410 resultados para INCONTINENCE


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Nel presente progetto di ricerca, da novembre 2011 a novembre 2013 , sono stati trattati chirurgicamente, con l’assistenza del navigatore , pazienti con tumori ossei primitivi degli arti, del bacino e del sacro, analizzando i risultati degli esami istologici dei margini di resezione del tumore e i risultati clinici e radiografici. Materiali e metodi : Abbiamo analizzato 16 pazienti 9 maschi e 7 femmine , con un'età media di 31 anni (range 12-55 ). Di tutti i pazienti valutati 8 avevano una localizzazione agli arti inferiori , 4 al bacino e 4 all'osso sacro . Solo quelli con osteosarcoma parostale , Cordoma e Condrosarcoma non sono stati sottoposti a terapia antiblastica . Solo un paziente è stato sottoposto a radioterapia postoperatoria per una recidiva locale . Tutti gli altri pazienti non sono stati trattati con la radioterapia per l’ adeguatezza dei margini di resezione . Non ci sono state complicanze intraoperatorie . Nel periodo postoperatorio abbiamo osservato una vescica neurologica , una paresi sciatica, due casi di infezione di cui una superficiale e una profonda, tutti e quattro i pazienti con sarcoma sacrale sviluppati hanno avuto ritardato della guarigione della ferita e di questi tre hanno avuto incontinenza sfinterica. In tutti i casi si è ottenuta una eccellente risultato clinico e radiografico , con soddisfazione del paziente , corretto contatto tra l'osteotomia e l'impianto che apparivano stabili ai primi controlli ambulatoriali ( FU 19 mesi). Risultati: La chirurgia assistita da calcolatore ha permesso di migliorare l’esecuzione delle resezioni ossee prevista dal navigatore. Questa tecnologia è valida e utile per la cure dei tumori dell’apparato scheletrico, soprattutto nelle sedi anatomiche più complesse da trattare come la pelvi, il sacro e nelle resezioni intercalari difficoltose nell’ottenere un margine di resezione ampio e quindi di salvare l’articolazione e l’arto stesso.


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MATERIALI E METODI: Tra il 2012 e il 2013, abbiamo analizzato in uno studio prospettico i dati di 48 pazienti sottoposti a ThuLEP con approccio autodidatta. I pazienti sono stati rivalutati a 3, 6, 12 e 24 mesi con la valutazione del PSA, il residuo post-minzionale (RPM), l'uroflussometria (Qmax), l'ecografia transrettale e questionari validati (IPSS: international prostate symptom score e QoL: quality of life) RISULTATI: Il volume medio della prostata è di 63 ± 5,3 ml. Il tempo operatorio medio è stato di 127,58 ± 28.50 minuti. Il peso medio del tessuto asportato è stato di 30,40 ± 13,90 gr. A 6 mesi dopo l'intervento l'RPM medio è diminuito da 165,13 ± 80,15 ml a 7,78 ± 29.19 ml, mentre il Qmax medio è aumentato da 5.75 ± 1.67ml / s a 18.1 ± 5.27 ml / s. I valori medi dei IPSS e QoL hanno dimostrato un progressivo miglioramento: da 19.15 (IQR: 2-31) e 4 (IQR: 1-6) nel preoperatorio a 6.04 (IQR: 1-20) e 1.13 (IQR: 1-4), rispettivamente. Durante la curva di apprendimento si è assistito ad un progressivo aumento del peso del tessuto enucleato e ad una progressiva riduzione del tempo di ospedalizzazione e di cateterismo. Tra le principali complicanze ricordiamo un tasso di incontinenza transitoria del 12,5% a 3 mesi e del 2.1% a 12 mesi. CONCLUSIONI: ThuLEP rappresenta una tecnica chirurgica efficace, sicura e riproducibile indipendentemente dalle dimensioni della prostata. I nostri dati suggeriscono che la ThuLEP offre un miglioramento significativo dei parametri funzionali comparabili con le tecniche tradizionali, nonostante una lunga curva di apprendimento.


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OBIETTIVO: Le fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate hanno un impatto significativo sulla qualità della vita. Quando il canale anale è alterato da ulcerazioni e stenosi o in pazienti con difetti estesi del perineo, la chirurgia locale produce risultati insoddisfacenti. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di valutare l'efficacia della trasposizione del muscolo gracile nelle fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate e determinare i suoi effetti sulla qualità della vita. MATERIALI E METODI: Da gennaio 2012 a ottobre 2014 sono state trattate 10 pazienti; sono state raccolte alcune variabili (età, BMI, il fumo, CDAI, setone perioperatorio, precedenti procedure, uso di immunomodulatori e steroidi). Tutte le pazienti sono state sottoposte ad ileostomia temporanea prima della graciloplastica. La percentuale di successo è stata misurata come numero di pazienti con fistola guarita dopo la chiusura della stomia. Sono stati utilizzati tre questionari prima della graciloplastica e 3 mesi dopo la chiusura della stomia al fine di valutare la qualità della vita (SF-36), l’ incontinenza fecale e la funzione sessuale. RISULTATI: La fistola retto-vaginale è stata chiusa in 9 pazienti su 10 dopo graciloplastica, con un follow-up medio di chiusura della stomia di 19 mesi (range 4 -34). È stata documentata una recidiva di RVF. Il tempo operatorio era 90-150 minuti (media, 120). La degenza postoperatoria era 7-16 giorni (media 10). Complicanze postoperatorie precoci includevano deiscenza delle suture perineali in 2 casi. Le complicanze a lungo termine includevano disestesia della cicatrice perineale. Nei dati post-operatori abbiamo riportato un miglioramento della qualità di vita, della funzione sessuale e della continenza fecale. CONCLUSIONI: La chiusura della fistola retto-vaginale utilizzando la trasposizione del muscolo gracile è associata a morbidità minima e un alto tasso di successo.


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Measurement of bladder wall thickness (BWT) using transvaginal ultrasound has previously been shown to discriminate between women with confirmed detrusor overactivity and those with urodynamic stress incontinence. Aim of the current study was to determine if vaginally measured BWT correlates with urodynamic diagnoses in a female population.


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Measurement of bladder wall thickness using transvaginal ultrasound has previously been shown to discriminate between women with diagnosed detrusor overactivity and those with urodynamic stress incontinence. So far, no comparison has been made between abdominal, perineal and vaginal route for the measurement of bladder wall thickness. The aim of this prospective study was to determine if abdominal, perineal and vaginal ultrasound measurements of bladder wall thickness are comparable with each other.


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Sling erosion/extrusion is a complication after suburethral sling insertion for female stress urinary incontinence that occurs in approximately 6% of patients. Symptoms may include vaginal discharge, infections, postcoital bleeding, and alterations of the sexual function. Little is known about the effect of sling erosion on the sexual function of the male partner.


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Alopecia areata is a hair loss disorder in humans, dogs and horses with a suspected autoimmune aetiology targeting anagen hair follicles. Alopecia areata is only sporadically reported in cows. Recently, we observed several cases of suspected alopecia areata in Eringer cows. The aim of this study was to confirm the presumptive diagnosis of alopecia areata and to define the clinical phenotype and histopathological patterns, including characterization of the infiltrating inflammatory cells. Twenty Eringer cows with alopecia and 11 Eringer cows without skin problems were included in this study. Affected cows had either generalized or multifocal alopecia or hypotrichosis. The tail, forehead and distal extremities were usually spared. Punch biopsies were obtained from the centre and margin of alopecic lesions and normal haired skin. Histological examination revealed several alterations in anagen hair bulbs. These included peri- and intrabulbar lymphocytic infiltration, peribulbar fibrosis, degenerate matrix cells with clumped melanosomes and pigmentary incontinence. Mild lymphocytic infiltrative mural folliculitis was seen in the inferior segment and isthmus of the hair follicles. Hair shafts were often unpigmented and dysplastic. The large majority of infiltrating lymphocytes were CD3(+) T cells, whereas only occasional CD20(+) lymphocytes were present in the peribulbar infiltrate. Our findings confirm the diagnosis of T-cell-mediated alopecia areata in these cows. Alopecia areata appears to occur with increased frequency in the Eringer breed, but distinct predisposing factors could not be identified.


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Measurements of maximum urethral closure pressure (MUCP) are a part of urodynamic investigations preceding an incontinence surgery and a part of urethral function tests.


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The aim of the current study was to determine if sonographic bladder wall thickness diminishes after symptomatic obstruction is resolved in female patients after stress incontinence surgery.


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Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is common, impacts women's quality of life, and generates high costs. Physiotherapy is the first-line therapy, and if it fails, suburethral slings are the gold standard in SUI surgery. Bulking agents injected periurethrally might be a beneficial alternative, but there is a paucity of data on bulking therapy. The aim of this study was to prospectively analyze the efficacy and safety of bulking agents in the setting of a tertiary referral center.


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It has been proposed that gonadotropins and/or gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) could be involved in the pathophysiology of the side effects after spaying in bitches, such as urinary incontinence and an increased production of a woolly undercoat. In order to provide tools to investigate the role of these hormones in dogs we developed immunohistochemical techniques and real-time RT-PCR to study whether GnRH-, LH-, and FSH-receptors exist in canine skin and urinary bladder. Tissue samples from the skin of the flank region and the ventral midline of the urinary bladder from euthanised dogs were examined. We were able to quantify mRNA expression of GnRH-, FSH-, and LH-receptors in canine skin and bladder biopsies with a high primer efficacy. Immunohistochemical studies showed that GnRH-, FSH-, and LH-receptors are expressed in vessel walls, the epidermis, the hair follicle and in sebaceous and sweat glands in canine skin and in transitional epithelium, and smooth muscle tissue in the urinary bladder. Our data provide the fundamentals to examine the distribution of FSH-, LH-, and GnRH-receptors in canine skin and urinary bladder and to assess gene activity at the transcriptional level by real-time RT-PCR.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy and safety of sacral neuromodulation (SNM) in patients with refractory lower urinary tract dysfunction in Switzerland based on a nationwide registry. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 209 patients (181 females, 28 males) underwent SNM testing between July 2000 and December 2005 in Switzerland. Subjective symptom improvement, bladder/pain diary variables, adverse events, and their management were prospectively registered. RESULTS: SNM testing was successful (defined as improvement of more than 50% in bladder/pain diary variables) in 102 of 209 patients (49%). An implantable pulse generator (IPG) was placed in 91 patients (89% of all successfully tested and 44% of all tested patients). Of the IPG-implanted patients, 71 had urge incontinence, 13 nonobstructive chronic urinary retention, and 7 chronic pelvic pain syndrome. After a median follow-up of 24 mo, SNM was successful in 64 of the 91 IPG-implanted patients (70%) but failed in 27 patients. SNM was continued in 15 of the 27 patients considered failures, because following troubleshooting SNM response improved subjectively and the patients were satisfied. However, improvement in bladder/pain diary variables remained less than 50%. In the other 12 patients both the leads and the IPG were explanted. During the test phase and during/following IPG implantation, 6% (12 of 209) and 11% (10 of 91) adverse event rates and 1% (3 of 209) and 7% (6 of 91) surgical revision rates were reported, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: SNM is an effective and safe treatment for refractory lower urinary tract dysfunction. Adverse events are usually transient and can be treated effectively.


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INTRODUCTION: In recent years, the surgical technique for open radical prostatectomy has evolved and increasing attention is paid to preserving anatomic structures and the impact on outcome and quality of life. METHODS: Technical aspects of nerve-sparing open radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP) are described. Patient selection criteria and functional results are discussed, focusing on postoperative urinary continence. RESULTS: The video demonstrates the nerve-sparing open RRP and important steps are elucidated with schematic drawings. The value of nerve sparing, not only for preserving erectile function, but also for preserving urinary continence is discussed and results from our institution are presented. In our series, urinary incontinence was present in 1 of 71 patients (1%) with attempted bilateral nerve-sparing, 11 of 322 (3%) with attempted unilateral nerve-sparing, or 19 of 139 (14%) without attempted nerve-sparing surgery. In multiple logistic regression analysis, the only statistically significant factor influencing urinary continence after open RRP was attempted nerve sparing (odds ratio, 4.77; 95% confidence interval, 2.18-10.44; p=0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Nerve-sparing surgery has a significant impact on erectile function and urinary continence and should be performed in all patients provided radical tumour resection is not compromised. For successful nerve preservation we advocate a lateral approach to the prostate to improve visualisation and simplify separation of the neurovascular bundles from the dorsolateral prostatic capsule. Bunching, ligating, and incising Santorini's plexus over the prostate and not over the sphincter ensures a bloodless surgical field. Mucosa-to-mucosa adaptation of the reconstructed bladder neck and the urethra is another important factor to be observed.


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PURPOSE: We prospectively assessed the role of nerve sparing surgery on urinary continence after open radical retropubic prostatectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We evaluated a consecutive series of 536 patients who underwent open radical retropubic prostatectomy with attempted bilateral, unilateral or no nerve sparing, as defined by the surgeon, without prior radiotherapy at a minimum followup of 1 year with documented assessment of urinary continence status. Because outlet obstruction may influence continence rates, its incidence and management was also evaluated. RESULTS: One year after surgery 505 of 536 patients (94.2%) were continent, 27 (5%) had grade I stress incontinence and 4 (0.8%) had grade II stress incontinence. Incontinence was found in 1 of 75 (1.3%), 11 of 322 (3.4%) and 19 of 139 patients (13.7%) with attempted bilateral, attempted unilateral and without attempted nerve sparing, respectively. The proportional differences were highly significant, favoring a nerve sparing technique (p <0.0001). On multiple logistic regression analysis attempted nerve sparing was the only statistically significant factor influencing urinary continence after open radical retropubic prostatectomy (OR 4.77, 95% CI 2.18 to 10.44, p = 0.0001). Outlet obstruction at the anastomotic site in 33 of the 536 men (6.2%) developed at a median of 8 weeks (IQR 4 to 12) and was managed by dilation or an endoscopic procedure. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of incontinence after open radical retropubic prostatectomy is low and continence is highly associated with a nerve sparing technique. Therefore, nerve sparing should be attempted in all patients if the principles of oncological surgery are not compromised.


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OBJECTIVE: Transsexualism occurs with an estimated prevalence of 2.4:100,000 male-to-female (MTF) and 1:100,000 female-to-male (FTM) transsexuals. As sex reassignment surgery involves surgery of the urethra and transsexuals are substituted life-long with the cross gender hormones there could possibly arise micturition disorders. Aim of the study was to determine if transsexuals have an increased risk of micturition disorders and if so which. STUDY DESIGN: Between January and July 2003 we examined 25 transsexuals whereof 18 were MTF and 7 were FTM transsexuals using King's Health Questionnaire, visual analogue scale for patient's well being, perineal and transabdominal ultrasound, urine dipstick and uroflow measurement. RESULTS: 17 out of 25 patients considered themselves very happy. In MTF transsexuals, a diverted stream, overactive bladder and stress urinary incontinence was a common problem. Prostate volume was small with 20 g and palpation did not confirm and solid or suspicious lesions. None of the patients had significant residual urine but MTF transsexuals had a reduced urinary flow. We could not detect a current urinary tract infections in any of the patients. CONCLUSION: Transsexuals have an increased risk for the development of micturition disorders including stress urinary incontinence and overactive bladder compared to age-matched control groups and should be counselled preoperatively. Reasons for the development of incontinence might be surgery including pudendal nerve damage, hormonal reasons and ageing.