972 resultados para Genus-especific
The Neotropical empidid genus Opeatocerata Melander, hitherto known from only a sigle female from Mexico, is redefined in the light of new material, including males. Three new species are described and illustrated, a key provided and the presence of the genus now additionally established in Costa Rica, Panama, Bolivia, Ecuador, Trinidad and Brazil.
An anthomyiid new genus Lopesohylemya with its type species L. qinghaiensis sp. n. from Qinghai, China, is described and figured. It is closely related to Eustalomyia histrio group, which is transferred to present new genus from Eustalomyia, it is suggested by the authors.
Sphaerohelea, a new Neotropical genus of predaceous midges related to Lanehelea, Spnaeromias, Chelohelea, Phaenobezzia and Leehelea is described and illustrated and ilustrated from female specimens. This new genus includes only one species, Sphaerohelea biestroi n. sp. from northeastern Argentina as a type-species.
Cell electrophoresis was used for determionation of the electrophoretic mobility (EPM) of epimastigo and trypamastigote forms of several isolates of Trypanosoma cruzi and some stocks of other members of the Schizotrypanum subgenus, such as T. dionisii, T. vespertilionis and T. myoti. The EPM of T. bruceli, T. rangeli, and T. conorhini was also determined. The results obtained show that the EPM values con be useful to distinguish the parasites.
Culture forms of four strains of Endotrypanum (E. schaudinni and E. monterogeii) were processed for transmission electron microscopy and analyzed at the ultrastructural level. Quantitative data about some cytoplasmic organelles were obeined by stereology. All culture forms were promastigotes. In their cytoplasm four different organelles could be found: lipid inclusions (0,2-0,4 µm in diameter), mebrane-bounded vacuoles (0.10-0,28 µm in diameter), glycosomes (0,2-0,3 µm in diameter), and the mitochondrion. The kenetoplast appears as a thin band, except for the strain IM201, which possesses a broader structure, and possibly is not a member of this genus. Clusters of virus-like particles were seen in the cytoplasm of the strain LV88. The data obtained show that all strains have the typical morphological feature of the trypanosomatids. Only strain IM201 could be differentiated from the others, due to its larger kenetoplast-DNA network and its large mitochondrial and glycosomal relative volume. The morphometrical data did not allow the differentiation between E. schaudinni (strains IM217 and M6226) and E. monterogeii (strain LV88).
Two new Brazilian species of Monohelea Kieffer, M. affinis and M. roraimensis are described and illustrated, and a redescription of M. guiaimiesi Lane & Wirth is given.
The life cycle of ear mites of the genus Raillietia Trouessart consists of egg, larva, proto-and deutonymph and adult. The proto-and deutonymph are free living, non feeding instars. The teneral adult is the transfer stage. The minimum period required for completion of the life cycle is approximately eight days.
Descriptions of a genus and two new species of Sarcophagidae from Peru.
Two new species of Cucullanus are described: C. bourdini n. sp. and C. laurotravassosi n. sp. C. bourdini is a parasite of Pristipomoides filamentosus , Aprion virescens and P. flavipinnis (Lutjanidae) in New Caledonia. The species is closely related to C. amadai, C. bulbosus and C. hians by the disposition of the post-and ad-cloacal papille but differs by the more posterior position of the deirids. C. laurotravassosi n. sp., a parasite of Arius sp. in Australia, is close to C. bagre but can be distinguished by the more posterior position of post-cloacal papillae.
The genus Vampirolepis Spasskij, 1954 is re-defined on the basis of the original description and the first detailed redescription by Andreiko et al. (1969). A restricted definitions is proposed, the main features being the arrangement of testicles on a straight line snd numerous hooks of fraternoid shape. Other important characters are the strobila with numerous proglottids, the cirrus pouch of moderate size and the cirrus, smooth or armed with minute spines. Formerly included Hymenolepidid cestodes with reduced strobila, particularly long cirrus pouch and different arrangement of gonads do not belong to Vampirolepis. Members of Vampirolepis in the restricted sense show a cosmopolitan repartition and parasitize only bats. The author does not accept the synonymy of Rodentolepis Spasskiji, 1954 with Vampirolepis. A tentative list of the species belonging to the genus is proposed.
Two new Brazilian species of Downeshelea Wirth & Gorgan D. fluminensis and D. quasidentica, are described and illustrated.
In the present paper, some species of nematodes from Brazilian parrots are studied: Aproctapyrrhurae. Ascaridia hermaphrodita, A. sergiomeirai, Pelecitus circularis and P. helicinus. Single female specimens of Pelecitus sp. and Thelazia sp. are presented. The male of P. circularis is fully illustrated, for the first time, since 1884. Ascaridia sergiomeirai is also restudied 59 years after proposition. New host records are estabilished. Remarks on other species of nematodes occuring in psittacid birds are included.
The application of different taxonomic methods (Cladistic, Evolutionary Taxonomy and Numerical Taxonomy) to the taxonomy of the Genus Leishmania are reviewed. The major groupings of the most recent classifications obtained using the cladistical approach agree with the major divisions of previous classifications which used traditional taxonomy (Evolutionary Taxonomy). The advantage of the cladistical approach is that it produces cladograms whose branches indicate more accurately levels of relationships between the different taxa. Numerical Taxonomy is useful for identification but not as good as the cladistical approach for classification. The ancient division of this monophyletic genus into two major evolutionary lines supports the use of the subgeneric names Leishmania and Viannia.
The genus Boliviamyia gen. nov. and it’s type species fairchildi sp. nov. are described. Two new species of Esenbeckia (Esenbeckia), griseipleura sp. nov. and gracilipalpis sp. nov. are described. Esenbeckia (Esenbeckia) planaltina Fairchild is recorded from Bolivia.