926 resultados para High ability pupils


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Ozone (O3) phytototoxicity has been reported on a wide range of crops and wild Central European plantspecies, however no information has been provided regarding the sensitivity of plantspecies from dehesa Mediterranean therophytic grasslands in spite of their great plantspecies richness and the high O3 levels that are recorded in this area. A study was carried out in open-top chambers (OTCs) to assess the effects of O3 and competition on the reproductiveability of threecloverspecies: Trifolium cherleri, Trifolium subterraneum and Trifolium striatum. A phytometer approach was followed, therefore plants of these species were grown in mesoscosms composed of monocultures of four plants of each species, of threeplants of each species competing against a Briza maxima individual or of a single plant of each cloverspecies competing with threeB. maximaplants. Three O3 treatments were adopted: charcoal filtered air (CFA), non-filtered air (NFA) and non-filtered air supplemented with 40 nl l−1 of O3 (NFA+). The different mesocosms were exposed to the different O3 treatments for 45 days and then they remained in the open. Ozoneexposure caused reductions in the flower biomass of the threecloverspecies assessed. In the case of T. cherleri and T. subterraneum this effect was found following their exposure to the different O3 treatments during their vegetative period. An attenuation of these effects was found when the plants remained in the open. Ozone-induced detrimental effects on the seed output of T. striatum were also observed. The flower biomass of the cloverplants grown in monocultures was greater than when competing with one or threeB. maxima individuals. An increased flower biomass was found in the CFA monoculture mesocosms of T. cherleri when compared with the remaining mesocosms, once the plants were exposed in the open for 60 days. The implications of these effects on the performance of dehesa acid grasslands and for the definition of O3 critical levels is discussed


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In this paper we study, through a concrete case, the feasibility of using a high-level, general-purpose logic language in the design and implementation of applications targeting wearable computers. The case study is a "sound spatializer" which, given real-time signáis for monaural audio and heading, generates stereo sound which appears to come from a position in space. The use of advanced compile-time transformations and optimizations made it possible to execute code written in a clear style without efñciency or architectural concerns on the target device, while meeting strict existing time and memory constraints. The final executable compares favorably with a similar implementation written in C. We believe that this case is representative of a wider class of common pervasive computing applications, and that the techniques we show here can be put to good use in a range of scenarios. This points to the possibility of applying high-level languages, with their associated flexibility, conciseness, ability to be automatically parallelized, sophisticated compile-time tools for analysis and verification, etc., to the embedded systems field without paying an unnecessary performance penalty.


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This paper describes the experimental setup, procedure, and results obtained, concerning the dynamics of a body lying on a floor, attached to a hinge, and exposed to an unsteady flow, which is a model of the initiation of rotational motion of ballast stones due to the wind generated by the passing of a high-speed train. The idea is to obtain experimental data to support the theoretical model developed in Sanz-Andres and Navarro-Medina (J Wind Eng Ind Aerodyn 98, 772–783, (2010), aimed at analyzing the initial phase of the ballast train-induced-wind erosion (BATIWE) phenomenon. The experimental setup is based on an open circuit, closed test section, low-speed wind tunnel, with a new sinusoidal gust generator mechanism concept, designed and built at the IDR/UPM. The tunnel’s main characteristic is the ability to generate a flow with a uniform velocity profile and sinusoidal time fluctuation of the speed. Experimental results and theoretical model predictions are in good agreement.


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La aparición y avance de la enfermedad del marchitamiento del pino (Pine Wilt Desease, PWD), causada por Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda; Aphelenchoididae), el nematodo de la madera del pino (NMP), en el suroeste de Europa, ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de estudiar la fenología y la dispersión de su único vector conocido en Europa, Monochamus galloprovincialis (Col., Cerambycidae). El análisis de 12 series de emergencias entre 2010 y 2014, registradas en Palencia, València y Teruel, con material procedente de diversos puntos de la península ibérica, demostró una alta variabilidad en la fenología de M. galloprovincialis y la divergencia térmica respecto de las poblaciones portuguesas. Para éstas, el establecimiento de los umbrales térmicos de desarrollo de las larvas post-dormantes del vector (12,2 y 33,5ºC) permitió la predicción de la emergencia mediana para la fecha en la que se acumulaban de 822 grados-día. Ninguna de las series analizadas en este trabajo necesitó de dichos grados-día estimados para la emergencia mediana. Asimismo, la emergencia se adelantó en las regiones más calurosas, mientras que se retrasó en las zonas más templadas. Más allá de la posible variabilidad entre poblaciones locales peninsulares, se detectaron indicios de que la diferencia en la acumulación de calor durante el otoño puede afectar el grado de maduración de las larvas invernantes, y su posterior patrón temporal de emergencia. Por último, también fueron observados comportamientos de protandria en las emergencias. Respecto a la fenología de su vuelo, entre los años 2010 y 2015, fueron ejecutados un total de 8 experimentos de captura de M. galloprovincialis mediante trampas cebadas con atrayentes en diferentes regiones (Castellón, Teruel, Segovia y Alicante) permitiendo el seguimiento del periodo de vuelo. Su análisis permitió constatar la disminución de las capturas y el acortamiento del periodo de vuelo con la altitud, el inicio del vuelo en el mes de mayo/junio a partir de los 14ºC de temperatura media diaria, la influencia de las altas temperaturas en la disminución de las capturas estivales (potencial causante de perfiles bimodales en las curvas de vuelo en las zonas menos frías), la evolución de la proporción de sexos a lo largo del periodo de vuelo (que muestra una mayor captura de hembras al inicio y de machos al final) y el comportamiento diurno y ligado a las altas temperaturas del vuelo circadiano del insecto. Dos redes de muestreo sistemático de insectos saproxílicos instaladas en la Comunitat Valencia (Red MUFFET, 15 parcelas, año 2013) y en Murcia (Red ESFP, 20 parcelas, años 2008-2010) permitieron el estudio de la comunidad de insectos relacionada con M. galloprovincialis. Cada una de las parcelas contaba con una trampa cebada con atrayentes y una estación meteorológica. El registro de más de 250 especies de coleópteros saproxílicos demostró el potencial que tiene el empleo de redes de trampas vigía para la detección temprana de organismos exóticos, además de permitir la caracterización y evaluación de las comunidades de entomofauna útil, representando una de las mejores herramientas de la gestión integrada de plagas. En este caso, la comunidad de saproxílicos estudiada mostró ser muy homogénea respecto a la variación ambiental de las zonas de muestreo, y que pese a las pequeñas variaciones entre las comunidades de los diferentes ecosistemas, el rol que M. galloprovincialis desempeña en ellas a lo largo de todo el gradiente estudiado es el mismo. Con todo, el análisis mediante redes de interacción mostró su relevancia ecológica al actuar de conector entre los diferentes niveles tróficos. Por último, un total de 12 experimentos de marcaje-liberación-recaptura desarrollados entre 2009 y 2012 en Castellón, Teruel, Valencia y Murcia permitieron evaluar el comportamiento dispersivo de M. galloprovincialis. Las detecciones mediante trampas cebadas de los insectos liberados se dieron por lo menos 8 días después de la emergencia. La abundancia de población pareció relacionada con la continuidad, la naturalización de la masa, y con la afección previa de incendios. La dispersión no estuvo influida por la dirección ni la intensidad de los vientos dominantes. La abundancia de material hospedante (en lo referente a las variables de masa y a los índices de competencia) influyó en la captura del insecto en paisajes fragmentados, aunque la ubicación de las trampas optimizó el número de capturas cuando se ubicaron en el límite de la masa y en zonas visibles. Por último también se constató que M. galloprovincialis posee suficiente capacidad de dispersión como para recorrer hasta 1500 m/día, llegando a alcanzar distancias máximas de 13600m o de 22100 m. ABSTRACT The detection and expansion of the Pine Wilt Desease (PWD), caused by Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda; Aphelenchoididae), Pine Wood Nematode (PWN), in southwestern Europe since 1999, has triggered off the study of the phenology and the dispersion of its unique vector in the continent, Monochamus galloprovincialis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). The analysis of 12 emergence series between 2010 and 2014 registered in Palencia, Teruel and Valencia (Spain), registered from field colonized material collected at several locations of the Iberian Peninsula, showed a high variability in the emergence phenology of M. galloprovincialis. In addition, these patterns showed a very acute thermal divergence regarding a development model fitted earlier in Portugal. Such model forecasted the emergence of 50% of M. galloprovincialis individuals in the Setúbal Peninsula (Portugal) when an average of 822 degree-days (DD) were reached, based on the accumulation of heat from the 1st of March until emergence and lower and upper thresholds of 12.2 ºC and 33,5 °C respectively. In our results, all analyzed series needed less than 822 DD to complete the 50% of the emergence. Also, emergency occurred earlier in the hottest regions, while it was delayed in more temperate areas. Beyond the possible variability between local populations, the difference in the heat accumulation during the fall season may have affected the degree of maturation of overwintering larvae, and subsequently, the temporal pattern of M. galloprovincialis emergences. Therefore these results suggest the need to differentiate local management strategies for the PWN vector, depending on the location, and the climatic variables of each region. Finally, protandrous emergence patterns were observed for M. galloprovincialis in most of the studied data-sets. Regarding the flight phenology of M. galloprovincialis, a total of 8 trapping experiments were carried out in different regions of the Iberian Peninsula (Castellón, Teruel, Segovia and Alicante) between 2010 and 2015. The use of commercial lures and traps allowed monitoring of the flight period of M. galloprovincialis. The analyses of such curves, helped confirming different aspects. First, a decline in the number of catches and a shortening of the flight period was observed as the altitude increased. Flight period was recorded to start in May / June when the daily average temperature went over 14 ° C. A significant influence of high temperatures on the decrease of catches in the summer was found in many occasions, which frequently lead to a bimodal profile of the flight curves in warm areas. The evolution of sex ratio along the flight period shows a greater capture of females at the beginning of the period, and of males at the end. In addition, the circadian response of M. galloprovincialis to lured traps was described for the first time, concluding that the insect is diurnal and that such response is linked to high temperatures. Two networks of systematic sampling of saproxylic insects were installed in the Region of Valencia (Red MUFFET, 15 plots, 2013) and Murcia (Red ICPF, 20 plots, 2008-2010). These networks, intended to serve the double purpose of early-detection and long term monitoring of the saproxylic beetle assemblies, allowed the study of insect communities related to M. galloprovincialis. Each of the plots had a trap baited with attractants and a weather station. The registration of almost 300 species of saproxylic beetles demonstrated the potential use of such trapping networks for the early detection of exotic organisms, while at the same time allows the characterization and evaluation of useful entomological fauna communities, representing one of the best tools for the integrated pest management. In this particular case, the studied community of saproxylic beetles was very homogeneous with respect to environmental variation of the sampling areas, and despite small variations between communities of different ecosystems, the role that M. galloprovincialis apparently plays in them across the studied gradient seems to be the same. However, the analysis through food-webs showed the ecological significance of M. galloprovincialis as a connector between different trophic levels. Finally, 12 mark-release-recapture experiments were carried out between 2009 and 2012 in Castellón, Teruel, Valencia and Murcia (Spain) with the aim to describe the dispersive behavior of M. galloprovincialis as well as the stand and landscape characteristics that could influence its abundance and dispersal. No insects younger than 8 days were caught in lured traps. Population abundance estimates from mark-release-recapture data, seemed related to forest continuity, naturalization, and to prior presence of forest fires. On the other hand, M. galloprovincialis dispersal was not found to be significantly influenced by the direction and intensity of prevailing winds. The abundance of host material, very related to stand characteristics and spacing indexes, influenced the insect abundance in fragmented landscapes. In addition, the location of the traps optimized the number of catches when they were placed in the edge of the forest stands and in visible positions. Finally it was also found that M. galloprovincialis is able to fly up to 1500 m / day, reaching maximum distances of up to 13600 m or 22100 m.


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Vegetable oils that contain fatty acids with conjugated double bonds, such as tung oil, are valuable drying agents in paints, varnishes, and inks. Although several reaction mechanisms have been proposed, little is known of the biosynthetic origin of conjugated double bonds in plant fatty acids. An expressed sequence tag (EST) approach was undertaken to characterize the enzymatic basis for the formation of the conjugated double bonds of α-eleostearic (18:3Δ9cis,11trans,13trans) and α-parinaric (18:4Δ9cis,11trans,13trans,15cis) acids. Approximately 3,000 ESTs were generated from cDNA libraries prepared from developing seeds of Momordica charantia and Impatiens balsamina, tissues that accumulate large amounts of α-eleostearic and α-parinaric acids, respectively. From ESTs of both species, a class of cDNAs encoding a diverged form of the Δ12-oleic acid desaturase was identified. Expression of full-length cDNAs for the Momordica (MomoFadX) and Impatiens (ImpFadX) enzymes in somatic soybean embryos resulted in the accumulation of α-eleostearic and α-parinaric acids, neither of which is present in untransformed soybean embryos. α-Eleostearic and α-parinaric acids together accounted for as much as 17% (wt/wt) of the total fatty acids of embryos expressing MomoFadX. These results demonstrate the ability to produce fatty acid components of high-value drying oils in transgenic plants. These findings also demonstrate a previously uncharacterized activity for Δ12-oleic acid desaturase-type enzymes that we have termed “conjugase.”


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In the majority of cervical cancers, DNAs of high-risk mucosotpropic human papillomaviruses (HPVs), such as type 16, are maintained so as to express two viral proteins, E6 and E7, suggesting an essential importance to carcinogenesis. The high-risk HPV E6 proteins are known to inactivate p53 tumor suppressor protein but appear to have an additional, molecularly unknown function(s). In this study, we demonstrate that these E6 proteins can bind to the second PDZ domain of the human homologue of the Drosophila discs large tumor suppressor protein (hDLG) through their C-terminal XS/TXV/L (where X represents any amino acid, S/T serine or threonine, and V/L valine or leucine) motif. This finding is similar to the interaction between the adenomatous polyposis coli gene product and hDLG. E6 mutants losing the ability to bind to hDLG are no longer able to induce E6-dependent transformation of rodent cells. These results suggest an intriguing possibility that interaction between the E6 protein and hDLG or other PDZ domain-containing proteins could be an underlying mechanism in the development of HPV-associated cancers.


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A temperature-sensitive mutant, sec34-2, is defective in the late stages of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi transport. A high-copy suppressor screen that uses the sec34-2 mutant has resulted in the identification of the SEC34 structural gene and a novel gene called GRP1. GRP1 encodes a previously unidentified hydrophilic yeast protein related to the mammalian Golgi protein golgin-160. Although GRP1 is not essential for growth, the grp1Δ mutation displays synthetic lethal interactions with several mutations that result in ER accumulation and a block in the late stages of ER-to-Golgi transport, but not with those that block the budding of vesicles from the ER. Our findings suggest that Grp1p may facilitate membrane traffic indirectly, possibly by maintaining Golgi function. In an effort to identify genes whose products physically interact with Sec34p, we also tested the ability of overexpressed SEC34 to suppress known secretory mutations that block vesicular traffic between the ER and the Golgi. This screen revealed that SEC34 specifically suppresses sec35-1. SEC34 encodes a hydrophilic protein of ∼100 kDa. Like Sec35p, which has been implicated in the tethering of ER-derived vesicles to the Golgi, Sec34p is predominantly soluble. Sec34p and Sec35p stably associate with each other to form a multiprotein complex of ∼480 kDa. These data indicate that Sec34p acts in conjunction with Sec35p to mediate a common step in vesicular traffic.


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Net photosynthesis (Pn) is inhibited by moderate heat stress. To elucidate the mechanism of inhibition, we examined the effects of temperature on gas exchange and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activation in cotton and tobacco leaves and compared the responses to those of the isolated enzymes. Depending on the CO2 concentration, Pn decreased when temperatures exceeded 35–40°C. This response was inconsistent with the response predicted from the properties of fully activated Rubisco. Rubisco deactivated in leaves when temperature was increased and also in response to high CO2 or low O2. The decrease in Rubisco activation occurred when leaf temperatures exceeded 35°C, whereas the activities of isolated activase and Rubisco were highest at 42°C and >50°C, respectively. In the absence of activase, isolated Rubisco deactivated under catalytic conditions and the rate of deactivation increased with temperature but not with CO2. The ability of activase to maintain or promote Rubisco activation in vitro also decreased with temperature but was not affected by CO2. Increasing the activase/Rubisco ratio reduced Rubisco deactivation at higher temperatures. The results indicate that, as temperature increases, the rate of Rubisco deactivation exceeds the capacity of activase to promote activation. The decrease in Rubisco activation that occurred in leaves at high CO2 was not caused by a faster rate of deactivation, but by reduced activase activity possibly in response to unfavorable ATP/ADP ratios. When adjustments were made for changes in activation state, the kinetic properties of Rubisco predicted the response of Pn at high temperature and CO2.


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The class B, type I scavenger receptor, SR-BI, binds high density lipoprotein (HDL) and mediates the selective uptake of HDL cholesteryl ester (CE) by cultured transfected cells. The high levels of SR-BI expression in steroidogenic cells in vivo and its regulation by tropic hormones provides support for the hypothesis that SR-BI is a physiologically relevant HDL receptor that supplies substrate cholesterol for steroid hormone synthesis. This hypothesis was tested by determining the ability of antibody directed against murine (m) SR-BI to inhibit the selective uptake of HDL CE in Y1-BS1 adrenocortical cells. Anti-mSR-BI IgG inhibited HDL CE-selective uptake by 70% and cell association of HDL particles by 50% in a dose-dependent manner. The secretion of [3H]steroids derived from HDL containing [3H]CE was inhibited by 78% by anti-mSR-BI IgG. These results establish mSR-BI as the major route for the selective uptake of HDL CE and the delivery of HDL cholesterol to the steroidogenic pathway in cultured mouse adrenal cells.


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The integrin αLβ2 has three different domains in its headpiece that have been suggested to either bind ligand or to regulate ligand binding. One of these, the inserted or I domain, has a fold similar to that of small G proteins. The I domain of the αM and α2 subunits has been crystallized in both open and closed conformations; however, the αL I domain has been crystallized in only the closed conformation. We hypothesized that the αL domain also would have an open conformation, and that this would be the ligand binding conformation. Therefore, we introduced pairs of cysteine residues to form disulfides that would lock the αL I domain in either the open or closed conformation. Locking the I domain open resulted in a 9,000-fold increase in affinity to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), which was reversed by disulfide reduction. By contrast, the affinity of the locked closed conformer was similar to wild type. Binding completely depended on Mg2+. Orders of affinity were ICAM-1 > ICAM-2 > ICAM-3. The kon, koff, and KD values for the locked open I domain were within 1.5-fold of values previously determined for the αLβ2 complex, showing that the I domain is sufficient for full affinity binding to ICAM-1. The locked open I domain antagonized αLβ2-dependent adhesion in vitro, lymphocyte homing in vivo, and firm adhesion but not rolling on high endothelial venules. The ability to reversibly lock a protein fold in an active conformation with dramatically increased affinity opens vistas in therapeutics and proteomics.


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Previously, we identified a novel gene, pmgA, as an essential factor to support photomixotrophic growth of Synechocystis species PCC 6803 and reported that a strain in which pmgA was deleted grew better than the wild type under photoautotrophic conditions. To gain insight into the role of pmgA, we investigated the mutant phenotype of pmgA in detail. When low-light-grown (20 μE m−2 s−1) cells were transferred to high light (HL [200μE m−2 s−1]), pmgA mutants failed to respond in the manner typically associated with Synechocystis. Specifically, mutants lost their ability to suppress accumulation of chlorophyll and photosystem I and, consequently, could not modulate photosystem stoichiometry. These phenotypes seem to result in enhanced rates of photosynthesis and growth during short-term exposure to HL. Moreover, mixed-culture experiments clearly demonstrated that loss of pmgA function was selected against during longer-term exposure to HL, suggesting that pmgA is involved in acquisition of resistance to HL stress. Finally, early induction of pmgA expression detected by reverse transcriptase-PCR upon the shift to HL led us to conclude that pmgA is the first gene identified, to our knowledge, as a specific regulatory factor for HL acclimation.


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Histone H1, a major structural component of chromatin fiber, is believed to act as a general repressor of transcription. To investigate in vivo the role of this protein in transcription regulation during development of a multicellular organism, we made transgenic tobacco plants that overexpress the gene for Arabidopsis histone H1. In all plants that overexpressed H1 the total H1-to-DNA ratio in chromatin increased 2.3-2.8 times compared with the physiological level. This was accompanied by 50-100% decrease of native tobacco H1. The phenotypic changes in H1-overexpressing plants ranged from mild to severe perturbations in morphological appearance and flowering. No correlation was observed between the extent of phenotypic change and the variation in the amount of overexpressed H1 or the presence or absence of the native tobacco H1. However, the severe phenotypic changes were correlated with early occurrence during plant growth of cells with abnormally heterochromatinized nuclei. Such cells occurred considerably later in plants with milder changes. Surprisingly, the ability of cells with highly heterochromatinized nuclei to fulfill basic physiological functions, including differentiation, was not markedly hampered. The results support the suggestion that chromatin structural changes dependent on H1 stoichiometry and on the profile of major H1 variants have limited regulatory effect on the activity of genes that control basal cellular functions. However, the H1-mediated chromatin changes can be of much greater importance for the regulation of genes involved in control of specific developmental programs.


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Based on transplantation studies with bone marrow cultured under various conditions, a role of interleukin 11 (IL-11) in the self-renewal and/or the differentiation commitment of hematopoietic stem cells has been indicated. To better evaluate the in vivo effects of IL-11 on stem/progenitor cell biology, lethally irradiated mice were serially transplanted with bone marrow cells transduced with a defective retrovirus, termed MSCV-mIL-11, carrying the murine IL-11 (mIL-11) cDNA and the bacterial neomycin phosphotransferase (neo) gene. High serum levels (i.e., > 1 ng/ml) of mIL-11 in all (20/20) primary and 86% (12/14) of secondary long-term reconstituted mice, as well as 86% (12/14) of tertiary recipients examined at 6 weeks posttransplant, demonstrated persistence of vector expression subsequent to transduction of bone marrow precursors functionally definable as totipotent hematopoietic stem cells. In agreement with results obtained with human IL-11 in other myeloablation models, ectopic mIL-11 expression accelerated recovery of platelets, neutrophils, and, to some extent, total leukocytes while preferentially increasing peripheral platelet counts in fully reconstituted mice. When analyzed 5 months posttransplant, tertiary MSCV-mIL-11 recipients had a significantly greater percentage of G418-resistant colony-forming cells in their bone marrow compared with control MSCV animals. Collectively, these data show that persistent stimulation of platelet production by IL-11 is not detrimental to stem cell repopulating ability; rather, they suggest that IL-11 expression in vivo may have resulted in enhanced maintenance of the most primitive hematopoietic stem cell compartment. The prolonged expression achieved by the MSCV retroviral vector, despite the presence of a selectable marker, contrasts with the frequent transcriptional extinction observed with other retroviral vectors carrying two genes. These findings have potentially important implications for clinical bone marrow transplantation and gene therapy of the hematopoietic system.


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The ability of cocaine to inhibit the dopamine transporter (DAT) appears to be crucial for its reinforcing properties. The potential use of drugs that produce long-lasting inhibition of the DAT as a mean of preventing the "high" and reducing drug-seeking behavior has become a major strategy in medication development. However, neither the relation between the high and DAT inhibition nor the ability to block the high by prior DAT blockade have ever been demonstrated. To evaluate if DAT could prevent the high induced by methylphenidate (MP), a drug which like cocaine inhibits the DAT, we compared the responses in eight non-drug-abusing subjects between the first and the second of two MP doses (0.375 mg/kg, i.v.) given 60 min apart. At 60 min the high from MP has returned to baseline, but 75-80% of the drug remains in brain. Positron-emission tomography and [11C]d-threo-MP were used to estimate DAT occupancies at different times after MP. DAT inhibition by MP did not block or attenuate the high from a second dose of MP given 60 min later, despite a 80% residual transporter occupancy from the first dose. Furthermore some subjects did not perceive a high after single or repeated administration despite significant DAT blockade. These results indicate that DAT occupancy is not sufficient to account for the high, and that for DAT inhibitors to be therapeutically effective, occupancies > 80% may be required.


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In conjunction with an enhanced system for Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation, a new binary bacterial artificial chromosome (BIBAC) vector has been developed that is capable of transferring at least 150 kb of foreign DNA into a plant nuclear genome. The transferred DNA appears to be intact in the majority of transformed tobacco plants analyzed and is faithfully inherited in the progeny. The ability to introduce high molecular weight DNA into plant chromosomes should accelerate gene identification and genetic engineering of plants and may lead to new approaches in studies of genome organization.