993 resultados para Inter-genotype competition


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The envelope protein (E1-E2) of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major component of the viral structure. The glycosylated envelope protein is considered to be important for initiation of infection by binding to cellular receptor(s) and also known as one of the major antigenic targets to host immune response. The present study was aimed at identifying mouse monoclonal antibodies which inhibit binding of virus like particles of HCV to target cells. The first step in this direction was to generate recombinant HCV-like particles (HCV-LPs) specific for genotypes 3a of HCV (prevalent in India) using the genes encoding core, E1 and E2 envelop proteins in a baculovirus expression system. The purified HCV-LPs were characterized by ELISA and electron microscopy and were used to generate monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in mice. Two monoclonal antibodies (E8G9 and H1H10) specific for the E2 region of envelope protein of HCV genotype 3a, were found to reduce the virus binding to Huh7 cells. However, the mAbs generated against HCV genotype 1b (D2H3, G2C7, E1B11) were not so effective. More importantly, mAb E8G9 showed significant inhibition of the virus entry in HCV JFH1 cell culture system. Finally, the epitopic regions on E2 protein which bind to the mAbs have also been identified. Results suggest a new therapeutic strategy and provide the proof of concept that mAb against HCV-LP could be effective in preventing virus entry into liver cells to block HCV replication.


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The solid phase formed by a binary mixture of oppositely charged colloidal particles can be either substitutionally ordered or substitutionally disordered depending on the nature and strength of interactions among the particles. In this work, we use Monte Carlo molecular simulations along with the Gibbs-Duhem integration technique to map out the favorable inter-particle interactions for the formation of substitutionally ordered crystalline phases from a fluid phase. The inter-particle interactions are modeled using the hard core Yukawa potential but the method can be easily extended to other systems of interest. The study obtains a map of interactions depicting regions indicating the type of the crystalline aggregate that forms upon phase transition.


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Invasive species, local plant communities and invaded ecosystems change over space and time. Quantifying this change may lead to a better understanding of the ecology and the effective management of invasive species. We used data on density of the highly invasive shrub Lantana camara (lantana) for the period 1990-2008 from a 50 ha permanent plot in a seasonally dry tropical forest of Mudumalai in southern India. We used a cumulative link mixed-effects regression approach to model the transition of lantana from one qualitative density state to another as a function of biotic factors such as indicators of competition from local species (lantana itself, perennial grasses, invasive Chromolaena odorata, the native shrub Helicteres isora and basal area of native trees) and abiotic factors such as fire frequency, inter-annual variability of rainfall and relative soil moisture. The density of lantana increased substantially during the study period. Lantana density was negatively associated with the density of H. isora, positively associated with basal area of native trees, but not affected by the presence of grasses or other invasive species. In the absence of fire, lantana density increased with increasing rainfall. When fires occurred, transitions to higher densities occurred at low rainfall values. In drier regions, lantana changed from low to high density as rainfall increased while in wetter regions of the plot, lantana persisted in the dense category irrespective of rainfall. Lantana seems to effectively utilize resources distributed in space and time to its advantage, thus outcompeting local species and maintaining a population that is not yet self-limiting. High-risk areas and years could potentially be identified based on inferences from this study for facilitating management of lantana in tropical dry forests.


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The evolution of sexually dimorphic, elaborate male traits that are seemingly maladaptive may be driven by sexual selection (male-male competition and or female mate choice). Tusk possession in the Asian elephant is sexually dimorphic and exaggerated but its role in male-male competition has not yet been determined. We examined the role of the tusks in establishing dominance along with two other known male-male signals, namely, body size and musth (a temporary physiologically heightened sexual state) in an Asian elephant population in northeastern India with equal proportions of tusked and tuskless males. We observed 116 agonistic interactions with clear dominance outcomes between adult (>15 years) males during 458 field days in the dry season months of 2008-2011. A generalized linear mixed-effects model was used to predict the probability of winning as a function of body size, tusk possession and musth status relative to the opponent. A hierarchy of the three male-male signals emerged from this analysis, with musth overriding body size and body size overriding tusk possession. In this elephant population tusk possession thus plays a relatively minor role in male-male competition. An important implication of musth and body size being stronger determinants of dominance than tusk possession is that it could facilitate rapid evolution of tuskless males in the population under artificial selection against tusked individuals, which are poached for ivory. (C) 2013 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three new electron-rich metal-organic frameworks (MOF-1-MOF-3) have been synthesized by employing ligands bearing aromatic tags. The key role of the chosen aromatic tags is to enhance the -electron density of the luminescent MOFs. Single-crystal X-ray structures have revealed that these MOFs form three-dimensional porous networks with the aromatic tags projecting inwardly into the pores. These highly luminescent electron-rich MOFs have been successfully utilized for the detection of explosive nitroaromatic compounds (NACs) on the basis of fluorescence quenching. Although all of the prepared MOFs can serve as sensors for NACs, MOF-1 and MOF-2 exhibit superior sensitivity towards 4-nitrotoluene (4-NT) and 2,4-dinitrotoluene (DNT) compared to 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (TNB). MOF-3, on the other hand, shows an order of sensitivity in accordance with the electron deficiencies of the substrates. To understand such anomalous behavior, we have thoroughly analyzed both the steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence quenching associated with these interactions. Determination of static Stern-Volmer constants (K-S) as well as collisional constants (K-C) has revealed that MOF-1 and MOF-2 have higher K-S values with 4-NT than with TNT, whereas for MOF-3 the reverse order is observed. This apparently anomalous phenomenon was well corroborated by theoretical calculations. Moreover, recyclability and sensitivity studies have revealed that these MOFs can be reused several times and that their sensitivities towards TNT solution are at the parts per billion (ppb) level.


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Ultrasonic strain sensing performance of the large area PVDF with Inter Digital Electrodes (IDE) is studied in this work. Procedure to obtain IDE on a beta-phase PVDF is explained. PVDF film with IDE is bonded on a plate structure and is characterized for its directional sensitivity at different frequencies. Guided waves are induced on the IDE-PVDF sensor from different directions by placing a piezoelectric wafer actuator at different angles. Strain induced on the IDE-PVDF sensor by the guided waves in estimated by using a Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) and a wave propagation model. Using measured voltage response from IDE-PVDF sensor and the strain measurements from LDV the piezoelectric coefficient is estimated in various directions. The variation of 11 e at different angles shows directional sensitivity of the IDE-PVDF sensor to the incident guided waves. The present study provides an effective technique to characterize thin film piezoelectric sensors for ultrasonic strain sensing at very high frequencies of 200 kHz. Often frequency of the guided wave is changed to alter the wavelength to interrogate damages of different sizes in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) applications. The unique property of directional sensitivity combined with frequency tunability makes the IDE-PVDF sensor most suitable for SHM of structures.


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One hundred complexes have been investigated exhibiting D-X center dot center dot center dot A interactions, where X = H, Cl or Li and DX is the `X bond' donor and A is the acceptor. The optimized structures of all these complexes have been used to propose a generalized `Legon-Millen rule' for the angular geometry in all these interactions. A detailed Atoms in Molecules (AIM) theoretical analysis confirms an important conclusion, known in the literature: there is a strong correlation between the electron density at the X center dot center dot center dot A bond critical point (BCP) and the interaction energy for all these interactions. In addition, we show that extrapolation of the fitted line leads to the ionic bond for Li-bonding (electrostatic) while for hydrogen and chlorine bonding, it leads to the covalent bond. Further, we observe a strong correlation between the change in electron density at the D-X BCP and that at the X center dot center dot center dot A BCP, suggesting conservation of the bond order. The correlation found between penetration and electron density at BCP can be very useful for crystal structure analysis, which relies on arbitrary van der Waals radii for estimating penetration. Various criteria proposed for shared-and closed-shell interactions based on electron density topology have been tested for H/Cl/Li bonded complexes. Finally, using the natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis it is shown that the D-X bond weakens upon X bond formation, whether it is ionic (DLi) or covalent (DH/DCl) and the respective indices such as ionicity or covalent bond order decrease. Clearly, one can think of conservation of bond order that includes ionic and covalent contributions to both D-X and X center dot center dot center dot A bonds, for not only X = H/Cl/Li investigated here but also any atom involved in intermolecular bonding.


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In this discussion, we show that a static definition of a `bond' is not viable by looking at a few examples for both inter-and intra-molecular hydrogen bonding. This follows from our earlier work (Goswami and Arunan, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2009, 11, 8974) which showed a practical way to differentiate `hydrogen bonding' from `van der Waals interaction'. We report results from ab initio and atoms in molecules theoretical calculations for a series of Rg center dot center dot center dot HX complexes (Rg = He/Ne/Ar and X = F/Cl/Br) and ethane-1,2-diol. Results for the Rg center dot center dot center dot HX/DX complexes show that Rg center dot center dot center dot DX could have a `deuterium bond' even when Rg center dot center dot center dot HX is not `hydrogen bonded', according to the practical criterion given by Goswami and Arunan. Results for ethane-1,2-diol show that an `intra-molecular hydrogen bond' can appear during a normal mode vibration which is dominated by the O center dot center dot center dot O stretching, though a `bond' is not found in the equilibrium structure. This dynamical `bond' formation may nevertheless be important in ensuring the continuity of electron density across a molecule. In the former case, a vibration `breaks' an existing bond and in the later case, a vibration leads to `bond' formation. In both cases, the molecule/complex stays bound irrespective of what happens to this `hydrogen bond'. Both these cases push the borders on the recent IUPAC recommendation on hydrogen bonding (Arunan et al. Pure. Appl. Chem. 2011, 83 1637) and justify the inclusive nature of the definition.


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Hydroxyl terminated azide binders can undergo a spurious reaction with diisocyanates to form tetrazoline-5-one via an inter molecular 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction apart from urethane/allophanate groups which has been overlooked. This has serious implications on solid propellants. The computed activation barrier using density functional theory (DFT) for urethane formation reaction is 28.4 kJ mol(-1) and that for tetrazoline-5-one formation reaction is 108.0 kJ mol(-1). DFT studies reveal that the rate limiting step of the reaction is 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between azide and isocyanate. A dual cure was observed in the temperature ranges 42-77 degrees C and 78-146 degrees C by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and rheological studies, confirming multiple reactions. Tetrazoline-5-one formation was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR).


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A real-time cooperative localization system, utilizing dual foot-mounted low-cost inertial sensors and RF-based inter-agent ranging, has been developed. Scenario-based tests have been performed, using fully-equipped firefighters mimicking a search operation in a partly smoke-filled environment, to evaluate the performance of the TOR (Tactical lOcatoR) system. The performed tests included realistic firefighter movements and inter-agent distances, factors that are crucial in order to provide realistic evaluations of the expected performance in real-world operations. The tests indicate that the TOR system may be able to provide a position accuracy of approximately two to three meters during realistic firefighter operations, with only two smoke diving firefighters and one supervising firefighter within range.


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Aerosol loading over the South Asian region has the potential to affect the monsoon rainfall, Himalayan glaciers and regional air-quality, with implications for the billions in this region. While field campaigns and network observations provide primary data, they tend to be location/season specific. Numerical models are useful to regionalize such location-specific data. Studies have shown that numerical models underestimate the aerosol scenario over the Indian region, mainly due to shortcomings related to meteorology and the emission inventories used. In this context, we have evaluated the performance of two such chemistry-transport models: WRF-Chem and SPRINTARS over an India-centric domain. The models differ in many aspects including physical domain, horizontal resolution, meteorological forcing and so on etc. Despite these differences, both the models simulated similar spatial patterns of Black Carbon (BC) mass concentration, (with a spatial correlation of 0.9 with each other), and a reasonable estimates of its concentration, though both of them under-estimated vis-a-vis the observations. While the emissions are lower (higher) in SPRINTARS (WRF-Chem), overestimation of wind parameters in WRF-Chem caused the concentration to be similar in both models. Additionally, we quantified the under-estimations of anthropogenic BC emissions in the inventories used these two models and three other widely used emission inventories. Our analysis indicates that all these emission inventories underestimate the emissions of BC over India by a factor that ranges from 1.5 to 2.9. We have also studied the model simulations of aerosol optical depth over the Indian region. The models differ significantly in simulations of AOD, with WRF-Chem having a better agreement with satellite observations of AOD as far as the spatial pattern is concerned. It is important to note that in addition to BC, dust can also contribute significantly to AOD. The models differ in simulations of the spatial pattern of mineral dust over the Indian region. We find that both meteorological forcing and emission formulation contribute to these differences. Since AOD is column integrated parameter, description of vertical profiles in both models, especially since elevated aerosol layers are often observed over Indian region, could be also a contributing factor. Additionally, differences in the prescription of the optical properties of BC between the models appear to affect the AOD simulations. We also compared simulation of sea-salt concentration in the two models and found that WRF-Chem underestimated its concentration vis-a-vis SPRINTARS. The differences in near-surface oceanic wind speeds appear to be the main source of this difference. In-spite of these differences, we note that there are similarities in their simulation of spatial patterns of various aerosol species (with each other and with observations) and hence models could be valuable tools for aerosol-related studies over the Indian region. Better estimation of emission inventories could improve aerosol-related simulations. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ground state magnetic properties of the spin-dependent Falicov-Kimball model (FKM) are studied by incorporating the intrasite exchange correlation J (between itinerant d- and localized f-electrons) and intersite (superexchange) correlation J (between localized f-electrons) on a triangular lattice for two different fillings. Numerical diagonalization and Monte-Carlo techniques are used to determine the ground state magnetic properties. Transitions from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic and again to re-entrant antiferromagnetic phase is observed in a wide range of parameter space. The magnetic moments of d- and f-electrons are observed to depend strongly on the value off, J and also on the total number of d-electrons (N-d). (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection represents a major health threat to global population. In India, approximately 15-20% of cases of chronic liver diseases are caused by HCV infection. Although, new drug treatments hold great promise for HCV eradication in infected individuals, the treatments are highly expensive. A vaccine for preventing or treating HCV infection would be of great value, particularly in developing countries. Several preclinical trials of virus-like particle (VLP) based vaccine strategies are in progress throughout the world. Previously, using baculovirus based system, we have reported the production of hepatitis C virus-like particles (HCV-LPs) encoding structural proteins for genotype 3a, which is prevalent in India. In the present study, we have generated HCV-LPs using adenovirus based system and tried different immunization strategies by using combinations of both kinds of HCV-LPs with other genotype 3a-based immunogens. HCV-LPs and peptides based ELISAs were used to evaluate antibody responses generated by these combinations. Cell-mediated immune responses were measured by using T-cell proliferation assay and intracellular cytokine staining. We observed that administration of recombinant adenoviruses expressing HCV structural proteins as final booster enhances both antibody as well as T-cell responses. Additionally, reduction of binding of VLP and JFH1 virus to human hepatocellular carcinoma cells demonstrated the presence of neutralizing antibodies in immunized sera. Taken together, our results suggest that the combined regimen of VLP followed by recombinant adenovirus could more effectively inhibit HCV infection, endorsing the novel vaccine strategy. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The polyhedral model provides an expressive intermediate representation that is convenient for the analysis and subsequent transformation of affine loop nests. Several heuristics exist for achieving complex program transformations in this model. However, there is also considerable scope to utilize this model to tackle the problem of automatic memory footprint optimization. In this paper, we present a new automatic storage optimization technique which can be used to achieve both intra-array as well as inter-array storage reuse with a pre-determined schedule for the computation. Our approach works by finding statement-wise storage partitioning hyper planes that partition a unified global array space so that values with overlapping live ranges are not mapped to the same partition. Our heuristic is driven by a fourfold objective function which not only minimizes the dimensionality and storage requirements of arrays required for each high-level statement, but also maximizes inter statement storage reuse. The storage mappings obtained using our heuristic can be asymptotically better than those obtained by any existing technique. We implement our technique and demonstrate its practical impact by evaluating its effectiveness on several benchmarks chosen from the domains of image processing, stencil computations, and high-performance computing.