382 resultados para GLÂNDULA PINEAL


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We demonstrate that during inflammatory responses the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) induces the synthesis of melatonin by macrophages and that macrophage-synthesized melatonin modulates the function of these professional phagocytes in an autocrine manner. Expression of a DsRed2 fluorescent reporter driven by regions of the aa-nat promoter, that encodes the key enzyme involved in melatonin synthesis (arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase), containing one or two upstream kappa B binding sites in RAW 264.7 macrophage cell lines was repressed when NF-kappa B activity was inhibited by blocking its nuclear translocation or its DNA binding activity or by silencing the transcription of the RelA or c-Rel NF-kappa B subunits. Therefore, transcription of aa-nat driven by NF-kappa B dimers containing RelA or c-Rel subunits mediates pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) or pro-inflammatory cytokine-induced melatonin synthesis in macrophages. Furthermore, melatonin acts in an autocrine manner to potentiate macrophage phagocytic activity, whereas luzindole, a competitive antagonist of melatonin receptors, decreases macrophage phagocytic activity. The opposing functions of NF-kappa B in the modulation of AA-NAT expression in pinealocytes and macrophages may represent the key mechanism for the switch in the source of melatonin from the pineal gland to immune-competent cells during the development of an inflammatory response.


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The pineal gland, a circumventricular organ, plays an integrative role in defense responses. The injury-induced suppression of the pineal gland hormone, melatonin, which is triggered by darkness, allows the mounting of innate immune responses. We have previously shown that cultured pineal glands, which express toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1), produce TNF when challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Here our aim was to evaluate which cells present in the pineal gland, astrocytes, microglia or pinealocytes produced TNF, in order to understand the interaction between pineal activity, melatonin production and immune function. Cultured pineal glands or pinealocytes were stimulated with LPS. TNF content was measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. TLR4 and TNFR1 expression were analyzed by confocal microscopy. Microglial morphology was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. In the present study, we show that although the main cell types of the pineal gland (pinealocytes, astrocytes and microglia) express TLR4, the production of TNF induced by LPS is mediated by microglia. This effect is due to activation of the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) pathway. In addition, we observed that LPS activates microglia and modulates the expression of TNFR1 in pinealocytes. As TNF has been shown to amplify and prolong inflammatory responses, its production by pineal microglia suggests a glia-pinealocyte network that regulates melatonin output. The current study demonstrates the molecular and cellular basis for understanding how melatonin synthesis is regulated during an innate immune response, thus our results reinforce the role of the pineal gland as sensor of immune status.


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O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a viabilidade celular, a capacidade de fagocitose e espraiamento pelos fagócitos mononucleares, e a liberação de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) por leucócitos oriundos de glândulas mamárias bovinas sadias e infectadas. Deste modo, 94 amostras foram divididas de acordo com os resultados da cultura bacteriológica e da contagem de células somáticas (CCS). O presente estudo não encontrou diferenças na viabilidade celular, e nos índices de fagocitose e espraiamento entre os diferentes grupos. No entanto, a liberação de H2O2 oriundos dos quartos mamários infectados, infectados por Streptococcus spp. ou Corynebacterium spp. foi menor do que nas amostras de leite provenientes dos quartos mamários sadios. Ao estimar a concentração de H2O2 mL-1 leite observou-se que as amostras de quartos mamários positivos no exame bacteriológico, infectados por Staphylococcus spp. e negativos no exame bacteriológico com alta celularidade foram maiores que aquelas provenientes de quartos mamários sadios. Observou-se também correlação positiva entre a CCS e a viabilidade celular e os índices de fagocitose e espraiamento; e correlação negativa entre a liberação de H2O2 e a CCS e a viabilidade celular. Conclui-se que a CCS, assim como a sua viabilidade e função, são conceitos intimamente relacionados com a saúde da glândula mamária.


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O preá do semiárido nordestino (Galea spixii) é um roedor pertencente à família Caviidae. São encontrados nas regiões da Caatinga e do Cerrado Brasileiro e se reproduz ao longo do ano, apresentando um período de gestação de 48 dias e uma ninhada de 2 a 4 crias. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar histologicamente os componentes estruturais dos órgãos genitais de preás machos relacionando com a evolução cronológica destes órgãos na espécie. Foram utilizados para análise animais ao nascimento e aos 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120 e aos 150 dias de idade. Fragmentos do epidídimo, ducto deferente, pênis e glândulas sexuais acessórias foram coletados, fixados e processados para descrição em microscopia de luz. O epidídimo apresentou epitélio colunar simples e em cada fase sexual notou-se diferença quanto ao tamanho do lúmen tubular e à presença de espermatozóides no lúmen aos 45 dias de idade. O epitélio do ducto deferente no preá mostrou-se pseudo-estratificado colunar com crescente presença de estereocilios com o avanço da idade. A glândula vesicular no preá apresentou uma mucosa com pregueamento variado, de acordo com a fase do desenvolvimento sexual. A próstata mostrou-se pouco desenvolvida, com lúmen pequeno nos preás ao nascimento e aos 15 dias de idade; aos 45 dias mostrou-se com um pregueamento do epitélio variável. Os órgãos genitais masculinos do preá passaram por transformações morfológicas no decorrer da idade e com o desenvolvimento sexual, isso colaborou para a determinação do início da fase da puberdade, que na espécie em estudo foi aos 45 dias de idade.


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A apoptose de leucócitos polimorfonucleares (PMN) é um evento central no processo de resolução da inflamação. Sendo a contagem de células somáticas (CCS) um indicador da situação imunológica da glândula mamária, o presente estudo buscou esclarecer a influência que esses fatores têm um sobre o outro e sobre a evolução do processo inflamatório. Marcaram-se as amostras de leite com anexina-V, iodeto de propídeo (PI), anticorpo anti-CH138A. Encontrou-se correlação negativa entre apoptose de PMN e CCS, além de diferença estatística entre um grupo de alta CCS e um grupo de baixa CCS quanto à taxa de PMN viáveis, em apoptose, em necrose e em necrose e/ou apoptose. De modo geral, o grupo de alta celularidade apresentou menos CH138+ em apoptose e mais células em necrose ou viáveis do que o grupo de baixa celularidade. Conclui-se que apoptose de PMN e CCS estão relacionados, e que em mamas com CCS elevada este evento está diminuído. Apesar de haver maior disponibilidade de fagócitos para a defesa nessa situação, os efeitos anti-inflamatórios da apoptose também estão diminuídos, enquanto os efeitos pró-inflamatórios da necrose estão aumentados, o que pode colaborar com a cronificação da inflamação.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do congelamento e da incubação do leite de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês sobre os resultados da cultura bacteriológica. Desta forma, 45 amostras de leite ovino foram coletadas, e submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: cultura bacteriológica (T1), e simultaneamente incubadas a 37°C por 18 horas (T2) e congeladas a -20°C por 24 horas (T3). Após esses períodos, as amostras dos T2 e T3 foram submetidas à cultura bacteriológica. O T2 possibilitou aumento no isolamento de estafilococos coagulase-negativo (ECN) comparadas ao T1, não ocorrendo o mesmo com o T3. No entanto, o T2 permitiu o desenvolvimento de bactérias normalmente presentes na microbiota dos ductos dos tetos em ovelhas sadias, como o Bacillus spp. Os resultados do presente estudo indicam que a incubação pode ser aplicada para a detecção de ECN na tentativa de reduzir resultados falso-negativos na cultura bacteriológica do leite de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês, determinando o uso mais eficiente dos recursos laboratoriais e a redução dos custos para os proprietários.


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ZusammenfassungrnAlle bekannten Exemplare der Amphibien-Gruppe Microsauria des mitteleuropäischen Rotliegend wurden untersucht sowie – für die kladistische Untersuchung – ihre nächsten Verwandten. Im Saar-Nahe-Becken sind vier Arten aus zwei Microsauria-Gattungen nachzuweisen: Batropetes niederkirchensis n. sp., Batropetes palatinus n. sp., Batropetes appelensis n. sp. und Altenglanerpeton schroederi n. sp.. Aus dem Döhlen-Becken bei Dresden stammt Batropetes fritschi.rnDie Rekonstruktionen legen nahe, dass die in Seeablagerungen gefundenen Batropetes-Arten kleine, terrestrisch lebende Microsaurier waren, die sich von Insekten oder deren Larven ernährten. Ihre mittlere Gesamtlänge beträgt fast 8 cm, ihr Rumpf ist auffallend kurz mit je nach Art 17 oder 19 Präsakralwirbeln. Sie besitzen große von Wülsten umgebene Augenöffnungen, ein großes Pinealforamen, drei längs angeordnete Grübchen auf den Frontalia, dreispitzige Zähne, einen zahnlosen Gaumen und vier kurze kräftige Extremitäten. Becken- und Schultergürtel sind komplett verknöchert, außer den bei Batropetes appelensis und Batropetes fritschi knorpeligen Coracoid-Anteilen. Die Batropetes-Arten unterscheiden sich bezüglich Form, Proportionen bzw. Verknöcherungsgrad einiger Knochen im cranialen und postcranialen Skelett. rnDie kladistischen Untersuchungen ergeben für die Arten der monophyletische Gattung Batropetes, dass Batropetes appelensis den übrigen Arten gegenübersteht und Batropetes palatinus mit Batropetes fritschi eine Schwestergruppe zu Batropetes niederkirchensis bildet. Mit den etwas jüngeren texanischen Gattungen Carrolla und Quasicaecilia bildet Batropetes die monophyletische Familie Brachystelechidae. rnAltenglanerpeton schroederi, nur durch ein schlecht erhaltenes Exemplar überliefert, besitzt einen massiv gebauten Schädel, kaum länger als breit mit annähernd dreieckigem Umriss, ohne Anzeichen für Seitenlinien, mit kleiner rundlicher Orbita, sehr breiter Interorbitalregion und bis weit vor die Orbita reichendem Jugale. Sein langer Rumpf umfasst mindestens 30 lepospondyle Präsakralwirbel. Wegen der unvollkommenen Entwicklung der Gliedmaßen kann diese Art nicht auf vier Beinen gelaufen sein und lebte möglicherweise in der Laubschicht wühlend oder in Sümpfen. Altenglanerpeton ist keiner bestimmten Microsauria-Familie zuzuordnen und steht den Pantylidae, Gymnarthridae, Goniorhynchidae und Ostodolepidae am nächsten, wobei zu letzteren die meisten morphologischen Ähnlichkeiten bestehen.rnAußerdem sind mit isolierten Einzelknochen, insbesondere Wirbeln, Microsauria und andere Gruppen lepospondyler Amphibien ohne Bestimmung der Gattung und Art aus wenigen stratigraphischen Niveaus des Saar-Nahe-Beckens überliefert. rn


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The interactions of melatonin, a potent endogenous antioxidant, with reactive oxygen species generate several products that include N(1)-acetyl-N(2)-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AFMK) and N(1)-acetyl-5-methoxy-kynuramine (AMK). The physiological or pathological significance of AFMK/AMK formation during the process of melatonin metabolism in mammals has not been clarified. Using a metabolomic approach in the current study, the AFMK/AMK pathway was thoroughly investigated both in mice and humans. Unexpectedly, AFMK and AMK were not identified in the urine of humans nor in the urine, feces or tissues (including liver, brain, and eyes) in mice under the current experimental conditions. Metabolomic analysis did identify novel metabolites of AMK, i.e. hydroxy-AMK and glucuronide-conjugated hydroxy-AMK. These two newly identified metabolites were, however, not found in the urine of humans. In addition, oxidative stress induced by acetaminophen in the mouse model did not boost AFMK/AMK formation. These data suggest that AFMK/AMK formation is not a significant pathway of melatonin disposition in mice, even under conditions of oxidative stress.


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Exogenous melatonin is widely used for sleep disorders and has potential value in neuroprotection, cardioprotection and as an antioxidant. Here, a novel method is described for the determination of melatonin and six metabolites in mouse urine by use of LC-MS/MS and GC-MS. LC-MS/MS is used for the measurement of melatonin, N1-acetyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AMK), N1-acetyl-N2-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AFMK) and 6-hydroxymelatonin (6-HMEL), while GC/MS is used for the determination of N-[2-(5-methoxy-2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-3-yl)-ethyl]-acetamide (2-OMEL) and cyclic 3-hydroxymelatonin (3-HMEL) with detection limits on column of 0.02-0.5 pmol, depending on the metabolite. Following oral administration of melatonin to mice, a 0-24 hr urine collection revealed the presence of melatonin (0.2% dose), 6-HMEL (37.1%) and NAS (3.1%) comprising >90% of the total metabolites; AMK and AFMK were also detected at 0.01% each; 2-OMEL was found at 2.2% of the dose, which is >100 times more than the AMK/AFMK pathway, and comprises >5% of the melatonin-related material detected in mouse urine. 3-HMEL was largely found as a sulfate conjugate. These studies establish sensitive assays for determination of six melatonin metabolites in mouse urine and confirm the potential for antioxidant activity of melatonin through the identification in vivo of AMK and AFMK, ring-opened metabolites with a high capacity for scavenging reactive oxygen species.


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Acute mental stress is a potent trigger of acute coronary syndromes. Catecholamine-induced hypercoagulability with acute stress contributes to thrombus growth after coronary plaque rupture. Melatonin may diminish catecholamine activity. We hypothesized that melatonin mitigates the acute procoagulant stress response and that this effect is accompanied by a decrease in the stress-induced catecholamine surge. Forty-five healthy young men received a single oral dose of either 3 mg melatonin (n = 24) or placebo medication (n = 21). One hour thereafter, they underwent a standardized short-term psychosocial stressor. Plasma levels of clotting factor VII activity (FVII:C), FVIII:C, fibrinogen, D-dimer, and catecholamines were measured at rest, immediately after stress, and 20 min and 60 min post-stress. The integrated change in D-dimer levels from rest to 60 min post-stress differed between medication groups controlling for demographic and metabolic factors (P = 0.047, eta(p)(2) = 0.195). Compared with the melatonin group, the placebo group showed a greater increase in absolute D-dimer levels from rest to immediately post-stress (P = 0.13; eta(p)(2) = 0.060) and significant recovery of D-dimer levels from immediately post-stress to 60 min thereafter (P = 0.007; eta(p)(2) = 0.174). Stress-induced changes in FVII:C, FVIII:C, fibrinogen, and catecholamines did not significantly differ between groups. Oral melatonin attenuated the stress-induced elevation in the sensitive coagulation activation marker D-dimer without affecting catecholamine activity. The finding provides preliminary support for a protective effect of melatonin in reducing the atherothrombotic risk with acute mental stress.


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Melatonin has previously been suggested to affect hemostatic function but studies on the issue are scant. We hypothesized that, in humans, oral administration of melatonin is associated with decreased plasma levels of procoagulant hemostatic measures compared with placebo medication and that plasma melatonin concentration shows an inverse association with procoagulant measures. Forty-six healthy men (mean age 25 +/- 4 yr) were randomized, single-blinded, to either 3 mg of oral melatonin (n = 25) or placebo medication (n = 21). One hour thereafter, levels of melatonin, fibrinogen, and D-dimer as well as activities of coagulation factor VII (FVII:C) and VIII (FVIII:C) were measured in plasma. Multivariate analysis of covariance and regression analysis controlled for age, body mass index, mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and norepinephrine plasma level. Subjects on melatonin had significantly lower mean levels of FVIII:C (81%, 95% CI 71-92 versus 103%, 95% CI 90-119; P = 0.018) and of fibrinogen (1.92 g/L, 95% CI 1.76-2.08 versus 2.26 g/L, 95% CI 2.09-2.43; P = 0.007) than those on placebo explaining 14 and 17% of the respective variance. In all subjects, increased plasma melatonin concentration independently predicted lower levels of FVIII:C (P = 0.037) and fibrinogen (P = 0.022) explaining 9 and 11% of the respective variance. Melatonin medication and plasma concentration were not significantly associated with FVII:C and D-dimer levels. A single dose of oral melatonin was associated with lower plasma levels of procoagulant factors 60 min later. There might be a dose-response relationship between the plasma concentration of melatonin and coagulation activity.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to delineate the anatomy of the precentral cerebellar vein, superior vermian vein, and internal occipital vein using reconstructions of computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging scans with navigation software. These data were compared with previous anatomic and angiographic findings to show the resolution and accuracy of the system. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 100 patients with intracranial pathologies (50 computed tomographic scans with contrast and 50 magnetic resonance imaging scans with gadolinium) using a neuronavigation workstation for 3-dimensional reconstruction. Particular attention was paid to depiction of the precentral cerebellar vein, superior vermian vein, and internal occipital vein. The data were reviewed and analyzed. RESULTS: The precentral cerebellar vein, superior vermian vein, and its tributary, the supraculminate vein, were depicted in 52 (52%) patients. The internal occipital vein was delineated on 99 (49.5%) sides and joined the basal vein and vein of Galen in 39 (39.4%) and 60 (60.6%) hemispheres, respectively. Comparing these results with previous angiographic studies, the ability of the neuronavigation system for depicting these vessels is similar to that of digital subtraction angiography. CONCLUSION: This study illustrates the possibility of depicting the small vessels draining into the pineal region venous complex using 3-dimensional neuronavigation with an accuracy comparable to that of digital subtraction angiography. This tool provides important information for both surgical planning and intraoperative orientation.


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The pineal gland is known to be light sensitive and to be involved in the seasonal reproduction of male golden hamster Mesocricetus auratus. In general, the pineal gland has been demonstrated to be inhibitory to the reproductive system of the male golden hamster. Melatonin is a pineal hormone which can mimic the action of the pineal gland upon the reproductive system. However, the actual site(s) of melatonin action in the hamster has not been demonstrated. In this study a direct effect of melatonin on the release of FSH and LH from superfused hamster pituitary glands was investigated.^ The superfused pituitary glands showed a stable in vitro basal release of FSH and LH for up to 10 hours. The superfused pituitaries demonstrated reproducible responses to repeated pulses of 10('-8) M LHRH, and a dose-dependent response to stimulation with different concentrations of LHRH.^ Melatonin inhibited the basal release of FSH and LH from superfused hamster pituitary glands. This effect of melatonin was specific and not a general indolamine or catecholamine effect.^ The superfused pituitaries had a diurnal differential responsiveness to physiological concentrations of melatonin with respect to FSH and LH release which were related to the light cycle used to maintain the experimental animals. A LD 14:10 photoperiod cycle was used with light on from 5 a.m. till 7 p.m.. With pituitary glands obtained at 8:30 a.m., the basal release of FSH exhibited an initial inhibition, a gradual rebound at approximately two hours after the beginning of melatonin superfusion, and a significant overshoot of FSH release after the cessation of infusion with melatonin (Morning Response). If the pituitary glands were obtained from hamsters which were sacrificed at 3:30 p.m., the release rate of FSH exhibited an inhibition during the entire period of melatonin infusion with a rebound effect appearing only after melatonin infusion was discontinued (Afternoon Response). There was no significant difference in the responsiveness of the pituitary gland to infusion with melatonin at either 8:30 a.m. or 3:30 p.m. with respect to LH release. Also, melatonin could not inhibit the gonadotropins response to continuous superfusion with 10('-9) M LHRH in pituitaries obtained at either 8:30 a.m. or 3:30 p.m., nor inhibit the stimulatory effect of pulsatile 10('-9) M LHRH. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI^


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Although more than 100 genes associated with inherited retinal disease have been mapped to chromosomal locations, less than half of these genes have been cloned. This text includes identification and evaluation of candidate genes for three autosomal dominant forms of inherited retinal degeneration: atypical vitelliform macular dystrophy (VMD1), cone-rod dystrophy (CORD), and retinitis pigmentosa (RP). ^ VMD1 is a disorder characterized by complete penetrance but extremely variable expressivity, and includes macular or peripheral retinal lesions and peripappilary abnormalitites. In 1984, linkage was reported between VMD1 and soluble glutamate-pyruvate transaminase GPT); however, placement of GPT to 8q24 on linkage maps had been debated, and VMD1 did not show linkage to microsatellite markers in that region. This study excluded linkage between the loci by cloning GPT, identifying the nucleotide substitution associated with the GPT sozymes, and by assaying VMD1 family samples with an RFLP designed to detect the substitution. In addition, linkage of VMD1 to the known dominant macular degeneration loci was excluded. ^ CORD is characterized by early onset of color-vision deficiency, and decreased visual acuity, However, this retinal degeneration progresses to no light perception, severe macular lesion, and “bone-spicule” accumulations in the peripheral retina. In this study, the disorder in a large Texan family was mapped to the CORD2 locus of 19q13, and a mutation in the retina/pineal-specific cone-rod homeobox gene (CRX) was identified as the disease cause. In addition, mutations in CRX were associated with significantly different retinal disease phenotypes, including retinitis pigmentosa and Leber congenital amaurosis. ^ Many of the mutations leading to inherited retinal disorders have been identified in genes like CRX, which are expressed predominantly in the retina and pineal gland. Therefore, a combination of database analysis and laboratory investigation was used to identify 26 novel retina/pineal-specific expressed sequence tag (EST) clusters as candidate genes for inherited retinal disorders. Eight of these genes were mapped into the candidate regions of inherited retinal degeneration loci. ^ Two of the eight clusters mapped into the retinitis pigmentosa RP13 candidate region of 17p13, and were both determined to represent a single gene that is highly expressed in photoreceptors. This gene, the Ah receptor-interacting like protein-1 (AIPL1), was cloned, characterized, and screened for mutations in RP13 patient DNA samples. ^