986 resultados para HA Estadistícas


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical, tomographic, and histological similarity within the use of HA+β-TCP (Boneceramic) alone or associated with enamel matrix derived (EMD) proteins in sinus lifting procedures with subsequent dental implant placement. We selected two patients with residual bony ridges between 3 mm and 5 mm in height in need of bone grafts. Six months later, eight implants were installed (two implants at each site). Biopsies were made, and the tissue was processed and stained with HE solution. Tomographic evaluation showed bone height gain up to 10.0 mm on average. Histology showed new bone formation for both groups, with similar bone density and trabecular interconnectivity. It can be concluded that the HA+β-TCP graft isolated or associated to EMD provided bone height gain in sinus lifting procedures, with similar clinical, tomographic and histological characteristics.


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The hyperinsulinism/hyperammonemia (HI/HA) syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant disease manifested by hypoglycemic symptoms triggered by fasting or high-protein meals, and by elevated serum ammonia. HI/HA is the second most common cause of hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy, and it is caused by activating mutations in GLUD1, the gene that encodes mitochondrial enzyme glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH). Biochemical evaluation, as well as direct sequencing of exons and exon-intron boundary regions of the GLUD1 gene, were performed in a 6-year old female patient presenting fasting hypoglycemia and hyperammonemia. The patient was found to be heterozygous for one de novo missense mutation (c.1491A>G; p.Il497Met) previously reported in a Japanese patient. Treatment with diazoxide 100 mg/day promoted complete resolution of the hypoglycemic episodes. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):485-9


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Syftet med studien var att belysa tre personers egna upplevelser av stigmatisering i samband med att få och att ha en psykiatrisk diagnos. Studien byggde på tre kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med en man och två kvinnor. Intervjupersonerna hade en psykiatrisk diagnos. Fokus på studien är riktad mot deras upplevelser av stigmatisering i samband med att få sin diagnos, i kontakter med familj, vänner och andra som de möter i det dagliga livet, i kontakt med psykiatrin samt om denna stigmatisering påverkat deras självbild. Resultatet visade att olika typer av upplevd stigmatisering förekom hos samtliga intervjupersoner. Den upplevda stigmatiseringen var mest framträdande i kontakter med vänner och andra som de möter i det dagliga livet samt i kontakten med psykiatrin. I vissa sammanhang upplevde sig intervjupersonerna som avvikande i förhållande till omgivningen. Intervjupersonernas självkänsla har påverkats negativt eller inte alls av stigmatiseringen som de upplevde. Slutsatsen är att även om intervjupersonerna placerats i avgränsade diagnoskategorier och upplevt stigmatisering från omgivningen har de inte reducerats till sina diagnoser utan alla är aktiva subjekt och har inte accepterat en passiv sjukroll.


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Bakgrund: För att vården kring ett barn ska bli så bra som möjlig är föräldrarnas närvaro avgörande. Vårdpersonalen får arbeta mycket utifrån sin egen kunskap och erfarenhet i arbetet med familjer. Målsättningen inom barnsjukvården är att involvera familjen så mycket som möjligt och utgå från varje familjs behov runt den aktuella situationen. Syftet: Studiens syfte var att utifrån ett familjeperspektiv belysa upplevelsen av att ha ett barn inlagt på sjukhus. Metod: Denna litteraturstudie innehåller sammanlagt 14 studier inom det valda området och dessa har analyserats med en innehållsanalys. Resultat: Föräldrarna upplevde att god kommunikation hade en positiv inverkan på relationen mellan familjen och vårdgivare under sjukhusvistelsen. Under sjukhusvistelsen uppstod psykiska, fysiska och sociala behov som familjen behövde få stöd med. Familjen upplevde många känslor och hela vardagen blev påverkad. Slutsats: Denna litteraturstudie indikerar att det finns ett stort behov av en personlig relation mellan sjukvårdsgivare och familj. Familjen är även i behov av få stöd från sjuksköterskan för att motverka osäkerhet hos föräldrarna. Nyckelord: Delaktighet, familj, litteraturstudie, omvårdnad, upplevelser


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Basata sul reperimento di un’ampia mole di testi giornalistici (come cronache, interviste, elzeviri e articoli di “Terza”) dedicati alle pratiche coreiche e pubblicati in Italia nel corso del ventennio fascista, la tesi ricostruisce i lineamenti di quello che, seppure ancora embrionale e certo non specialistico, si può comunque ritenere una sorta di “pensiero italiano” sulla danza del Primo Novecento. A partire dalla ricognizione sistematica di numerose testate quotidiane e periodiche e, pertanto, dalla costruzione di un nutrito corpus di fonti primarie, si è proceduto all’analisi dei testi reperiti attraverso un approccio metodologico che, fondamentalmente storiografico, accoglie tuttavia alcuni rudimenti interpretativi elaborati in ambito semiotico (con particolare riferimento alle teorizzazioni di Jurij Lotman e Umberto Eco), il tutto al fine di cogliere, pur nell’estrema varietà formale e contenutistica offerta dal materiale documentario, alcune dinamiche culturali di fondo attraverso le quali disegnare, da un lato, il panorama delle tipologie di danza effettivamente praticate sulle scene italiane del Ventennio,e, dall’altro, quello dell’insieme di pensieri, opinioni e gusti orbitanti attorno ad esse Ne è scaturita una trattazione fondamentalmente tripartita in cui, dopo la messa in campo delle questioni metodologiche, si passa dapprima attraverso l’indagine dei tre principali generi di danza che, nella stampa del periodo fascista, si ritenevano caratteristici della scena coreica internazionale – qui definiti nei termini di “ballo teatrale”, “ballo russo” e “danze libere” – e, successivamente, si presenta un approfondimento su tre singolari figure di intellettuali che, ognuno con un’attitudine estremamente personale, hanno dedicato alla danza un’attenzione speciale: Anton Giulio Bragaglia, Paolo Fabbri e Marco Ramperti. Un’ampia antologia critica completa il lavoro ripercorrendone gli snodi principali.


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Nel 1919 l'arabista spagnolo Miguel Asín Palacios dà alle stampe La Escatologìa musulmana en la Divina, in cui, attraverso una serie impressionante di analogie, dimostra l'esistenza di un rapporto «modello-copia» tra le narrazioni musulmane del viaggio ultraterreno di Maometto e la Divina Commedia. Questa controversa opera sarà la scintilla di una polemica, che ancora oggi, a distanza di cento anni rimane aperta e sconosciuta ai più. Questo è il motivo che mi ha spinta a trattare questo argomento nel presente elaborato: il mio scopo è quello di fornire una sintesi della Questione delle fonti islamiche della Divina Commedia, mostrare una panoramica dell'evoluzione del dibattito e dimostrare come, quelle che nell'opera di Palacios erano solo ipotesi, si siano rivelate essere, entro certi limiti, una realtà. Che il Medioevo europeo fosse saturo di pensiero e di arte islamica è innegabile: affermare che Dante, con la sua universale curiositas, si astenne completamente da questi influssi sembra indicare soltanto un certo disagio dei critici italiani nei confronti di questo mondo, a cui l'Europa guarda spesso solo attraverso eventi quali la guerra santa, la sottomissione della donna e il fanatismo. Proprio in un epoca come la nostra, in cui le barbare follie del fondamentalismo ci spingono a temere l'altro, questi studi assumono nuovo valore: la presenza di un'influenza islamica non rende meno grande il genio dantesco, anzi ne allarga gli orizzonti e rende la sua opera un esempio di interculturalità e di apertura profondamente attuale.


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Three biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) bone substitute materials with hydroxyapatite (HA)/tricalcium phosphate (TCP) ratios of 20/80, 60/40, and 80/20 were compared to coagulum, particulated autogenous bone, and deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) in membrane-protected bone defects. The defects were prepared in the mandibles of 24 minipigs that were divided into four groups of six with healing times of 4, 13, 26, and 52 weeks, respectively. The histologic and histomorphometric evaluation focused on differences in amount and pattern of bone formation, filler degradation, and the interface between bone and filler. Collapse of the expanded polytetrafluoroethylene barrier membrane into the coagulum defects underlined the necessity of a filler material to maintain the augmented volume. Quantitatively, BCP 20/80 showed bone formation and degradation of the filler material similar to autografts, whereas BCP 60/40 and BCP 80/20 rather equaled DBBM. Among the three BCP's, the amount of bone formation and degradation of filler material seemed to be inversely proportional to the HA/TCP ratio. The fraction of filler surface covered with bone was highest for autografts at all time points and was higher for DBBM than BCP 80/20 and 60/40 at the early healing phase. TRAP-positive multinucleated cells were identified on BCP and DBBM surfaces without showing typical signs of resorption lacunae.


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is known to have antiproliferative effects on a wide variety of tumor cells but proliferative effects on normal cells. However, the molecular basis for such differences in the action of TNF are unknown. The overall objectives of my research are to investigate the role of oncogenes in TNF sensitivity and delineate some of the molecular mechanisms involved in TNF sensitivity and resistance. To accomplish these objectives, I transfected TNF-resistant C3H mouse embryo fibroblasts (10T1/2) with an activated Ha-ras oncogene and determined whether these cells exhibit altered sensitivity to TNF. The results indicated that 10T1/2 cells transfected with an activated Ha-ras oncogene (10T-EJ) not only produced tumors in nude mice but also exhibited extreme sensitivity to cytolysis by TNF. In contrast, 10T1/2 cells transfected with the pSV2-neo gene alone were resistant to the cytotoxic effects of TNF. I also found that TNF-induced cell death was mediated through apoptosis. The differential sensitivity of 10T1/2 and 10T-EJ cell lines to TNF was not due to differences in the number of TNF receptors on their cell surface. In addition, TNF-resistant revertants isolated from Ha-ras-transformed, TNF-sensitive cells still expressed the same amount of p21 as TNF-sensitive cells and were still tumorigenic, suggesting that Ha-ras-induced transformation and TNF sensitivity may follow different pathways. Interestingly, TNF-resistant but not sensitive cells expressed higher levels of bcl-2, c-myc, and manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) mRNA following exposure to TNF. However, TNF treatment resulted in a marginal induction of p53 mRNA in both TNF-sensitive and resistant cells. Based on these results I can conclude that (i) Ha-ras oncogene induces both transformation and TNF sensitivity, (ii) TNF-induced cytotoxicity involves apoptosis, and (iii) TNF-induced upregulation of bcl-2, c-myc, and MnSOD genes is associated with TNF resistance in C3H mouse embryo fibroblasts. ^


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Giessen, Phil., Diss., 1673