928 resultados para Geometrical Isomers
This article presents an experimental and numerical study for the mechanical characterization under uniaxial compressive loading of the adobe masonry of one of the most emblematic archaeological complex in Peru, 'Huaca de la Luna' (100-650AD). Compression tests of prisms were carried out with original material brought to the laboratory. For measuring local deformations in the tests, displacement transducers were used which were complemented by a digital image correlation system which allowed a better understanding of the failure mechanism. The tests were then numerically simulated by modelling the masonry as a continuum media. Several approaches were considered concerning the geometrical modelling, namely 2D and 3D simplified models, and 3D refined models based on a photogrammetric reconstruction. The results showed a good approximation between the numerical prediction and the experimental response in all cases. However, the 3D models with irregular geometries seem to reproduce better the cracking pattern observed in the tests.
Timber frame construction is characteristic of several historic city centres as well as of vernacular architecture in several countries around the world, either motivated by the availability of materials and construction traditions or by the need of reducing the seismic vulnerability of buildings, namely in south European countries, where this construction technique was adopted for seismic-resistance purposes. From past earthquakes, it has been seen that timber frame construction can be viewed as an interesting technology as it has exhibited a very reasonable behaviour when compared to other traditional construction techniques such as masonry walls. This chapter provides an overview of the main insights on the seismic performance of timber frame buildings from the evidences of past earthquakes and provides the main results of recent research focused on the in-plane cyclic behavior of timber frame walls with distinct geometrical configurations. Additionally, the main seismic performance indexes of timber frame walls, both unreinforced and retrofitted, are presented and discussed in detail.
Preprint submitted to International Journal of Solids and Structures. ISSN 0020-7683
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica
The tocopherol content of Brazil nut oil from different Amazon regions (Manicoré-AM, Rio Preto da Eva-AM, São João da Baliza-RR, Caroebe-RR, Belém-PA, and Xapurí-AC) was investigated by normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. For all authentic oils, two isomers: α- and γ-tocopherols were observed (37.92-74.48 µg g-1, 106.88-171.80 µg g-1, respectively), and their levels were relatively constant among the oils having these geographic origins, which would enable to distinguish Brazil nut oil from other plant oils for authentication purposes. Commercial Brazil nut oils were also evaluated, and some of these oils demonstrated a tocopherol content that was very different from that of the authentic oils. Therefore, we suggest that the tocopherol profile of Brazil nut oil can be useful chemical marker for quality control and authentication.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil
Dissertação de mestrado Internacional em Sustentabilidade do Ambiente Construído
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
Membrane-like scaffolds are suitable to induce regeneration in many and different anatomic sites, such as periodontal membrane, skin, liver and cardiac tissues. In some circumstances, the films should adapt to geometrical changes of the attached tissues, such as in cardiac or blood vessel tissue engineering applications. In this context, we developed stretchable two-dimensional multilayer constructs through the assembling of two natural-based polyelectrolytes, chitosan (CHT) and chondroitin sulphate (CS), using the layer-by-layer methodology. The morphology, topography and the transparency of the films were evaluated. The in- fluence of genipin, a natural-derived cross-linker agent, was also investigated in the control of the mechanical properties of the CHT/CS films. The water uptake ability can be tailored by changing the cross-linker concentration, which influenced the young modulus and ultimate tensile strength. The maximum extension tends to decrease with the increase of genipin concentration, compromising the elastic properties of CHT/CS films: nevertheless using lower cross-linker contents, the ultimate tensile stress is similar to the films not cross-linked but exhibiting a significant higher modulus. The in vitro biological assays showed better L929 cell adhesion and proliferation when using the crosslinked membranes and confirmed the non-cytotoxicity of the CHT/CS films. The developed free-standing biomimetic multilayer could be designed to fulfill specific therapeutic requirements by tuning properties such as swelling, mechanical and biological performances.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
La idea principal del proyecto abarca el estudio de parámetros y fenómenos físicos. Los avances logrados se aplicarán al desarrollo de software y metodologías para cuantificación de materiales mediante microanálisis con sonda de electrones y microscopía electrónica de barrido. El microanálisis no es una técnica absoluta, sino que requiere de estándares de referencia, para obviar el uso de ciertos parámetros geométricos y atómicos difíciles de conocer con una precisión adecuada. Para contar con un método sin estándares debe abordarse la determinación de parámetros atómicos e instrumentales, que es uno de los aspectos que se desea encarar en este proyecto. Por otro lado, también se pretende incluir los parámetros estudiados en un software de cuantificación desarrollado por integrantes del proyecto. Otro de los propósitos del plan de trabajo es estudiar la potencialidad de la resolución espacial de una microsonda de electrones con el fin de desarrollar una metodología para caracterizar interfases, bordes de granos e inclusiones, con resolución submicrométrica, ya que los métodos tradicionales de cuantificación se restringen al caso de muestras planas y homogéneas dentro del volumen de interacción, pero la caracterización de inhomogeneidades a nivel micrométrico no ha sido desarrollada todavía, salvo algunas excepciones. The main idea of this project involves the study of physical parameters and phenomena. The concretion of the different goals will permit the elaboration of softeare and methodologies for materials characterization by means of electron probe microanalysis and scanning microscopy. Electron probe microanalysis is not an absolute technique, but requires reference standards in order not to involve certain geometrical and atomic parameters for which high uncertainties cannot be avoided. In order to have standardless method, the determination of atomic and instrumental parameters must be accomplished, as will be faced through this project. Complementary, the parameters studied will be included in a quantification software developed in our research group of FaMAF. Another objective of this activity plan is to study the spatial resolution potentiality of a focalized electron beam, with the aim of characterizing interphases, grain boundaries and inclusions with submicron sensitivity, since the traditional quantification procedures are restricted to flat homogeneous samples, whereas the characterization of inhomogeneities has not been developed yet.
This study utilised recent developments in forensic aromatic hydrocarbon fingerprint analysis to characterise and identify specific biogenic, pyrogenic and petrogenic contamination. The fingerprinting and data interpretation techniques discussed include the recognition of: The distribution patterns of hydrocarbons (alkylated naphthalene, phenanthrene, dibenzothiophene, fluorene, chrysene and phenol isomers), • Analysis of “source-specific marker” compounds (individual saturated hydrocarbons, including n-alkanes (n-C5 through 0-C40) • Selected benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene isomers (BTEX), • The recalcitrant isoprenoids; pristane and phytane and • The determination of diagnostic ratios of specific petroleum / non-petroleum constituents, and the application of various statistical and numerical analysis tools. An unknown sample from the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for origin characterisation was subjected to analysis by gas chromatography utilising both flame ionisation and mass spectral detection techniques in comparison to known reference materials. The percentage of the individual Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAIIs) and biomarker concentrations in the unknown sample were normalised to the sum of the analytes and the results were compared with the corresponding results with a range of reference materials. In addition, to the determination of conventional diagnostic PAH and biomarker ratios, a number of “source-specific markers” isomeric PAHs within the same alkylation levels were determined, and their relative abundance ratios were computed in order to definitively identify and differentiate the various sources. Statistical logarithmic star plots were generated from both sets of data to give a pictorial representation of the comparison between the unknown sample and reference products. The study successfully characterised the unknown sample as being contaminated with a “coal tar” and clearly demonstrates the future role of compound ratio analysis (CORAT) in the identification of possible source contaminants.
This project was funded under the Applied Research Grants Scheme administered by Enterprise Ireland. The project was a partnership between Galway - Mayo Institute of Technology and an industrial company, Tyco/Mallinckrodt Galway. The project aimed to develop a semi - automatic, self - learning pattern recognition system capable of detecting defects on the printed circuits boards such as component vacancy, component misalignment, component orientation, component error, and component weld. The research was conducted in three directions: image acquisition, image filtering/recognition and software development. Image acquisition studied the process of forming and digitizing images and some fundamental aspects regarding the human visual perception. The importance of choosing the right camera and illumination system for a certain type of problem has been highlighted. Probably the most important step towards image recognition is image filtering, The filters are used to correct and enhance images in order to prepare them for recognition. Convolution, histogram equalisation, filters based on Boolean mathematics, noise reduction, edge detection, geometrical filters, cross-correlation filters and image compression are some examples of the filters that have been studied and successfully implemented in the software application. The software application developed during the research is customized in order to meet the requirements of the industrial partner. The application is able to analyze pictures, perform the filtering, build libraries, process images and generate log files. It incorporates most of the filters studied and together with the illumination system and the camera it provides a fully integrated framework able to analyze defects on printed circuit boards.
We first recall the construction of the Chow motive modelling intersection cohomology of a proper surface X and study its fundamental properties. Using Voevodsky's category of effective geometrical motives, we then study the motive of the exceptional divisor D in a non-singular blow-up of X. If all geometric irreducible components of D are of genus zero, then Voevodsky's formalism allows us to construct certain one-extensions of Chow motives, as canonical subquotients of the motive with compact support of the smooth part of X. Specializing to Hilbert-Blumenthal surfaces, we recover a motivic interpretation of a recent construction of A. Caspar.
S’ha estudiat la bioacumulació de contaminants orgànics persistents en el múscul d’una espècie de peix en dos punts del litoral català: al Port de Barcelona i a la costa de Blanes. Citharus linguatula ha estat escollida per les seves característiques d’hàbitats (està més exposada a la contaminació al ser una espècie bentònica). La metodologia emprada consisteix en la homogeneïtzació amb sulfat de sodi i una extracció assistida amb microones amb n-hexà-acetona(1:1 v/v) durant 20 minuts. Els extractes es netegen i es fraccionen amb una columna cromatogràfica d’alúmina que permet la separació dels extractes en dos fraccions: un amb la majoria dels compostos organoclorats (hexaclorbenzè, DDTs, ciclodiens clorats i policlorbifenils) i l’altre amb els isòmers hexaclorciclohexans i els PAHs. Aquestes dos fraccions són posteriorment analitzades en el GC-MS. S’ha pogut corroborar l’elevada presència de PCBs a Barcelona, així com que en aquest punt de mostreig les espècies estan més exposades a la contaminació per organoclorats. S’ha identificat la presència de DDTs en els dos llocs estudiats. Pel que fa als PAHs s’ha pogut observar que a Barcelona també hi ha més presència d’aquests. Cal destacar que la concentració obtinguda dels compostos no es pot donar com a vàlida per l’existència d’indicis d’errors experimentals o d’injecció.