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Currently beta-adrenergic receptor blockers are considered to be potential drugs under investigation for preventive or therapeutic effect in osteoporosis. However, there is no published data showing the comparative study of beta-blockers with well accepted agents for the treatment of osteoporosis. To address this question, we compared the effects of propranolol with well accepted treatments like zoledronic acid and alfacalcidol in an animal model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Five days after ovariectomy, 36 ovariectomized (OVX) rats were divided into 6 equal groups, randomized to treatments zoledronic acid (100 mu g/kg, intravenous single dose); alfacalcidol (0.5 mu g/kg, oral gauge daily); propranolol (0.1 mg/kg, subcutaneously 5 days per week) for 12 weeks. Untreated OVX and sham OVX were used as controls. At the end of treatment serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase were assayed. Femurs were removed and tested for bone density, bone porosity, bone mechanical properties and trabecular micro-architecture. Propranolol showed a significant decrease in alkaline phosphatase levels and bone porosity in comparison to OVX control. Moreover, propranolol significantly improved bone density, bone mechanical properties and inhibited the deterioration of trabecular microarchitecture when compared with OVX control. The osteoprotective effect of propranolol was comparable with zoledronic acid and alfacalcidol. Based on this comparative study, the results strongly suggest that propranolol can be a candidate therapeutic drug for the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis.


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Propranolol, a beta-adrenergic receptor blocker, is presently considered to be a potential therapeutic intervention under investigation for its role in prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. However, no studies have compared the osteoprotective properties of propranolol with well accepted therapeu-tic interventions for the treatment of osteoporosis. To address this question, this study was designed to evaluate the bone protective effects of zoledronic acid, alfacalcidol and propranolol in an animal model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Five days after ovariectomy, 36 ovariectomized (OVX) rats were divided in- to 6 equal groups, randomized to treatments zoledronic acid (100 μg/kg, intravenous single dose); alfacal-cidol (0.5 μg/kg, oral gauge daily); propranolol (0.1mg/kg, subcutaneously 5 days per week) for 12 weeks. Untreated OVX and sham OVX were used as controls. At the end of the study, rats were killed under anesthesia. For bone porosity evaluation, whole fourth lumbar vertebrae (LV4) were removed. LV4 were also used to measure bone mechanical propeties. Left femurs were used for bone histology. Propranolol showed a significant decrease in bone porosity in comparison to OVX control. Moreover, propranolol sig- nificantly improved bone mechanical properties and bone quality when compared with OVX control. The osteoprotective effect of propranolol was comparable with zoledronic acid and alfacalcidol. Based on this comparative study, the results strongly suggest that propranolol might be new therapeutic intervention for the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis in humans.


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We investigated the potential of using novel zoledronic acid (ZOL)-hydroxyapatite (HA) nanoparticle based drug formulation in a rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. By a classical adsorption method, nanoparticles of HA loaded with ZOL (HNLZ) drug formulation with a size range of 100-130 nm were prepared. 56 female Wistar rats were ovariectomized (OVX) or sham-operated at 3 months of age. Twelve weeks post surgery, rats were randomized into seven groups and treated with various doses of HNLZ (100, 50 and 25 mu g/kg, intravenous single dose), ZOL (100 mu g/kg, intravenous single dose) and HA nanoparticle (100 mu g/kg, intravenous single dose). Untreated OVX and sham OVX served as controls. After three months treatment period, we evaluated the mechanical properties of the lumbar vertebra and femoral mid-shaft. Femurs were also tested for trabecular microarchitecture. Sensitive biochemical markers of bone formation and bone resorption in serum were also determined. With respect to improvement in the mechanical strength of the lumbar spine and the femoral mid-shaft, the therapy with HNLZ drug formulation was more effective than ZOL therapy in OVX rats. Moreover, HNLZ drug therapy preserved the trabecular microarchitecture better than ZOL therapy in OVX rats. Furthermore, the HNLZ drug formulation corrected increase in serum levels of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide, osteocalcin, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b and C-telopeptide of type 1 collagen better than ZOL therapy in OVX rats. The results strongly suggest that HNLZ novel drug formulation appears to be more effective approach for treating severe osteoporosis in humans. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Staphylococcus aureus necrotizing pneumonia is recognized as a toxin-mediated disease, yet the tissue-destructive events remain elusive, partly as a result of lack of mechanistic studies in human lung tissue. In this study, a three-dimensional (3D) tissue model composed of human lung epithelial cells and fibroblasts was used to delineate the role of specific staphylococcal exotoxins in tissue pathology associated with severe pneumonia. To this end, the models were exposed to the mixture of exotoxins produced by S. aureus strains isolated from patients with varying severity of lung infection, namely necrotizing pneumonia or lung empyema, or to purified toxins. The necrotizing pneumonia strains secreted high levels of alpha-toxin and Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL), and triggered high cytotoxicity, inflammation, necrosis and loss of E-cadherin from the lung epithelium. In contrast, the lung empyema strain produced moderate levels of PVL, but negligible amounts of alpha-toxin, and triggered limited tissue damage. alpha-toxin had a direct damaging effect on the epithelium, as verified using toxin-deficient mutants and pure alpha-toxin. Moreover, PVL contributed to pathology through the lysis of neutrophils. A combination of alpha-toxin and PVL resulted in the most severe epithelial injury. In addition, toxin-induced release of pro-inflammatory mediators from lung tissue models resulted in enhanced neutrophil migration. Using a collection of 31 strains from patients with staphylococcal pneumonia revealed that strains producing high levels of alpha-toxin and PVL were cytotoxic and associated with fatal outcome. Also, the strains that produced the highest toxin levels induced significantly greater epithelial disruption. Of importance, toxin-mediated lung epithelium destruction could be inhibited by polyspecific intravenous immunoglobulin containing antibodies against alpha-toxin and PVL. This study introduces a novel model system for study of staphylococcal pneumonia in a human setting. The results reveal that the combination and levels of alpha-toxin and PVL correlate with tissue pathology and clinical outcome associated with pneumonia.


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During systemic disease in mice, Salmonella enterica grows intracellularly within discrete foci of infection in the spleen and liver. In concomitant infections, foci containing different S. enterica strains are spatially separated. We have investigated whether functional interactions between bacterial populations within the same host can occur despite the known spatial separation of the foci and independence of growth of salmonellae residing in different foci. In this study we have demonstrated that bacterial numbers of virulent S. enterica serovar Typhimurium C5 strain in mouse tissues can be increased by the presence of the attenuated aroA S. Typhimurium SL3261 vaccine strain in the same tissue. Disease exacerbation does not require simultaneous coinjection of the attenuated bacteria. SL3261 can be administered up to 48 hr after or 24 hr before the administration of C5 and still determine higher tissue numbers of the virulent bacteria. This indicates that intravenous administration of a S. enterica vaccine strain could potentially exacerbate an established infection with wild-type bacteria. These data also suggest that the severity of an infection with a virulent S. enterica strain can be increased by the prior administration of a live attenuated vaccine strain if infection occurs within 48 hr of vaccination. Exacerbation of the growth of C5 requires Toll-like receptor 4-dependent interleukin-10 production with the involvement of both Toll/interleukin-1 receptor-domain-containing adaptor inducing interferon-beta and myeloid differentiation factor 88.


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Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, the agent of typhoid fever in humans, expresses the surface Vi polysaccharide antigen that contributes to virulence. However, Vi expression can also be detrimental to some key steps of S. Typhi infectivity, for example, invasion, and Vi is the target of protective immune responses. We used a strain of S. Typhimurium carrying the whole Salmonella pathogenicity island 7 (SPI-7) to monitor in vivo Vi expression within phagocytic cells of mice at different times after systemic infection. We also tested whether it is possible to modulate Vi expression via the use of in vivo-inducible promoters and whether this would trigger anti-Vi antibodies through the use of Vi-expressing live bacteria. Our results show that Vi expression in the liver and spleen is downregulated with the progression of infection and that the Vi-negative population of bacteria becomes prevalent by day 4 postinfection. Furthermore, we showed that replacing the natural tviA promoter with the promoter of the SPI-2 gene ssaG resulted in sustained Vi expression in the tissues. Intravenous or oral infection of mice with a strain of S. Typhimurium expressing Vi under the control of the ssaG promoter triggered detectable levels of all IgG subclasses specific for Vi. Our work highlights that Vi is downregulated in vivo and provides proof of principle that it is possible to generate a live attenuated vaccine that induces Vi-specific antibodies after single oral administration.


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290 p. (Bibliogr. 257-290) Correo electrónico de la autora: ana.delpozo@ehu.es


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Background: Human melanoma frequently colonizes bone marrow (BM) since its earliest stage of systemic dissemination, prior to clinical metastasis occurrence. However, how melanoma cell adhesion and proliferation mechanisms are regulated within bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) microenvironment remain unclear. Consistent with the prometastatic role of inflammatory and angiogenic factors, several studies have reported elevated levels of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in melanoma although its pathogenic role in bone marrow melanoma metastasis is unknown. Methods: Herein we analyzed the effect of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor celecoxib in a model of generalized BM dissemination of left cardiac ventricle-injected B16 melanoma (B16M) cells into healthy and bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-pretreated mice to induce inflammation. In addition, B16M and human A375 melanoma (A375M) cells were exposed to conditioned media from basal and LPS-treated primary cultured murine and human BMSCs, and the contribution of COX-2 to the adhesion and proliferation of melanoma cells was also studied. Results: Mice given one single intravenous injection of LPS 6 hour prior to cancer cells significantly increased B16M metastasis in BM compared to untreated mice; however, administration of oral celecoxib reduced BM metastasis incidence and volume in healthy mice, and almost completely abrogated LPS-dependent melanoma metastases. In vitro, untreated and LPS-treated murine and human BMSC-conditioned medium (CM) increased VCAM-1-dependent BMSC adherence and proliferation of B16M and A375M cells, respectively, as compared to basal medium-treated melanoma cells. Addition of celecoxib to both B16M and A375M cells abolished adhesion and proliferation increments induced by BMSC-CM. TNF alpha and VEGF secretion increased in the supernatant of LPS-treated BMSCs; however, anti-VEGF neutralizing antibodies added to B16M and A375M cells prior to LPS-treated BMSC-CM resulted in a complete abrogation of both adhesion-and proliferation-stimulating effect of BMSC on melanoma cells. Conversely, recombinant VEGF increased adherence to BMSC and proliferation of both B16M and A375M cells, compared to basal medium-treated cells, while addition of celecoxib neutralized VEGF effects on melanoma. Recombinant TNFa induced B16M production of VEGF via COX-2-dependent mechanism. Moreover, exogenous PGE2 also increased B16M cell adhesion to immobilized recombinant VCAM-1. Conclusions: We demonstrate the contribution of VEGF-induced tumor COX-2 to the regulation of adhesion-and proliferation-stimulating effects of TNFa, from endotoxin-activated bone marrow stromal cells, on VLA-4-expressing


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Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is central in mediating host defense due to its ability to target and eliminate invading pathogens. The fragment antigen binding (Fab) regions are responsible for antigen recognition; however the effector responses are encoded on the Fc region of IgG. IgG Fc displays considerable glycan heterogeneity, accounting for its complex effector functions of inflammation, modulation and immune suppression. Intravenous immunoglobulin G (IVIG) is pooled serum IgG from multiple donors and is used to treat individuals with autoimmune and inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and Kawasaki’s disease, respectively. It contains all the subtypes of IgG (IgG1-4) and over 120 glycovariants due to variation of an Asparagine 297-linked glycan on the Fc. The species identified as the activating component of IVIG is sialylated IgG Fc. Comparisons of wild type Fc and sialylated Fc X-ray crystal structures suggests that sialylation causes an increase in conformational flexibility, which may be important for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Although glycan modifications can promote the anti-inflammatory properties of the Fc, there are amino acid substitutions that cause Fcs to initiate an enhanced immune response. Mutations in the Fc can cause up to a 100-fold increase in binding affinity to activating Fc gamma receptors located on immune cells, and have been shown to enhance antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. This is important in developing therapeutic antibodies against cancer and infectious diseases. Structural studies of mutant Fcs in complex with activating receptors gave insight into new protein-protein interactions that lead to an enhanced binding affinity.

Together these studies show how dynamic and diverse the Fc region is and how both protein and carbohydrate modifications can alter structure, leading to IgG Fc’s switch from a pro-inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory protein.


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A mathematical model is proposed in this thesis for the control mechanism of free fatty acid-glucose metabolism in healthy individuals under resting conditions. The objective is to explain in a consistent manner some clinical laboratory observations such as glucose, insulin and free fatty acid responses to intravenous injection of glucose, insulin, etc. Responses up to only about two hours from the beginning of infusion are considered. The model is an extension of the one for glucose homeostasis proposed by Charette, Kadish and Sridhar (Modeling and Control Aspects of Glucose Homeostasis. Mathematical Biosciences, 1969). It is based upon a systems approach and agrees with the current theories of glucose and free fatty acid metabolism. The description is in terms of ordinary differential equations. Validation of the model is based on clinical laboratory data available at the present time. Finally procedures are suggested for systematically identifying the parameters associated with the free fatty acid portion of the model.


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Cancer chemotherapy has advanced from highly toxic drugs to more targeted treatments in the last 70 years. Chapter 1 opens with an introduction to targeted therapy for cancer. The benefits of using a nanoparticle to deliver therapeutics are discussed. We move on to siRNA in particular, and why it would be advantageous as a therapy. Specific to siRNA delivery are some challenges, such as nuclease degradation, quick clearance from circulation, needing to enter cells, and getting to the cytosol. We propose the development of a nanoparticle delivery system to tackle these challenges so that siRNA can be effective.

Chapter 2 of this thesis discusses the synthesis and analysis of a cationic mucic acid polymer (cMAP) which condenses siRNA to form a nanoparticle. Various methods to add polyethylene glycol (PEG) for stabilizing the nanoparticle in physiologic solutions, including using a boronic acid binding to diols on mucic acid, forming a copolymer of cMAP with PEG, and creating a triblock with mPEG on both ends of cMAP. The goal of these various pegylation strategies was to increase the circulation time of the siRNA nanoparticle in the bloodstream to allow more of the nanoparticle to reach tumor tissue by the enhanced permeation and retention effect. We found that the triblock mPEG-cMAP-PEGm polymer condensed siRNA to form very stable 30-40 nm particles that circulated for the longest time – almost 10% of the formulation remained in the bloodstream of mice 1 h after intravenous injection.

Chapter 3 explores the use of an antibody as a targeting agent for nanoparticles. Some antibodies of the IgG1 subtype are able to recruit natural killer cells that effect antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) to kill the targeted cell to which the antibody is bound. There is evidence that the ADCC effect remains in antibody-drug conjugates, so we wanted to know whether the ADCC effect is preserved when the antibody is bound to a nanoparticle, which is a much larger and complex entity. We utilized antibodies against epidermal growth factor receptor with similar binding and pharmacokinetics, cetuximab and panitumumab, which differ in that cetuximab is an IgG1 and panitumumab is an IgG2 (which does not cause ADCC). Although a natural killer cell culture model showed that gold nanoparticles with a full antibody targeting agent can elicit target cell lysis, we found that this effect was not preserved in vivo. Whether this is due to the antibody not being accessible to immune cells or whether the natural killer cells are inactivated in a tumor xenograft remains unknown. It is possible that using a full antibody still has value if there are immune functions which are altered in a complex in vivo environment that are intact in an in vitro system, so the value of using a full antibody as a targeting agent versus using an antibody fragment or a protein such as transferrin is still open to further exploration.

In chapter 4, nanoparticle targeting and endosomal escape are further discussed with respect to the cMAP nanoparticle system. A diboronic acid entity, which gives an order of magnitude greater binding (than boronic acid) to cMAP due to the vicinal diols in mucic acid, was synthesized, attached to 5kD or 10kD PEG, and conjugated to either transferrin or cetuximab. A histidine was incorporated into the triblock polymer between cMAP and the PEG blocks to allow for siRNA endosomal escape. Nanoparticle size remained 30-40 nm with a slightly negative ca. -3 mV zeta potential with the triblock polymer containing histidine and when targeting agents were added. Greater mRNA knockdown was seen with the endosomal escape mechanism than without. The nanoparticle formulations were able to knock down the targeted mRNA in vitro. Mixed effects suggesting function were seen in vivo.

Chapter 5 summarizes the project and provides an outlook on siRNA delivery as well as targeted combination therapies for the future of personalized medicine in cancer treatment.


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O objeto de estudo é o preparo e a administração de medicamentos pela enfermagem por via intravenosa. O objetivo geral foi discutir as consequências, para os pacientes, dos erros encontrados a partir do preparo e da administração de medicações de uso intravenoso pela enfermagem, no ambiente hospitalar. Os objetivos específicos foram determinar os grupos medicamentosos e os medicamentos envolvidos em erros; e identificar o tipo e frequência desses erros que ocorrem no preparo e administração de medicamentos intravenosos pela enfermagem. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com desenho transversal de natureza observacional, sem modelo de intervenção. Foi desenvolvida em um hospital público, da rede sentinela, do Rio de Janeiro onde foram observados técnicos de enfermagem preparando e administrando medicamentos intravenosos, em três setores: Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, Clínica Médica e Clínica Cirúrgica. Foram observadas 367 doses preparadas e 365 doses administradas, totalizado 732 doses, à luz de 14 categorias. Para cada dose observada havia somente duas possibilidades: certo ou errado. Com relação ao perfil das medicações, os grupos prevalentes foram os antimicrobianos com 176 doses (24,04%), seguidos dos antissecretores com 149 doses (20,36%) e analgésicos com 126 doses (17,21%). Anestésicos e anticonvulsivantes foram os menos observados. Todas as categorias foram divididas em dois grupos: os com potencial de dano para o paciente e os com potencial para alterar a resposta terapêutica do medicamento. Na etapa do preparo, no grupo com potencial de dano, as categorias foram: não troca as agulhas com 88,77% de erro; não desinfecção de ampolas (80,27%) e não faz limpeza de bancada (77,26%). Nas categorias não usa máscara e não identifica o medicamento, não foram encontrado erros. Para o grupo com potencial para alterar a resposta terapêutica, as categorias foram: hora errada (57,26%) e dose errada (6,58%). Na etapa da administração, no grupo com potencial de dano ao paciente, as categorias foram: não confere o medicamento com 96,73% de erro, não avalia flebite (87,47%), não avalia a permeabilidade (86,38%) e não confere o paciente (70,57%). Para o grupo com potencial para alterar a resposta terapêutica, a categoria hora errada apresentou 69,75% de erro; em dose errada e via errada não foi evidenciado erro. Percebeu-se que, nas duas etapas, o grupo prevalente foi o com potencial de dano paciente. Porém, no grupo com potencial para alterar o resultado terapêutico do medicamento, a categoria a hora errada foi a que, provavelmente, apresentou maiores prejuízos para o paciente. Considerando-se que o preparo e administração de medicamentos são umas das maiores responsabilidades da enfermagem e que os erros podem causar danos aos pacientes, sugere-se repensar o processo de trabalho da enfermagem e investir mais em questões que envolvam a segurança com a terapia medicamentosa.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa é um importante agente de pneumonia, particularmente em pacientes submetidos à ventilação mecânica, que pode evoluir para sepse, com elevadas taxas de letalidade. Na sepse, o processo inflamatório sistêmico exacerbado favorece o desequilíbrio entre as vias de coagulação e fibrinólise e a instalação de um estado pró-coagulante, com o aparecimento de trombose microvascular, coagulação intravascular disseminada e falência de múltiplos órgãos. Conhecendo a potente atividade pró-inflamatória da toxina ExoU produzida por P. aeruginosa, decorrente de sua atividade fosfolipásica A2, o objetivo desta tese foi investigar seu potencial de indução de alterações hemostáticas relacionadas à patogênese da sepse. Utilizando modelo de sepse em camundongos inoculados, por via intratraqueal, com suspensões de P. aeruginosa produtora de ExoU (PA103) ou de cepa com deleção do gene exoU, não produtora da toxina, foi mostrado que ExoU determinou maior gravidade da infecção, maior taxa de letalidade, leucopenia, trombocitose, hiperpermeabilidade vascular e transudação plasmática, evidenciadas, respectivamente, pela maior concentração de proteínas nos lavados broncoalveolares (LBAs) e acúmulo do corante Azul de Evans, previamente inoculado nos animais, por via endovenosa, no parênquima renal. ExoU favoreceu, também, a ativação plaquetária, confirmada pela maior concentração de plaquetas expressando P-selectina em sua superfície, maior número de micropartículas derivadas de plaquetas e maior concentração plasmática de tromboxano A2. A histopatologia dos pulmões e rins dos animais infectados com PA103 confirmou a formação de microtrombos, que não foram detectados nos animais controles ou infectados com a cepa mutante. Nos pulmões, a produção de ExoU determinou intensa resposta inflamatória com maior concentração de leucócitos totais e polimorfonucleados, interleucina-6 e fator de necrose tumoral-α nos LBAs. A análise imunohistoquímica mostrou intensa deposição de fibrina nos alvéolos e septos interalveolares. A atividade pró-coagulante dependente do fator tissular detectada nos LBAs dos camundongos infectados com PA103 foi independente da produção do inibidor da via de ativação do fator tissular (TFPI), mas associada ao aumento da produção do inibidor do ativador do plasminogênio-1 (PAI-1). Para investigar a participação do fator de ativação plaquetária (PAF) na liberação de PAI-1, foi pesquisada a atividade da enzima PAF-acetil-hidrolase (PAF-AH) nos LBAs dos camundongos. A atividade de PAF-AH apresentou-se significativamente elevada nos LBA dos camundongos infectados com PA103. O tratamento dos animais com um inibidor do PAF, antes da infecção, resultou na diminuição significativa das concentrações de PAI-1 e de leucócitos totais, bem como da atividade pró-coagulante dos LBAs. In vitro, ExoU induziu maior expressão do RNA mensageiro de PAI-1 e maior liberação da proteína PAI-1 nos sobrenadantes de células epiteliais respiratórias da linhagem A549. O tratamento das células A549 com um anticorpo anti-receptor de PAF, antes da infecção, reduziu significativamente a concentração de PAI-1 nos sobrenadantes de células infectadas com a cepa selvagem. Estes resultados demonstraram um novo mecanismo de virulência de P. aeruginosa através da atividade pró-trombótica de ExoU e a possibilidade de utilização da identificação de ExoU em isolados clínicos de pacientes graves como um marcador prognóstico para estes pacientes.


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Trata-se de estudo multicêntrico, com revisão retrospectiva de prontuário, que teve como objeto a associação entre o aprazamento de medicações intravenosas realizadas por enfermeiros e as potenciais interações medicamentosas (PIM) graves, encontradas em prescrições de pacientes críticos adultos hospitalizados. Os objetivos foram: a) apresentar os grupos medicamentosos e medicamentos prevalentes em cada Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo (UTI) pesquisada; b) descrever o perfil do aprazamento dos medicamentos intravenosos em cada UTI pesquisada; e, c) analisar a frequência das potenciais interações medicamentosas graves favorecidas pelo aprazamento feito por enfermeiros. Para coleta de dados foi utilizado um instrumento que contemplou o nome do medicamento, a dose, a via, a frequência de administração e os horários aprazados pelo enfermeiro, dando origem a um imenso banco de dados. Os dados foram coletados em 3 UTIs conveniadas ao SUS e pertencentes à Rede Sentinela. O levantamento das PIM foi feito de prescrição a prescrição, pareando-se todos os medicamentos intravenosos conforme critérios de inclusão, obtendo-se assim uma lista com as interações encontradas. As PIM foram identificadas nas bases Micromedex Drugs-Reax System.12 e Drugs.com. Foi encontrada uma chance quase três vezes maior (OR: 2,96) de PIM em prescrições com mais de 5 medicamentos. Às 6h foi encontrada nas UTIs A e B a maior chance de PIM. Na UTI C não foi encontrada prevalência nem OR significativa, assim como o número de doses comprometidas com PIM foi o menor entre todas as UTIs. Houve predomínio de medicamentos que atuam no sistema digestivo (31,99%), com destaque para ranitidina (44,08%). As UTI A e B seguem um mesmo padrão no que diz respeito a acumular o aprazamento, preferencialmente em quatro horários: 14h, 18h, 22h e 6h. A UTI C distribui seu aprazamento por nove horários, inclusive no horário de visitas (16h) e no início de plantão (08h e 20h). Na UTI A e B predominaram aprazamentos noturnos; na UTI C foram tarde e noite, sugerindo uma rotina organizada de acordo com o processo de trabalho de médicos, enfermagem e farmácia. Foram encontrados 47 PIM graves nos horários prevalentes. A UTI A apresentou o maior número de PIM graves (n=32). Destacam-se cinco medicamentos que, repetidamente, foram aprazados associados em PIM grave: haloperidol, metoclopramida, tramadol, furosemida e prometazina. Conclui-se que a rotina de atividades na UTI favorece o aprazamento padronizado e concentrado em poucos horários, logo a ocorrência de PIM graves, desconsiderando assim os aspectos farmacocinéticos e farmacodinâmicos dos medicamentos em uso concomitante.