982 resultados para Guerra Mundial - 1939-1945 - Prisioneiros e prisões - Aspectos psicológicos


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Incluye Bibliografía


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José Artur Molina busca nesta obra identificar na sociedade vienense de fins do século XIX as razões que levaram Sigmund Freud a analisar as mulheres a partir de um ponto de vista essencialmente falocêntrico. Naquela época, Viena, capital do Império Austro-Húngaro, assistia a uma verdadeira revolução social, política e cultural, que seria o canto do cisne de sua frágil construção política que se desintegraria depois da I Guerra Mundial. Este cenário borbulhante forneceria as condições ideais para o nascimento da psicanálise. Freud construiu uma teoria singular, com conceitos como inconsciente, pulsão e um método que incluía a escuta, a associação livre e a transferência. As mulheres histéricas foram as protagonistas desta criação. Freud encontra a razão do sofrimento delas: o cerceamento de seus desejos. A psicanálise revoluciona o tratamento das histerias, mas seu conceito de feminino se enclausura numa lógica fálica. Molina tenta desvendar porque isto aconteceu, não apenas discutindo as imagens de mulheres presentes na obra de Freud, mas também as construções femininas de autores vienenses seminais, como o romancista Schnitzler e o pintor Klimt, e o quanto tais concepções se deviam ao visível colapso das condições estabelecidas para a mulher e às mudanças que estavam perceptivelmente a caminho na Viena da Belle Époque.


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A autora procura discutir as consequências de a cultura juvenil ser hoje o ingrediente fundamental da comunicação digital, e os efeitos desta cultura sobre o comportamento dos jovens e sobre o próprio conceito de juventude. Ela enfatiza que nas últimas décadas tal conceito passou definir, mais do que uma faixa etária, uma espécie de mercadoria, oferecida, para qualquer interessado, na mídia, em academias de ginástica, casas de shows, shopping centers e nos mais variados espaços urbanos. A pesquisadora analisa o comportamento de várias gerações de jovens, especialmente depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial, a partir da consolidação da TV e de mídias voltadas especificamente para esse público, como os suplementos teen. E mostra que as novas tecnologias digitais - com sua portabilidade, mobilidade e interatividade - estão trazendo novos cenários, novas conformações da vida social, múltiplas configurações de tempo e desenhando espaços antes inimagináveis, ocupados principalmente pelos jovens. Trata-se de uma geração extremamente conectada e rebelde à sua maneira contra os valores tradicionais, que está desenvolvendo um novo estilo e um novo modo de entender o processo comunicativo, com grande dinamismo. No entanto, trata-se também de uma geração que não consegue fugir do aspecto mais perverso das tecnologias digitais, pois estas, ao evoluírem e se transformarem praticamente a cada dia e quase sempre a reboque do mercado, exigem seguidas adaptações, que os jovens nem sempre conseguem acompanhar de forma rápida e sistemática, de modo a ficarem imunes a frustrações.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this paper is to analyze the confluences between the thinking of philosophers Theodor Adorno and Hannah Arendt in critiquing totalitarianism and fascism in the post-World War II period. Looking for approximation between the works of both philosophers, the most relevant aspects of this criticism for the philosophy of education will be explicited.


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This article is about the measures that were taken against the inflation in the final period of Estado Novo. Characterized by an inflationary pressure increasing in the end of World War II and the regime crisis. We stand for the idea that the measures concerning the end of the inflation were subordinate to the economic development. The struggle against inflation was mainly based on the control of the prices and measures to extend the supply. The anti-inflationary policy of Vargas’ mandate was directly conditioned by political disputes around the transition and the direction of the economy.


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Abstract: The civil war in the former Yugoslavia (1991 - 1995) had a strong ethnicreligious component. In an attempt to maintain the cohesion of an artificially created state post-first World War, identities were sought and accepted - and institutionalized - the differences between the various peoples that constituted the "land of the South Slavs". From the 1980s the differences were highlighted during the war and taken to the extreme, especially in the territories of Croatia and BosniaHerzegovina. From literature and the author's personal experience and using concepts of culture, ethnicity, identity, difference, belonging, nation and state, the text shows how the ethnic-religious differences were used during the civil war in Yugoslavia to claim possession of territories, strengthen discourse of the impossibility of coexistence, overvalue potential threats and fear and justify the perpetration of crimes against humanity.


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As a result of the 20th-century industrial development, and particularly after World War II, cars have become an important consumer good, and this has led to a large number of circulating vehicles. To this day, the number of cars has increased exponentially worldwide, which results in a high number of traffic accidents (TAs) every day. TAs are responsible for 1.2 million deaths worldwide each year, and in Brazil, they are considered to be a public health problem, considering that its traffic is regarded as one of the worst and most dangerous in the world. In addition to temporary or permanent physical disabilities that bring great harm to individuals, accidents also cause psychological disorders, such as the post-traumatic stress disorder. Hence, considering the importance of TAs in the country and their outcomes, this study aimed at investigating the epidemiological aspects of car accidents occurring in 2010 who were assisted in the emergency room of a university hospital in São Paulo state. By means of records made by the nursing team and medical records analysis, it was possible to extract a stratified sample of 88 cases involving adults and eight cases involving children. The sample was analyzed by the SAS software for Windows, version 9.2. As regards the accidents involving adults, there was a predominance of males (67%), with an approximate 2:1 ratio in relation to females. The victims’ most frequent age range was 20-29 years (39%), and they were mostly single (56%). The month showing the largest number of occurrences was July, with 17%, and the weekday was Sunday, with 25%. Showing 32%, the time period when most accidents occurred was from 06:00 o’clock p.m. to 11:59 p.m. As regards vehicles types involved, motorcycles were in first place, with 47% of cases, and the most common accident type was crashing between vehicles, with 43%... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Este trabalho tem como finalidade estudar a situação econômica vivida pela Alemanha entre as duas guerras mundiais, compreendendo, portanto, o intervalo entre os anos de 1918 e 1939. No início é apresentada uma visão histórica do período, mostrando o caminho percorrido pelo povo germânico até a formação da atual Alemanha. O desencadeamento da Primeira Guerra Mundial e seu trágico fim para o povo alemão, teve como resultado principal o Tratado de Versalhes, extremamente prejudicial para a economia alemã, pondo fim ao império e iniciando-se a República de Weimar. O trabalho também trata das razões que levaram à hiperinflação, uma das maiores e mais fenomenais de toda a História, como, por exemplo, a ocupação do vale do Ruhr por tropas francesas, e seu desfecho, com a introdução de uma nova moeda chamada Rentenmark. Em seguida explora os Planos Dawes e Young, bem como a crise da bolsa de Wall Street em Nova Iorque, no ano de 1929 e suas conseqüências para a Alemanha, como o terrível índice de desemprego em 1932, que chegou a seis milhões de trabalhadores. A partir de então, a ascensão do Nazismo torna-se o assunto central, devido, principalmente, à crise enfrentada pela Alemanha após o ano de 29, sob o comando de Adolf Hitler, cujo objetivo maior era investir na indústria bélica e transformar a Alemanha novamente em uma potência militar, desencadeando na Segunda Guerra Mundial


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Lying under the contribution of a display of characteristics with multiple meanings (Catholicism, Surrealism, unite of contraries, and the dialogue with other types of art), Murilo Mendes focalizes some subjects that are made to become appealing in his works. Some of these subjects appear in his 1945’s poetry book, As metamorfoses, the object of analysis in this present work: the poet’s figure, insert in the historical view of the World War II and by the poet devastated; the muse’s figure, carrier of the sacred and the profane, whose body represents a repository of descriptions with surrealistic meanings, that is shown indistinctly as the poetry itself; and, concluding, the poetry (or the metapoetry) expressed in this context (historical and literary). Therefore, we intend to search, based in the analysis of poems, how each of this instances are configured inside the poetic universe of Murilo Mendes, with the intention of enlighten the constitution of the sewing made of them by the poet from Juiz de Fora; instances that are very precious when we deal with the poetry that gives to his writings the patent feature of modernity.


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A careful study of Siam's public monuments is the key to understanding the development of the Siamese nation in its formative period, from 1908 to 1945. As Siam's elites attempted to modernize the state in order to compete with the more developed powers of the West, they recognized that nationalism could potentially be used as a force to increase popular unity, consolidate modernization programs, legitimize their own authority, and protect the country from foreign conquest. The problem they faced, however, was how best to communicate nationalism to the people. Different factions throughout this era had their own idea of what it meant to be Siamese, and all of them wanted to control the national image. But literacy in Siam was extremely low, and art too expensive for most individuals to possess. Public political monuments, the focus of this thesis, therefore became the primary means of manifesting and propagating the underlying tenets of the new Siamese nation. Public monuments express the changing imaginings of the Siamese nation in this period of enormous transformations and turbulence, through the motives behind their commissioning, the political messages they convey, and popular reactions to the monuments. Three primary strains of Siamese nationalism emerged during this period: royalist nationalism, republican nationalism, and military nationalism. These three imaginings of the nation continually developed and interacted with each other, but each was particularly dominant at a given time in Siamese history. Monuments of the royalist period (1908-1925) embody the desire of Siam's kings to not only promote national pride amongst the Siamese people, but also advocate an image of nation and king as one. Monuments of the republican period (1925-1939) express the changing and sometimes contradictory events of their times, as they demonstrate new national values based on the sovereignty of the people, the value of the constitution, and the growing power of the military. And monuments of the military period (1939-1945) espouse an assertive and militaristic national image of warfare, patriotism, authority, and vigor. This thesis explores the nationalistic themes expressed in these monuments, and how these themes played out in the course of Siam's wider history.


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Dentro del epistolario de Francisco Romero, que permanece inédito, se analizan las cartas que intercambió con el filósofo personalista Edgar S. Brightman (1884–1953), como así también se alude a otros representantes dentro del movimiento en EEUU. Este escrito se apoya en la hipótesis del interés compartido por esta corriente de ideas dentro de los años que van desde la II Guerra Mundial hasta los inicios de la llamada Guerra Fría. Se alude también al propósito de ambos corresponsales por acercar la filosofía estadounidense y la desarrollada en América Latina. Las cartas en el repositorio se extienden entre 1939 y 1952. Se incluye como anexo la nota necrológica sobre Brightman redactada por José Vasconcelos con el fin de mostrar que su filosofía interesaba también en otros países latinoamericanos.


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En esta ponencia realizamos una breve mirada panorámica alrededor de las dimensiones militares de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Repasamos los principales objetivos políticos de los contendientes, la articulación de los distintos ejes geopolíticos, la preparación bélica de las potencias enfrentadas, el aprendizaje de las distintas fuerzas a medida que se desarrollaba la guerra, las diferentes dinámicas de cada uno de los frentes de batalla y los modos en que se produjo y luego entró en crisis el apoyo popular al esfuerzo bélico. Por otra parte, también transitamos la cuestión de la diferencia entre la guerra esperada y la lógica de guerra total que adquirió el conflicto. Al mismo tiempo, y en íntima relación con estos dos últimos puntos, también recordamos el quiebre político de varios imperios y el ascenso del socialismo con la victoria soviética y las revoluciones en varios países europeos. Finalmente hacemos algunas consideraciones acerca de la victoria de la Entente sobre sus enemigos, buscando variables que expliquen el resultado de la confrontación, como también para ver el modo en que tales resultados no significaron la apertura de una era de paz, sino de numerosas confrontaciones