988 resultados para Forager bees


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The insulin/insulin-like signaling (IIS) pathway is an evolutionarily conserved module in the control of body size and correlated organ growth in metazoans. In the highly eusocial bees, the caste phenotypes differ not only in size and several structural features but also in individual fitness and life history. We investigated the developmental expression profiles of genes encoding the two insulin-like peptides (AmILP-1 and AmILP-2) and the two insulin receptors (AmInR-1 and AmInR-2) predicted in the honey bee genome. Quantitative PCR analysis for queen and worker larvae in critical stages of caste development showed that AmILP-2 is the predominantly transcribed ILP in both castes, with higher expression in workers than in queens. Expression of both InR genes sharply declined in fourth instar queen larvae, but showed little modulation in workers. On first sight, these findings are non-intuitive, considering the higher growth rates of queens, but they can be interpreted as possibly antagonistic crosstalk between the IIS module and juvenile hormone. Analyzing AmInR-1 and AmInR-2 expression in ovaries of queen and worker larvae revealed low transcript levels in queens and a sharp drop in AmInR-2 expression in fifth instar worker larvae, indicating relative independence in tissue-specific versus overall IIS pathway activity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Diphenism in social bees is essentially contingent on nutrient-induced cellular and systemic physiological responses resulting in divergent gene expression patterns. Analyses of juvenile hormone (JH) titers and functional genomics assays of the insulin-insulin-like signaling (IIS) pathway and its associated branch, target-of-rapamycin (TOR), revealed systemic responses underlying honey bee (Apis mellifera) caste development. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid to cellular metabolic responses. Following up earlier investigations showing major caste differences in oxidative metabolism and mitochondrial physiology, we herein identified honey bee homologs of hypoxia signaling factors, HIF alpha/Sima, HIF beta/Tango and PHD/Fatiga and we investigated their transcript levels throughout critical stages of larval development. Amsima, Amtango and Amfatiga showed correlated transcriptional activity, with two peaks of occurring in both queens and workers, the first one shortly after the last larval molt and the second during the cocoon-spinning phase. Transcript levels for the three genes were consistently higher in workers. As there is no evidence for major microenvironmental differences in oxygen levels within the brood nest area, this appears to be an inherent caste character. Quantitative PCR analyses on worker brain, ovary, and leg imaginal discs showed that these tissues differ in transcript levels. Being a highly conserved pathway and linked to IIS/TOR, the hypoxia gene expression pattern seen in honey bee larvae denotes that the hypoxia pathway has undergone a transformation, at least during larval development, from a response to environmental oxygen concentrations to an endogenous regulatory factor in the diphenic development of honey bee larvae. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Vitellogenin (Vg) and lipophorin (Lp) are lipoproteins which play important roles in female reproductive physiology of insects. Both are actively taken up by growing oocytes and especially Vg and its receptor are considered as female-specifically expressed. The finding that the fat body of in honey bee (Apis mellifera) drones synthesizes Vg and is present in hemolymph has long been viewed as a curiosity. The recent paradigm change concerning the role played by Vg in honey bee life history, especially social division of labor, has now led us to investigate whether a physiological constellation similar to that seen in female reproduction may also be represented in the male sex. By means of Western blot analysis we could show that both Vg and Lp are present in the reproductive tract of adult drones, including the accessory (mucus) glands, but apparently are not secreted. Furthermore, we analyzed the transcript levels of the genes encoding these proteins (vg and lp), as well as their putative receptors (Amvgr and Amlpr) in fat body and accessory glands. Whereas lp, vg and Amlpr transcript levels decreased with age in both tissues. Amvgr mRNA levels increased with age in fat body. To our knowledge this is the first report that vitellogenin and its receptor are co-expressed in the reproductive system of a male insect. We interpret these findings as a cross-sexual transfer of a social physiological trait, associated with the rewiring of the juvenile hormone/vitellogenin circuitry that occurred in the female sex of honey bees. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Previous studies have shown that venoms of social wasps and bees exhibit strong anticoagulant activity. The present study describes the anticoagulant and fibrinogen-degrading pharmacological properties of the venom of Polybia occidentalis social wasp. The results demonstrated that this venom presented anticoagulant effect, inhibiting the coagulation at different steps of the clotting pathway (intrinsic, extrinsic and common pathway). The venom inhibited platelet aggregation and degraded plasma fibrinogen, possibly containing metal-dependent metalloproteases that specifically cleave the B beta-chain of fibrinogen. In conclusion, fibrinogenolytic and anticoagulant properties of this wasp venom find a potential application in drug development for the treatment of thrombotic disorders. For that, further studies should be carried out in order to identify and isolate the active compounds responsible for these effects. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 21: 653-659 (c) 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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The honey bee disease American foulbrood (AFB) is a serious problem since its causative agent (Paenibacillus larvae) has become increasingly resistant to conventional antibiotics. The objective of this study was to investigate the in vitro activity of propolis collected from various states of Brazil against P. larvae. Propolis is derived from plant resins collected by honey bees (Apis mellifera) and is globally known for its antimicrobial properties and particularly valued in tropical regions. Tests on the activity of propolis against P. larvae were conducted both in Brazil and Minnesota, USA using two resistance assay methods that measured zones of growth inhibition due to treatment exposure. The propolis extracts from the various states of Brazil showed significant inhibition of P. larvae. Clear dose responses were found for individual propolis extracts, particularly between the concentrations of 1.7 and 0.12 mg propolis/treatment disk, but the source of the propolis, rather than the concentration, may be more influential in determining overall activity. Two of the three tested antibiotics (tylosin and terramycin) exhibited a greater level of inhibition compared to most of the Brazilian samples, which could be due to the low concentrations of active compounds present in the propolis extracts. Additionally, the majority of the Brazilian propolis samples were more effective than the few collected in MN, USA. Due to the evolution of resistance of P. larvae to conventional antibiotic treatments, this research is an important first step in identifying possible new active compounds to treat AFB in honey bee colonies. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We undertook a field study to determine whether comb cell size affects the reproductive behavior of Varroa destructor under natural conditions. We examined the effect of brood cell width on the reproductive behavior of V. destructor in honey bee colonies, under natural conditions. Drone and worker brood combs were sampled from 11 colonies of Apis mellifera. A Pearson correlation test and a Tukey test were used to determine whether mite reproduction rate varied with brood cell width. Generalized additive model analysis showed that infestation rate increased positively and linearly with the width of worker and drone cells. The reproduction rate for viable mother mites was 0.96 viable female descendants per original invading female. No significant correlation was observed between brood cell width and number of offspring of V. destructor. Infertile mother mites were more frequent in narrower brood cells.


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Conservation of natural populations and handling of breeding programs would benefit from the availability of molecular markers. Stingless bees are one of the most important pollinators in several ecosystems. Thus, seventeen microsatellite markers were developed from an enriched genomic library of Nannotrigona testaceicornis. They were characterized using 50 samples. The expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.59 to 0.89 and from 0.39 to 0.79, respectively. These markers will contribute to advance researches on the genetic conservation, characterization and preservation of the Brazilian native bees.


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To understand how bees, birds, and fish may use colour vision for food selection and mate choice, we reconstructed views of biologically important objects taking into account the receptor spectral sensitivities. Reflectance spectra a of flowers, bird plumage, and fish skin were used to calculate receptor quantum catches. The quantum catches were then coded by red, green, and blue of a computer monitor; and powers, birds, and fish were visualized in animal colours. Calculations were performed for different illumination conditions. To simulate colour constancy, we used a von Kries algorithm, i.e., the receptor quantum catches were scaled so that the colour of illumination remained invariant. We show that on land this algorithm compensates reasonably well for changes of object appearance caused by natural changes of illumination, while in water failures of von Kries colour constancy are prominent. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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We tested the constancy of floral choice by Trigona carbonaria Smith in a garden by examining, using a scanning electron microscope, the composition of the pollen loads of individual foragers over time. Constancy was tested on three levels. Within a single trip, 88% of the samples examined comprised pure pollen loads (97% or more of one pollen type). Within a single day, 88% of bees visited the same species across trips sampled. Across 2 and 3 days, 82% and 73%, respectively, of individual bees foraged on a single pollen type. The majority of the remaining bees collected only two species of pollen. This pattern is consistent with that of other highly social bees. It enhances the pollinator efficacy of these insects by increasing the chances of pollen being transferred to stigmas of the same plant species. This increases the ecological importance of these bees and their value in crop pollination.


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The walkeriana species-group of iridescent Euhesma bees is described with the following nine species considered new: E. allunga, E. banksia, E. bronzus, E. dongara, E. lobata, E. spinola, E. sybilae, E. viridescens and E. xana. Two new synonymies are proposed: E. mica (Cockerell) with E. neglectula (Cockerell), and E. halictoides (Rayment) with E. latissima (Cockerell). A key enables the separation of species, and distributions are mapped.


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We have isolated a cDNA clone from the honeybee brain encoding a dopamine receptor, AmDop2, which is positively coupled to adenylyl cyclase. The transmembrane domains of this receptor are 88% identical to the orthologous Drosophila D2 dopamine receptor, DmDop2, though phylogenetic analysis and sequence homology both indicate that invertebrate and vertebrate D2 receptors are quite distinct. In situ hybridization to mRNA in whole-mount preparations of honeybee brains reveals gene expression in the mushroom bodies, a primary site of associative learning. Furthermore, two anatomically distinct cell types in the mushroom bodies exhibit differential regulation of AmDop2 expression. In all nonreproductive females (worker caste) and reproductive males (drones) the receptor gene is strongly and constitutively expressed in all mushroom body interneurons with small cell bodies. In contrast, the large cell-bodied interneurons exhibit dramatic plasticity of AmDop2 gene expression. In newly emerged worker bees (cell-cleaning specialists) and newly emerged drones, no AmDop2 transcript is observed in the large interneurons whereas this transcript is abundant in these cells in the oldest worker bees (resource foragers) and older drones. Differentiation of the mushroom body interneurons into two distinct classes (i.e., plastic or nonplastic with respect to AmDop2 gene expression) indicates that this receptor contributes to the differential regulation of distinct neural circuits. Moreover, the plasticity of expression observed in the large cells implicates this receptor in the behavioral maturation of the bee.


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Swarm Intelligence generally refers to a problem-solving ability that emerges from the interaction of simple information-processing units. The concept of Swarm suggests multiplicity, distribution, stochasticity, randomness, and messiness. The concept of Intelligence suggests that problem-solving approach is successful considering learning, creativity, cognition capabilities. This paper introduces some of the theoretical foundations, the biological motivation and fundamental aspects of swarm intelligence based optimization techniques such Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Artificial Bees Colony (ABC) algorithms for scheduling optimization.


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Two clinical cases of patients who survived after numerous attacks of Africanized bees (600 and 1500 bee stings, respectively) are reported. Clinical manifestation was characterized by diffuse and widespread edema, a burning sensation in the skin, headache, weakness, dizziness, generalized paresthesia, somnolence and hypotension. Acute renal failure developed and was attributed to hypotension, intravascular hemolysis, myoglobinuria due to rhabdomyolysis and probably to direct toxic effect of the massive quantity of injected venom. They were treated with antihistaminic, corticosteroids and fluid infusion. One of them had severe acute renal failure and dialysis was required. No clinical complication was observed during hospital stay and complete renal function recovery was observed in both patients. In conclusion, acute renal failure after bee stings is probably due to pigment nephropathy associated with hypovolemia. Early recognition of this syndrome is crucial to the successful management of these patients.


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Abstract This review presents the main species of venomous and poisonous arthropods, with commentary on the clinical manifestations provoked by the toxins and therapeutic measures used to treat human envenomations. The groups of arthopods discussed include the class Arachnida (spiders and scorpions, which are responsible for many injuries reported worldwide, including Brazil); the subphylum Myriapoda, with the classes Chilopoda and Diplopoda (centipedes and millipedes); and the subphylum Hexapoda, with the class Insecta and the orders Coleoptera (beetles), Hemiptera (stink bugs, giant water bugs, and cicadas), Hymenoptera (ants, wasps, and bees), and Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths).


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The species Rhabdodendron macrophyllum (Spr. ex Benth.) Hub. (Rhabdondendraceae) was observed in order to determine its pollination mechanism. Although it flowers around the year, there are flowering peaks when it is visited by several species of pollen-gathering bees. The principal floral visitors are two species of trigonid bees and one Melipona. The Melipona and one other visitor used the buzz method to extract pollen from the longitudinally dehiscent anthers. The trigonid bees collected pollen without buzzing. The flowers open around 6:00 a.m. and are available to the bess until about 10:30 a.m. Pollinator exclusion experiments showed that this species sets fruit equally by self fertilization.