892 resultados para Flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, hand,tendon
BACKGROUND: Development of hip adductor, tensor fascia lata, and rectus femoris muscle contractures following total hip arthroplasties are quite common, with some patients failing to improve despite treatment with a variety of non-operative modalities. The purpose of the present study was to describe the use of and patient outcomes of botulinum toxin injections as an adjunctive treatment for muscle tightness following total hip arthroplasty. METHODS: Ten patients (14 hips) who had hip adductor, abductor, and/or flexor muscle contractures following total arthroplasty and had been refractory to physical therapeutic efforts were treated with injection of botulinum toxin A. Eight limbs received injections into the adductor muscle, 8 limbs received injections into the tensor fascia lata muscle, and 2 limbs received injection into the rectus femoris muscle, followed by intensive physical therapy for 6 weeks. RESULTS: At a mean final follow-up of 20 months, all 14 hips had increased range in the affected arc of motion, with a mean improvement of 23 degrees (range, 10 to 45 degrees). Additionally all hips had an improvement in hip scores, with a significant increase in mean score from 74 points (range, 57 to 91 points) prior to injection to a mean of 96 points (range, 93 to 98) at final follow-up. There were no serious treatment-related adverse events. CONCLUSION: Botulinum toxin A injections combined with intensive physical therapy may be considered as a potential treatment modality, especially in difficult cases of muscle tightness that are refractory to standard therapy.
Pompe disease has resisted enzyme replacement therapy with acid α-glucosidase (GAA), which has been attributed to inefficient cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor (CI-MPR) mediated uptake. We evaluated β2-agonist drugs, which increased CI-MPR expression in GAA knockout (KO) mice. Clenbuterol along with a low-dose adeno-associated virus vector increased Rotarod latency by 75% at 4 wk, in comparison with vector alone (P<2×10(-5)). Glycogen content was lower in skeletal muscles, including soleus (P<0.01), extensor digitorum longus (EDL; P<0.001), and tibialis anterior (P<0.05) following combination therapy, in comparison with vector alone. Glycogen remained elevated in the muscles following clenbuterol alone, indicating an adjunctive effect with gene therapy. Elderly GAA-KO mice treated with combination therapy demonstrated 2-fold increased wirehang latency, in comparison with vector or clenbuterol alone (P<0.001). The glycogen content of skeletal muscle decreased following combination therapy in elderly mice (P<0.05). Finally, CI-MPR-KO/GAA-KO mice did not respond to combination therapy, indicating that clenbuterol's effect depended on CI-MPR expression. In summary, adjunctive β2-agonist treatment increased CI-MPR expression and enhanced efficacy from gene therapy in Pompe disease, which has implications for other lysosomal storage disorders that involve primarily the brain.
"Im Zuge der weiteren Verbreitung der Social Media und der internetbasierten Lehre, gewinnen eLearning Inhalte immer mehr an Bedeutung. In den Kontext von eLearning und internetbasierter Lehre gehören auch Open Educational Resources (OER). OER sind digitale Lern- und Lehrmaterialien, die frei für Lehrende und Studierende zugänglich sind und auch frei verbreitet werden dürfen. [...] Um OER auszutauschen, zu finden, zu beschaffen und sie auf einer breiten Basis zugänglich zu machen, insbesondere auch über Suchmaschinen und dadurch verwenden zu können, werden für die jeweiligen Materialien Metadaten benötigt. [...] Um die Frage nach dem Handlungs- und Forschungsbedarf zum Thema Metadaten für Open Educational Resources zu untersuchen, wird zunächst ein Überblick über die momentan bestehenden nationalen und internationalen Metadatenstandards für eLearning Objekte gegeben. [...] Hieraus ergeben sich Empfehlungen, welche Metadaten-Standards für die weitere Nutzung und Förderung geeignet sein könnten. Es werden außerdem die Möglichkeiten der Erstellung eines neuen Metadaten-Standards sowie eines gemeinsamen Portals für OER erörtert. Hierbei wird vor allem auf die zu erwartenden Probleme und die damit verbundenen Anforderungen eingegangen." (DIPF/Orig.)
This article provides a broad overview of project HEED (High-rise Evacuation Evaluation Database) and the methodologies employed in the collection and storage of first-hand accounts of evacuation experiences derived from face-to-face interviews of evacuees from the World Trade Center (WTC) Twin Towers complex on September 11, 2001. In particular, the article describes the development of the HEED database. This is a flexible research tool which contains qualitative type data in the form of coded evacuee experiences along with the full interview transcripts. The data and information captured and stored in the HEED database is not only unique, but provides a means to address current and emerging issues relating to human factors associated with the evacuation of high-rise buildings
Background: Personal health records were implemented with adults with learning disabilities (AWLD) to try to improve their health-care. Materials and Method: Forty GP practices were randomized to the Personal Health Profile (PHP) implementation or control group. Two hundred and one AWLD were interviewed at baseline and 163 followed up after 12 months intervention (PHP group). AWLD and carers of AWLD were employed as research interviewers. AWLD were full research participants. Results: Annual consultation rates in the intervention and control groups at baseline were low (2.3 and 2.6 visits respectively). A slightly greater increase occurred over the year in the intervention group 0.6 ()0.4 to 1.6) visits ⁄ year compared with controls. AWLD in PHP group reported more health problems at follow-up 0.9 (0.0 to 1.8). AWLD liked their PHP (92%) but only 63% AWLD and 55% carers reported PHP usage. Carers had high turnover (34%). Conclusions: No significant outcomes were achieved by the intervention.
La termometría es una técnica no invasiva que permite cuantificar los cambios en la temperatura cutánea y evaluarla de forma cuantitativa. El aumento significativo de la temperatura puede indicar la existencia de patología. Se ha demostrado que la actividad muscular induce procesos de transferencia de calor entre los músculos y las capas superficiales de tejido. En este estudio queremos cuantificar los cambios de temperatura que se producen en los músculos del pie y miembro inferior tras una carrera de 30 km, para ello hemos utilizado una cámara termográfica de alta resolución. Contamos con la colaboración voluntaria de 32 sujetos sanos a los que procedimos a tomar fotografías de la planta del pie, parte anterior de la pierna, parte posterior de la pierna, parte anterior del muslo y parte posterior del muslo en dos etapas, primero antes de la carrera y segunda toma después de la carrera de 30 km, de esta manera pudimos valorar si había o no variación de temperatura en las zonas seleccionadas. Tras el análisis de los datos obtenidos encontramos significativas variaciones térmicas en Talón, cabeza primer metatarsiano, cabeza segundo metatarsiano, cabeza tercer metatarsiano, cabeza cuarto metatarsiano, cabeza quinto metatarsiano, apófisis estiloides quinto metatarsiano, arco longitudinal interno, maléolo interno, maléolo externo, peroneo lateral largo, vasto interno, vasto externo, recto femoral, tensor de la fascia lata, inserción cuádriceps, gemelo interno, tendón de Aquiles y Biceps femoral.
Antecedentes. Pes Adulto planus (pie plano) es un problema común encontrado por muchos profesionales de la salud. A pesar de la percepción de que el pie plano puede causar dolor y deteriorar su función, la disponibilidad y el uso generalizado de diversos tratamientos, no hay consenso sobre la estrategia óptima de tratamiento. Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad de las intervenciones conservadoras (no quirúrgicos) para pie plano en los adultos. Método. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura. Esto incluye: el Registro Cochrane Central de Ensayos Controlados; los Juicios CMSG Especializados Registro; una búsqueda electrónica se realizó utilizando MEDLINE (1960 a junio de 2012), EMBASE (1980 a junio de 2012), y CINAHL (1982 - junio de 2012). Revistas especializadas, listas de referencias de ensayos y artículos de revisión se realizaron búsquedas manuales. Criterios de selección: Ensayos aleatorios o cuasialeatorios de intervenciones de tratamiento para el pie plano en los adultos. Se excluyeron los ensayos que incluyeron patologías específicas como el dolor plantar del talón, las fracturas por sobrecarga de los metatarsianos, disfunción del tendón tibial posterior-, fracturas de tobillo, patologías del pie reumatoide, enfermedades neuromusculares y las complicaciones del pie diabético. Recopilación y análisis de datos: Dos autores seleccionaron de forma independiente los resultados de la búsqueda para identificar a aquellos que satisfacen los criterios de inclusión y evaluaron la calidad de los incluidos mediante una lista de control basado en la Evaluación de la Colaboración Cochrane de Riesgo. Esta herramienta se centró en el riesgo de la selección, el rendimiento, la detección, la heterogeneidad y el sesgo de notificación. Resultados. Cuatro ensayos, con 140 sujetos, cumplieron los criterios de inclusión para la revisión. Los cuatro fueron juzgados como de alto riesgo de sesgo en al menos un área, y también estaban en riesgo de sesgo incierto en al menos otra zona. Todos anotaron altamente en relación al sesgo de deserción, debido al corto seguimiento tiempos y diseños experimentales utilizados. Los datos no se agruparon debido al alto nivel de heterogeneidad identificada en las intervenciones evaluadas, los participantes seleccionados y medir los resultados. Los resultados de un estudio sugieren que después de cuatro semanas de uso ortesis puede resultar en una mejora significativa en vaivén lateral medio, y pueden resultar en una mejor, aunque no significativa, en general relacionados con la calidad de vida de los pies (Roma 2004). Un estudio (Redmond 2009) sugiere que su efecto sobre la distribución de la presión plantar en el pie puede no depender de si son personalizados o dispositivos prefabricados. Aunque este estudio se identificaron cambios significativos en algunas variables de presión plantar tanto con la costumbre y dispositivos prefabricados, otro (Esterman 2005) no encontró ningún efecto significativo de longitud ¾ ortesis prefabricadas sobre el dolor, la incidencia de lesiones, salud pie o de calidad de vida en un grupo de reclutas de la fuerza aérea. El cuarto estudio (Jung 2009) sugiere que el ejercicio de los músculos intrínsecos del pie puede mejorar el efecto de las ortesis. A pesar de estos resultados, ya que cada estudio incurrió riesgo de sesgo en al menos un área no se pueden sacar conclusiones
In podiatric clinics is very common to find inflamatory process in metatarsophalangeal joint capsule , plantar plate and collateral ligaments damage, but it is not clearly recognized. Many authors hipotetized with joint instability of multiple aetiology and his concomitant evolution in different stages with own joint disease. This pathology has more incidence in second metatarsophalangeal joint than third and others and it is a common etiology of metatarsal pain. Bad biomechanics alters forefoot function and can produce overload in capsular joint, decreasing mobility and getting worse the pathology.
Confocal microscopy interfaced with cytochemical procedures has been used to monitor development of the major muscle systems and associated serotoninergic (5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine) and peptidergic (FaRP, FMRFamide-related peptide) innervation of the strigeid trematodes, Apatemon cobitidis proterorhini and Cotylurus erraticus during cultivation in vitro. Sexually undifferentiated metacercariae were successfully grown to ovigerous adults using tissue culture medium NCTC 135, chicken serum and egg albumen. Eggs were produced after 5 days in culture but had abnormal shells and failed to embryonate. 5-HT and FaRP (the flatworm FaRP, GYIRFamide) were localised immunocytochemically in both central and peripheral nervous systems of developing worms. During cultivation, the central serotoninergic and FaRPergic neuronal pathways of the forebody became more extensive, but retained the same basic orthogonal arrangement as found in the excysted metacercaria. Longitudinal extensor and flexor muscles of the hindbody provide support for the developing reproductive complex. The male reproductive tracts were established in advance (day 3) of those of the female system (day 4); completion of the latter was marked by the appearance of the ootype/egg chamber. The inner longitudinal muscle fibres of the female tract appeared prior to the outer and more densely arranged circular muscles. Circular fibres dominate the muscle complement of both alimentary and reproductive tracts. 5-HT- and GYIRFamide-immunoreactivities were demonstrable in the central nervous system (CNS) and subtegumental parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) throughout the culture period, but innervation of the developing reproductive structures was reactive just for 5-HT. Only at the onset of egg production was FaRP-IR observed in the reproductive system and was expressed only in the innervation of the ootype, a finding consistent with the view that FaRPs may regulate egg assembly in platyhelminths.
– Information science has been conceptualized as a partly unreflexive response to developments in information and computer technology, and, most powerfully, as part of the gestalt of the computer. The computer was viewed as an historical accident in the original formulation of the gestalt. An alternative, and timely, approach to understanding, and then dissolving, the gestalt would be to address the motivating technology directly, fully recognizing it as a radical human construction. This paper aims to address the issues.
– The paper adopts a social epistemological perspective and is concerned with collective, rather than primarily individual, ways of knowing.
– Information technology tends to be received as objectively given, autonomously developing, and causing but not itself caused, by the language of discussions in information science. It has also been characterized as artificial, in the sense of unnatural, and sometimes as threatening. Attitudes to technology are implied, rather than explicit, and can appear weak when articulated, corresponding to collective repression.
Research limitations/implications
– Receiving technology as objectively given has an analogy with the Platonist view of mathematical propositions as discovered, in its exclusion of human activity, opening up the possibility of a comparable critique which insists on human agency.
– Apprehensions of information technology have been raised to consciousness, exposing their limitations.
Consideration was given to means of increasing the reliability and muscle specificity of paired associative stimulation (PAS) by utilising the phenomenon of crossed-facilitation. Eight participants completed three separate sessions: isometric flexor contractions of the left wrist at 20% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) simultaneously with PAS (20s intervals; 14 min duration) delivered at the right median nerve and left primary motor cortex (MI); isometric contractions at 20% of MVC: and PAS only ( 14 min). Eight further participants completed two sessions of longer duration PAS (28 min): either alone or in conjunction with flexion contractions of the left wrist. Thirty motor potentials (MEPs) were evoked in the right flexor (rFCR) and extensor (rECR) carpi radialis muscles by magnetic stimulation of left M1 Prior to the interventions, immediately post-intervention, and 10 min post-intervention. Both 14 and 28 min of combined PAS and (left wrist flexion) contractions resulted in reliable increases in rFCR MEP amplitude, which were not present in rECR. In the PAS only conditions, 14 min of stimulation gave rise to unreliable increases in MEP amplitudes in rFCR and rECR, whereas 28 min of PAS induced small (unreliable) changes only for rFCR. These results support the conclusion that changes in the excitability of the corticospinal pathway induced by PAS interact with those associated with contraction of the muscles ipsilateral to the site of cortical stimulation. Furthermore, focal contractions applied by the opposite limb increase the extent and muscle specificity of the induced changes in excitability associated with PAS. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.