835 resultados para Hot spot - menetelmä


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The density and excitation energy dependence of symmetry energy and symmetry free energy for finite nuclei are calculated microscopically in a microcanonical framework, taking into account thermal and expansion effects. A finite-range momentum and density-dependent two-body effective interaction is employed for this purpose. The role of mass, isospin, and equation of state (EOS) on these quantities is also investigated; our calculated results are in consonance with the available experimental data.


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Phase diagrams for bulk nuclear matter at finite temperatures and variable proton concentrations are presented and discussed. This binary system exhibits a line of critical points, a line of equal concentrations, and a line of maximum temperatures. the phenomenon of retrograde condensation is also possible.


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The properties of hot, dense stellar matter are investigated with a finite temperature nuclear Thomas-Fermi model.


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Vibration-based damage identification (VBDI) techniques have been developed in part to address the problems associated with an aging civil infrastructure. To assess the potential of VBDI as it applies to highway bridges in Iowa, three applications of VBDI techniques were considered in this study: numerical simulation, laboratory structures, and field structures. VBDI techniques were found to be highly capable of locating and quantifying damage in numerical simulations. These same techniques were found to be accurate in locating various types of damage in a laboratory setting with actual structures. Although there is the potential for these techniques to quantify damage in a laboratory setting, the ability of the methods to quantify low-level damage in the laboratory is not robust. When applying these techniques to an actual bridge, it was found that some traditional applications of VBDI methods are capable of describing the global behavior of the structure but are most likely not suited for the identification of typical damage scenarios found in civil infrastructure. Measurement noise, boundary conditions, complications due to substructures and multiple material types, and transducer sensitivity make it very difficult for present VBDI techniques to identify, much less quantify, highly localized damage (such as small cracks and minor changes in thickness). However, while investigating VBDI techniques in the field, it was found that if the frequency-domain response of the structure can be generated from operating traffic load, the structural response can be animated and used to develop a holistic view of the bridge’s response to various automobile loadings. By animating the response of a field bridge, concrete cracking (in the abutment and deck) was correlated with structural motion and problem frequencies (i.e., those that cause significant torsion or tension-compression at beam ends) were identified. Furthermore, a frequency-domain study of operational traffic was used to identify both common and extreme frequencies for a given structure and loading. Common traffic frequencies can be compared to problem frequencies so that cost-effective, preventative solutions (either structural or usage-based) can be developed for a wide range of IDOT bridges. Further work should (1) perfect the process of collecting high-quality operational frequency response data; (2) expand and simplify the process of correlating frequency response animations with damage; and (3) develop efficient, economical, preemptive solutions to common damage types.


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Moisture sensitivity of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) mixtures, generally called stripping, is a major form of distress in asphalt concrete pavement. It is characterized by the loss of adhesive bond between the asphalt binder and the aggregate (a failure of the bonding of the binder to the aggregate) or by a softening of the cohesive bonds within the asphalt binder (a failure within the binder itself), both of which are due to the action of loading under traffic in the presence of moisture. The evaluation of HMA moisture sensitivity has been divided into two categories: visual inspection test and mechanical test. However, most of them have been developed in pre-Superpave mix design. This research was undertaken to develop a protocol for evaluating the moisture sensitivity potential of HMA mixtures using the Nottingham Asphalt Tester (NAT). The mechanisms of HMA moisture sensitivity were reviewed and the test protocols using the NAT were developed. Different types of blends as moisture-sensitive groups and non-moisture-sensitive groups were used to evaluate the potential of the proposed test. The test results were analyzed with three parameters based on performance character: the retained flow number depending on critical permanent deformation failure (RFNP), the retained flow number depending on cohesion failure (RFNC), and energy ratio (ER). Analysis based on energy ratio of elastic strain (EREE ) at flow number of cohesion failure (FNC) has higher potential to evaluate the HMA moisture sensitivity than other parameters. If the measurement error in data-acquisition process is removed, analyses based on RFNP and RFNC would also have high potential to evaluate the HMA moisture sensitivity. The vacuum pressure saturation used in AASHTO T 283 and proposed test has a risk to damage specimen before the load applying.


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We study energy-weighted sum rules of the pion and kaon propagator in nuclear matter at finite temperature. The sum rules are obtained from matching the Dyson form of the meson propagator with its spectral Lehmann representation at low and high energies. We calculate the sum rules for specific models of the kaon and pion self-energy. The in-medium spectral densities of the K and (K) over bar mesons are obtained from a chiral unitary approach in coupled channels that incorporates the S and P waves of the kaon-nucleon interaction. The pion self-energy is determined from the P-wave coupling to particle-hole and Delta-hole excitations, modified by short-range correlations. The sum rules for the lower-energy weights are fulfilled satisfactorily and reflect the contributions from the different quasiparticle and collective modes of the meson spectral function. We discuss the sensitivity of the sum rules to the distribution of spectral strength and their usefulness as quality tests of model calculations.


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The aim of this article is to show which are the dramatic "yields" of the inclusion of the reference to the goddess Diana in Tennessee Williams's Cat on a Hot tin Roof. In the author's opinion, it does not deal simply with a meaningful reference; on the contrary, the accurate analysis of Williams's text proves that it is a true nuclear and cohesive element of the whole drama.


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Dado que el referente clásico "Edipo en busca de su identidad" ha sido siempre reconocido para Suddenly Last Summer , el autor de este artículo, mediante un análisis minucioso del texto del dramaturgo americano, propone leer en este caso Cat on a Hot Tin Roof desde el modelo Edipo Rey de Sófocles y descubrir en él igualmente la tradicional ironía clásica tanto desde el punto de vista del espectador como de los mismos personajes principales, Brick y su padre, ambos en busca de su verdad, una verdad, claro está, contraria a la esperada.


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Atès que el referent clàssic "Èdip en cerca de la seva identitat" ha estat sempre reconegut per a Suddenly Last Summer, l'autor d'aquest article, mitjançant una anàlisi acurada del text del dramaturg americà, proposa de llegir en aquest cas Can on a Hot tin Roof des del model Èdip Rei de Sòfocles i descobrir-hi igualment la tradicional ironia clàssica tant des del punt de vista de l'espectador com dels mateixos personatges principals, Brick i el seu pare, ambdós en cerca de la seva veritat, una veritat, és clar, contrària a la que esperaven.


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L'objectiu d'aquest article és mostrar quins són els rèdits dramàtics de la inclusió de la referència a la deessa Diana a Cat on a Hot Tin Roof de Tennessee Williams. En opinió del autor, no es tracta simplement d'una referència significativa, sinó que l'anàlisi acurada del text de Williams demostra que és un element vertaderament nuclear i cohesionador de tot el drama.


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El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar cuáles son los réditos dramáticos de la inclusión de la referencia a la diosa Diana en Cat on a Hot Tin Roof de Tennessee Williams. En opinión del autor, no se trata simplemente de una referencia significativa, sino que el análisis minucioso del texto de Williams demuestra que es un elemento verdaderamente nuclear y cohesionador de todo el drama.


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In this work we study aluminium laser-fired contacts for intrinsic amorphous silicon layers deposited by Hot-Wire CVD. This structure could be used as an alternative low temperature back contact for rear passivated heterojunction solar cells. An infrared Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm) has been used to locally fire the aluminium through the thin amorphous silicon layers. Under optimized laser firing parameters, very low specific contact resistances (ρc ∼ 10 mΩ cm2) have been obtained on 2.8 Ω cm p-type c-Si wafers. This investigation focuses on maintaining the passivation quality of the interface without an excessive increase in the series resistance of the device.


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The scaling up of the Hot Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition (HW-CVD) technique to large deposition area can be done using a catalytic net of equal spaced parallel filaments. The large area deposition limit is defined as the limit whenever a further increment of the catalytic net area does not affect the properties of the deposited film. This is the case when a dense catalytic net is spread on a surface considerably larger than that of the film substrate. To study this limit, a system able to hold a net of twelve wires covering a surface of about 20 cm x 20 cm was used to deposit amorphous (a-Si:H) and microcrystalline (μc-Si:H) silicon over a substrate of 10 cm x 10 cm placed at a filament-substrate distance ranging from 1 to 2 cm. The uniformity of the film thickness d and optical constants, n(x, λ) and α(x,¯hω), was studied via transmission measurements. The thin film uniformity as a function of the filament-substrate distance was studied. The experimental thickness profile was compared with the theoretical result obtained solving the diffusion equations. The optimization of the filament-substrate distance allowed obtaining films with inhomogeneities lower than ±2.5% and deposition rates higher than 1 nm/s and 4.5 nm/s for (μc-Si:H) and (a-Si:H), respectively.