778 resultados para Galton-Watson Prozesse
Estudo teórico que objetivou analisar os atributos, antecedentes e consequências do conceito cuidado transpessoal, mediante utilização do Modelo de Análise de Conceito. Para isso, elencaram-se livros publicados pela teórica Jean Watson, em português e em inglês, no período de 1979 a 2012. Cumpridos os critérios de inclusão, permaneceram seis obras literárias. Os antecedentes mais citados foram o momento de cuidado e a intenção em estar na relação. Os atributos mais presentes foram a intersubjetividade e as relações entre os envolvidos no processo. Com relação às consequências, o fato de o cuidado transpessoal propiciar restauração/reconstituição (healing) foi o elemento mais presente. O estudo possibilitou constatar ínfimas alterações na definição do conceito com o passar dos anos e das publicações da teórica. Assim, analisar os atributos, os antecedentes e as consequências do conceito propiciou melhor entendimento deste e compreensão da sua importância na Teoria do Cuidado Humano proposta pela teórica americana.
The association between adiposity measures and dyslipidemia has seldom been assessed in a multipopulational setting. 27 populations from Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada (WHO MONICA project) using health surveys conducted between 1990 and 1997 in adults aged 35-64 years (n = 40,480). Dyslipidemia was defined as the total/HDL cholesterol ratio >6 (men) and >5 (women). Overall prevalence of dyslipidemia was 25% in men and 23% in women. Logistic regression showed that dyslipidemia was strongly associated with body mass index (BMI) in men and with waist circumference (WC) in women, after adjusting for region, age and smoking. Among normal-weight men and women (BMI<25 kg/m(2)), an increase in the odds for being dyslipidemic was observed between lowest and highest WC quartiles (OR = 3.6, p < 0.001). Among obese men (BMI ≥ 30), the corresponding increase was smaller (OR = 1.2, p = 0.036). A similar weakening was observed among women. Classification tree analysis was performed to assign subjects into classes of risk for dyslipidemia. BMI thresholds (25.4 and 29.2 kg/m(2)) in men and WC thresholds (81.7 and 92.6 cm) in women came out at first stages. High WC (>84.8 cm) in normal-weight men, menopause in women and regular smoking further defined subgroups at increased risk. standard categories of BMI and WC, or their combinations, do not lead to optimal risk stratification for dyslipidemia in middle-age adults. Sex-specific adaptations are necessary, in particular by taking into account abdominal obesity in normal-weight men, post-menopausal age in women and regular smoking in both sexes.
Este Relatório sobre a Saúde no Mundo foi produzido sob a direcção geral de Carissa Etienne, Assistente do Director-Geral, Sistemas e Serviços de Saúde e Anarfi Asamoa-Baah, Director Geral Adjunto. Os redactores principais froam David B Evans, Riku Elovainio e Gary Humphreys; com contribuições de Daniel Chisholm, Joseph Kutzin, Sarah Russell, Priyanka Saksena e Ke Xu. Contribuições sob a forma de caixas de texto e análises foram fornecidos por: Ole Doetinchem, Adelio Fernandes Antunes, Justine Hsu, Chandika K. Indikadahena, Jeremy Lauer, Nathalie van de Maele, Belgacem Sabri, Hossein Salehi, Xenia Scheil-Adlung (ILO) and Karin Stenberg. Sugestões e comentários foram recebidos dos Directores Regionais, Assistentes do Director-Geral e respectivas equipas. Análises, dados e revisões da organização do texto, vários rascunhos ou secções específicas foram fornecidos por (em adição às pessoas jáacima mencionadas): Dele Abegunde, Michael Adelhardt, Hector Arreola, Guitelle Baghdadi-Sabeti, Dina Balabanova, Dorjsuren Bayarsaikhan, Peter Berman, Melanie Bertram, Michael Borowitz, Reinhard Busse, Alexandra Cameron, Guy Carrin, Andrew Cassels, Eleonora Cavagnero, John Connell, David de Ferranti, Don de Savigny, Varatharajan Durairaj, Tamás Evetovits, Josep Figueras, Emma Fitzpatrick, Julio Frenk, Daniela Fuhr, Ramiro Guerrero, Patricia Hernandez Pena, Hans V Hogerzeil, Kathleen Holloway, Melitta Jakab, Elke Jakubowski, Christopher James, Mira Johri, Matthew Jowett, Joses Kirigia, Felicia Knaul, Richard Laing, Nora Markova, Awad Mataria, Inke Mathauer, Don Matheson, Anne Mills, Eduardo Missoni, Laurent Musango, Helena Nygren-Krug, Ariel Pablos-Mendez, Anne-Marie Perucic, Claudia Pescetto, Jean Perrot, Alexander Preker, Magdalena Rathe, Dag Rekve, Ritu Sadana, Rocio Saenz, Thomas Shakespeare, Ian Smith, Peter C Smith, Alaka Singh, Ruben Suarez Berenguela, Tessa Tan-Torres Edejer, Richard Scheffler, Viroj Tangcharoensathien, Fabrizio Tediosi, Sarah Thomson, Ewout van Ginneken, Cornelis van Mosseveld e Julia Watson. A redacção do Relatório foi informada por muitos indivíduos de várias instituições que forneceram documentos de suporte; estes documentos de suporte podem ser encontrados em: http://www.who.int/healthsystems/topics/financing/healthreport/whr_background/en Michael Reid editou as cópias do Relatório, Gaël Kernen produziu as figuras e Evelyn Omukubi forneceu o valioso apoio secretarial e administrativo. O desenho e paginação foi feito por Sophie Guetaneh Aguettant e Cristina Ortiz. Ilustração por Edel Tripp (http://edeltripp.daportfolio.com). A tradução foi realizada por Jorge Cabral e Aurélio Floriano e revista por Aurélio Floriano e Paulo Ferrinho, do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Lisboa, Portugal. A publicação foi produzida com o apoio da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP), sob autorização do Director Geral da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). As informações contidas neste Relatório não podem, de forma alguma, ser tomadas como a expressão das posições da CPLP
Neste trabalho abordamos o problema da estimação da média de uma variável aleatória que depende de outra (ou outras) através de um modelo de regressão. O conhecimento completo da amostra permite o tratamento deste problema utilizando os métodos clássicos para a estimação da regressão. Aqui iremos estudar uma solução para o problema quando parte da informação que compõe a amostra se perde, nomeadamente, quando, na amostra que permite o tratamento do problema de regressão, algumas das ordenadas não são conhecidas, mas sim apenas o valor para variável explicativa. A solução mais simples neste caso consistiria em ignorar os pontos correspondentes da amostra. Contudo, aqui, pretende-se estudar um método que tenta tirar partido do conhecimento de que houve uma observação e que o valor desta está relacionado com a abcissa disponível através de um modelo de regressão que será aproximado à custa dos pontos da amostra conhecidos na totalidade. Numa primeira instância introduzimos os métodos não paramétricos de aproximação da regressão, a explorar, regressograma e Nadaraya- Watson. Em capítulos posteriores, descrevemos a adaptação do estimador Nadaraya-Watson ao problema das amostras incompletas. Discutemse ainda adaptações que tentam minimizar as dificuldades deste estimador quando o espaço das abcissas é de dimensão grande, assumindo que parte da função de regressão tem um comportamento linear, portanto paramétrico. Neste trabalho apresentamos resultados que asseguram a normalidade assimptótica dos estimadores definidos.
Abstract Aromatherapy is a Practical or Complementary Health Therapy that uses volatile concentrates extracted from plants called essential oils, in order to improve physical, mental and emotional well-being. Aromatherapy has been practiced historically and worldwide by nurses and, as in Brazil is supported by the Federal Nursing Council, it is relevant to discuss this practice in the context of Nursing through Theories of Nursing. This study of theoretical reflection, exploratory and descriptive, aims to discuss the pharmacognosy of essential oils, the historical trajectory of Aromatherapy in Nursing and the conceptions to support Aromatherapy in light of eight Nursing Theorists (Florence Nightingale, Myra Levine, Hildegard Peplau, Martha Rogers, Callista Roy, Wanda Horta, Jean Watson and Katharine Kolcaba), contributing to its inclusion as a nursing care practice.
Many species of Apiaceae are found in the Macaronesien Region. Several have been introduccd by human activities, but a number of taxa is endemic to the different archipelagos or even rrstrictcd to a single island. The following enumeration is based mainly on HANSEN & SUNDING ( 1993). In the Arores 28 different taxa of Apiaceae occur; among them four endemic species [AUIMI; hrrrrii WATSON, A. trifoliatum (WATSON) TKEL., Clrtrc~,y~l~~ll~r~~~ cl:oricrm TREL.. SOErich trwrictr GUTIINICK ex SEUB.]. In Madeira the Apiaceae are very diverse and consist ol’ 29 species and subspecies. From the archipelago two monotypic genera, rC/c/trtio. velitru~rr t/ccipicvr.s (SCHRAD. & J. C. WENDL.) Ho~+hl. md kJorli:ia edu[is LOWE and ~hrcc cndcmic species [Oemmrlre diwricore (R. BR.) MABB.. I/nperrr/orio lotvei COSS. and Burrirr~r hre~$~lirrnr LOWE] are described. The Canary Islands have the highest numbcr of plant-species and a high level of endemism. 5-l taxa of Apiaceae are recorded including three endemic genera (Rtrrheopsis A. HANSEX & KUNKEL, Todm-oa PARL. and Tiqyrmm PARL.) and further I5 endemic taxa. The Apiaceae are represented in the Cape Verde Islands by I2 species. Most of the taxa have been introduced by human activities (LOBIN & ZIZKA 1957) like Amvhm grm’eo- 1efr.s L., Apirm grmvolerrs L, Foerricrrhrr urlgore MILL.. Corimrtlru~t~ srrtirvrrrr L. or Petrosilerrm crisprrm (FRILL.) A.W.HILL. These species are cultivated and some of them later became \\esdy. Other species like Ciclosper- UWL /e/~fo/~/l~ll~rrtr (PER%) SPRAGUE (= Apimr leproplr~llrr~rr) are weeds of cultivated grounds or wasted lands. All these species are today widespread in temperate. subtropical or tropical regions all over the world. The only native species are to be found in the endemic genus To~wI~~I~~~ PARL.
In the fixed design regression model, additional weights areconsidered for the Nadaraya--Watson and Gasser--M\"uller kernel estimators.We study their asymptotic behavior and the relationships between new andclassical estimators. For a simple family of weights, and considering theIMSE as global loss criterion, we show some possible theoretical advantages.An empirical study illustrates the performance of the weighted estimatorsin finite samples.
Alternative premessenger RNA splicing enables genes to generate more than one gene product. Splicing events that occur within protein coding regions have the potential to alter the biological function of the expressed protein and even to create new protein functions. Alternative splicing has been suggested as one explanation for the discrepancy between the number of human genes and functional complexity. Here, we carry out a detailed study of the alternatively spliced gene products annotated in the ENCODE pilot project. We find that alternative splicing in human genes is more frequent than has commonly been suggested, and we demonstrate that many of the potential alternative gene products will have markedly different structure and function from their constitutively spliced counterparts. For the vast majority of these alternative isoforms, little evidence exists to suggest they have a role as functional proteins, and it seems unlikely that the spectrum of conventional enzymatic or structural functions can be substantially extended through alternative splicing.
À medida que o conhecimento do sistema plantio direto se amplia, verifica-se que o uso de indicadores químicos isolados não permite melhor caracterização dos solos, sendo necessário utilizar um conjunto de indicadores da qualidade do solo com a entrada de outros atributos, entre eles os físicos e os biológicos. Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos de sistemas de manejo e uso do solo nos atributos físicos, químicos e biológicos de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico e um Neossolo Quartzarênico órtico sob Cerrado, no entorno do Parque Nacional das Emas. Os aspectos avaliados no Latossolo foram: Cerrado nativo, pastagem, milheto em preparo convencional, nabo forrageiro em plantio direto e sorgo em plantio direto. No Neossolo: Cerrado nativo, pastagem nativa, integração agricultura-pecuária, pastagem cultivada, plantio direto com soja no verão e plantio direto com milho no verão. As amostras de solo foram coletadas na profundidade de 0 a 10 cm. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com cinco parcelas de 150 m², sendo coletadas 10 subamostras aleatórias. As análises químicas, físicas e biológicas foram realizadas no Laboratório de Solos da UFG/CJ. Os manejos promoveram alterações na densidade do solo, volume total de poros, macroporos e resistência do solo à penetração no Neossolo e no Latossolo, excetuando-se neste o volume total de poros. Houve pequena variação nos atributos químicos nos dois solos, com o Cerrado apresentando maior acidez potencial e menor teor de cátions trocáveis e P. Os atributos biológicos do solo foram alterados pelos sistemas de manejo, sendo mais prejudicados em sistemas com maior revolvimento do solo. A análise canônica dos dados demonstrou que os atributos físicos foram os de menor importância por apresentar maior coeficiente de ponderação nas variáveis canônicas. Os atributos do solo, isoladamente, pouco contribuíram para a avaliação da qualidade do solo: no entanto, quando se usou a análise multivariada, subsidiaram a constatação dos manejos do solo mais sustentáveis.
Speciation is a fundamental evolutionary process, the knowledge of which is crucial for understanding the origins of biodiversity. Genomic approaches are an increasingly important aspect of this research field. We review current understanding of genome-wide effects of accumulating reproductive isolation and of genomic properties that influence the process of speciation. Building on this work, we identify emergent trends and gaps in our understanding, propose new approaches to more fully integrate genomics into speciation research, translate speciation theory into hypotheses that are testable using genomic tools and provide an integrative definition of the field of speciation genomics.
CoFe-Ag-Cu granular films, prepared by rf sputtering, displayed magnetic domain microstructures for ferromagnetic concentrations above about 32% at, and below the percolation threshold. All samples have a fcc structure with an (111) texture perpendicular to the film plane. Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) showed a variety of magnetic domain microstructures, extremely sensitive to the magnetic history of the sample, which arise from the balance of the ferromagnetic exchange, the dipolar interactions and perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy, MFM images indicate that in virgin samples, magnetic bubble domains with an out-of-plane component of the magnetization are surrounded by a quasicontinuous background of opposite magnetization domains. The application of a magnetic field in different geometries drastically modifies the microstructure of the system in the remanent state: i) for an in-plane field, the MFM images show that most of the magnetic moments are aligned along the film plane, ii) for an out-of-plane field, the MFM signal increases about one order of magnitude, and out-of-plane striped domains with alternating up and down magnetization are stabilized. Numerical simulations show that a variety of metastable domain structures (similar to those observed experimentally) can be reached, depending on magnetic history, in systems with competing perpendicular anisotropy, exchange and dipolar interactions.
CoFe-AgCu granular films of compositions ranging from 0.17-0.44 ferromagnetic atomic concentration were prepared by rf sputtering. The microstructure and the transport and magnetic properties suggested that this family of samples can be classified into two groups with a crossover concentration at about 32 at. %. The experimental results for samples Co34Fe8Ag54Cu4 and Co18Fe8Ag70Cu4, which are representative of both different behaviors, are discussed. For the as-prepared sample with higher CoFe content, an uncompensated out-of-plane antiferromagneticlike microstructure with dominant demagnetizing interactions was observed. The particle growth through the annealing led to large in-plane ferromagneticlike clusters with dominant magnetizing interactions. The thermal dependence of the remanence-to-saturation ratio of the as-prepared and annealed samples indicated the existence of a high degree of magnetic correlations leading to a very low magnetoresistivity: In none of the cases was a Stoner¿Wohlfarth behavior observed. On the contrary, for the sample with lower CoFe content, the magnetoresistivity change was much higher, and the remanence followed the expected behavior, since magnetic correlations were strongly reduced through dilution.
Reductive evolution and massive pseudogene formation have shaped the 3.31-Mb genome of Mycobacterium leprae, an unculturable obligate pathogen that causes leprosy in humans. The complete genome sequence of M. leprae strain Br4923 from Brazil was obtained by conventional methods (6x coverage), and Illumina resequencing technology was used to obtain the sequences of strains Thai53 (38x coverage) and NHDP63 (46x coverage) from Thailand and the United States, respectively. Whole-genome comparisons with the previously sequenced TN strain from India revealed that the four strains share 99.995% sequence identity and differ only in 215 polymorphic sites, mainly SNPs, and by 5 pseudogenes. Sixteen interrelated SNP subtypes were defined by genotyping both extant and extinct strains of M. leprae from around the world. The 16 SNP subtypes showed a strong geographical association that reflects the migration patterns of early humans and trade routes, with the Silk Road linking Europe to China having contributed to the spread of leprosy.