886 resultados para Human factors engineering.
Monitoring nutritional intake is an important aspect of the care of older people, particularly for those at risk of malnutrition. Current practice for monitoring food intake relies on hand written food charts that have several inadequacies. We describe the design and validation of a tool for computer-assisted visual assessment of patient food and nutrient intake. To estimate food consumption, the application compares the pixels the user rubbed out against predefined graphical masks. Weight of food consumed is calculated as a percentage of pixels rubbed out against pixels in the mask. Results suggest that the application may be a useful tool for the conservative assessment of nutritional intake in hospitals.
Bees and other insects provide pollination services that are key to determining the fruit set on coffee plantations. These pollination services are influenced by local ecology as well as human factors, both social and economic. To better understand these different factors, we assessed their effect on pollinators and coffee pollination services in Santander, Colombia. We quantified the effect of key ecological drivers on pollinator community composition, such as the method of farm management (either conventional or organic) and the surrounding landscape composition, specifically the proximity to forest. We found that ambient levels of pollination services provided by the local pollinator fauna (open pollination) accounted for a 10.5 ± 2.0% increase in final coffee fruit set, and that the various pollinators are affected differently by the differing factors. For example, our findings indicate that conventional farm management, using synthetic inputs, can promote pollinators, especially if they are in close proximity to natural forest fragments. This is particularly true for stingless bees. Honeybee visitation to coffee is also positively influenced by the conventional management of farms. Factors associated with greater numbers of stingless bees on farms include greater shade cover, lower tree densities, smaller numbers and types of trees in bloom, and younger coffee plantations. A forested landscape close to farms appears to enhance these factors, giving increased stability and resilience to the pollinating bees and insects. However we found that organic farms also support diverse pollinator communities, even if distant from forest fragments. The contribution of honeybees to pollination value (US$129.6/ha of coffee) is greater than that of stingless bees (US$16.5/ha of coffee). Since the method of farm management has a major impact on the numbers and types of pollinators attracted to farms, we have analysed the statistically significant social factors that influence farmers’ decisions on whether to adopt organic or conventional practices. These include the availability of technology, the type of landowner (whether married couples or individual owners), the number of years of farmers’ formal education, the role of institutions, membership of community organizations, farm size, coffee productivity and the number of coffee plots per farm. It is hoped that the use of our holistic approach, which combines investigation of the social as well as the ecological drivers of pollination, will help provide evidence to underpin the development of best practices for integrating the management of pollination into sustainable agricultural practices.
The rapid growth of urban areas has a significant impact on traffic and transportation systems. New management policies and planning strategies are clearly necessary to cope with the more than ever limited capacity of existing road networks. The concept of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) arises in this scenario; rather than attempting to increase road capacity by means of physical modifications to the infrastructure, the premise of ITS relies on the use of advanced communication and computer technologies to handle today’s traffic and transportation facilities. Influencing users’ behaviour patterns is a challenge that has stimulated much research in the ITS field, where human factors start gaining great importance to modelling, simulating, and assessing such an innovative approach. This work is aimed at using Multi-agent Systems (MAS) to represent the traffic and transportation systems in the light of the new performance measures brought about by ITS technologies. Agent features have good potentialities to represent those components of a system that are geographically and functionally distributed, such as most components in traffic and transportation. A BDI (beliefs, desires, and intentions) architecture is presented as an alternative to traditional models used to represent the driver behaviour within microscopic simulation allowing for an explicit representation of users’ mental states. Basic concepts of ITS and MAS are presented, as well as some application examples related to the subject. This has motivated the extension of an existing microscopic simulation framework to incorporate MAS features to enhance the representation of drivers. This way demand is generated from a population of agents as the result of their decisions on route and departure time, on a daily basis. The extended simulation model that now supports the interaction of BDI driver agents was effectively implemented, and different experiments were performed to test this approach in commuter scenarios. MAS provides a process-driven approach that fosters the easy construction of modular, robust, and scalable models, characteristics that lack in former result-driven approaches. Its abstraction premises allow for a closer association between the model and its practical implementation. Uncertainty and variability are addressed in a straightforward manner, as an easier representation of humanlike behaviours within the driver structure is provided by cognitive architectures, such as the BDI approach used in this work. This way MAS extends microscopic simulation of traffic to better address the complexity inherent in ITS technologies.
O calor, no ambiente onde o ser humano vive ou trabalha, atribui-se a: -fatores físicos: relação entre temperatura, radiação, umidade e movimento do ar; fatores humanos: o ser humano atua como fonte de energia através de seu metabolismo e atividade física. o calor caracterizado por um determinado meio ambiente é o resultado da atuação de diferentes variáveis, tais como: sistema de construção, situação geográfica do ambiente físico, climatização artificial, etc.; idade, sexo, capacidade física, estado de aclimatação, vestuário, tipo, carga e regime de trabalho, etc. A partir do momento em que o indivíduo for introduzido num determinado meio ambiente térmico, todos estes fatores vão influenciar a transmissão de calor entre ele e o ambiente. Na pretensão de haver equilíbrio térmico no meio ambiente quente, constata-se a necessidade de providenciar medidas de proteção a nível do sujeito e do ambiente, para que prevaleçam situações ambientais "confortáveis", ou pelo menos, "tolerantes". Desse modo, através da: definição das condições térmicas tolerantes e de conforto, parte-se para projetar meios ambientes de trabalho, que tornem praticáveis um isolamento térmico do calor exterior, assim como a perda de calor de dentro para fora. Atuando-se sobre variáveis individuais e ambientais estaremos incidindo diretamente sobre os meios de transmissão, procurando-se diminuir a quantidade de calor que o organismo produz e/ou recebe e aumentar a possibilidade de dissipá-lo.
A era do capital intelectual fez mudar os paradigmas de negócio. Hoje, o cenário corporativo é composto por uma gama de atividades que interagem entre si e influenciam os resultados das organizações em geral. Sob este ponto de vista, a compreensão dos fatores humanos auxiliam os executivos a alcançarem os objetivos organizacionais. Parte-se da idéia que o conhecimento e as pessoas tornam-se primordiais para o sucesso das empresas. Sendo que estas devem empenhar-se em buscá-lo, armazená-lo e disseminar o que elas aprenderam. Os programas de Treinamento e Desenvolvimento são responsáveis pela capacitação das pessoas da empresa que aprende. Os programas de T&D podem tornar as organizações mais competitivas, com empregados aptos a desempenharem as atividades da melhor maneira possível. E é justamente isto que este trabalho aborda, focando na utilização dos conceitos associados à Gestão de Pessoas, para compreender a percepção dos gestores de uma empresa do segmento do varejo com relação a efetividade dos programas de T&D adotados. Especificamente, a problemática foi descobrir como os gestores de uma empresa avaliaram os programas de desenvolvimento e a sua efetividade. Para tanto, elaborou-se um estudo de caso de abordagem qualitativa para investigar como os gestores percebem os programas de treinamento. Utilizou-se a entrevista semi estruturada para investigar 25 gestores de uma empresa do segmento de varejo no período de 25 a 28 de junho de 2010. O estudo mostrou que os gestores aprovam os programas adotados.
O presente trabalho investiga a possibilidade de aumentar o espectro de participação política na Administração, pela consideração de que o Estado brasileiro tem fins, objetivos a realizar e é uma democracia do tipo “procedimental-deliberativa”, em que o povo deve participar das decisões que afetem sua vida. Além disso, a realização do interesse geral só tem a ganhar em eficácia se as decisões estatais escaparem, o mais possível, da lógica tecnocrática do “segredo administrativo”, porque, graças à participação dos interessados, pelo conhecimento dos dados concretos e dos fatores humanos e técnicos que condicionam uma decisão, estes podem trazer algum elemento que a modifique, obrigando a Administração a explicar os motivos de sua ação, facilitando, assim, a execução. Por isso, estuda-se, tanto o significado do princípio democrático quanto do princípio da publicidade, as formas possíveis de participação dos cidadãos na Administração e as concretizações da publicidade administrativa em direito de saber, direito de controle e direito de participar do processo administrativo.
O objetivo do estudo foi comparar os resultados de investigações de acidentes aeronáuticos brasileiros do Centro de Investigação e Prevenção de Acidentes Aeronáuticos (Cenipa) com os do sistema de análise e classificação de fatores humanos (Human Factors Analysis and Classification System - HFACS). Foram analisados e comparados os relatórios finais de 36 investigações de acidentes aeronáuticos ocorridos entre 2000 e 2005, no estado de São Paulo. Foram mencionados 163 fatores contribuintes dos acidentes aeronáuticos nos relatórios do Cenipa, enquanto 370 foram identificados por meio do HFACS. Conclui-se que as análises do Cenipa não contemplaram fatores organizacionais associados aos acidentes aéreos.
No âmbito do Processamento Automático de Línguas Naturais (PLN), o desenvolvimento de recursos léxico-semânticos é premente. Ao conceber os sistemas de PLN como um exercício de engenharia da linguagem humana, acredita-se que o desenvolvimento de tais recursos pode ser beneficiado pelos modelos de representação do conhecimento, desenvolvidos pela Engenharia do Conhecimento. Esses modelos, em particular, fornecem simultaneamente o arcabouço teórico-metodológico e a metalinguagem formal para o tratamento computacional do significado das unidades lexicais. Neste artigo, após a apresentação da concepção linguístico-computacional de léxico, elucidam-se os principais paradigmas de representação do conhecimento, enfatizando a abordagem do significado e a metalinguagem formal vinculadas a cada um deles.
In this paper, we provide a brief description of the multidisciplinary domain of research called Natural Language Processing (NLP), which aims at enabling the computer to deal with natural languages. In accordance with this description, NLP is conceived as "human language engineering or technology". Therefore, NLP requires consistent description of linguistic facts on every linguistic level: morphological, syntactic, semantic, and even the level of pragmatics and discourse. In addition to the linguistically-motivated conception of NLP, we emphasize the origin of such research field, the place occupied by NLP inside a multidisciplinary scenario, their objectives and challenges. Finally, we provide some remarks on the automatic processing of Brazilian Portuguese language.
This research describes the application of a scientific and technological model of Ergonomics in the design of pre-school furniture. The constant presence of the desk in early education and its influence in the relationship between the user and his educational environment determined the necessity of this project. The pre-school desk was considered as a work station, where the joint aspects of education and child anthropometry substantiate the problem. The review of the Historical application of Ergonomics in the Design of children's products consolidated the importance of this report. The development of ergonomic research, characterised by investigations of the Brazilian child's Anthropometry Data and Biomechanical Features, resulted in dimensional parameters of the user and physical characteristics of the present furniture. These elements, together with a comprehension of activities and needs in the pre-school, were connected with aspects of bibliographical revision to result in a series of recomendations for design. Through the methods of Ergonomic Design, a new proposal for the pre-school desk was developed, denominated Mobipresc 3.6.
Environmental training in organisations: From a literature review to a framework for future research
Although the research on the relationship between human factors and environmental sustainability is slowly progressing, environmental training has attracted the most attention from researchers and practitioners. However, there remains a lack of research that integrates and systematises the available knowledge on organisational environmental training. Environmental training is fundamental to any successful activity of environmental management, conservation and recycling of resources. Thus, the aim of this paper was to present the results of a systematic literature review on environmental training in organisations. The main studies in this area were classified and coded, and a research agenda with 9 recommendations that may advance the field was presented. As a result of the gaps in the current literature, a framework was proposed aiming guide and strengthens the state-of-the-art research on environmental training. Additionally, results show that more research is needed on environmental training, combining training and green human resource management and defining/measuring the objectives of the environmental training actions. Future studies should also consider mixed methodologies and comparative perspectives. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)