600 resultados para Grip aviària
Resumen: INTRODUCCIÓN: Las personas dedicadas a la cosecha del fruto de la palma de aceite durante el desarrollo de sus labores, adoptan diversas posturas y realizan movimientos repetitivos e incluso ejecutan manipulación de cargas, las cuales varían según las características del lugar y la naturaleza del trabajo. Labores de corte del fruto, poda de cada una de las plantas o la recolección y acopio del producto, pueden acarrear desordenes musculares y/o trastornos esqueléticos. En Estados Unidos, el Instituto Nacional para la Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (NIOSH) precisa que los trastornos musculo-esqueléticos (TME) involucran nervios, tendones, músculos y estructuras de soporte; por tanto es conveniente identificar signos y síntomas y la carga física de esta población trabajadora. Los trastornos musculo-esqueléticos (TME) como menciona la Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo, son un problema grave. Para el trabajador causa dolor y pérdida de ingresos, para los empleadores reducen la eficiencia operacional y para el país incrementan los gastos de la seguridad social. En su informe final, Ramírez Vargas destaca la presencia de Colombia como principal productor de aceite de palma con el 38% de la producción de Latinoamérica. Estima que en este oficio hay más de 1950 cosecheros en la región del Meta, departamento de la zona oriental donde se presenta el mayor crecimiento con un área cultivada al año 2011 de 163.447 hectáreas y un promedio de 16 trabajadores por 100 hectáreas. METODOS: Estudio de corte transversal en 204 trabajadores en los cuales se identificaron síntomas y factores de riesgo ergonómico existentes en el puesto de trabajo por medio de una encuesta con base en el modelo de Ergonomía Participativa (ERGOPAR) y la evaluación biomecánica por medio del método Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) en cosecheros de una plantación de palma aceitera en el departamento del Meta 2015. RESULTADOS: El total de cosecheros fueron hombres y su promedio de edad es de 36,4 años cumplidos. El promedio de la permanencia en centro de trabajo es de 19,1 meses y una media de 7 años de experiencia en el oficio en diferentes centros. El 31,9% de los trabajadores encuestados refirieron molestias y el 30,9% dolor en la espalda baja o región lumbar, mientras que en la evaluación biomecánica en aspectos referentes a la carga física de los trabajadores con el método REBA, arrojo niveles de riesgo altos en el 59,1% de la población y riesgo medio en el 43,1%. CONCLUSIONES: La labor de cosechero involucra cargas posturales en todas las zonas evaluadas por la metodología REBA ya sea por posturas o movimientos, la manipulación de carga, la fuerza de mayor o menor magnitud y el agarre; encontrando que los brazos tienen un mayor compromiso en cuanto a la exigencia física, influenciada por la altura de la palma, la cual incide desfavorablemente para la presentación de TME a nivel de tronco en zona lumbar y dorsal La ergonomía participativa puede convertirse en una habilidad empresarial, inducir a los trabajadores para que formen parte de la unión entre el ejercicio ergonómico empresarial y la participación del grupo de implicados, harán que en conjunto se encuentren soluciones específicas enfocadas a la prevención de TME generados por el ambiente laboral, bajo la premisa del empoderamiento de la población para controlar que las medidas acordadas terminen en su verdadera aplicación.
Se analizan diferentes alternativas para la financiación de la educación superior, teniendo en cuenta que la presencia de fallas de mercado -tanto por el lado de la demanda como por el de la oferta- hace de éste un sector muy particular. Las primeras se relacionan con las decisiones privadas en términos de educación de la población estudiantil, y las segundas con las asimetrías de información que caracterizan el lado de la oferta en el financiamiento de la educación. El documento hace una revisión de literatura académica y de algunas experiencias internacionales sobre las diferentes fuentes de financiación en este sector, así como sus potenciales efectos sobre ciertas variables. Así, esta revisión arroja luces sobre las alternativas para el caso Colombiano.
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Clostridium perfringens é uma bactéria anaeróbia Gram positiva, formadora de esporos e produtora de toxinas capazes de causar um amplo espectro de doenças em humanos e animais. Em frangos de crescimento rápido e de plumagem branca pode causar lesões e manifestações clínicas severas como enterite necrótica aviária (ENA), associada a uma baixa eficiência produtiva e avultadas perdas económicas. Neste estudo pretendeu-se avaliar a utilização de um teste de ensaio imunocromatográfico de fluxo lateral, o Clostridium FirstTestTM, para deteção e quantificação precoce de C. perfringens em frangos de crescimento rápido e plumagem branca e posterior relação entre a presença do agente e as características dos bandos (peso médio à chegada, idade dos bandos à amostragem), fatores ambientais (densidade populacional, temperatura ambiente, humidade da cama) e os indicadores de produção (ganho médio diário, Índice de Conversão Alimentar e percentagem de mortalidade). Para tal, foram analisadas amostras fecais de trinta bandos, em dezoito explorações integradas, na Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo. De acordo com a classificação do Clostridium FirstTestTM, dos trinta bandos amostrados entre o décimo primeiro e o décimo quinto dia de vida, 30 % foram classificados como “Positivo” (n=9) e 10 % foram classificados como “Muito Positivo” (n=3); apresentando concentrações médias de C. perfringens de 0,1322 ng/ml e 0,3267 ng/ml, respectivamente. Os restantes bandos, 60% (n=18), foram considerados “Normal” e apresentaram concentrações médias de C. perfringens de 0,0283 ng/ml. As amostras fecais dos bandos classificados de “Positivo” e “Muito Positivo” foram posteriormente sujeitas a análise microbiológica apresentando ambos os grupos unidades formadoras de colónias (UFC), identificadas como C. perfringens. Verificou-se que não existe relação entre os resultados do Clostridium FirstTestTM e as características dos bandos, os fatores ambientais e os indicadores de produção. Verificou-se uma diminuição dos níveis de C. perfringens nos bandos sujeitos a tratamento.
The present study examined the effects of a pre-movement delay on the kinematics of prehension in middle childhood. Twenty-five children between the ages of 5 and 11 years made visually open-loop reaches to two different sized objects at two different distances along the midline. Reaches took place either (i) immediately, or (ii) 2 s after the occlusion of the stimulus. In all age groups, reaches following the pre-movement delay were characterised by longer movement durations, lower peak velocities, larger peak grip apertures and longer time spent in the final slow phase of the movement. This pattern of results suggests that the representations that control the transport and grasp component are affected similarly by delay, and is consistent with the results previously reported for adults. Such representations therefore appear to develop before the age of 5. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recently a substantial amount of research has been done in the field of dextrous manipulation and hand manoeuvres. The main concern has been how to control robot hands so that they can execute manipulation tasks with the same dexterity and intuition as human hands. This paper surveys multi-fingered robot hand research and development topics which include robot hand design, object force distribution and control, grip transform, grasp stability and its synthesis, grasp stiffness and compliance motion and robot arm-hand coordination. Three main topics are presented in this article. The first is an introduction to the subject. The second concentrates on examples of mechanical manipulators used in research and the methods employed to control them. The third presents work which has been done on the field of object manipulation.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Epilepsy is the most prevalent neurological disease and is characterized by recurrent seizures. Here, we investigate (i) the anticonvulsant profiles of cannabis-derived botanical drug substances (BDSs) rich in cannabidivarin (CBDV) and containing cannabidiol (CBD) in acute in vivo seizure models and (ii) the binding of CBDV BDSs and their components at cannabinoid CB 1 receptors. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH The anticonvulsant profiles of two CBDV BDSs (50–422 mg·kg −1 ) were evaluated in three animal models of acute seizure. Purified CBDV and CBD were also evaluated in an isobolographic study to evaluate potential pharmacological interactions. CBDV BDS effects on motor function were also investigated using static beam and grip strength assays. Binding of CBDV BDSs to cannabinoid CB 1 receptors was evaluated using displacement binding assays. KEY RESULTS CBDV BDSs exerted significant anticonvulsant effects in the pentylenetetrazole (≥100 mg·kg −1 ) and audiogenic seizure models (≥87 mg·kg −1 ), and suppressed pilocarpine-induced convulsions (≥100 mg·kg −1 ). The isobolographic study revealed that the anticonvulsant effects of purified CBDV and CBD were linearly additive when co-administered. Some motor effects of CBDV BDSs were observed on static beam performance; no effects on grip strength were found. The Δ 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol and Δ 9 -tetrahydrocannabivarin content of CBDV BDS accounted for its greater affinity for CB 1 cannabinoid receptors than purified CBDV. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS CBDV BDSs exerted significant anticonvulsant effects in three models of seizure that were not mediated by the CB 1 cannabinoid receptor and were of comparable efficacy with purified CBDV. These findings strongly support the further clinical development of CBDV BDSs for the treatment of epilepsy.
Perception is linked to action via two routes: a direct route based on affordance information in the environment and an indirect route based on semantic knowledge about objects. The present study explored the factors modulating the recruitment of the two routes, in particular which factors affecting the selection of paired objects. In Experiment 1, we presented real objects among semantically related or unrelated distracters. Participants had to select two objects that can interact. The presence of distracters affected selection times, but not the semantic relations of the objects with the distracters. Furthermore, participants first selected the active object (e.g. teaspoon) with their right hand, followed by the passive object (e.g. mug), often with their left hand. In Experiment 2, we presented pictures of the same objects with no hand grip, congruent or incongruent hand grip. Participants had to decide whether the two objects can interact. Action decisions were faster when the presentation of the active object preceded the presentation of the passive object, and when the grip was congruent. Interestingly, participants were slower when the objects were semantically but not functionally related; this effect increased with congruently gripped objects. Our data showed that action decisions in the presence of strong affordance cues (real objects, pictures of congruently gripped objects) relied on sensory-motor representation, supporting the direct route from perception-to-action that bypasses semantic knowledge. However, in the case of weak affordance cues (pictures), semantic information interfered with action decisions, indicating that semantic knowledge impacts action decisions. The data support the dual-route account from perception-to-action.
Video stimuli reduce object-directed imitation accuracy: a novel two-person motion-tracking approach
Imitation is an important form of social behavior, and research has aimed to discover and explain the neural and kinematic aspects of imitation. However, much of this research has featured single participants imitating in response to pre-recorded video stimuli. This is in spite of findings that show reduced neural activation to video vs. real life movement stimuli, particularly in the motor cortex. We investigated the degree to which video stimuli may affect the imitation process using a novel motion tracking paradigm with high spatial and temporal resolution. We recorded 14 positions on the hands, arms, and heads of two individuals in an imitation experiment. One individual freely moved within given parameters (moving balls across a series of pegs) and a second participant imitated. This task was performed with either simple (one ball) or complex (three balls) movement difficulty, and either face-to-face or via a live video projection. After an exploratory analysis, three dependent variables were chosen for examination: 3D grip position, joint angles in the arm, and grip aperture. A cross-correlation and multivariate analysis revealed that object-directed imitation task accuracy (as represented by grip position) was reduced in video compared to face-to-face feedback, and in complex compared to simple difficulty. This was most prevalent in the left-right and forward-back motions, relevant to the imitator sitting face-to-face with the actor or with a live projected video of the same actor. The results suggest that for tasks which require object-directed imitation, video stimuli may not be an ecologically valid way to present task materials. However, no similar effects were found in the joint angle and grip aperture variables, suggesting that there are limits to the influence of video stimuli on imitation. The implications of these results are discussed with regards to previous findings, and with suggestions for future experimentation.
Rationale: Anticipatory nausea (AN) is a poorly controlled side-effect experienced by chemotherapy patients. Currently, pharmacotherapy is restricted to benzodiazepine anxiolytics, which have limited efficacy, significant sedative effects, and induce dependency. The non-psychoactive phytocannabinoid, cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), has shown considerable efficacy in pre-clinical AN models, however determination of its neuromotor tolerability profile is crucial to justify clinical investigation. Provisional evidence for appetite-stimulating properties also requires detailed investigation. Objectives: To assess the tolerability of CBDA in locomotor activity, motor coordination and muscular strength tests, and additionally for ability to modulate feeding behaviours. Methods: Male Lister hooded rats administered CBDA (0.05-5 mg/kg; p.o.) were assessed in habituated open field (for locomotor activity), static beam and grip strength tests. A further study investigated whether these CBDA doses modulated normal feeding behaviour. Finally, evidence of anxiolytic-like effects in the habituated open field prompted testing of 5 mg/kg CBDA for anxiolytic-like activity in unhabituated open field, light/dark box and novelty-supressed feeding (NSF) tests. Results: CBDA had no adverse effects upon performance in any neuromotor tolerability test, however anxiolytic-like behaviour was observed in the habituated open field. Normal feeding behaviours were unaffected by any dose. CBDA (5 mg/kg) abolished the increased feeding latency in the NSF test induced by the 5-HT1AR antagonist, WAY-100,635, indicative of anxiolytic-like effects, but had no effect on anxiety-like behaviour in the novel open field or light/dark box. Conclusions: CBDA is very well tolerated and devoid of the sedative side-effect profile of benzodiazepines, justifying its clinical investigation as a novel AN treatment.
In tetrapod squamates, the diversity of micro-ornamentations of the epidermis of the contact areas of hands and feet is generally associated with constraints and modalities related to locomotion. Polychrus acutirostris is a medium-sized lizard that occurs in open heterogeneous habitats in South America, such as the cerrados, caatingas, and fallow lands. It progresses slowly on branches of various diameters in its arboreal environment. It can also move more rapidly on the ground. The hands and feet are prehensile and may be considered an adaptation for grasping and climbing. Epidermal surfaces from the palmar and plantar areas of the hands and feet of P. acutirostris were prepared for SEM examination, and studied at various magnifications. They show three major levels of complexity: (1) scale types, organized in gradients of size and imbrication, (2) scalar ornamentations, organized by increasing complexity and polarity, and (3) presence of Oberhautchen showing typically iguanian honeycomb micro-ornamentations. The shape and surface structure of the scales with their pattern of micro-ornamental peaks, which improve grip, and the grasping hands and feet indicate that P. acutirostris is morpho-functionally specialized for arboreality. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The project Design analysis and proposals of plastic screw caps in Australia was performed at Högskolan Dalarna incooperation with University of Western Sydney, Australia. The Swedish company Tetra Pak, in Lund, were assigner forthe project that was performed 2006-2007. The commission was to do a survey about the packages for non-carbonateddrinks in Australia. The bottles had to be plastic, able to open in one step and with focus on the caps.The project has result in design analysis and a new proposal of a plastic screw cap for the Australian market. Sixbottles were choosen and they were all testet on 20 consumers each with a Likert-scale test. The result from the test andthe survey underlied the work with a proposal of a new design. The most important qualities for a optimal opening is:a tamper that is easy to break and also guarantee that is not been opened before, wide and soft grip, ergonomics, easyto close and that is good looking.
Det mobila operativsystemet Android är idag ett ganska dominerande operativsystem på den mobila marknaden dels på grund av sin öppenhet men också på grund av att tillgängligheten är stor i och med både billiga och dyra telefoner finns att tillgå. Men idag har Android inget fördefinierat designmönster vilket leder till att varje utvecklare får bestämma själv vad som ska användas, vilket ibland kan leda till onödigt komplex kod i applikationerna som sen blir svårtestad och svårhanterlig. Detta arbete ämnar jämföra två designmönster, Passive Model View Controller (PMVC) och Model View View-Model (MVVM), för att se vilket designmönster som blir minst komplext med hjälp av att räkna fram mätvärden med hjälp av Cyclomatic Complexity Number (CCN). Studien är gjord utifrån arbetssättet Design & Creation och ämnar bidra med: kunskap om vilket mönster man bör välja, samt om CCN kan peka ut vilka delar i en applikation som kommer att ta mer eller mindre lång tid att testa. Under studiens gång tog vi även fram skillnader på om man anväder sig av den så kallade Single Responsibilyt Principle (SRP) eller inte. Detta för att se om separerade vyer gör någon skillnad i applikationernas komplexitet. I slutändan så visar studien på att komplexiteten i små applikationer är väldigt likvärdig, men att man även på små applikationer kan se skillnad på hur komplex koden är men också att kodkomplexitet på metodnivå kan ge riktlinjer för testfall.
Background: In light of the multifactorial etiology of fall-related hip fracture, knowledge of fall circumstances may be especially valuable when placed in the context of the health of the person who falls. We aimed to investigate the circumstances surrounding fall-related hip fractures and to describe fall circumstances in relation to participants' health and functional characteristics. Methods: The fall circumstances of 125 individuals (age >= 50 years) with hip fracture were investigated using semi-structured interviews. Data concerning participants' health (comorbidities and medications) and function (self-reported performance of mobility, balance, personal activities of daily living and physical activity, previous falls and hand grip strength) were collected via medical records, questionnaires and dynamometry. Using a mixed methods design, both data sets were analysed separately and then merged in order to provide a comprehensive description of fall events and identify eventual patterns in the data. Results: Fall circumstances were described as i) Activity at the time of the fall: Positional change (n = 24, 19%); Standing (n = 16, 13%); Walking (n = 71, 57%); Balance challenging (n = 14, 11%) and ii) Nature of the fall: Environmental (n = 32, 26%); Physiological (n = 35, 28%); Activity-related indoor (n = 8, 6%) and outdoor (n = 8, 6%); Trips and slips on snow (n = 20, 16%) and in snow-free conditions (n = 12, 10%) and Unknown (n = 10, 8%). We observed the following patterns regarding fall circumstances and participants' health: those who fell i) during positional change had the poorest functional status; ii) due to environmental reasons (indoors) had moderate physical function, but high levels of comorbidity and fall risk increasing medications; iii) in snow-free environments (outdoors) appeared to have a poorer health and functional status than other outdoor groups. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that patterns exist in relation to the falls circumstances and health characteristics of people with hip fracture which build upon that previously reported. These patterns, when verified, can provide useful information as to the ways in which fall prevention strategies can be tailored to individuals of varying levels of health and function who are at risk for falls and hip fracture.