-equipped laboratories increases the cost, preventing its large scale use.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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La fonte et l’effondrement du pergélisol riche en glace dans la région subarctique du Québec ont donné lieu à la formation de petits lacs (mares de thermokarst) qui émettent des gaz à effet de serre dans l’atmosphère tels que du dioxyde de carbone et du méthane. Pourtant, la composition de la communauté microbienne qui est à la base des processus biogéochimiques dans les mares de fonte a été très peu étudiée, particulièrement en ce qui concerne la diversité et l’activité des micro-organismes impliqués dans le cycle du méthane. L’objectif de cette thèse est donc d’étudier la diversité phylogénétique et fonctionnelle des micro-organismes dans les mares de fonte subarctiques en lien avec les caractéristiques de l’environnement et les émissions de méthane. Pour ce faire, une dizaine de mares ont été échantillonnées dans quatre vallées situées à travers un gradient de fonte du pergélisol, et disposant de différentes propriétés physico-chimiques. Selon les vallées, les mares peuvent être issues de la fonte de palses (buttes de tourbe, à dominance organique) ou de lithalses (buttes de sol à dominance minérale) ce qui influence la nature du carbone organique disponible pour la reminéralisation microbienne. Durant l’été, les mares étaient fortement stratifiées; il y avait un fort gradient physico-chimique au sein de la colonne d’eau, avec une couche d’eau supérieure oxique et une couche d’eau profonde pauvre en oxygène ou anoxique. Pour identifier les facteurs qui influencent les communautés microbiennes, des techniques de séquençage à haut débit ont été utilisées ciblant les transcrits des gènes de l’ARNr 16S et des gènes impliqués dans le cycle du méthane : mcrA pour la méthanogenèse et pmoA pour la méthanotrophie. Pour évaluer l’activité des micro-organismes, la concentration des transcrits des gènes fonctionnels a aussi été mesurée avec des PCR quantitatives (qPCR). Les résultats montrent une forte dominance de micro-organismes impliqués dans le cycle du méthane, c’est-à-dire des archées méthanogènes et des bactéries méthanotrophes. L’analyse du gène pmoA indique que les bactéries méthanotrophes n’étaient pas seulement actives à la surface, mais aussi dans le fond de la mare où les concentrations en oxygène étaient minimales; ce qui est inattendu compte tenu de leur besoin en oxygène pour consommer le méthane. En général, la composition des communautés microbiennes était principalement influencée par l’origine de la mare (palse ou lithalse), et moins par le gradient de dégradation du pergélisol. Des variables environnementales clefs comme le pH, le phosphore et le carbone organique dissous, contribuent à la distinction des communautés microbiennes entre les mares issues de palses ou de lithalses. Avec l’intensification des effets du réchauffement climatique, ces communautés microbiennes vont faire face à des changements de conditions qui risquent de modifier leur composition taxonomique, et leurs réponses aux changements seront probablement différentes selon le type de mares. De plus, dans le futur les conditions d’oxygénation au sein des mares seront soumises à des modifications majeures associées avec un changement dans la durée des périodes de fonte de glace et de stratification. Ce type de changement aura un impact sur l’équilibre entre la méthanogenèse et la méthanotrophie, et affectera ainsi les taux d’émissions de méthane. Cependant, les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse indiquent que les archées méthanogènes et les bactéries méthanotrophes peuvent développer des stratégies pour survivre et rester actives au-delà des limites de leurs conditions d’oxygène habituelles.


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Oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum (OAVS, OMIM 164 210) is a developmental disorder primarily involving structures derived from the first and second pharyngeal arches during embryogenesis. The phenotype is clinically heterogeneous and is typically characterised by abnormal development of the ear, mandible anomalies and defects of the vertebral column. OAVS may occur as a multiple congenital abnormality, and associated findings include anomalies of the eye, brain, heart, kidneys and other organs and systems. Both genetic and environmental factors are thought to contribute to this craniofacial condition, however, the mechanisms are still poorly understood. Here, we present a review of the literature on OAVS, discussing what is known about the aetiology, candidate loci, possible mechanisms and the range of clinical features that characterise this condition. We also comment on some important aspects of recurrence risk counselling to aid clinical management.


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Cocoa ( Theobroma cacao L. ) is an important allogamous tropical tree crop, whose centre of diversity is considered to be in Central America. Dry cocoa beans from five cocoa clones, and their intercrossed hybrids were analysed based on the variation of alkaloids and polyphenolic compounds contents, in order to gain insights on the heterosis and broad-sense heritability. Polyphenols and alkaloids were analysed at 280 nm by HPLC, using a Photodiode Array Detector (PDA); while anthocyanins were separated with the SEP-PAK Vac 6cc 1000 mg (waters) column and measured at 520 nm with a PDA. Dry cocoa beans displayed high content of purine alkaloids (2.1 and 8.8 mg g-1 for caffein and theobromine, respectively), and polyphenols (25 and 2978 µg g-1 for catechin and epicatechin, respectively). Among the five cocoa clones, SNK16 was the highest in purine alkaloid (caffein and theobromin) and flavanol (catechin and epicatechin); while T79/467 possessed the greatest quantity of cyanidin-3-galactoside and cyanidin-3-arabinoside. From all the parameters studied, anthocyanins (Cyanidin-3-galactoside and cyanidin-3-arabinoside) exhibited the highest level of heterosis. Parental genotypes SNK16 and T79/467 showed good aptitudes for the combination of characters because their reciprocal hybrids F5 and F9, distinguished themselves by better levels of mid-parent heterosis values. Besides, the heritability value in strict sense of this Cyanidin-3-galactoside was very high. Absence of significant difference between genotypes, coming from reciprocal crossbreeding for Cyanidin-3-galactoside, suggests that this character in cocoa would be nuclear contrary to purine alkaloids and flavan-3-ols, where their transmission to offsprings can be stated as cytoplasmic.


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The pulsed plasma nitriding is a solution currently used in the metallurgical industry to resolve problems earlier in the processing of parts by using plasma DC voltage. These problems consisted mainly of edge effect and opening arches caused due to non-uniformity of electric fields on uneven surfaces. By varying the pulse width can reduce these effects. However, variations in pulse width can drastically affect the population of the plasma species and hence the final microstructure of the nitrided layer. In literature, little is known about the effect of process parameters on the properties of the plasma species and, consequently, the surface properties. We have developed a system of nitriding with pulsed source with fixed period of 800  pulse width is variable. Examined the variation of these parameters on the properties of nitrided surface when keeping constant temperature, gas composition, flow, pressure and power. It was found that the values of width and pulse repetition time of considerable influence in the intensities of the species present in plasma. Moreover, we observed the existence of the edge effect for some values of pulse widths, as well as changes in surface roughness and hardness


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Interpretações da teoria do valor trabalho encontram dificuldades em definir o papel e o lugar das atividades de serviço com relação à produção ou não de valor. Esse problema ganha magnitude na medida em que a perspectiva histórica mostra que os serviços são grandes empregadores de mão de obra na atualidade. Tradicionalmente, os serviços são entendidos como atividades não produtivas, devido ao fato, dentre outros argumentos, de que não resultam em materialização na forma de mercadorias, ou que não produzem novos valores e mais-valia. O objetivo deste artigo é examinar essa questão e sugerir a proposição de que certos serviços, que preenchem determinadas condições, podem ser interpretados como produtivos de valor e de mais-valia. O artigo examina as categorias materialidade e imaterialidade, assim como as de trabalho produtivo e não produtivo de valor, introduzindo, a seguir, critérios para distinguir trabalhos produtivos e não produtivos de valor no setor de serviços. Com isso, pretende contribuir para clarificar o entendimento da teoria do valor trabalho num terreno entrecruzado de polêmicas e de posições teóricas diferenciadas. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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Tese de dout. em Química, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2002


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Tradicionalmente, los ortodoncistas han realizado las mediciones dentales en los modelos de yeso, pero los avances tecnológicos permiten ahora a los ortodoncistas realizar esas mediciones en los modelos digitales. El propósito de este estudio fue comparar la fiabilidad y reproducibilidad de las medidas de los tamaños dentarios y las arcadas dentarias entre el método manual y los métodos digitales 3D obtenidos por un escáner intraoral CEREC Omnicam (Sirona Dental Systems) y dos escáneres extraorales: inEos X5 (Sirona Dental Systems) y Dental Scanner SMART (Open Technologies). Un modelo de yeso, un escaneado intraoral y dos modelos digitales con un escáner extraoral fueron realizadas para cada uno de los 20 sujetos. Las medidas de los tamaños dentarios, la distancia intercanina y la distancia intermolar de los modelos digitales se compararon con los correspondientes modelos de yeso (estándar de oro) Se utilizó el test de ANOVA para establecer la fiabilidad entre los cuatro métodos y el coeficiente de correlación intraclase fue calculado para determinar la reproducibilidad intra- e inter-examinador. Los resultados encontrados fueron que no existieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las medidas hechas directamente en los modelos de yeso y los modelos digitales. Los coeficientes de correlación intraclase tanto intra- e inter-examinador fue alto y considerado bueno para los cuatro métodos de medición. CCI> 0.90. Se concluyó que las mediciones en los modelos digitales obtenidos con un escáner extraoral e intraoral son fiables y reproducibles


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Food habits and morpho-histology of the digestive tract of marbled swamp eel, Synbranchus marmoratus (Block, 1917) were investigated. The fish samples were captured during August, 2007 to July, 2008 in the Marechal Dutra reservoir, Acari, Rio Grande do Norte. The rain fall data was obtained from EMPARN. The fish captured, were measured, weighed, dissected, eviscerated and individual stomach weights were registered. The stomach contents analyses were carried out based on volumetric method, points, frequency of occurrence and applying the Index of Relative Importance. The degrees of repletion of the stomachs were determined besides the Index of Repletion relating to feeding activity variations and frequency of ingestion during the rainy and dry seasons. The rainfall varied from 0 mm a 335 mm with a mean value of 71.62 mm. Highest rainfall of 335.5 mm was registered in March, 2008 and August to December was the dry period. During the dry period the study species presented high degrees of repletion of the stomachs, with a peak value in the month of September (mean = 4.54; ± SD = 0.56). The minimum mean value of = 3.99 ± SD = 0.25 was registered in the month of May during the rainy period. The stomach contents of S. marmoratus registered show that this fish prefers animals, 78.22% of crustaceans 2.85% of mollusks, 3.25% of fish, 1.4% of insects and 13.5% of semi-digested organic matter, thus characterizing the study species as a carnivore with a preference for crustaceans. The morpho-histological aspects of the digestive tract of S. marmoratus indicate that the mouth is terminal adapted to open widely, thin lips with taste buds, small villiform teeth forming a single series on maxillas, four pairs of branchial arches with short and widely spaced branchial rays. The oesophagus is short and cylindrical with a small diameter. The oesophagus wall is thick with mucas surface and internal parallel folds. The stomach is retilinical in form, presenting cardiac, caecal and pyloric portions. The caecal portion is long and is intermediary in position between the cardiac and pyloric portions. The cardiac portion of the stomach is short and cylindrical formed of simple epithelial cylindrical mucus cells. The caecal portion is long with narrow walls, a big cavity and smaller folds which give rise to gastric glands. The phyloric portion has no glands and primary or secondary mucas folds. The morphohistological aspects of the digestive tract of S. marmoratus indicate its adaptation to a carnivorous feeding habit