954 resultados para GASEOUS WASTES
Research on mushroom production and products is gaining more grounds globally and in particular Nigeria. This study was carried out to determine nutritional relationship between the substrate used for cultivation and the fruiting body on each of the substrates. Agro-wastes, namely: palm ( Elaeis guineensis ) fruit shaft, plantain ( Musa paradisiaca ) leaves, sawdust and kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus ) stem, were assessed for suitability as substrates for cultivation of oyster mushroom ( Pleurotus floridanus Singer ). The spawn of the mushroom was used to inoculate each of the substrates, using a complete randomised design, with five replicates for each substrate. Results showed that all the substrates supported mycelia growth and development of fruiting bodies of the fungus. There were significant differences (P<0.05) among substrates in terms of number of days to complete mycelia run, with the least recorded in palm fruit shaft (25.20), and the highest in kenaf (32.40). Total yield also differed significantly (P<0.05), with the highest in palm fruit shaft (51.4 g 100 g-1) and lowest in plantain leaves (6.0 g 100 g-1). There was also significant difference (P<0.05) in the nutritional content of fruiting bodies, the highest fat content being on plantain leaves (1.72 g 100 g-1) and the lowest on palm fruit shaft (0.55 g 100 g-1). The trend was similar for mushroom substrates, plantain leaves having (2.55 g 100 g-1) and palm fruit shaft, (0.41g 100 g-1). Starch content for fruiting bodies was highest on sawdust (5.31 g 100 g-1) and lowest on kenaf (2.66 g 100 g-1), while for mushroom substrates, kenaf was (0.33g 100 g-1) and palm fruit shaft was (4.45g 100 g-1). There was a positive correlation (r = 0.24) between the nutrient of fruiting bodies and that of the substrate on which it was cultivated.
Background: Agro-wastes were used for the production of fibrinolytic enzyme in solid-state fermentation. The process parameters were optimized to enhance the production of fibrinolytic enzyme from Bacillus halodurans IND18 by statistical approach. The fibrinolytic enzyme was purified, and the properties were studied. Results: A two-level full factorial design was used to screen the significant factors. The factors such as moisture, pH, and peptone were significantly affected enzyme production and these three factors were selected for further optimization using central composite design. The optimum medium for fibrinolytic enzyme production was wheat bran medium containing 1% peptone and 80% moisture with pH 8.32. Under these optimized conditions, the production of fibrinolytic enzyme was found to be 6851 U/g. The fibrinolytic enzyme was purified by 3.6-fold with 1275 U/mg specific activity. The molecular mass of fibrinolytic enzyme was determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and it was observed as 29 kDa. The fibrinolytic enzyme depicted an optimal pH of 9.0 and was stable at a range of pH from 8.0 to 10.0. The optimal temperature was 60°C and was stable up to 50°C. This enzyme activated plasminogen and also degraded the fibrin net of blood clot, which suggested its potential as an effective thrombolytic agent. Conclusions: Wheat bran was found to be an effective substrate for the production of fibrinolytic enzyme. The purified fibrinolytic enzyme degraded fibrin clot. The fibrinolytic enzyme could be useful to make as an effective thrombolytic agent.
Making use of sea, as a place for dumping of wastes and other materials from human activities wasn’t forbidden before creation of the convention on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matters (London Convention). Therefore, industrial countries, without any specific consideration, were dumping their wastes into the world’s seas. Many years and before the beginning of rapid development of industry, the great self- purification of seas were preventing some of discharging problems. But gradually, the increase of industrial development activities, exceeded the production of wastes and other matters, and this led to the misuse of world’s seas and oceans as a dump site. One of the most important consequences of 1972 Stockholm World Conference was to focusing world attention on threats have jeopardized marine environment balance. World countries` leaders committed in Stockholm to begin protecting the environment. Finally, this movement at marine environment section led to the creation of London Convention in the same year. London Convention was concluded for cooperating between countries at December 29, 1972 to promote effective control of all marine environment polluting resources and to prevent marine pollution by dumping wastes and other matters. Then it was opened for signature to other countries. At last, after 15 states signature, this convention was entered in to force at August 30.1975. Ratification and execution of London Convention resulted in coordinated performance of countries in marine waste management. Common actions with supports and cooperation of different international, regional, governmental and non-governmental organizations and agencies prevent marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matters. Due to the importance of wastes in our marine and coastal areas, investigation of the performance of London Convention can identify the lack of regulations and lack of regulation supports about marine pollution prevention by dumping of wastes and other matters in Iran. Considering this issue, proper protection of seas will be achieved. London Convention has been studied here to achieve intended purposes. In first chapter, generalities about marine environment, including the importance and necessity of marine environment protection, with the focus on some internal and international resources of environmental law accompanying with marine pollution and its recourses, and finally, due to the study theme, dumping of wastes and other matters at seas with its impacts have been investigated .In the section of international measures, a brief history of marine pollution and marine environment international law with international law framework, exclusively for controlling of wastes and other material discharge at seas and oceans has been reviewed. In second chapter, obligations, amendments, and annexes of London Convention have been investigated and classified. The obligations have been categorized in to legal obligations and technical and organizational obligations. In former section, subject ,purpose, territory, exceptions, rights and duties of parties, convention amendments,… and in latter, special requirements for wastes assessment, determination of pollutants` permissible limit, site selection and type of discharge selection, design principles for marine environment quality monitoring program, and discharge license issuance mechanism have been studied. In third chapter, due to the examination of convention performance in Iran, the internal law system for marine environment conservation and its pollution has been mentioned in detail. Considering this, two issues have been compared .firstly, convention obligations with regional treaties that Iran as a party to them and secondly, Iranian internal law there of .Finally, common and different aspects of these issues have been determined. At last, recommendations and strategies for convention enforcement and conformity of its obligations with internal regulations have been presented. Furthermore, translation of convention English text has been reviewed and its protocol has been translated.
Doutoramento em Engenharia do Ambiente - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
O desenvolvimento de materiais de carbono continua a ser, na atualidade, uma das áreas de grande interesse junto das comunidades científica e industrial [1]. Especial atenção é dada à valorização de resíduos da indústria, de baixo valor económico, tentando desta forma resolver problemas de gestão de grandes quantidades de desperdícios [2]. De especial relevo destacamos os resíduos potencialmente perigosos, segundo os dados da FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization das Nações Unidas [3]. O desenvolvimento de novos materiais para a indústria do mobiliário, substitutos da madeira, tem gerado uma enorme diversidade de produtos mas também de resíduos. Os mais comuns no mercado são os materiais compósitos, entre eles o PB – ParticleBoard e o MDF – Medium Density Fibreboard, os quais registam um aumento de consumo na Europa de 1,3% e 4,3%, respetivamente, mesmo em período de crise económica como a que estamos a atravessar [3]. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo do potencial destes resíduos para a produção de carvões ativados (CA) em formas monolíticas, gerando um produto com um elevado valor acrescentado e com características inovadoras para a posterior aplicação em processos de adsorção.
The production of activated carbons (ACs) involves two main steps: the carbonization of the carbonaceous of raw materials at temperatures below 1073 K in the absence of oxygen and the activation had realized at the temperature up to 1173 but the most useful temperature at 1073 K. In our study we used the most common industrial and consumer solid waste, namely PET, alone or blended with other synthetic polymer PAN. By mixing the two polymers in different ratios, an improvement of the yield of the AC production was found and some textural properties were enhanced by comparison with the AC prepared using each polymer separately. When all the samples were exposed through the carbonization process with a pyrolysis the mixture of PAN-PET (1:1w/w) yield around 31.9%, between that obtained with PET (16.9%) or PAN (42.6%) separately. The combine activation, with CO2 at 1073 K, allow ACs with a lower burn-off degree isothermally, when compared with those attained with PET or PAN alone, but with similarly chemicals or textural properties. The resultant ACs are microporous in their nature, as the activation time increase, the PET-PAN mixture AC are characterized by a better developed porous structure, when associated with the AC prepared from PAN. The AC prepared from PET-PAN mixture are characterized by basic surface characteristics, with a pHpzc around 10.5, which is an important characteristic for future applications on acidic pollutants removals from liquid or gaseous phase. In this study we had used the FTIR methods to determine the main functional groups in the surface of the activated carbons. The adsorbents prepared from PAN fibres presents an IR spectrum with similar characteristics to those obtained with PET wastes, but with fewer peaks and bands with less intensity, in particular for the PAN-8240 sample. This can be reflected by the stretching and deformation modes of NH bond in the range 3100 – 3300 cm-1 and 1520 – 1650 cm-1, respectively. Also, stretching mode associated to C–N, C=N, can contributed to the profile of IR spectrum around 1170 cm-1, 1585 – 1770 cm-1. And the TGA methods was used to study the loses of the precursors mass according to the excessive of the temperature. The results showed that, there were different decreasing of the mass of each precursors. PAN degradation started at almost 573 K and at 1073 K, PAN preserve more than 40% of the initial mass. PET degradation started at 650 K, but at 1073 K, it has lost 80% of the initial mass. However, the mixture of PET-PAN (1:1w/w) showed a thermogravimetric profile between the two polymers tested individually, with a final mass slightly less than 30%. From a chemical point of view, the carbonisation of PET mainly occurs in one step between 650 and 775 K.
In this thesis project, I present stationary models of rotating fluids with toroidal distributions that can be used to represent the active galactic nuclei (AGN) central obscurers, i.e. molecular tori (Combes et al., 2019), as well as geometrically thick accretion discs, like ADAF discs (Narayan and Yi, 1995) or Polish doughnuts (Abramowicz, 2005). In particular, I study stationary rotating systems with a more general baroclinic distribution (with a vertical gradient of the angular velocity), which are often more realistic and less studied, due to their complexity, than the barotropic ones (with cylindrical rotation), which are easier to construct. In the thesis, I compute analytically the main intrinsic and projected properties of the power-law tori based on the potential-density pairs of Ciotti and Bertin (2005). I study the density distribution and the resulting gravitational potential for different values of α, in the range 2 < α < 5. For the same models, I compute the surface density of the systems when seen face-on and edge-on. I then apply the stationary Euler equations to obtain rotational velocity and temperature distributions of the self-gravitating models in the absence of an external gravitational potential. In the thesis I also consider the power-law tori with the presence of a central black hole in addition to the gas self-gravity, and solving analytically the stationary Euler equations, I compute how the properties of the system are modified by the black hole and how they vary as a function of the black hole mass. Finally, applying the Solberg-Høiland criterion, I show that these baroclinic stationary models are linearly stable in the absence of the black hole. In the presence of the black hole I derive the analytical condition for stability, which depends on α and on the black hole mass. I also study the stability of the tori in the hypothesis that they are weakly magnetized, finding that they are always unstable to this instability.
A miniaturised gas analyser is described and evaluated based on the use of a substrate-integrated hollow waveguide (iHWG) coupled to a microsized near-infrared spectrophotometer comprising a linear variable filter and an array of InGaAs detectors. This gas sensing system was applied to analyse surrogate samples of natural fuel gas containing methane, ethane, propane and butane, quantified by using multivariate regression models based on partial least square (PLS) algorithms and Savitzky-Golay 1(st) derivative data preprocessing. The external validation of the obtained models reveals root mean square errors of prediction of 0.37, 0.36, 0.67 and 0.37% (v/v), for methane, ethane, propane and butane, respectively. The developed sensing system provides particularly rapid response times upon composition changes of the gaseous sample (approximately 2 s) due the minute volume of the iHWG-based measurement cell. The sensing system developed in this study is fully portable with a hand-held sized analyser footprint, and thus ideally suited for field analysis. Last but not least, the obtained results corroborate the potential of NIR-iHWG analysers for monitoring the quality of natural gas and petrochemical gaseous products.
We report on the shape resonance spectra of phenol-water clusters, as obtained from elastic electron scattering calculations. Our results, along with virtual orbital analysis, indicate that the well-known indirect mechanism for hydrogen elimination in the gas phase is significantly impacted on by microsolvation, due to the competition between vibronic couplings on the solute and solvent molecules. This fact suggests how relevant the solvation effects could be for the electron-driven damage of biomolecules and the biomass delignification [E. M. de Oliveira et al., Phys. Rev. A 86, 020701(R) (2012)]. We also discuss microsolvation signatures in the differential cross sections that could help to identify the solvated complexes and access the composition of gaseous admixtures of these species.
Quantifying global patterns of terrestrial nitrogen (N) cycling is central to predicting future patterns of primary productivity, carbon sequestration, nutrient fluxes to aquatic systems, and climate forcing. With limited direct measures of soil N cycling at the global scale, syntheses of the (15)N:(14)N ratio of soil organic matter across climate gradients provide key insights into understanding global patterns of N cycling. In synthesizing data from over 6000 soil samples, we show strong global relationships among soil N isotopes, mean annual temperature (MAT), mean annual precipitation (MAP), and the concentrations of organic carbon and clay in soil. In both hot ecosystems and dry ecosystems, soil organic matter was more enriched in (15)N than in corresponding cold ecosystems or wet ecosystems. Below a MAT of 9.8°C, soil δ(15)N was invariant with MAT. At the global scale, soil organic C concentrations also declined with increasing MAT and decreasing MAP. After standardizing for variation among mineral soils in soil C and clay concentrations, soil δ(15)N showed no consistent trends across global climate and latitudinal gradients. Our analyses could place new constraints on interpretations of patterns of ecosystem N cycling and global budgets of gaseous N loss.
Gaseous mercury sampling conditions were optimized and a dynamic flux chamber was used to measure the air/surface exchange of mercury in some areas of the Negro river basin with different vegetal coverings. At the two forest sites (flooding and non-flooding), low mercury fluxes were observed: maximum of 3 pmol m-2 h-1 - day and minimum of -1 pmol m-2 h-1 - night. At the deforested site, the mercury fluxes were higher and always positive: maximum of 26 pmol m-2 h-1 - day and 17 pmol m-2 h-1 - night. Our results showed that deforestation could be responsible for significantly increasing soil Hg emissions, mainly because of the high soil temperatures reached at deforested sites.
Process Analytical Chemistry (PAC) is an important and growing area in analytical chemistry, that has received little attention in academic centers devoted to the gathering of knowledge and to optimization of chemical processes. PAC is an area devoted to optimization and knowledge acquisition of chemical processes, to reducing costs and wastes and to making an important contribution to sustainable development. The main aim of this review is to present to the Brazilian community the development and state of the art of PAC, discussing concepts, analytical techniques currently employed in the industry and some applications.
The biodegradability of animal wastes production was evaluated through a simplified methodology that allowed the verification of the applicability of anaerobic processes. The experiments were performed in bath reactors, with granular sludge of three origins: UASB reactor treating dairy effluent, UASB reactor treating swine effluent and UASB reactor treating effluent of slaughterhouse of poultry. The experiments (1) - dairy effluent and poultry slaughterhouse non-adapted sludge; (2) -swine effluent and poultry slaughterhouse non-adapted sludge; (3) - dairy effluent and poultry slaughterhouse adapted sludge; (4) - swine effluent and poultry slaughterhouse adapted sludge; (5) - dairy effluent and dairy sludge, and (6) - swine effluent and swine sludge were performed in Incubator Shaker, at a temperature of 35 °C, under agitation at a 150 rpm, for 5 minutes, every 1 hour. A substrat:biomass relationship of 0.5 was used. Kinetic models of Monod, Zero Order, First and Second Order were tested and it was verified that the First Order model provided the best adjustment. The apparent First Order kinetic parameter (k1) was estimated for the experiments 1; 2; 3; 4; 5, and 6, as 2.51 x 10-2; 2.49 x 10-2; 1.90 x 10-2; 3.09 x 10-2; 2.54 x 10-2; 4.09 x 10-2 h-1, respectively.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física