994 resultados para Hydrology, Karst -- Catalonia


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Hydrology is the study of the properties, distribution and effects of water on the Earth?s soil, rocks and atmosphere. It also encompasses the study of the hydrologic cycle of precipitation, runoff, infiltration, storage, and evaporation, including the physical, biological and chemical reaction of water with the earth and its relation to life?.


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In volcanic islands, the rainfall regime and its torrential nature, together with the steep slopes and the soil types present are considered to be some of the main factors affecting forest hydrology and soil conservation. In such environments, rain regime is generally irregular and characterized by short and intense rainfalls, which could cause destructive flows at times, followed by long periods of rain absence. The volcanic nature of these islands have as a direct resultant steep slopes which influences the runoff volume and speed, as well as the amount of topsoil susceptible to be detached and transported downstream. The soil type also affects the susceptibility to erosion processes. Andisols are the most typical soil on volcanic islands. Their particularities derive their mineral constituents, called short-range-order products, which provide these soils with an increased structural stability, which in turn reduces their susceptibility to erosion. However, the land use changes and the environmental factors such as rain regime and steep slopes may be determinant factor in destabilizing these soils and ultimately a cause for soil erosion and runoffs, which become a threat to the population downstream. Green barriers have been traditionally used to prevent or reduce these processes, also to enhance the dew effect and the fog water collection, and as a firebreak which acts as a barrier to slow or stop the progress of a wildfire. Wooded species present and subsequently their performance have a major influence on their effectiveness. The use of this natural erosion and fire control methods on volcanic islands is discussed in this paper.


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Marca tip. en P8v (Vindel, 315)


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Marca tip. en P8v (Vindel, 315)


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La utilización de sensores láser desde plataformas aéreas (LiDAR) ofrece nuevas posibilidades en el cartografiado de sistemas fluviales, tanto en áreas densamente cubiertas por vegetación, como en aquellas que presentan una escasa cubierta. La información topográfica de alta resolución que se obtiene a partir de las medidas láser puede ser utilizada en el análisis y estimación de diversas variables hidrológicas, y en el estudio de diferentes componentes del medio fluvial. Entre éstas, cabe citar la vegetación riparia, la morfología fluvial, el régimen hidrológico o el grado de alteración de los ecosistemas debido a las presiones de origen antrópico. La gestión del medio fluvial puede ser mejorada en gran medida gracias a la precisión y fiabilidad de esta información. En muchas ocasiones, el escaso relieve de los valles fluviales y la densa cubierta vegetal que existe en ellos han dificultado la aplicación de otras técnicas de teledetección. Sin embargo, los datos obtenidos mediante altimetría láser son especialmente aconsejables para estos trabajos, mediante análisis numéricos o a través de la simple interpretación de las imágenes obtenidas. Este artículo muestra las posibilidades de uso de los datos LiDAR en hidrología forestal y en la gestión de zonas húmedas, a lo largo de tramos con condiciones climáticas bien diferenciadas. En todas ellas, se comparan los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación de distinto software, con el fin de mostrar la mejor metodología de tratamiento de la información láser. Asimismo, se muestra la diferencia con otras técnicas de teledetección, y se muestra la fácil integración de los datos LiDAR con otras herramientas y metodologías de estudio de las variables citadas.


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El sistema kárstico de Pico Frentes se ha desarrollado a favor de un conjunto calcáreo del Cretácico Superior cuya geometría plegada muy bien definida ha condicionado que los acuíferos se sitúen principalmente en tres sinclinales hidráulicamente conectados, con una capacidad de reservas subterráneas de entre 5 y 7 hm3. La recarga en este acuífero libre y en penillanura es autógena y difusa. El flujo subterráneo va dirigido a gran escala por el fondo de los sinclinales y a pequeña escala mediante corrientes subterráneas hacia los manantiales de Fuentetoba (210 l/s) y nacimiento del rio Mazos (50 l/s), surgiendo en aguas altas otras descargas menores. El análisis de los hidrogramas de estos manantiales indica un sistema de régimen muy variable y poco poder de regulación natural, característica de un acuífero típicamente kárstico, con gran capacidad de renovación y poco tiempo de residencia. Gracias a la simulación de los hidrogramas de estas surgencias mediante un modelo matemático de precipitación –escorrentía, se ha cuantificado de manera detallada el balance hidráulico medio para una serie de 20 años: aportación pluviométrica 16,86 hm3 (100%), recarga natural 8,35 hm3 (49,53%), EVT 8,50 hm3 (50,41%), bombeo de agua subterránea 0,01hm3 (0,06%), escorrentía superficial 0 hm3, transferencias subterráneas a otros acuíferos 0 hm3.


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Different types of land use are usually present in the areas adjacent to many shallow karst cavities. Over time, the increasing amount of potentially harmful matter and energy, of mainly anthropic origin or influence, that reaches the interior of a shallow karst cavity can modify the hypogeal ecosystem and increase the risk of damage to the Palaeolithic rock art often preserved within the cavity. This study proposes a new Protected Area status based on the geological processes that control these matter and energy fluxes into the Altamira cave karst system. Analysis of the geological characteristics of the shallow karst system shows that direct and lateral infiltration, internal water circulation, ventilation, gas exchange and transmission of vibrations are the processes that control these matter and energy fluxes into the cave. This study applies a comprehensive methodological approach based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to establish the area of influence of each transfer process. The stratigraphic and structural characteristics of the interior of the cave were determined using 3D Laser Scanning topography combined with classical field work, data gathering, cartography and a porosity–permeability analysis of host rock samples. As a result, it was possible to determine the hydrogeological behavior of the cave. In addition, by mapping and modeling the surface parameters it was possible to identify the main features restricting hydrological behavior and hence direct and lateral infiltration into the cave. These surface parameters included the shape of the drainage network and a geomorphological and structural characterization via digital terrain models. Geological and geomorphological maps and models integrated into the GIS environment defined the areas involved in gas exchange and ventilation processes. Likewise, areas that could potentially transmit vibrations directly into the cave were identified. This study shows that it is possible to define a Protected Area by quantifying the area of influence related to each transfer process. The combined maximum area of influence of all the processes will result in the new Protected Area. This area will thus encompass all the processes that account for most of the matter and energy carried into the cave and will fulfill the criteria used to define the Protected Area. This methodology is based on the spatial quantification of processes and entities of geological origin and can therefore be applied to any shallow karst system that requires protection.


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Quartz crystals in sandstones at depths of 1200 m–1400 m below the surface appear to reach a solubility equilibrium with the 4He-concentration in the surrounding pore- or groundwater after some time. A rather high 4Heconcentration of 4.5x10E-3 cc STP 4He/cm3 of water measured in a groundwater sample would for instance maintain a He pressure of 0.47 atm in a related volume. This value is equal within analytical error to the pressure deduced from the measured helium content of the quartz and its internal helium-accessible volume. To determine this volume, quartz crystals of 0.1 to 1 mm were separated from sandstones and exposed to a helium gas pressure of 32 atm at a temperature of 290°C for up to 2 months. By crushing, melting or isothermal heating the helium was then extracted from the helium saturated samples. Avolume on the order of 0.1% of the crystal volume is only accessible to helium atoms but not to argon atoms or water molecules. By monitoring the diffusive loss of He from the crystals at 350°C an effective diffusion constant on the order of 10E-9 cm2/s is estimated. Extrapolation to the temperature of 70°C in the sediments at a depth of 1400 m gives a typical time of about 100 000 years to reach equilibrium between helium in porewaters and the internal He-accessible volume of quartz crystals. In a geologic situation with stagnant pore- or groundwaters in sediments it therefore appears to be possible with this new method to deduce a 4He depth profile for porewaters in impermeable rocks based on their mineral record.


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Three folded maps in pocket.


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