990 resultados para Forêt de mangrove
The present study analyzed the composition of the aquatic fauna associated to the mangrove forest in a southeastern Brazilian river. The composition of the macrofauna in the roots of the marginal vegetation located at three different salinity stretches was analyzed by sampling pieces of the submerged branches of the vegetation (natural substrate) and pieces of sisal rope (artificial substrate), installed close to the natural vegetation and sampled after a period of 14 colonization days. In both types of substrate, twelve taxonomic groups were sampled, representing three phyla (Cnidaria, Annelida and Arthropoda). The crustaceans, corresponding to the most diversified group, were represented by Copepoda, Tanaidacea, Isopoda, Amphipoda and Decapoda. The highest salinity stretch showed the highest abundance, with a progressive decrease from high to low salinity for both substrates. Copepoda and Tanaidacea predominated on both substrates, although the artificial substrate exhibited the highest total abundance and species richness. Considering the relative abundance of the taxonomic groups on both substrates, the majority of groups predominated in the highest salinity range. Significant differences on the longitudinal distribution of abundance were associated to the variation on salinity and with the complexity of the substrate.
The relative growth of the fiddler crab Uca cumulanta was studied, primarily to determine the size at the onset of sexual maturity for a mangrove population in the estuary of the Patitiba River, Paraty, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The evaluation of the morphological sexual maturity of U. cumulanta was performed using the allometric technique. The relationships that most precisely indicated the size at onset of sexual maturity were carapace length (CL) vs propodus length for males and CL vs abdomen width for females. Males and females are mature at 5.25 and 4.75 mm CL, respectively. The remarkable ontogenetic changes observed in the allometric growth of the male major cheliped and the female abdomen, indicate that growth of these structures is closely connected to the timing of sexual maturity. The relative size at onset maturity obtained for this species was 0.68 and this index was compared to that seen in other species in the genus.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A literatura que descreve os resultados das correções cirúrgicas nos tecidos moles é limitada, pois apresenta significativa variação e não oferece conclusões definitivas. O propósito desse artigo é estudar retrospectivamente os efeitos das cirurgias ortognáticas maxilares tipo Le Fort I nos lábios superiores e inferiores de pacientes adultos e discutir os potenciais problemas envolvidos com a metodologia aplicada. Foram estudados 19 pacientes brancos de 19 a 42 anos de idade, sendo 10 homens e 9 mulheres, submetidos a cirurgias maxilares no Centro de Pesquisa e Tratamento das Deformidades Buco-Faciais - CEDEFACE (Araraquara, SP). A grande maioria dos casos apresentou, no mínimo, uma discrepância significativa, seja ântero-posterior ou vertical, reforçando a sua indicação cirúrgica. As alterações nos tecidos moles foram significativas quando as movimentações horizontais ou verticais da base óssea maxilar foram significativas, com uma relação de aproximadamente 0,6:1 entre as alterações ântero-posteriores do lábio superior e a movimentação da base óssea. Alterações verticais na maxila, sem significativas alterações horizontais, não foram suficientes para aumentar verticalmente o lábio superior. Ocorreram alterações ântero-posteriores do lábio inferior em conseqüência do deslocamento anterior e inferior da maxila, o que permitiu um melhor selamento labial. Alterações verticais não foram quantificadas no lábio inferior.
The relative growth of U. thayeri was studied for a subtropical mangrove population in the estuary of the Comprido and Escuro rivers, Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil. The evaluation of the morphological sexual maturity of U. thayeri was performed using the allometric technique. Remarkable ontogenetic changes were observed in the allometric growth of the male major cheliped and the female abdomen, indicating that these structures are closely connected to the timing of sexual maturity. For males, the relative-growth analysis of cheliped propodus length rendered an estimate of 13.8 mm of carapace width for the size at onset of sexual maturity. A distinct growth pattern was observed for the abdomen of U. thayeri females. It has a wide puberty size range (from 10.7 to 16.8 mm of CW) compared to other brachyurans previously studied. Thus, the females' abdominal growth can be represented by three growth phases: immature, transitional, and mature. The major cheliped is the fight one in 50% of males. The median length of the male major cheliped did not differ between right- and left-handed crabs.
The structure of two populations of the fiddler crab Uca rapax in two subtropical mangrove habitats near Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil were compared. The size - frequency distribution, sex ratio, and recruitment were evaluated. Sampling was performed monthly from April 2001 to March 2002 in the Itamambuca and Ubatumirim habitats. Crabs were caught manually for 15 min by two collectors during low tide. The carapace width of each crab was measured with a digital caliper, and the sex and ovigerous state were recorded. The median size of the carapace width of males was greater than that of females at both sites (P<0.05). The median size of the crabs from Itamambuca was larger than at Ubatumirim (P<0.05). Only 28 ovigerous females were obtained from both mangroves, which suggested that females might remain in their burrows during the incubation period. The highest recruitment pulse occurred in winter for both populations, probably as a consequence of high reproductive activity during summer. The sex ratio in the size classes showed an anomalous pattern, with a higher frequency of females in the intermediate size classes. This may be related to a greater energy requirement for reproduction in females, thus delaying growth. The variable environmental conditions to which Uca rapax populations are subject appear to act directly or indirectly on the population, causing variations in growth and reproductive processes in the different populations investigated here.
A new species of epiphytic Cyanophyceae, Stichosiphon mangle, is proposed. It differs from S. sansibaricus in the planes of cell division during exocyte formation and the habitat. Stichosiphon mangle was found on Inhaca Island, Mozambique (26-degrees-03'S, 32-degrees-57'E), growing up on Gelidium sp. and Murrayella sp. and on Cardoso Island, Brazil (25-degrees-10'S, 48-degrees-W, on Bostrychia spp.
Neohelice granulata ecological distribution was evaluated in its northernmost latitudinal occurrence in a Brazilian tropical mangrove (23[degree]13'4" S, 44[degree]42'47" W). Samples were collected in three sites along the main river in the mangrove. Crabs were manually captured by two people, 15 min each, at low tide periods. The sex of the animals was assessed and carapace width measured. The size-frequency distribution was determined in each site. Environmental factors (salinity, temperature, organic matter and sediment texture) were analyzed, compared among sites and related to crab abundance and size in each site. Crab abundance decreased with the distance from the sea. Juvenile crabs were more frequent next to the sea, whereas larger and ovigerous ones were mainly found in the most distant site. Crab size was proportional to the organic matter percentage in the sediment. N. granulata spatial distribution varies along the river course, which is probably related to the most productive areas that have more nutrients available; this may also occur in order to prevent intraspecific competition.
Two foraminiferal associations comprising only arenaceous species define two distinct environments in a 340 m-long mangrove transect at Cardoso Island, Trapande Bay (Cananeia-Iguape estuarine system, SP, Brazil). The "lower muddy flat" (LMF), from the outer mangrove fringe inwards towards land (100 m), is positioned in the lower plain between 0.04 and 0.23 m above the mean sea level (msl), and remains subaerially exposed between 48.5 and 65.6% of the time. This environment is characterized by higher foraminiferal diversity and evenness (McIntosh's D = 0.54 [plus or minus] 0.21 and Pielou's E = 0.68 [plus or minus] 0.25, respectively) and is dominated by Arenoparrella mexicana and Trochammina inflata, and to a lesser extent by Ammotium directum and Textularia earlandi. The mangrove plant of this segment is a Rhizophoretum with average height of 8.4 [plus or minus] 1.2 m. The sediment is characterized by higher concentration of organic matter (93.5 [plus or minus] 32.3 g dm-3) and metals (e.g. V = 53.4 [plus or minus] 21.8 ppm and Zn = 46.4 [plus or minus] 21.3 ppm). The "upper sandy flat" (USF), 240 m wide along the transect, is positioned in the upper plain between 0.28 and 0.89 m above the msl, and remains subaerially exposed between 69.7 and 98.5% of the time. This environment is characterized by a lower diversity and evenness (D = 0.33 [plus or minus] 0.17 and E = 0.49 [plus or minus] 0.20, respectively). The association is dominated by species T. inflata and Miliammina fusca. The Rhizophoretum exhibits a lower average height of 3.6 [plus or minus] 0.6 m. The sediment is poorer in organic matter (39.3 [plus or minus] 15.0 g dm-3) and metals (e.g. V = 13.0 [plus or minus] 6.8 ppm and Zn = 6.9 [plus or minus] 3.7 ppm). Whereas "elongate" tests (uniserial, biserial and planospiral followed by a uniserial portion) are restricted to the LMF, "spiraled" species dominate the USF. Subaerial exposure time seems to exert a primary influence on species distribution, in addition to salinity and sediment type. Species may be adapted to different exposure times, a factor dependent on their position on the intertidal zone and the tidal regime, which should be taken into account in relative sea level reconstructions based on intertidal foraminifera. These patterns have important implications for studies investigating the ecology and paleoecology of foraminifera and subtle fluctuations in relative sea level during the Quaternary.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Females of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus were collected in a monthly basis along a 2-year period at the mangrove areas of Iguape, SP, Brazil. Ovigerous individuals were measured (CW, carapace width) and weighed (WW, wet weight). Each brood was weighed (WWE, wet weight of eggs), dried (DWE, dry weight of eggs) and the number of eggs (EN) was recorded. Scatter plots for the relationships EN/CW, EN/WW and EN/WWE were produced, and the data were subjected to regression analysis. Relative average fecundity (F 1) was calculated in different seasons and compared to verify if there were any temporal variation of reproductive intensity. Fecundity in U. cordatus varied from 36.081 to 250.566 eggs according to the size-dependent relationship EN = 15.27CW 2.24 (N = 66; R 2 = 0.69; p<0.001). The other expressions obtained for the relationships were: EN = 3797.6WW 0.813 (N = 56; R 2 = 0.72; p<0.001); EN = 29226WWE 0.775 (N = 54; R 2 = 0.70; p<0.001); and EN = 1093586DWE 0.769 (N = 66; R 2 = 0.86; p<0.001). Ovigerous females were found only during spring and summer, and relative average fecundity differed between these seasons. Relative average fecundity was higher in spring and relative frequency of ovigerous females was higher during summer. Overall reproductive intensity was similar between these seasons. The observed trends are regarded to be related to temperature and photoperiod variations.
The population structure of U. vocator was investigated during a one-year period in three mangrove forests in southeast Brazil. The study specifically addressed comparisons on individual size juvenile recruitment and sex-ratio. The structure of the mangrove forests, i.e. density, basal area, and diameter, and the physical properties of sediments. i.e. texture and organic matter contents, were also examined. A catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) technique was used to sample the crab populations using 15-min sampling periods by two people. Males always outnumbered females, probably due to ecological and behavioural attributes of these crabs. The median size of fiddler crabs differed among the sampled populations. The mangroves at Indaiá and Itamambuca showed higher productivity than those at Itapanhaú, where oil spills impacting the shore were reported. Marked differences were found regarding individual size, either their size at the onset of sexual maturity or their asymptotic size, suggesting that food availability may be favouring growth in the studied populations.
A total of 2,130 individuals of Ucides cordatus (1,255 males and 875 females) were captured in a mangrove forest at Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil. For each crab, the following body structures were measured: carapace (width = CW; length = CL; depth = CD), 5th abdominal somite (AW), major chelar propodus (length = PL; width = PW; depth = PD), and 1st and 2 nd gonopod pairs (length = GL1 and GL2). The Student t and Snedecor F tests were used to verify any changes in growth allometric rates during ontogeny. The relationships CLxCW, PLxCW (for both sexes), GL1xCW and GL2xCW (males) and AWxCW (females), showed a better fit by two equations for the juvenile and adult phases (p<0.01). The inflexion point size between regression lines, indicated by each morphometric relationship, allowed to propose four morphotypes for U. cordatus. Males were classified in juvenile (CW le; 32 mm), pre-puberty (32 ≤ CW ≤ 51 mm), sub-adult (51 ≤ CW ≤ 59 mm) and adult (CW > 59 mm). Females showed a similar size interval: (juvenile CW ≤ 39 mm, pre-puberty 39 ≤ CW ≤ 53 mm, sub-adult 53 ≤ CW ≤ 58 mm, adult CW > 58 mm).
The feeding choices of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus for various mangrove plant leaves (Avicennia schaueriana, Laguncularia racemosa, and Rhizophora mangle) at different ages (mature, senescent pre-abscission, and decomposing leaves) were examined. In a controlled experiment set in a mangrove area, we evaluated crab selection for different plant leaves by analyzing foraging rate (number of leaves with predation marks) and leaf consumption. Crabs were housed individually in plastic containers and after a 3-day fast supplied with leaf fragments every 24 h for 72 h. Uneaten leaves were removed before each new food offering. No food selection was observed in the first day, but after this period, senescent leaves, which have a high polyphenol content, were rejected. On the third day, an interactive effect between plant species and leaf age was shown to affect leaf selection, with mature leaves of A. schaueriana and L. racemosa being more selected than the other treatments. This observation was consistent across crab sexes and ages. Our results show that food selection by this mangrove crab changes through time in fasted animals, suggesting that this variable must be controlled in food preference studies. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.