403 resultados para Fiat Automóveis
Through observation of production process of a Vale do Paraiba’s automobile industry, one can encounter in need of improvement related to large uncertainties and variations in the production environment, a fact that inspired the search for solutions that can respond quickly to these changes. This way, the paper describes the development of a flexible manufacturing model, which aims to optimize the process in an automotive sub-assembly industry of the Paraíba Valley. The main objective is to propose a method to promote viable alternatives to easing the assembly of parallel sub performed the assembly of cars. For the construction of the model was necessary to explore concepts of flexible manufacturing and making the data presented in literature, which were vital to ensure the development of the method. The concepts discussed are usually presented at an undergraduate degree in Engineering. Data compiled by the model are able to serve as a strategic benchmark for decision making by managers. Featuring alternative response variables and uncertainties of the organizational environment, a fact that facilitates the management of human resources and productive
This study is about a heating line that uses thermal oil. It is located in a facility that produces interlayers used in cars windshields. A plastic resin is melted and is sent to a matrix called DIE where the interlayers are produced. The DIE needs to receive heat from the circulation of thermal oil in four different regions of its interior, to ensure the correct thickness of the interlayer. The thermal energy is provided by electric heaters and the flow of thermal oil is impelled by four mechanically sealed centrifugal pumps (one per region). The key point of this study is the fact that these four pumps of the system have reported successive failures in the mechanical seals. Apparently, a poorly designed project has burdened the system intermittently. The pumps operation condition is located in a region of low efficiency, according to the characteristic curves. This fact is the source of the noticeable reduced time between failures. Changes in the configuration of the facility and in the number of pumps will be proposed, aiming to achieve higher operational efficiency. The proposals will be mathematically analyzed according to the Hydraulic Institute criteria. At the same time, we will also keep focus on an in-depth study of a heating system structure, starting with a detailed approach for each component and discussion about its real need and economic viability. At the end of this paper it is shown that the gain in efficiency achieved with the new proposed configuration reflects not only in the reduction of maintenance costs, but also a potential improvement in energy efficiency. It is shown that these two aspects are closely related and together form the basis for the design of a reliable and efficient pumping system
O grau de desenvolvimento econômico e social de uma sociedade pode ser avaliado diretamente à facilidade de transporte de passageiros e cargas. A qualidade de vida nas cidades é fortemente influenciada pelas características do transporte público. O Brasil tem 80 % de sua população morando em cidades, de forma que uma maior utilização do transporte público seria a solução para problemas de congestionamento, poluição, acidentes, desumanização e outros males que atingem as cidades modernas. Bauru, interior de São Paulo, é uma cidade de porte médio que apresenta um dos maiores índices de utilização de automóveis particulares, em parte pela formação da cidade, que é “espalhada”, e outra por suas características econômicas. A população de baixa renda, moradores da periferia e dependentes do transporte público, enfrenta grandes dificuldades para acessar as diferentes áreas da cidade (má operacionalização do sistema?). Este trabalho de finalização da graduação tem como objetivo maior trazer opções e facilitar o acesso da população a todas as áreas da cidade, através de um sistema de terminais e mini-terminais urbanos de transporte coletivo, buscando a melhor utilização do espaço público, uma maior mobilidade na cidade e a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população
A teoria em finanças tem evoluído cada vez mais aproximando a teoria financeira às práticas reais adotadas nas empresas e nos mercados financeiros. A partir de Modigliani e Miller, que contribuíram para o ramo das finanças com a teoria da Irrelevância Financeira, o caminho se abriu para uma série de debates a cerca da importância das variáveis financeiras na determinação do valor da empresa. Foram levantados questionamentos a respeito da perfeição dos mercados e apresentado argumentos como a assimetria de informações, os custos de agência, a restrição financeira e outras implicações à teoria do investimento. Atualmente o que se sabe é que o fator investimento está altamente ligado às finanças e, portanto, relaciona-se com os meios de financiamento presentes no mercado e com a organização interna e financeira das firmas, esse ramo de estudo recebe o nome de Finanças Corporativas. Diante da teoria financeira, o objetivo é analisar a indústria siderúrgica de duas economias atualmente em destaque, Brasil e China através da análise econômico-financeira de quatro empresas de capital aberto do setor: Gerdau, Usiminas, Baosteel e Masteel. Cabe destacar que a indústria siderúrgica é base para outras indústrias, como construção civil, automóveis, máquinas, entre outros e, por isso, é tida como sinalizadora do desenvolvimento econômico de um país, assim também, o Brasil e a China são caracterizados como grandes potenciais emergentes e fontes de atração de investimentos internacionais
In today's competitive environment of automakers, it is essential to obtain the highest efficiency of the production process. This paper presents a study in a pre-assembly of brake pipes and fuel of a vehicle where the value stream maps and information (VSM – Value Stream Mapping) were designed in order to improve the process by reducing the Lead Time Production of a product, reducing waste and decrease time between processes. This work can be divided into three stages, the first building the VSM of the initial state, the second VSM of the proposed state and finally the VSM than was actually performed and to present the gains were achieved effectively. The proposed VSM would lead to a gain of 54% in lead time and 61% in processing time, since the VSM implemented had gains of 47% in lead time and 48% in processing time even without major investments as originally proposed. Concluding that even without big investment, using the techniques of lean manufacturing is possible to achieve high levels of process efficiency
This research has as main objective the analysis of the auto industry has done to reduce disposal of solid waste in its production process as much as to facilitate the recycling of cars after they complete their life cycle. Despite the auto industry is not one of the most polluting in terms of its production process, it produces a good that is causing major pollution. In despite of the great current concern in seeking to reduce the emissions of pollutants by vehicles, as important as the quest for cleaner fuels is the study of how to dispose of old cars. Even if the car production does not increase significantly each year in relative terms, we must consider the fleet of used cars that still circulates in the world. Ending the mammoth “cemeteries” of automobiles, however, it is not so easy, even because the car is composed of various materials, which in many cases are not easily separable. In addition to an overview, the research seeks to examine the possible advances in Brazil related to the process of auto recycling
The search for better performance and competitive advantage in the current market scenario has made organizations keep their focus on quality planning and the use of effective techniques aimed at continuous improvement and optimization of processes and resources. The situation is not different for the painting process in the automotive industry, which has a significant amount of variables and influential external factors. This work, developed at General Motors in São José dos Campos, aims to analyze the feasibility of changing the painting process of the pickup S10 railings in the Antracite color located in the main line to the another line located in a Painting Repair Booth at the plant and, therefore, to study the possibility about reducing the window of cure for Antracite’s enamel by using Design of Experiments’ techniques. Applying this method is possible to find the best arrangement among studied factors of Painting Repair Booth that are, in this case, the Temperature, in Celsius degrees, and Skid’s Steps, in seconds, and it’s also possible to get their behavior according to quality requirements specified by GM rules for the Brightness and Paint Adhesion on the part. As a result, it can conclude that is possible to paint the S10 Antracite railings in the painting process’ line of Painting Repair Booth, and with the new configuration obtained by the Design of Experiments for the process variables, there are significant gains related to the parts’ quality, costs reduction and the optimization of production capacity, much in the main line as in the line of the Painting Repair Booth
Air pollution is an environmental issue worldwide and frequently cause negative effects on population health and ecosystems on cities. The relationship between climate and atmospheric pollution can be used as a surrogate to the intensity of air pollution. The present and quantity of some gases can be used as indicators to air quality: particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Among those gases, CO has its major source within the cities, where automobiles are the main emitter. But measure pollutant concentration are challenging, sometimes because the lack of good equipments due to high costs and of the large variability of models that varies in precision, way of measure and distribution of sellers. Modeling are useful when there are an intend to evaluate air pollution, its sources and evaluate scenarios. This work aims to use CAL3QHCR model developed by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to generate predictive surfaces of CO concentration distribution on a site within Campinas city, located in São Paulo state, Brazil. CAL3QHCR model use data urban automobile circulation to generate spatial results for CO distribution. We observed that the pollution concentration was lower on our modeling than the concentrations measured by Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo (CETESB), the main environmental company on the São Paulo state. Also the correlation between average estimates of our model and the measure by CETESB was weak, indicating that the model used on this study need to be or better parameterized, or the scale we measured of CO emissions need to be rescaled. Although the model failed to correlate to CETESB data, maybe one that explore the estimated emissions distributed within the sites to understand spatial distributions of CO on the regions. Also, the generated information can also be used to other studies, and come to be useful to explain heat island
This study explores the subject of traction control systems through bibliografy review on the spot of Mechanical Engineering. This paper has the objetivo of high light the main components and tecnology involved since MaxTrac system in 1971. It describes systems controled by throttle valve and breaks. Additionally, it i also presented basic knowlodged regarding electronic control unit and wheel sensors
The automobile industry is increasingly interested in reducing vehicle weight for greater speed, lower fuel consumption and emissions, through innovation of materials and processes. One way to do this is to seek the replacement of conventional processes by the use of structural adhesives. Structural adhesives are highly resistant materials, which can replace rivets, bolts and welds allowing the substrate / adhesive assemble is stronger than the substrate itself. One of the major advantages of gluing with respect to welding is its esthetic appearance, since it does not leave marks. For this reason, parts to be soldered require a minimum thickness so that the marks do not appear, since the pieces from gluing have no restriction as to the thickness. By replacing the vibration welding process for gluing process of the instrument panel parts of an automobile, one obtains a reduction of the thickness of the parts and therefore it decreases the weight of the car. This work aims to study the various structural adhesives that already exist on the market to be applied on the instrument panel. The mechanical test performed to measure the maximum adhesive strength was the Lap Shear Test at 23°C (room temperature), -35°C and 85°C. The types of adhesives used were the hot-melt and the bi-component. By the results obtained, it is in favor using the bi-component for application to the union of instrument panel parts
This work aims to study the Dual-Phase 600 and 780 steels, which are part of technology development project materials for the automotive industry. It is worth underscoring the antagonistic properties as the Dual-Phase steel assemble, high mechanical strength and elongation due its microstructure, ferrite and martensite. These properties are obtained by a intercritical heat treatment which facilitates the formation of a hardness metastable microstructure shaped plates of low carbon steels. The applicability of Dual Phase steel in the structure of vehicles is huge and its production is already on a commercial scale, so the study and development of this material implies lower cost in automobile manufacturing processes. The dual phase steels DP600 and DP780 underwent tensile, hardness and metallographic analysis to evaluate and comparing its properties. The results indicate that the DP780 steel has higher strength and hardness than the DP600 steel and its microstructure consists of martensite higher fraction which accounts for the higher resistance and hardness. However, the DP600 has higher conformability to DP780 steel
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)