924 resultados para GIS, Android, Mobile, User Experience, Java, offline, EBWorld


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During sleep, humans experience the offline images and sensations that we call dreams, which are typically emotional and lacking in rational judgment of their bizarreness. However, during lucid dreaming (LD), subjects know that they are dreaming, and may control oneiric content. Dreaming and LD features have been studied in North Americans, Europeans and Asians, but not among Brazilians, the largest population in Latin America. Here we investigated dreams and LD characteristics in a Brazilian sample (n=3,427; median age=25 years) through an online survey. The subjects reported recalling dreams at least once a week (76%), and that dreams typically depicted actions (93%), known people (92%), sounds/voices (78%), and colored images (76%). The oneiric content was associated with plans for the upcoming days (37%), memories of the previous day (13%), or unrelated to the dreamer (30%). Nightmares usually depicted anxiety/fear (65%), being stalked (48%), or other unpleasant sensations(47%). These data corroborate Freudian notion of day residue in dreams, and suggest that dreams and nightmares are simulations of life situations that are related to our psychobiological integrity. Regarding LD, we observed that 77% of the subjects experienced LD at least once in life (44% up to 10 episodes ever), and for 48% LD subjectively lasted less than 1 min. LD frequency correlated weakly with dream recall frequency (r =0.20,p< 0.01), and LD control was rare (29%). LD occurrence was facilitated when subjects did not need to wake up early (38%), a situation that increases rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) duration, or when subjects were under stress (30%), which increases REMS transitions into waking. These results indicate that LD is relatively ubiquitous but rare, unstable, difficult to control, and facilitated by increases in REMS duration and transitions to wake state. Together with LD incidence in USA, Europe and Asia, our data from Latin America strengthen the notion that LD is a general phenomenon of the human species.


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This research deals with the use of a participatory design methodology to develop a repository of open educational resources, the Arcaz. Discusses key aspects of neutrality and determinism of technology within the context of Social Studies of Science and Technology and presents some concepts of critical theory of technology related to the democratic construction of technological artifacts. Discusses the philosophical heritage of the movements that led to the emergence of free software, open education and open educational resources and argues that participatory design share similar ideals. It presents concepts of human-computer interaction, interaction design and user centered design, important to enhance the user experience in information systems. It addresses the participatory design as a methodology that allows the democratic participation of users in the technological construction, promoting mutual learning and active voice for the participants. Develops a participatory design methodology adapted to the Arcaz context of use and provides the procedures for the meetings conducted to apply participatory design techniques to the repository and the results obtained. It concludes with a study of some of the interventions suggested in the system and orientations for future applications of participatory practices in the development of the repository and a list of best practices, focusing on ethical principles that should guide the participatory design.


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In this article, we advocate for the use of a social-technical model of trust to support interaction designers in further reflecting on trust-enabling interaction design values that foster participation. Our rationale is built upon the believe that technological-mediated social participation needs trust, and it is with trust-enabling interactions that we foster the will for collaborate and share—the two key elements of participation. This article starts by briefly presenting a social-technical model of trust and then moves on with establishing authors rational that interconnects trust with technological-mediated social participation. It continues by linking the trust value to the context of design critique and critical design, and ends by illustrating how to incorporate the trust value into design. This is achieved by proposing an analytical tool that can serve to inform interaction designers to better understand the potential design options and reasons for choosing them.


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Employees are the human capital which, to a great extent, contributes to the success and development of high-performance and sustainable organizations. In a work environment, there is a need to provide a tool for tracking and following-up on each employees' professional progress, while staying aligned with the organization’s strategic and operational goals and objectives. The research work within this Thesis aims to contribute to improve employees' selfawareness and auto-regulation; two predominant research areas are also studied and analyzed: Visual Analytics and Gamification. The Visual Analytics enables the specification of personalized dashboard interfaces with alerts and indicators to keep employees aware of their skills and to continuously monitor how to improve their expertise, promoting simultaneously behavioral change and adoption of good-practices. The study of Gamification techniques with Talent Management features enabled the design of new processes to engage, motivate, and retain highly productive employees, and to foster a competitive working environment, where employees are encouraged to be involved in new and rewarding activities, where knowledge and experience are recognized as a relevant asset. The Design Science Research was selected as the research methodology; the creation of new knowledge is therefore based on an iterative cycle addressing concepts such as design, analysis, reflection, and abstraction. By collaborating in an international project (Active@Work), funded by the Active and Assisted Living Programme, the results followed a design thinking approach regarding the specification of the structure and behavior of the Skills Development Module, namely the identification of requirements and the design of an innovative info-structure of metadata to support the user experience. A set of mockups were designed based on the user role and main concerns. Such approach enabled the conceptualization of a solution to proactively assist the management and assessment of skills in a personalized and dynamic way. The outcomes of this Thesis aims to demonstrate the existing articulation between emerging research areas such as Visual Analytics and Gamification, expecting to represent conceptual gains in these two research fields.


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El ‘Diseño Positivo’ es una filosofía de innovación desarrollada por investigadores líderes en diseño experiencial de la facultad de Diseño Industrial de la Universidad Tecnológica de Delft (TU Delft), en Los Países Bajos. El ‘Diseño Positivo’ plantea estrategias de innovación que buscan esencialmente promover, facilitar o fomentar el bienestar de los usuarios. Lo hace por medio de la aplicación práctica del conocimiento derivado de la investigación científica sobre la experiencia humana: psicología positiva, psicología emocional, economía conductual. Entre los descubrimientos que se han dilucidado se encuentran modelos detallados sobre el comportamiento humano, sobre la forma en que tomamos decisiones, sobre cómo las emociones se suscitan, e incluso sobre cómo está moldeado nuestro sentido del gusto partiendo de teorías evolutivas. El Diseño Positivo busca combinar estos conocimientos científicos con marcos conceptuales sobre la experiencia del usuario (User Experience – UX) en procesos de innovación En la presentación, Simón discutió las premisas básicas del Diseño Positivo, y en especial, cómo estas pueden ser aplicadas a procesos de innovación para crear productos y servicios que generen un impacto positivo en el bienestar psicológico y felicidad de las personas. Además, discutió cómo este conocimiento podría ser aplicado en procesos de innovación en las bibliotecas


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A lo largo de este trabajo se lleva a cabo una investigación sobre la evolución de las relaciones comerciales entre fabricantes y distribuidores, con especial atención en la colaboración conjunta a la hora de comercializar los productos en el punto de venta. El empleo de nuevas herramientas tecnológicas en el establecimiento facilita el merchandising de presentación, ofreciendo ventajas competitivas para los agentes de la cadena de suministros y nuevas experiencias de compra para los consumidores. Una vez analizada la parte teórico-conceptual del trabajo se lleva a cabo el análisis de un caso práctico sobre los beneficios de la tecnología Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) implantada en la empresa Decathlon. Estos sistemas se han convertido en un aliado clave para la mejora de los procesos de negocio, mejorando la gestión de la compañía y la fidelización de los clientes.


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Se han desarrollado varios modelos prometedores para la captura digital de datos de movilidad, que pueden ser aplicados en la planificación urbana, de transporte y de ordenamiento territorial. Por ello el objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar una metodología que recolecte información de movilidad con la cual se generen matrices Origen-Destino (OD) y de tiempos de viajes, además que identifique puntos de interés, modos y rutas frecuentes de viaje mediante el desarrollo e implementación de una aplicación para dispositivos móviles Android. Metodología: Se produjo una aplicación para dispositivos móviles con sistema operativo Android, en base a modelos existentes. Esta aplicación obtuvo datos de movilidad a partir de los sensores de localización incorporados en los móviles (GPS), para su posterior migración a una base de datos en la nube y consiguiente post proceso con herramientas de análisis como KNIME, Python y QuantumGis. La aplicación fue probada por 68 estudiantes voluntarios de la Universidad de Cuenca, durante 14 días del mes de enero de 2016. Resultados: Con la información completa de 44 participantes se obtuvieron matrices OD y de tiempos de viajes para diferentes períodos del día, las cuales permitieron identificar variaciones de interacción entre zonas, variaciones de número y tiempo de viajes. Fueron reconocidos también modos de transporte como caminata, bicicleta y motorizados para una sub muestra (n=6). Se detectaron los POIs Residencia (91%), Trabajo/Estudio (74%) y puntos intermedios (20% del total de POIs) y se logró observar comportamientos de movilidad atípico. Finalmente se compararon las rutas más frecuentadas por los usuarios con las rutas óptimas teóricas calculadas, encontrando que el 63.6% de los usuarios coincidían con el recorrido de estas últimas. Conclusiones: El método planteado presenta coherencia con trabajos previos, mostrando niveles de confianza equiparables. El mayor reto es la implementación masiva del modelo creado para la recolección de datos útiles para planes de movilidad.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Linguística, Português e Línguas Clássicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística, 2016.


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Distributed caching-empowered wireless networks can greatly improve the efficiency of data storage and transmission and thereby the users' quality of experience (QoE). However, how this technology can alleviate the network access pressure while ensuring the consistency of content delivery is still an open question, especially in the case where the users are in fast motion. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate the caching issue emerging from a forthcoming scenario where vehicular video streaming is performed under cellular networks. Specifically, a QoE centric distributed caching approach is proposed to fulfill as many users' requests as possible, considering the limited caching space of base stations and basic user experience guarantee. Firstly, a QoE evaluation model is established using verified empirical data. Also, the mathematic relationship between the streaming bit rate and actual storage space is developed. Then, the distributed caching management for vehicular video streaming is formulated as a constrained optimization problem and solved with the generalized-reduced gradient method. Simulation results indicate that our approach can improve the users' satisfaction ratio by up to 40%.


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Using cloud computing, individuals can store their data on remote servers and allow data access to public users through the cloud servers. As the outsourced data are likely to contain sensitive privacy information, they are typically encrypted before uploaded to the cloud. This, however, significantly limits the usability of outsourced data due to the difficulty of searching over the encrypted data. In this paper, we address this issue by developing the fine-grained multi-keyword search schemes over encrypted cloud data. Our original contributions are three-fold. First, we introduce the relevance scores and preference factors upon keywords which enable the precise keyword search and personalized user experience. Second, we develop a practical and very efficient multi-keyword search scheme. The proposed scheme can support complicated logic search the mixed “AND”, “OR” and “NO” operations of keywords. Third, we further employ the classified sub-dictionaries technique to achieve better efficiency on index building, trapdoor generating and query. Lastly, we analyze the security of the proposed schemes in terms of confidentiality of documents, privacy protection of index and trapdoor, and unlinkability of trapdoor. Through extensive experiments using the real-world dataset, we validate the performance of the proposed schemes. Both the security analysis and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed schemes can achieve the same security level comparing to the existing ones and better performance in terms of functionality, query complexity and efficiency.


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Recommender system is a specific type of intelligent systems, which exploits historical user ratings on items and/or auxiliary information to make recommendations on items to the users. It plays a critical role in a wide range of online shopping, e-commercial services and social networking applications. Collaborative filtering (CF) is the most popular approaches used for recommender systems, but it suffers from complete cold start (CCS) problem where no rating record are available and incomplete cold start (ICS) problem where only a small number of rating records are available for some new items or users in the system. In this paper, we propose two recommendation models to solve the CCS and ICS problems for new items, which are based on a framework of tightly coupled CF approach and deep learning neural network. A specific deep neural network SADE is used to extract the content features of the items. The state of the art CF model, timeSVD++, which models and utilizes temporal dynamics of user preferences and item features, is modified to take the content features into prediction of ratings for cold start items. Extensive experiments on a large Netflix rating dataset of movies are performed, which show that our proposed recommendation models largely outperform the baseline models for rating prediction of cold start items. The two proposed recommendation models are also evaluated and compared on ICS items, and a flexible scheme of model retraining and switching is proposed to deal with the transition of items from cold start to non-cold start status. The experiment results on Netflix movie recommendation show the tight coupling of CF approach and deep learning neural network is feasible and very effective for cold start item recommendation. The design is general and can be applied to many other recommender systems for online shopping and social networking applications. The solution of cold start item problem can largely improve user experience and trust of recommender systems, and effectively promote cold start items.


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Recent developments in interactive technologies have seen major changes in the manner in which artists, performers, and creative individuals interact with digital music technology; this is due to the increasing variety of interactive technologies that are readily available today. Digital Musical Instruments (DMIs) present musicians with performance challenges that are unique to this form of computer music. One of the most significant deviations from conventional acoustic musical instruments is the level of physical feedback conveyed by the instrument to the user. Currently, new interfaces for musical expression are not designed to be as physically communicative as acoustic instruments. Specifically, DMIs are often void of haptic feedback and therefore lack the ability to impart important performance information to the user. Moreover, there currently is no standardised way to measure the effect of this lack of physical feedback. Best practice would expect that there should be a set of methods to effectively, repeatedly, and quantifiably evaluate the functionality, usability, and user experience of DMIs. Earlier theoretical and technological applications of haptics have tried to address device performance issues associated with the lack of feedback in DMI designs and it has been argued that the level of haptic feedback presented to a user can significantly affect the user’s overall emotive feeling towards a musical device. The outcome of the investigations contained within this thesis are intended to inform new haptic interface.


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Since children already use and explore applications on smartphones, we use this as the starting point for design. Our monitoring and analysis framework, BaranC, enables us to discover and analyse which applications children uses and precisely how they interact with them. The monitoring happens unobtrusively in the background so children interact normally in their own natural environment without artificial constraints. Thus, we can discover to what extent a child of a particular age engages with, and how they physically interact with, existing applications. This information in turn provides the basis for design of new child-centred applications which can then be subject to the same comprehensive child use analysis using our framework. The work focuses on the first aspect, namely, the monitoring and analysis of current child use of smartphones. Experiments show the value of this approach and interesting results have been obtained from this precise monitoring of child smartphone usage.


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Users’ initial perceptions of their competence are key motivational factors for further use. However, initial tasks on a mobile operating system (OS) require setup procedures, which are currently largely inconsistent, do not provide users with clear, visible and immediate feedback on their actions, and require significant adjustment time for first-time users. This paper reports on a study with ten users, carried out to better understand how both prior experience and initial interaction with two touchscreen mobile interfaces (Apple iOS and Google Android) affected setup task performance and motivation. The results show that the reactions to setup on mobile interfaces appear to be partially dependent on which device was experienced first. Initial experience with lower-complexity devices improves performance on higher-complexity devices, but not vice versa. Based on these results, the paper proposes six guidelines for designers to design more intuitive and motivating user interfaces (UI) for setup procedures. The preliminary results indicate that these guidelines can contribute to the design of more inclusive mobile platforms and further work to validate these findings is proposed.


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The increase of powerful mobile devices has accelerated the demand for mobile videos. Previous studies in mobile video have focused on understanding of mobile video usage, improvement of video quality, and user interface design in video browsing. However, research focusing on a deep understanding of users’ needs for a pleasing quality delivery of mobile video is lacking. In particular, what quality-delivery mode users prefer and what information relevant to video quality they need requires attention. This paper presents a qualitative interview study with 38 participants to gain an insight into three aspects: influencing factors of user-desired video quality, user-preferred quality-delivery modes, and user-required interaction information of mobile video. The results show that user requirements for video quality are related to personal preference, technology background and video viewing experience, and the preferred quality-delivery mode and interactive mode are diverse. These complex user requirements call for flexible and personalised quality delivery and interaction of mobile video.