839 resultados para Health systems plans
Life expectancy at birth is the average number of years that a group of people born in the same year should live. The estimate for those born in 2010 is 80.2 years for Italy. On the other side of the chart are a number of countries in sub Saharan Africa. Haiti is in last place: children born in this country in 2010 have a life expectancy by an average of even 30 years, fifty in less than peers born in Italy. From a bioethical point of view, the first question that arises is: Is it right? Is it right that there is such inequality in health? The answer is simple: it is not right. But if we ask ourselves what are the best solution to remedy this situation, the answers become more than one. The differences in life expectancy depends on many factors, including no doubt the effectiveness of health systems. The scope of this work is precisely that of justice in health care and how the different general concepts related to it can be applied in health care settings with very limited financial and human resources. The first chapter describes the main inequalities in global health. The second discusses the main theories of justice. In the next chapter we reason on official development assistance and health cooperation. In the fourth we analyze the contribution of theories of justice through such issues as equity in health, the right of access to health services and right to health. In the fifth chapter the aim is to reason about global justice, the role of health in this context and how the official development assistance in health can contribute.
in the everyday clinical practice. Having this in mind, the choice of a simple setup would not be enough because, even if the setup is quick and simple, the instrumental assessment would still be in addition to the daily routine. The will to overcome this limit has led to the idea of instrumenting already existing and widely used functional tests. In this way the sensor based assessment becomes an integral part of the clinical assessment. Reliable and validated signal processing methods have been successfully implemented in Personal Health Systems based on smartphone technology. At the end of this research project there is evidence that such solution can really and easily used in clinical practice in both supervised and unsupervised settings. Smartphone based solution, together or in place of dedicated wearable sensing units, can truly become a pervasive and low-cost means for providing suitable testing solutions for quantitative movement analysis with a clear clinical value, ultimately providing enhanced balance and mobility support to an aging population.
La tesi di dottorato "Unione Europea e Sanità" è uno studio sistematico del diritto alla salute e della protezione della sanità pubblica nell'ordinamento giuridico dell'Unione Europea. Il primo capitolo analizza le competenze sanitarie dell'Unione Europea, introdotte per la prima volta dal Trattato di Maastricht e definitivamente sistemate all'art. 168 TFUE. La norma identifica alcuni settori specifici nei quali l'Unione può agire e altri, quali l'organizzazione dei sistemi sanitari e la fornitura di cure mediche, che rimangono in capo agli Stati membri. Il secondo capitolo esamina le deroghe e le esigenze imperative connesse alla salvaguardia della salute nel mercato interno ed è suddiviso in tre sezioni dedicate alla libera circolazione delle merci, al diritto di stabilimento e alla libera prestazione dei servizi. Nella prima ci si è occupati dello sviluppo della legislazione farmaceutica. Nella seconda si sono analizzati il mutuo riconoscimento delle qualifiche professionali e le legislazioni statali che restringono il diritto di stabilimento degli operatori sanitari transfrontalieri. Nella terza si è rivolta l'attenzione alla mobilità dei pazienti che, attraverso la giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia, è stata trasfusa in un atto di diritto derivato. Il terzo capitolo si concentra sul ruolo del diritto alla salute nell'ordinamento giuridico dell'Unione Europea in considerazione del valore vincolante della Carta dei diritti fondamentali. Coerentemente, si è scelto di mantenere una struttura tripartita. Nella prima sezione, ci si interroga sull'esistenza di tale diritto alla luce dei pochi casi presenti. Nella seconda, lo si analizza per il tramite delle obbligazioni di proteggere, rispettare ed adempiere, enucleate attraverso alcuni strumenti internazionali e si verifica il ruolo del principio di non discriminazione in relazione all'accesso alle cure. Nella terza, infine, si verifica il ruolo del consenso informato rispetto alla sperimentazione clinica ed alla donazione di materiale biologico.
In un contesto dominato da invecchiamento della popolazione, prevalenza della cronicità e presenza crescente di pazienti multiproblematici e non autosufficienti è indispensabile spostare il baricentro delle cure dall'acuzie alla cronicità, e quindi assicurare la continuità e la coerenza fra i diversi setting di cura, sia sanitari che socio-sanitari (ospedale, servizi sanitari territoriali, domicilio, strutture residenziali di Long term care). Dall'analisi della letteratura emerge che il maggiore ostacolo a realizzare questa continuità è rappresentato dalla presenza, caratteristica del sistema di welfare italiano, di molteplici attori e strutture con competenze, obiettivi e funzioni diverse e separate, e la raccomandazione di lavorare per l'integrazione contemporaneamente su più livelli: - normativo-istituzionale - programmatorio - professionale e gestionale Il sistema della "governance" realizzato in Emilia-Romagna per l'integrazione socio-sanitaria è stato valutato alla luce di queste raccomandazioni, seguendo il modello della Realist evaluation per i Social complex interventions: enucleando le "teorie" alla base dell'intervento ed analizzando i diversi step della sua implementazione. Alla luce di questa valutazione, il modello della "governance" è risultato coerente con le indicazioni delle linee guida, ed effettivamente capace di produrre risultati al fine della continuità e della coerenza fra cure sanitarie e assistenza sociale e sanitaria complessa. Resta da realizzare una valutazione complessiva dell'impatto su efficacia, costi e soddisfazione dei pazienti.
The European LeukemiaNet (ELN), workpackage 10 (WP10) was designed to deal with diagnosis matters using morphology and immunophenotyping. This group aimed at establishing a consensus on the required reagents for proper immunophenotyping of acute leukemia and lymphoproliferative disorders. Animated discussions within WP10, together with the application of the Delphi method of proposals circulation, quickly led to post-consensual immunophenotyping panels for disorders on the ELN website. In this report, we established a comprehensive description of these panels, both mandatory and complementary, for both types of clinical conditions. The reason for using each marker, sustained by relevant literature information, is provided in detail. With the constant development of immunophenotyping techniques in flow cytometry and related software, this work aims at providing useful guidelines to perform the most pertinent exploration at diagnosis and for follow-up, with the best cost benefit in diseases, the treatment of which has a strong impact on health systems.
Visual results in treating neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) using intravitreal injected anti-VEGF (IVT) clearly depend on injection frequency. Regarding to the European approval Ranibizumab has to be used only in cases of recurrent visual loss after the loading phase. In contrast monthly treatment--as also provided in the ANCHOR and MARINA studies--is generally allowed in Switzerland. However, it is commonly tried to reduce the injection frequency because of the particular cost situation in all health systems and of cause also due to the necessary strict monitoring and reinjection regimes, which raise management problems with increasing patient numbers. In this article the special treatment regimes of our University Eye Hospital is presented, in which a reduced injection frequency basically leads to the same increased and stable visual results as in ANCHOR and MARINA; however, needing significantly more injections as generally provided in other countries of Europe. The main focus for achieving this in a large number of patients is placed on re-structuring our outpatient flow for IVT patients with particular emphasis on patient separation and standardisation of treatment steps leading to significantly reduced time consumption per patient. Measurements of timing and patient satisfaction before and after restructuring underline its importance in order to be able to treat more patients at a high quality even in the future. The exceptional importance of spectral domain OCT measurements as the most important criterium for indicating re-treatment is illustrated.
Few international comparisons of health services are performed using microlevel data. Using such data, this paper compares the need for and receipt of assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) in comparable samples in the United States and Sweden, a country with a universal system of community-based services.Design and Methods: Data from national surveys of community residents completed at approximately the same time in each nation are used to create comparable measures of need and assistance. Descriptive and logistic regression analyses compare need and assistance patterns across the nations and identify individual factors that explain receipt of assistance and unmet needs.Results:Our results indicate that a simple story of greater use of paid formal services in Sweden and more unpaid informal use in the United States masks a more complex relationship. Assistance with ADLs seems to be more targeted in Sweden; narrow differences in assistance widen considerably when the analysis is limited to those reporting need. Implications:Although these two different health systems result in similar levels of overall ADL assistance, a detailed microlevel comparison reveals key distinctions. Further microlevel comparisons of access, cost, and quality in cross-national data can further aid our understanding of the consequences of health policy.
Despite major improvements in diagnostics and interventional therapies, cardiovascular diseases remain a major health care and socio-economic burden both in western and developing countries, in which this burden is increasing in close correlation to economic growth. Health authorities and the general population have started to recognize that the fight against these diseases can only be won if their burden is faced by increasing our investment on interventions in lifestyle changes and prevention. There is an overwhelming evidence of the efficacy of secondary prevention initiatives including cardiac rehabilitation in terms of reduction in morbidity and mortality. However, secondary prevention is still too poorly implemented in clinical practice, often only on selected populations and over a limited period of time. The development of systematic and full comprehensive preventive programmes is warranted, integrated in the organization of national health systems. Furthermore, systematic monitoring of the process of delivery and outcomes is a necessity. Cardiology and secondary prevention, including cardiac rehabilitation, have evolved almost independently of each other and although each makes a unique contribution it is now time to join forces under the banner of preventive cardiology and create a comprehensive model that optimizes long term outcomes for patients and reduces the future burden on health care services. These are the aims that the Cardiac Rehabilitation Section of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation has foreseen to promote secondary preventive cardiology in clinical practice.
Welcome from Dean Patricia Starck The Face of Health Care Leading Technology School of Nursing Collaborates to Initiate Texas Medical Center’s First Digital Repository Nursing Research, A Growing Field Nursing in the Wake of the Storm Profile: Huaping Liu, RN, PhD, Dean and Associate Professor, School of Nursing at Peking Union Medical College Newsbrief: Planning for the Future with a New Doctor of Nursing Practice Program in Fall 2006 Newsbrief: Fast Track Nursing Program Gives Students a Speedy Start Profile: Susan Bankston, RN, BSN, Psychiatric Nursing, Currently enrolled in the MSN to DSN track Newsbrief: University of Texas Health Services Reports Outstanding Achievements in FY’05 Student Grants Newsbrief: New Degree Program Develops Leadership and Business Skills for Today’s Nurses Profile: Pamela Klauer Triolo, PhD, RN, FAAN Clinical Professor of Nursing Director, Nursing Leadership and Administration in Health Systems Newsbrief: Successful Luncheon Completes $1 Million Endowment UT School of Nursing Building Recognized as Blending Form and Function Faculty Scholarship Endowed Faculty Positions
: Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) account for a growing burden of morbidity and mortality among people living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). HIV infection and antiretroviral therapy interact with NCD risk factors in complex ways, and research into this "web of causation" has so far been largely based on data from high-income countries. However, improving the understanding, treatment, and prevention of NCDs in LMICs requires region-specific evidence. Priority research areas include: (1) defining the burden of NCDs among people living with HIV, (2) understanding the impact of modifiable risk factors, (3) evaluating effective and efficient care strategies at individual and health systems levels, and (4) evaluating cost-effective prevention strategies. Meeting these needs will require observational data, both to inform the design of randomized trials and to replace trials that would be unethical or infeasible. Focusing on Sub-Saharan Africa, we discuss data resources currently available to inform this effort and consider key limitations and methodological challenges. Existing data resources often lack population-based samples; HIV-negative, HIV-positive, and antiretroviral therapy-naive comparison groups; and measurements of key NCD risk factors and outcomes. Other challenges include loss to follow-up, competing risk of death, incomplete outcome ascertainment and measurement of factors affecting clinical decision making, and the need to control for (time-dependent) confounding. We review these challenges and discuss strategies for overcoming them through augmented data collection and appropriate analysis. We conclude with recommendations to improve the quality of data and analyses available to inform the response to HIV and NCD comorbidity in LMICs.
Objective: Integrated behavior therapy approaches are defined by the combination of behavioral and or cognitive interventions targeting neurocognition combined with other goal-oriented treatment targets such as social cognition, social skills, or educational issues. The Integrated Psychological Therapy Program (IPT) represents one of the very first behavior therapy approaches combining interventions of neurocognition, social cognition, and social competence. This comprehensive group-based bottom-up and top-down approach consists of five subprograms, each with incremental steps. IPT has been successfully implemented in several countries in Europe, America, Australia and in Asia. IPT worked as a model for some other approaches designed in the USA. IPT was undergone two further developments: based on the social competence part of IPT, the three specific therapy programs focusing residential, occupational or recreational topics were developed. Recently, the cognitive part of INT was rigorously expanded into the Integrated Neurocognitive Therapy (INT) designed exclusively for outpatient treatment: INT includes interventions targeting all neurocognitive and social cognitive domains defined by the NIMH-MATRICS initiative. These group and partially PC-based exercises are structured into four therapy modules, each starting with exercises on neurocognitive domains followed by social cognitive targets. Efficacy: The evidence of integrated therapy approaches and its advantage compared to of one-track interventions was becoming a discussion tool in therapy research as well as in mental health systems. Results of meta-analyses support superiority of integrated approaches compared to one-track interventions in more distal outcome areas such as social functioning. These results are in line with the large body of 37 independent IPT studies in 12 countries. Moreover, IPT research indicates the maintenance of therapy effects after the end of therapy and some evidence generalization effects. Additionally, the international randomized multi-center study on INT with 169 outpatients strongly supports the successful therapy of integrated therapy in proximal and distal outcome such as significant effects in cognition, functioning and negative symptoms. Clinical implication: therapy research as well as expert’s clinical experience recommends integrated therapy approaches such as IPT to be successful agents within multimodal psychiatric treatment concepts. Finally, integrated group therapy based on cognitive remediation seems to motivate and stimulate schizophrenia inpatients and outpatients to more successful and independent life also demanded by the recovery movement.
OBJECTIVES Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) is a new data collection methodology used to estimate characteristics of hard-to-reach groups, such as the HIV prevalence in drug users. Many national public health systems and international organizations rely on RDS data. However, RDS reporting quality and available reporting guidelines are inadequate. We carried out a systematic review of RDS studies and present Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology for RDS Studies (STROBE-RDS), a checklist of essential items to present in RDS publications, justified by an explanation and elaboration document. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING We searched the MEDLINE (1970-2013), EMBASE (1974-2013), and Global Health (1910-2013) databases to assess the number and geographical distribution of published RDS studies. STROBE-RDS was developed based on STROBE guidelines, following Guidance for Developers of Health Research Reporting Guidelines. RESULTS RDS has been used in over 460 studies from 69 countries, including the USA (151 studies), China (70), and India (32). STROBE-RDS includes modifications to 12 of the 22 items on the STROBE checklist. The two key areas that required modification concerned the selection of participants and statistical analysis of the sample. CONCLUSION STROBE-RDS seeks to enhance the transparency and utility of research using RDS. If widely adopted, STROBE-RDS should improve global infectious diseases public health decision making.
Zoonoses, diseases affecting both humans and animals, can exert tremendous pressures on human and veterinary health systems, particularly in resource limited countries. Anthrax is one such zoonosis of concern and is a disease requiring greater public health attention in Nigeria. Here we describe the genetic diversity of Bacillus anthracis in Nigeria and compare it to Chad, Cameroon and a broader global dataset based on the multiple locus variable number tandem repeat (MLVA-25) genetic typing system. Nigerian B. anthracis isolates had identical MLVA genotypes and could only be resolved by measuring highly mutable single nucleotide repeats (SNRs). The Nigerian MLVA genotype was identical or highly genetically similar to those in the neighboring countries, confirming the strains belong to this unique West African lineage. Interestingly, sequence data from a Nigerian isolate shares the anthrose deficient genotypes previously described for strains in this region, which may be associated with vaccine evasion. Strains in this study were isolated over six decades, indicating a high level of temporal strain stability regionally. Ecological niche models were used to predict the geographic distribution of the pathogen for all three countries. We describe a west-east habitat corridor through northern Nigeria extending into Chad and Cameroon. Ecological niche models and genetic results show B. anthracis to be ecologically established in Nigeria. These findings expand our understanding of the global B. anthracis population structure and can guide regional anthrax surveillance and control planning.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY Many persons are travelling all over the world; the elderly with pre-existing diseases also travel to places with less developed health systems. Reportedly, fewer than 0.5% of all travellers need repatriation. We aimed to analyse and examine people who are injured or ill while abroad, where they travelled to and by what means they were repatriated. METHODS Retrospective cross-sectional study with adult patients repatriated to a single level 1 trauma centre in Switzerland (2000-2011). RESULTS A total of 372 patients were repatriated, with an increasing trend per year. Of these, 67% were male; the median age was 56 years. Forty-nine percent sustained an injury, and 13% had surgical and 38% medical pathologies. Patients with medical conditions were older than those with injuries or surgical emergencies (p <0.001). Seventy-three percent were repatriated from Europe. For repatriation from Africa trauma was slightly more frequent (53%, n = 17) than illnesses, whereas for most other countries illnesses and trauma were equally distributed. Injured patients had a median Injury Severity Score of 8. The majority of illnesses involved the nervous system (38%), mainly stroke. Forty-five percent were repatriated by Swiss Air Ambulance, 26% by ground ambulance, 18% by scheduled flights with or without medical assistance and two patients injured near the Swiss boarder by helicopter. The 28-day mortality was 4%. CONCLUSIONS The numbers of travellers repatriated increased from 2000 to 2011. About half were due to illnesses and half due to injuries. The largest group were elderly Swiss nationals repatriated from European countries. As mortality is relatively high, special consideration to this group of patients is warranted.
OBJECTIVE In 2013, Mozambique adopted Option B+, universal lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART) for all pregnant and lactating women, as national strategy for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. We analyzed retention in care of pregnant and lactating women starting Option B+ in rural northern Mozambique. METHODS We compared ART outcomes in pregnant ("B+pregnant"), lactating ("B+lactating") and non-pregnant-non-lactating women of childbearing age starting ART after clinical and/or immunological criteria ("own health") between July 2013 and June 2014. Lost to follow-up was defined as no contact >180 days after the last visit. Multivariable competing risk models were adjusted for type of facility (type 1 vs. peripheral type 2 health center), age, WHO stage and time from HIV diagnosis to ART. RESULTS Over 333 person-years of follow-up (of 243 "B+pregnant", 65″B+lactating" and 317 "own health" women), 3.7% of women died and 48.5% were lost to follow-up. "B+pregnant" and "B+lactating" women were more likely to be lost in the first year (57% vs. 56.9% vs. 31.6%; p<0.001) and to have no follow-up after the first visit (42.4% vs. 29.2% vs. 16.4%; p<0.001) than "own health" women. In adjusted analyses, risk of being lost to follow-up was higher in "B+pregnant" (adjusted subhazard ratio [asHR]: 2.77; 95% CI: 2.18-3.50; p<0.001) and "B+lactating" (asHR: 1.94; 95% CI: 1.37-2.74; p<0.001). Type 2 health center was the only additional significant risk factor for loss to follow-up. CONCLUSIONS Retaining pregnant and lactating women in option B+ ART was poor; losses to follow-up were mainly early. The success of Option B+ for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in rural settings with weak health systems will depend on specific improvements in counseling and retention measures, especially at the beginning of treatment. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.