943 resultados para Glomerular Filtration Rate
The suitability of a new plastic supporting medium for biofiltration was tested over a three year period. Tests were carried out on the stability, surface properties, mechanical strength, and dimensions of the medium. There was no evidence to suggest that the medium was deficient in any of these respects. The specific surface (320m2m-3) and the voidage (94%) of the new medium are unlike any other used in bio-filtration and a pilot plant containing two filters was built to observe its effects on ecology and performance. Performance was estimated by chemical analysis and ecology studied by film examination and fauna counts. A system of removable sampling baskets was designed to enable samples to be obtained from two intermediate depths of filter. One of the major operating problems of percolating filters is excessive accumulation of film. The amount of film is influenced by hydraulic and organic load and each filter was run at a different loading. One was operated at 1.2m3m-3day-1 (DOD load 0.24kgm-3day-1) judged at the time to be the lowest filtration rate to offer advantages over conventional media. The other filter was operated at more than twice this loading (2.4m3m-3day-lBOD load 0.55kgm-3day-1) giving a roughly 2.5x and 6x the conventional loadings recommended for a Royal Commission effluent. The amount of film in each filter was normally low (0.05-3kgm(3 as volatile solids) and did not affect efficiency. The evidence collected during the study indicated that the ecology of the filters was normal when compared with the data obtained from the literature relating to filters with mineral media. There were indications that full ecological stability was yet to be reached and this was affecting the efficiency of the filters. The lower rate filter produced an average 87% BOD removal giving a consistent Royal Commission effluent during the summer months. The higher rate filter produced a mean 83% BOD removal but at no stage a consistent Royal Commission effluent. From the data on ecology and performance the filters resembled conventional filters rather than high rate filters.
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ABOUT THIS SUBJECT • Currently tacrolimus is the mainstay of immunosuppression for most children undergoing liver transplantation (LT). • The clinical use of this agent, however, is complicated by its various adverse effects (mainly nephrotoxicity), its narrow therapeutic-index and considerable pharmacokinetic variability. • The low and variable oral bioavailability of tacrolimus is thought to result from the action of the multidrug efflux-pump P-glycoprotein, encoded by the ABCB1 gene. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS • A significant association between ABCB1 genetic polymorphisms and tacrolimus-associated nephrotoxicity in paediatric patients following LT is reported for the first time. Genotyping such polymorphisms may have the potential to individualize better initial tacrolimus therapy and enhance drug safety. • The long-term effect of ABCB1 polymorphisms on tacrolimus trough concentrations were investigated up to 5 years post-transplantation. A significant effect of intestinal P-glycoprotein genotypes on tacrolimus pharmacokinetics was found at 3 and 4 years post-transplantation suggesting that the effect is maintained long term. AIMS - The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of genetic polymorphisms in ABCB1 on the incidence of nephrotoxicity and tacrolimus dosage-requirements in paediatric patients following liver transplantation. METHODS - Fifty-one paediatric liver transplant recipients receiving tacrolimus were genotyped for ABCB1 C1236>T, G2677>T and C3435>T polymorphisms. Dose-adjusted tacrolimus trough concentrations and estimated glomerular filtration rates (EGFR) indicative of renal toxicity were determined and correlated with the corresponding genotypes. RESULTS - The present study revealed a higher incidence of the ABCB1 variant-alleles examined among patients with renal dysfunction (≥30% reduction in EGFR) at 6 months post-transplantation (1236T allele: 63.3% vs 37.5% in controls, P= 0.019; 2677T allele: 63.3% vs. 35.9%, p = 0.012; 3435T allele: 60% vs. 39.1%, P= 0.057). Carriers of the G2677->T variant allele also had a significant reduction (%) in EGFR at 12 months post-transplant (mean difference = 22.6%; P= 0.031). Haplotype analysis showed a significant association between T-T-T haplotypes and an increased incidence of nephrotoxicity at 6 months post-transplantation (haplotype-frequency = 52.9% in nephrotoxic patients vs 29.4% in controls; P= 0.029). Furthermore, G2677->T and C3435->T polymorphisms and T-T-T haplotypes were significantly correlated with higher tacrolimus dose-adjusted pre-dose concentrations at various time points examined long after drug initiation. CONCLUSIONS - These findings suggest that ABCB1 polymorphisms in the native intestine significantly influence tacrolimus dosage-requirement in the stable phase after transplantation. In addition, ABCB1 polymorphisms in paediatric liver transplant recipients may predispose them to nephrotoxicity over the first year post-transplantation. Genotyping future transplant recipients for ABCB1 polymorphisms, therefore, could have the potential to individualize better tacrolimus immunosuppressive therapy and enhance drug safety.
An unprecedented series of ecological disturbances have been recurring within Florida Bay since the summer of 1987. Persistent and widespread phytoplankton and cyanobacteria blooms have coincided with the large scale decimation of sponge communities. One hypothesis is that the large scale loss of suspension-feeding sponges has rendered the Florida Bay ecosystem susceptible to these recurring blooms. The primary objective of this study was to experimentally evaluate the potential for suspension-feeding sponges to control nuisance phytoplankton blooms within Florida Bay prior to a large sponge die-off event. To achieve this objective, we determined the extent and biomass of the surviving sponge community in the different basins of Florida Bay. Many areas within Florida Bay possessed sponge densities and biomasses of 1 to 3 ind. m–2 or 100 to 300 g m–2 respectively. The dominant species includedSpheciospongia vesparia, Chondrilla nucula, Cinachyra alloclada, Tedania ignis and Ircinia sp., which accounted for 68% of individual sponges observed and 88% of sponge biomass. Laboratory grazing rates of these dominant sponges were experimentally determined on 4 different algal food treatments: a monoculture of cyanobacteria Synechococcus elongatus, a monoculture of the diatom Cyclotella choctawhatcheeana, a monoculture of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum hoffmanianum, and an equal volume of the 3 monocultures combined. To estimate the impact of a mass sponge mortality event on the system-wide filtration rate of Florida Bay, we combined estimates of the current sponge biomass and laboratory sponge filtration rates with estimates of mean volumes of the sub-basins of Florida Bay. This study implies that the current blooms occurring within the central region of Florida Bay can be explained by the loss of the dominant suspension feeder in this system, and there is no need to invoke a new addition of nutrients within this region for the blooms to occur.
Reduction in global ocean pH due to the uptake of increased atmospheric CO2 is expected to negatively affect calcifying organisms, including the planktonic larval stages of many marine invertebrates. Planktonic larvae play crucial roles in the benthic-pelagic life cycle of marine organisms by connecting and sustaining existing populations and colonizing new habitats. Calcified larvae are typically denser than seawater and rely on swimming to navigate vertically structured water columns. Larval sand dollars Dendraster excentricus have calcified skeletal rods supporting their bodies, and propel themselves with ciliated bands looped around projections called arms. Ciliated bands are also used in food capture, and filtration rate is correlated with band length. As a result, swimming and feeding performance are highly sensitive to morphological changes. When reared at an elevated PCO2 level (1000 ppm), larval sand dollars developed significantly narrower bodies at four and six-arm stages. Morphological changes also varied between four observed maternal lineages, suggesting within-population variation in sensitivity to changes in PCO2 level. Despite these morphological changes, PCO2 concentration alone had no significant effect on swimming speeds. However, acidified larvae had significantly smaller larval stomachs and bodies, suggesting reduced feeding performance. Adjustments to larval morphologies in response to ocean acidification may prioritize swimming over feeding, implying that negative consequences of ocean acidification are carried over to later developmental stages.
Here, we assess the physiological effects induced by environmental concentrations of pesticides in Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Oysters were exposed for 14 d to trace levels of metconazole (0.2 and 2 mu g/L), isoproturon (0.1 and 1 mu g/L), or both in a mixture (0.2 and 0.1 mu g/L, respectively). Exposure to trace levels of pesticides had no effect on the filtration rate, growth, and energy reserves of oysters. However, oysters exposed to metconazole and isoproturon showed an overactivation of the sensing-kinase AMP-activated protein kinase alpha (AMPK alpha), a key enzyme involved in energy metabolism and more particularly glycolysis. In the meantime, these exposed oysters showed a decrease in hexokinase and pyruvate kinase activities, whereas 2-DE proteomic revealed that fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (F-1,6-BP), a key enzyme of gluconeogenesis, was upregulated. Activities of antioxidant enzymes were higher in oysters exposed to the highest pesticide concentrations. Both pesticides enhanced the superoxide dismutase activity of oysters. Isoproturon enhanced catalase activity, and metconazole enhanced peroxiredoxin activity. Overall, our results show that environmental concentrations of metconazole or isoproturon induced subtle changes in the energy and antioxidant metabolisms of oysters.
1.This report presents the results of a field study conducted in the ECASA test site nOS in the Pertuis Breton, France. The site is located on the Atlantic West coasts. It is open to the bay of Biscay, but is slightly protected against westerly winds. The bay has been exploited by intertidal mussels culture for centuries. 2. Within the bay, mussels (Mytilus edulis) are cultivated either by the traditional pole technique, around the bay or on longlines in the centre of the bay. The area occupied by these longline s represents 250 ha, and the resulting annual production is 1 000 tonnes of mussels. The average depth at mid tide is of 13.8 m. The sediment is sandy, with a small fraction of mud. 3. The site is subject to several regular monitoring through the local implementation of national networks aiming at protecting the environment and marine resources, on pollutants (RNO), microbiological quality of the waters (REMI), phytoplanktonic toxic species (REPHY) and growth and mortality of molluscs (REMORA). Benthic macrofauna was studied in 1976. 4. Five sampling sations were chosen along a line, starting under the longlines, and at distances of 50, 100, 200, and 400 metres from the area cultivated. A reference station was chosen in a different direction at 2300 metres of the cultivated area. Sampling methods are described in the text. _Sediments were sampled for different analyses: grain size, content in organic matter, total organic carbon and nitrogen, and phytic pigments (chlorophyll a and phaeopigments). Redox were measured in cores. The macrofauna living into the sediment was also sampled. The water column was sampled for physical (temperature, transparency) and chemical parametres, including oxygen content, salinity, organic matter, dissolved nitrogen forms, phosphates and silicates. Results from benthic macrofauna surveys indicate that there were no significant differences between the different stations and the reference station, all being classified as slightly disturbed. The bay is submitted to freshwater runoffs from two adjacent rivers. 7. The sediment is slightly modified by the culture of bivalves. Total organic carbon, total nitrogen, Eh values and pheopigments were significantly higher under the trestles than in any other stations. Other stations often did not differ from the reference station. 8. The effects of shellfish culture on the water column were. However, it was observed a small decrease of the food available to the molluscs near the rearing 9. The DEB model was able to describe and predict adequately the growth of oysters, both in the Baie des Veys and in the Loch Creran. The parametres for its use in other environment are given, but a tuning of one parametre should be performed with the help of authors. 10. Among the indicators and models for use in are as of intertidal bivalve culture, it is recommended to use the sediment quality index, TOC (Total Organic Carbon), redox and pheopigments, in surficial sediment, AMBI for the macrofauna, chlorophyll a contents and nitrogen forms in the water column, and models describing the carrying capacity, filtration rate of molluscs, and a DEB model to predict the growth of molluscs.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Especialização em Aquacultura, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
L’insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) se définit par un défaut de filtration glomérulaire et est associée à plusieurs désordres. La perturbation de l’homéostasie glucidique en fait partie. L’homéostasie glucidique est contrôlée principalement par l’insuline, soit l’hormone sécrétée en réponse au glucose par les cellules bêta-pancréatiques contenues dans les îlots de Langerhans. La préservation de la fonction de la cellule bêta est essentielle au maintien de l’homéostasie glucidique. Il a été démontré que la sécrétion de l'insuline est altérée au cours l'IRC, cependant les mécanismes demeurent peu connus. Au cours de l’IRC, l’accumulation chronique de toxines urémiques pourrait contribuer à la défaillance de la cellule bêta. L’urée est une toxine urémique majeure et sa toxicité a été récemment rapportée dans plusieurs tissus. Le but de ce mémoire était donc de vérifier le rôle de l’urée dans la dysfonction de la cellule bêta-pancréatique au cours de l’IRC. Nous avons démontré que l’exposition des îlots de souris à des concentrations pathologiques d’urée entraîne une diminution de la sécrétion d’insuline via l’augmentation du stress oxydant et des O-glycosylations. Ce défaut est dû à une perturbation du métabolisme intracellulaire du glucose. Entre autres, nous avons observé une baisse de la glycolyse associée à la réduction de l’activité enzymatique de la phosphofructokinase-1. Ces résultats démontrent un effet toxique direct de l’urée sur la sécrétion d’insuline et permettent de mieux comprendre le mécanisme de dysfonction de la cellule bêta-pancréatique au cours de l’IRC.
L’insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) se définit par un défaut de filtration glomérulaire et est associée à plusieurs désordres. La perturbation de l’homéostasie glucidique en fait partie. L’homéostasie glucidique est contrôlée principalement par l’insuline, soit l’hormone sécrétée en réponse au glucose par les cellules bêta-pancréatiques contenues dans les îlots de Langerhans. La préservation de la fonction de la cellule bêta est essentielle au maintien de l’homéostasie glucidique. Il a été démontré que la sécrétion de l'insuline est altérée au cours l'IRC, cependant les mécanismes demeurent peu connus. Au cours de l’IRC, l’accumulation chronique de toxines urémiques pourrait contribuer à la défaillance de la cellule bêta. L’urée est une toxine urémique majeure et sa toxicité a été récemment rapportée dans plusieurs tissus. Le but de ce mémoire était donc de vérifier le rôle de l’urée dans la dysfonction de la cellule bêta-pancréatique au cours de l’IRC. Nous avons démontré que l’exposition des îlots de souris à des concentrations pathologiques d’urée entraîne une diminution de la sécrétion d’insuline via l’augmentation du stress oxydant et des O-glycosylations. Ce défaut est dû à une perturbation du métabolisme intracellulaire du glucose. Entre autres, nous avons observé une baisse de la glycolyse associée à la réduction de l’activité enzymatique de la phosphofructokinase-1. Ces résultats démontrent un effet toxique direct de l’urée sur la sécrétion d’insuline et permettent de mieux comprendre le mécanisme de dysfonction de la cellule bêta-pancréatique au cours de l’IRC.
Perna viridis exposed to different concentrations of copper and zinc for varying periods and then the rate of filtration estimated under metal free culture conditions. The concentrations under which the animals were maintained before the experiments were 0.025 to 0.150 p.p.m. of zinc and 0.005 to 0.08 p.p.m. of copper.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Mode of access: Internet.
This study aimed to quantify the efficiency of deep bag and electrostatic filters, and assess the influence of ventilation systems using these filters on indoor fine (<2.5 µm) and ultrafine particle concentrations in commercial office buildings. Measurements and modelling were conducted for different indoor and outdoor particle source scenarios at three office buildings in Brisbane, Australia. Overall, the in-situ efficiency, measured for particles in size ranges 6 to 3000 nm, of the deep bag filters ranged from 26.3 to 46.9% for the three buildings, while the in-situ efficiency of the electrostatic filter in one building was 60.2%. The highest PN and PM2.5 concentrations in one of the office buildings (up to 131% and 31% higher than the other two buildings, respectively) were due to the proximity of the building’s HVAC air intakes to a nearby bus-only roadway, as well as its higher outdoor ventilation rate. The lowest PN and PM2.5 concentrations (up to 57% and 24% lower than the other two buildings, respectively) were measured in a building that utilised both outdoor and mixing air filters in its HVAC system. Indoor PN concentrations were strongly influenced by outdoor levels and were significantly higher during rush-hours (up to 41%) and nucleation events (up to 57%), compared to working-hours, for all three buildings. This is the first time that the influence of new particle formation on indoor particle concentrations has been identified and quantified. A dynamic model for indoor PN concentration, which performed adequately in this study also revealed that using mixing/outdoor air filters can significantly reduce indoor particle concentration in buildings where indoor air was strongly influenced by outdoor particle levels. This work provides a scientific basis for the selection and location of appropriate filters and outdoor air intakes, during the design of new, or upgrade of existing, building HVAC systems. The results also serve to provide a better understanding of indoor particle dynamics and behaviours under different ventilation and particle source scenarios, and highlight effective methods to reduce exposure to particles in commercial office buildings.
Background: Conventional biodiesel production relies on trans-esterification of lipids extracted from vegetable crops. However, the use of valuable vegetable food stocks as raw material for biodiesel production makes it an unfeasibly expensive process. Used cooking oil is a finite resource and requires extra downstream processing, which affects the amount of biodiesel that can be produced and the economics of the process. Lipids extracted from microalgae are considered an alternative raw material for biodiesel production. This is primarily due to the fast growth rate of these species in a simple aquaculture environment. However, the dilute nature of microalgae culture puts a huge economic burden on the dewatering process especially on an industrial scale. This current study explores the performance and economic viability of chemical flocculation and tangential flow filtration (TFF) for the dewatering of Tetraselmis suecicamicroalgae culture. Results: Results show that TFF concentrates the microalgae feedstock up to 148 times by consuming 2.06 kWh m-3 of energy while flocculation consumes 14.81 kWhm-3 to concentrate the microalgae up to 357 times. Economic evaluation demonstrates that even though TFF has higher initial capital investment than polymer flocculation, the payback period for TFF at the upper extreme ofmicroalgae revenue is ∼1.5 years while that of flocculation is ∼3 years. Conclusion: These results illustrate that improved dewatering levels can be achieved more economically by employing TFF. The performances of these two techniques are also compared with other dewatering techniques.
This study examines and quantifies the effect of adding polyelectrolytes to cellulose nanofibre suspensions on the gel point of cellulose nanofibre suspensions, which is the lowest solids concentration at which the suspension forms a continuous network. The lower the gel point, the faster the drainage time to produce a sheet and the higher the porosity of the final sheet formed. Two new techniques were designed to measure the dynamic compressibility and the drainability of nanocellulose–polyelectrolyte suspensions. We developed a master curve which showed that the independent variable controlling the behaviour of nanocellulose suspensions and its composite is the structure of the flocculated suspension which is best quantified as the gel point. This was independent of the type of polyelectrolyte used. At an addition level of 2 mg/g of nanofibre, a reduction in gel point over 50 % was achieved using either a high molecular weight (13 MDa) linear cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM, 40 % charge), a dendrimer polyethylenimine of high molecular weight of 750,000 Da (HPEI) or even a low molecular weight of 2000 Da (LPEI). There was no significant difference in the minimum gel point achieved, despite the difference in polyelectrolyte morphology and molecular weight. In this paper, we show that the gel point controls the flow through the fibre suspension, even when comparing fibre suspensions with solids content above the gel point. A lower gel point makes it easier for water to drain through the fibre network,reducing the pressure required to achieve a given dewatering rate and reducing the filtering time required to form a wet laid sheet. We further show that the lower gel point partially controls the structure of the wet laid sheet after it is dried. Halving the gel point increased the air permeability of the dry sheet by 37, 46 and 25 %, when using CPAM, HPEI and LPEI, respectively. The resistance to liquid flow was reduced by 74 and 90 %, when using CPAM and LPEI. Analysing the paper formed shows that sheet forming process and final sheet properties can be engineered and controlled by adding polyelectrolytes to the nanofibre suspension.