775 resultados para Incidents disciplinaires
A road safety audit was conducted for a seven-mile section of County Road W-55 in Washington County, Iowa. In 2006, the average annual daily traffic on this roadway was found to be 1,290 vehicles per day. Using crash data from 2001 to 2007, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) has identified this roadway as being in the top 5% of Iowa secondary rural roads with the highest density of serious (fatal and major injury) crashes for single-vehicle run-off-road incidents. Considering these safety data, the Washington County Engineer requested that a road safety audit be conducted to identify areas with safety concerns and to recommend low-cost mitigation to address those concerns. Staff and officials from the Iowa DOT, Iowa State Patrol, Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Institute for Transportation, and local law enforcement and transportation agencies met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to this segment of W-55. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team to address the safety concerns on this W-55 corridor and explain several selected mitigation strategies.
Interstate 380 (I-380) through Cedar Rapids and Hiawatha, Iowa, is a multilane divided urban freeway that was constructed in 1976 to the Cedar River and in 1981 from that point northerly. Traffic volumes vary from 47,000 to 83,500 vehicles per day, with about 8%–15% trucks and buses. Based on concern for the high number of crash incidents, particularly serious crashes, and increased traffic volumes on this roadway, the City of Cedar Rapids and the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) District 6 Office requested that a road safety audit be conducted for this roadway section. Representatives from the Iowa DOT, Federal Highway Administration, Center for Transportation Research and Education, local law enforcement, local government, and area businesses met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to this segment of I-380. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team for addressing the safety concerns on this I-380 corridor and explains several selected mitigation strategies.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) L'histoire des religions autant dans ses procédés que dans ses concepts est fondée sur la comparaison. Tels le mythe, le sacrifice, l'initiation ou la purification, ces concepts comparatifs ont fini par être neutralisés dans une ontologie à prétention universelle. Des religions on en est revenu à la religion, pour le plus grand profit des théologiens chrétiens, protestants et catholiques, qui y ont trouvé une nouvelle légitimité académique. Raison supplémentaire pour revenir sur les démarches comparatives et pour en critiquer les effets totalisants : la comparaison s'impose comme méthode à condition d'être contrastive et différentielle. Elle induit un regard relativisant et décentré ; ce regard oblique d'une part rend justice aux spécificités des manifestations et pratiques religieuses décrites dans leur diversité ; d'autre part il est la condition même, en sciences humaines en général, d'une position critique, antidote indispensable aux replis disciplinaires et institutionnels de nos contemporains. Les contributions réunies ici à la suite d'une journée d'échange passée à comparer les démarches comparatives en histoire des religions entraînent lectrices et lecteurs des rites du polythéisme grec aux pratiques contemporaines du yoga, en passant par différentes prétentions universalisantes du monothéisme chrétien, par les pratiques de l'hospitalité en régime rabbinique et en hindouisme brahmanique, mais aussi par la question du salut individuel en philosophie néoplatonicien, ne ou en théologie augustinienne, par les gestes de la prière dans les religions amérindiennes et dans la mystique chrétienne ou par les prophétismes chrétien et musulman ; ceci par le biais de méthodes comparatives se fondant sur une démarche historique, structurale, discursive ou cognitive.
Purpose: More than five hundred million direct dental restorations are placed each year worldwide. In about 55% of the cases, resin composites or compomers are used, and in 45% amalgam. The longevity of posterior resin restorations is well documented. However, data on resin composites that are placed without enamel/dentin conditioning and resin composites placed with self-etching adhesive systems are missing. Material and Methods: The database SCOPUS was searched for clinical trials on posterior resin composites without restricting the search to the year of publication. The inclusion criteria were: (1) prospective clinical trial with at least 2 years of observation; (2) minimum number of restorations at last recall = 20; (3) report on dropout rate; (4) report of operative technique and materials used; (5) utilization of Ryge or modified Ryge evaluation criteria. For amalgam, only those studies were included that directly compared composite resin restorations with amalgam. For the statistical analysis, a linear mixed model was used with random effects to account for the heterogeneity between the studies. P-values under 0.05 were considered significant. Results: Of the 373 clinical trials, 59 studies met the inclusion criteria. In 70% of the studies, Class II and Class I restorations had been placed. The overall success rate of composite resin restorations was about 90% after 10 years, which was not different from that of amalgam. Restorations with compomers had a significantly lower longevity. The main reason for replacement were bulk fractures and caries adjacent to restorations. Both of these incidents were infrequent in most studies and accounted only for about 6% of all replaced restorations after 10 years. Restorations with macrofilled composites and compomer suffered significantly more loss of anatomical form than restorations with other types of material. Restorations that were placed without enamel acid etching and a dentin bonding agent showed significantly more marginal staining and detectable margins compared to those restorations placed using the enamel-etch or etch-and-rinse technique; restorations with self-etching systems were between the other groups. Restorations with compomer suffered significantly more chippings (repairable fracture) than restorations with other materials, which did not statistically differ among each other. Restorations that were placed with a rubber-dam showed significantly fewer material fractures that needed replacement, and this also had a significant effect on the overall longevity. Conclusion: Restorations with hybrid and microfilled composites that were placed with the enamel-etching technique and rubber-dam showed the best overall performance; the longevity of these restorations was similar to amalgam restorations. Compomer restorations, restorations placed with macrofilled composites, and resin restorations with no-etching or self-etching adhesives demonstrated significant shortcomings and shorter longevity.
Candida albicans is one of the most important opportunistic fungal pathogens. It can cause serious fungal diseases in immunocompromised patients, including those with cancer. Treatment failures due to the emergence of drug-resistant C. albicans strains have become a serious clinical problem. Resistance incidents were often mediated by fungal efflux pumps which are closely related to the human ABC transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp). P-gp is often overexpressed in cancer cells and confers resistance to many cytotoxic drugs. We examined whether cytotoxic drugs commonly used for cancer treatment (doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide) could alter the expression of genes responsible for the development of fluconazole resistance in Candida cells in the way they can influence homologous genes in cancer cell lines. ABC transporters (CDR1 and CDR2) and other resistance genes (MDR1 and ERG11) were tested by real-time PCR for their expression in C. albicans cells at the mRNA level after induction by antineoplastic drugs. The results were confirmed by a lacZ gene reporter system and verified at the protein level using GFP and immunoblotting. We showed that doxorubicin is a potent inducer of CDR1/CDR2 expression in C. albicans at both the mRNA and protein level and thus causes an increase in fluconazole MIC values. However, cyclophosphamide, which is not a substrate of human P-gp, did not induce ABC transporter expression in C. albicans. Neither doxorubicin nor cyclophosphamide could influence the expression of the other resistance genes (MDR1 and ERG11). The induction of CDR1/CDR2 by doxorubicin in C. albicans and the resulting alteration of antifungal susceptibility might be of clinical relevance for the antifungal treatment of Candida infections occurring after anticancer chemotherapy with doxorubicin.
Human trafficking has become a topic receiving much interest both in Iowa and nationally. However, estimates of human trafficking incidents and victims are difficult to derive given the underground nature of the offense. The purpose of this analysis is to gather data on human trafficking incidents in the state of Iowa.
Prior to European settlement, wetland basins covered 4 to 6 million acres, or approximately 11% of Iowa's surface area. Wetlands were part of every watershed in the state, but nearly 95% of them have been drained for agriculture. As Iowa was settled wetlands were drained and developed, resulting in the loss of wildlife habitat, damage to water quality, rapid topsoil erosion, and increased incidents and severity of flooding. The condition of Iowa’s remaining wetlands is poorly known. The goal of this project was to assess the ecological condition of prairie pothole wetlands in a defined region of north-central Iowa. This project has worked to develop and establish our wetland sampling methods, while providing baseline data regarding the basic chemical, physical, and biological status of Iowa’s permanent and semi-permanent wetland resources. The baseline data obtained from our monitoring methods is mainly in the form of numerical values derived from the lab analyses of our samples. This data will be used to begin building a database to interpret ecological condition changes in Iowa’s wetlands as the sampling regime and assessment methodology are repeated over time.
Background: In longitudinal studies where subjects experience recurrent incidents over a period of time, such as respiratory infections, fever or diarrhea, statistical methods are required to take into account the within-subject correlation. Methods: For repeated events data with censored failure, the independent increment (AG), marginal (WLW) and conditional (PWP) models are three multiple failure models that generalize Cox"s proportional hazard model. In this paper, we revise the efficiency, accuracy and robustness of all three models under simulated scenarios with varying degrees of within-subject correlation, censoring levels, maximum number of possible recurrences and sample size. We also study the methods performance on a real dataset from a cohort study with bronchial obstruction. Results: We find substantial differences between methods and there is not an optimal method. AG and PWP seem to be preferable to WLW for low correlation levels but the situation reverts for high correlations. Conclusions: All methods are stable in front of censoring, worsen with increasing recurrence levels and share a bias problem which, among other consequences, makes asymptotic normal confidence intervals not fully reliable, although they are well developed theoretically.
HDM, Help Desk Manager és una aplicació android que permet crear i gestionar les incidències que es presenten en una empresa.
Résumé:S'inscrivant dans le projet Construction intégrée des savoirs linguistiques et disciplinaires dans l'enseignement bilingue au secondaire et au tertiaire, dirigé par L. Gajo, notre étude met en relation des données concernant les représentations des acteurs de l'enseignement bilingue avec des exemples d'interactions effectives. Plusieurs décalages sont ainsi mis à jour, les pratiques s'avérant souvent largement plus complexes que les représentations qui leur sont sous-jacentes. Dans ce cadre, nous accordons une attention particulière aux spécificités disciplinaires, et interrogeons la traditionnelle représentation associant les mathématiques à une "langue en soi". Enfin, l'examen de séquences-types illustrera la richesse du travail effectivement réalisé en classe bilingue - tant dans les sciences humaines que dans les sciences exactes - et nous conclurons sur quelques propositions didactiques découlant directement de nos observations.Abstract:In der vorliegenden Studie (durchgeführt im Rahmen des von L. Gajo geleiteten Projekts Construction intégrée des savoirs linguistiques et disciplinaires dans l'enseignement bilingue au secondaire et au tertiaire) werden Vorstellungen der betroffenen Akteure über bilingualen Sachfachunterricht in Bezug zu Beispielen von real beobachteten Interaktionen gesetzt. Dabei können eine Reihe von Diskrepanzen aufgedeckt werden, da sich die Praxis häufig als wesentlich komplexer als die ihr zugrunde liegenden Vorstellungen erweist. Des Weiteren wird den fachspezifischen Eigenheiten besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt und die Vorstellung hinterfragt, die die Mathematik als eine "Sprache an sich" ansieht. Die Analyse einiger Mustersequenzen veranschaulicht die vielseitige Realität der Arbeit in bilingualen Klassen - sowohl in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften als auch in den Naturwissenschaften. Letztlich werden einige fachdidaktischen Empfehlungen abgegeben, die sich aus unseren Beobachtungen ableiten lassen.
Palvelunhallinnan kehittäminen Service Desk ympäristöön johtaa parempaan työnkulun hallintaan. Service Deskin päätehtävänä on toimia ainoana yhteyspisteenä asiakkaalta tietohallinto-osastolle. Jokainen yhteydenottopitää kirjata ja se pitäisi olla jäljitettävissä. Tapahtumien eli insidenttien kirjaaminen tapahtuu pääasiassa Service Desk -funktiossa, joka omistaa niistä jokaisen. Tapahtumien hallintaprosessin tehtävänä on etsiä loppukäyttäjän tai IT-infrastruktuurin monitorointityökalun ilmoittamalle insidentille mahdollisimman nopea ratkaisu. Insidentit saattavat johtaa ongelmiin, jotka käsitellään erillisessä prosessissa. Ongelmien hallintaprosessi yrittää etsiä vikatilanteen pohjimmaisen syyn. Kun pohjimmaisin syy on löytynyt, prosessi lähettää muutospyynnön muutosten hallintaprosessille. Jotta päästään mahdollisimman hyvään tehokkuuteen, pitää määrittää asiakasrajapinta sekä mittarit. ITIL-malli tarjoaa prosessit IT-palvelunhallinnan kehittämiselle. Kansainvälisesti tunnettuna 'de factO' standardina sitä voidaan soveltaa globaaleissa yrityksissä. Tässä työssä keskitytään erään lääkkeiden jakelussa toimivan yrityksen tietohallinto-osaston Help Deskin nykytilan määrittämiseen. Työssä myös kuvataan tietohallinto-osaston tavoitetila, jossa keskitytään Service Deskin IT palvelunhallinnan kehittämiseen. Muut prosessit ja mittarit on kuvattu niiltä osin, jotka tulee huomioida Service Deskin seuraamisen ja ohjaamisen kannalta.
Nous avons fait un examen clinique de 30 cas de contention postorthodontique avec attelle rigide en résine, de canine à canine sur les deux maxillaires. On décrit la fabrication de l'attelle, sa mise en place, les incidents possibles ou les problèmes cliniques apparus (mauvaise adhérence, gingivite ...) et les aspects psychologiques ou subjectifs du patient
Burn injuries are very frequent, most being trifle cases. Nevertheless every year about 200 patients need to be treated in one of the two specialised Swiss burns centres. Admission criteria are burns > 15% body surface or burns to critical areas (face neck, hands, genitalia, joints) and electrical injuries. The paper reviews the physiophathology of the burn wound which differs depending on the thermal or electrical aetiology. The airway may be threatened due to true inhalation, but also to burns to the face or neck. In major burns >20% body surface in adults, or > 10% in children, fluid resuscitation will be required; oral hydration is generally sufficient by smaller burns. Surgical treatment of 2nd and 3rd degree burns starts within the first 24 days after injury. While complex treatment is generally available in peace time, a major accident such as a disco-fire that can generate hundreds casualties in a few minutes, can threaten our system and force the adoption of triage rules, and simplified treatments. Attitudes to adopt in such conditions are discussed.
This study explored observer reactions to workplace interpersonal mistreatment using an inductive analysis approach. I conducted 32 interviews with a wide sample of working professionals from various backgrounds and industries to examine how observers react to the unfolding process of workplace interpersonal mistreatment incidents. Specifically, the goal of this study was to gain a deeper and closer understanding of observer reaction processes by examining first-hand accounts of employees who have witnessed co-workers being mistreated by others. I generated typologies of reported observer affective, cognitive, and behavioral reactions that emerged from their stories, and I identified what employees believe are important factors that inhibit or enable intervention. Results reveal that a majority of employees are not inclined to intervene during an ongoing mistreatment incident, and that observers who intervened during the incident reported different appraisal processes than observers who only intervened afterwards, or who did not intervene at all. From these personal accounts of observing workplace mistreatment, I interpreted that observers generally react to interpersonal mistreatment incidents in two phases, and that how targets reacted after an incident was an important trigger that propelled observers to become involved afterwards, even if they did not have the desire or the intention to do so. These findings have implications for current theories on observer intervention to mistreatment in the workplace.
Our contribution aims to explore some intersections between forensic science and criminology through the notion of time. The two disciplines analyse the vestiges of illicit activities in order to reconstruct and understand the past, and occasionally to prevent future harms. While forensic science study the material and digital traces as signs of criminal activities and repetitions, criminology contributes to the acquisition of knowledge through its analysis of crime, its authors and victims, as well as social (re)actions to harmful behaviours. Exploratory, our contribution proposes a conceptual delimitation of the notion of time considering its importance in the study of criminality and harms. Through examples, we propose a "crimino-forensic" analysis of three types of actions of social control - prevention, investigation and intelligence - through their respective temporality (before, near or during and after the criminal activity or harm). The temporal issues of the different methodologies developed to appreciate the efficiency of these actions are also addressed to highlight the connections between forensic science and criminology. This attempt to classify the relations between different times and actions of social control are discussed through the multiple benefits and challenges carried out by the formalisation of fusing those two sciences. Notre contribution vise à explorer quelques intersections entre la science forensique (ou criminalistique) et la criminologie au travers de la notion de temps. En effet, les deux disciplines ont en commun qu'elles analysent les vestiges du phénomène criminel pour tenter de reconstruire et comprendre le passé et parfois prévenir de futurs incidents. Alors que la science forensique étudie les traces matérielles et numériques comme signe d'activités et de répétitions criminelles, la criminologie contribue à l'avancée des connaissances en ce domaine par son analyse des comportements contraires aux normes, de leurs auteurs et de leurs victimes, ainsi que des (ré)actions sociales à ces comportements. A but exploratoire, notre contribution propose une délimitation conceptuelle de la notion de temps en regard de l'importance que revêtent ses différentes manifestations dans l'étude de la criminalité. A l'appui d'exemples, nous proposons une analyse « crimino-forensique » de trois types d'action de contrôle social - la prévention, l'investigation et le renseignement - en fonction de leur temporalité respective (avant, proche voire pendant et après l'activité criminelle). Les enjeux temporels entourant les différentes stratégies méthodologiques développées pour apprécier l'efficacité de ces actions sont aussi abordés pour mettre en évidence des pistes d'intégration entre la science forensique et la criminologie. Cet essai de classification des relations entre les temps et ces trois actions de contrôle social est discuté sous l'angle des bénéfices, multiples, mais aussi des défis, que pose la formalisation des liens entre ces deux disciplines des sciences criminelles.