857 resultados para Ferramentas tecnológicas - manuseio
Este estudo se propõe a analisar os mandatos das subsidiárias de empresas transnacionais (ETNs) no estrangeiro por intermédio dos mecanismos de alocação das atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) entre os centros descentralizados de pesquisa. Iniciamos o trabalho com a apresentação de uma síntese das diferentes perspectivas encontradas na literatura econômica sobre a subordinação (ou condicionamentos) da autonomia administrativa e tecnológica das filiais. Tal síntese permite estabelecer uma hierarquia entre as subsidiárias e uma tipologia para evolução (retrocesso) de mandatos construída, principalmente, para as ETNs estruturadas em forma de rede corporativa. A seguir, a partir de pesquisas realizadas sobre as atividades dos laboratórios de P&D da indústria de equipamentos de telecomunicações no Brasil, procuramos mostrar que: a) a descentralização das atividades tecnológicas é um fato que não está restrito apenas aos países centrais; b) as tecnologias de informação permitiram que as subsidiárias no país se integrassem aos laboratórios centrais das ETNs, dando-lhes condições de desenvolver e participar de outras atividades tecnológicas, além das tradicionais funções de adaptação de processo e de produtos.
Provide data and information on watershed becomes important since the knowledge of their physical characteristics, land use, etcetera, allows for better planning and sustainable use of economically, socially and environmentally in this area. The investigation of the physical environment has been commonly given with the use of geoprocessing, which has proved a very efficient tool. Within this context, this research aims at analyzing the river basin Punaú (located in the cities of Touros, Rio do Fogo and Pureza, state of Rio Grande do Norte) in several aspects, using geoprocessing as a tool of work, to provide information about the entire watershed. Specifically, this study aimed to update pre-existing maps, such as geological, geomorphological and land use, generating map of environmental vulnerability, under the aspect of erosion susceptibility of the area, generating map of legal incompatibility, identifying areas that are already being employed in breach of environmental legislation; propose solutions to the occupation of the river basin Punaú, focused on environmental planning. The methodology was based on the use of geoprocessing tools for data analysis and to make maps of legal incompatibility and environmental vulnerability. For the first map was taken into account the environmental legislation regarding the protection of watersheds. For the vulnerability analysis, the generated map was the result of crossing the maps of geology, geomorphology, soils and land use, having been assigned weights to different attributes of thematic maps, generating a map of environmental vulnerability in relation to susceptibility to erosion. The analysis results indicate that agriculture is the most significant activity in the basin, in total occupied area, which confers a high degree of environmental vulnerability in most of the basin, and some agricultural areas eventually develop in a manner inconsistent with Brazilian environmental legislation. It is proposed to consider deploying a measure of revitalization of the watershed in more critical areas and conservation through mitigation measures on the causes of environmental degradation, such as protection of water sources, protection and restoration of riparian vegetation, protection of permanent preservation areas, containment of erosion processes in general, and others listed or not in specific laws, and even the establishment of a committee of basins in the area
Nowadays there are many reasons that aim to include people with special necessities, like those with visual deficiency, in the world of work, education, and in the society as a whole. However it is observed that when we talk about schooling inclusion, especially in High School, there is a huge gap between the theory and the practice. The lack of didactic resources, the inadequate installations, unprepared teachers, the families´ lack of information, are some of the factors that hinder the process of inclusion. Furthermore, the educators also have to deal with the roughness of the disciplinary contents and, refering to the study of Chemistry, with the use of signals related to this subject´s language. So, the objective of our research is to reflect about the apprehension of this language by the visually handicapped people, and try to contribute with their process of inclusion in the school life. On this perspective we work with the Periodic Table, which constitutes one of the indispensable tools necessary to the Chemistry learning. In order to acomplish it, the way followed by us happened in three passages. Initially, by means of a semistructured interview, we tried to get acquainted with the blind students opinion, who were participating in the research about the Periodic Table used by them throughout High School, as well as the dificulties felt when using it. After getting the answers, the Table was reelaborated to fill those students´necessities. Here, two new Tables were designed, one in Braille which shape is more compacted, and another made with high printed dots, built with sand and glue. On the third moment, the new designed Tables were tested by the students and, by means of a semi-structured interview, we tried to identify if this new resource would solve the problems concerned to the old Table. The students showed that the compacted Tables would facilitate the touch reading of the chemical elements simbols, making it clear and fast. We hope that, with the elaboration of this learning tools we can contribute with one of the elements to favor the effective participation of blind students in Chemistry classes, when studying the Periodic Table
Sugarcane is one of the most important products of the world and Brazil is responsible for 25 % of the world production. One problem of this culture at northeast of Brazil is the early flowering. In our laboratory, it has been made before four subtractive libraries using early and late flowering genotypes in order to identify messages related to the flowering process. In this work, two cDNAs were chosen to make in silico analysis and overexpression constructs. Another approach to understand the flowering process in sugarcane was to use proteomic tools. First, the protocol for protein extraction using apical meristem was set up. After that, these proteins were separated on two bidimensional gels. It was possible to observe some difference for some regions of these gels as well as some proteins that can be found in all conditions. The next step, spots will be isolated and sequence on MS spectrometry in order to understand this physiological process in sugarcane
The present study discusses the geographical distribution and the context on the occupation of mangrove swamp areas by capuchin monkeys. In addition, we assess how the dispersion to the mangrove allowed the exploration of different food items, permitting the development of predation by ambush and the use of cracking tools. From 2004 to 2008 we surveyed the main estuaries of Brazilian Amazon coast, from northeastern state of Pará to the eastern boundary of the state of Maranhão, and recorded the presence of two species of capuchin monkeys in the mangrove forest areas. Cebus apella has been widely distributed in the mangrove at the estuaries examined (excluding C. libidinosus areas). Its presence is often related to Amazon forest remnants in the neighbourhood of the mangrove swamps and thus it is possible that some groups live in both kinds of habitats. However, we recorded some populations restricted only to mangrove swamp surrounded by open areas. On the other hand, Cebus libidinosus had a distribution more restricted and isolated in mangroves. Its pattern of habitat use is consistent with geographic distribution in mangrove patches. It seems that the possible contact zone previously proposed in the literature for that two species has no evident barriers in the mangrove. Furthermore, we record cracking sites and systematic observations on the tool use, carnivory and predation by ambush in Cebus libidinosus from 2006 to 2008. Cebus libidinosus is the only Neotropical primate species in which the tool use has been systematically recorded in nature. However all previous studies had been obtained is open areas (Cerrado and Caatinga). Thus, the present study is first one to report that behaviour in forested habitats in which the tool use to cracking by capuchin monkeys is associated with the consumption of meat. In the Caatinga and Cerrado, food shortages and terrestriality has been proposed by different authors to explain the evolution of tool use in primates. Here, we analyzed the relative contribution of these two variables as selective pressures for the tool use by capuchin monkeys in the mangrove forests, an ecological scenario in which food resources is available around the year and terrestriality is limited by structural habitat features, as the presence of stilt roots and muddy soil
Circadian rhythms are variations in physiological processes that help living beings to adapt to environmental cycles. These rhythms are generated and are synchronized to the dark light cycle through the suprachiasmatic nucleus. The integrity of circadian rhythmicity has great implication on human health. Currently it is known that disturbances in circadian rhythms are related to some problems of today such as obesity, propensity for certain types of cancer and mental disorders for example. The circadian rhythmicity can be studied through experiments with animal models and in humans directly. In this work we use computational models to gather experimental results from the literature and explain the results of our laboratory. Another focus of this study was to analyze data rhythms of activity and rest obtained experimentally. Here we made a review on the use of variables used to analyze these data and finally propose an update on how to calculate these variables. Our models were able to reproduce the main experimental results in the literature and provided explanations for the results of experiments performed in our laboratory. The new variables used to analyze the rhythm of activity and rest in humans were more efficient to describe the fragmentation and synchronization of this rhythm. Therefore, the work contributed improving existing tools for the study of circadian rhythms in mammals
In this work we used chemometric tools to classify and quantify the protein content in samples of milk powder. We applied the NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy combined with multivariate techniques. First, we carried out an exploratory method of samples by principal component analysis (PCA), then the classification of independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA). Thus it became possible to classify the samples that were grouped by similarities in their composition. Finally, the techniques of partial least squares regression (PLS) and principal components regression (PCR) allowed the quantification of protein content in samples of milk powder, compared with the Kjeldahl reference method. A total of 53 samples of milk powder sold in the metropolitan areas of Natal, Salvador and Rio de Janeiro were acquired for analysis, in which after pre-treatment data, there were four models, which were employed for classification and quantification of samples. The methods employed after being assessed and validated showed good performance, good accuracy and reliability of the results, showing that the NIR technique can be a non invasive technique, since it produces no waste and saves time in analyzing the samples
This paper investigates the potential of near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) for forensic analysis of human hair samples in order to differentiate smokers from nonsmokers, using chemometric modeling as an analytical tool. We obtained a total of 19 hair samples, 9 smokers and 10 nonsmokers varying gender, hair color, age and duration of smoking, all collected directly from the head of the same great Natal-RN. From the NIR spectra obtained without any pretreatment of the samples was performed an exploratory multivariate chemical data by applying spectral pretreatments followed by principal component analysis (PCA). After chemometric modeling of the data was achieved without any experimental data beyond the NIR spectra, differentiate smokers from nonsmokers, by demonstrating the significant influence of tabacco on the chemical composition of hair as well as the potential of the methodology in forensic identification
Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a influência da flexibilidade da superfície de assento da cadeira na velocidade e no tempo despendido por alunos com paralisia cerebral espástica durante a execução de uma tarefa de manuseio de um objeto na posição sentada. Participaram do estudo 11 alunos, de ambos os gêneros, com diagnóstico de paralisia cerebral espástica, que tinham algum controle de tronco e membros superiores. A quantificação da análise cinemática foi realizada em duas situações experimentais: 1) execução de uma tarefa acadêmica de encaixe, com o indivíduo posicionado em um mobiliário adaptado com assento de lona; 2) execução de uma tarefa acadêmica de encaixe, com o participante posicionado em um mobiliário adaptado com assento de madeira. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e não-paramétrica por meio do teste de Wilcoxon. Os resultados indicaram que: 1) a velocidade média de execução das tarefas não foi influenciada pelo tipo de assento utilizado 2) o tempo de execução da tarefa foi influenciada pelo tipo de assento utilizado. A utilização do assento de lona aumentou o tempo de realização da tarefa. Conclui-se que o assento de um mobiliário escolar para um aluno com paralisia cerebral espástica não deve ser confeccionado com um material muito flexível. Este tipo de assento fornecerá uma base instável que dificultará o desempenho do aluno durante atividades realizadas com os membros superiores.
Programs manipulate information. However, information is abstract in nature and needs to be represented, usually by data structures, making it possible to be manipulated. This work presents the AGraphs, a representation and exchange format of the data that uses typed directed graphs with a simulation of hyperedges and hierarchical graphs. Associated to the AGraphs format there is a manipulation library with a simple programming interface, tailored to the language being represented. The AGraphs format in ad-hoc manner was used as representation format in tools developed at UFRN, and, to make it more usable in other tools, an accurate description and the development of support tools was necessary. These accurate description and tools have been developed and are described in this work. This work compares the AGraphs format with other representation and exchange formats (e.g ATerms, GDL, GraphML, GraX, GXL and XML). The main objective this comparison is to capture important characteristics and where the AGraphs concepts can still evolve
O objetivo desse estudo é demonstrar, por meio de análise quantitativa e qualitativa, a eficácia de ferramentas linguístico-computacionais na seleção de terminologia para a produção de material terminológico. Serão apresentadas duas ferramentas linguístico-computacionais (WordSmith Tools e VocabProfile) e, também, sugestões para que o ensino de termos ofereça resultados práticos. A fundamentação teórico-metodológica recorreu a Barros (2004); Berber Sardinha (2000; 2005); Biderman (2001); Cabré (2007); Cobb (2007); Nation, (2003) e Sinclair (2004). O corpus da pesquisa foi constituído exclusivamente de material escrito na língua inglesa em diversas áreas de especialidade. Os procedimentos de preparação de material terminológico são exemplificados a partir de uma das áreas de especialidades utilizadas nos corpora de pesquisa, as Redes Neurais Artificiais. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a utilização do Wordsmith Tools juntamente com o VocabProfile pode fornecer dados importantes para a pesquisa linguistica.
Muitos métodos analíticos estão sendo desenvolvidos visando à determinação de contaminantes orgânicos, especialmente alteradores endócrinos. Tais métodos baseiam-se geralmente na extração em fase sólida (SPE) seguida por determinação cromatográfica (CG ou HPLC). No presente trabalho utilizou-se ferramentas quimiométricas no processo de SPE para avaliar os principais fatores que influenciam tal processo e as interações entre os mesmos. Foram analisadas matrizes de água subterrânea fortificada com hormônios (17 b estradiol, estrona e 17 b etinilestradiol) e a determinação analítica foi feita por HPLC/Fluorescência. Um planejamento fatorial completo foi utilizado. Os fatores escolhidos incluíram: condicionamento da fase sólida, concentração dos analitos, volume da amostra e solvente de eluição. As melhores condições obtidas foram: 500 mL da amostra, condicionamento da fase sólida (C18) com acetona (4mL), metanol (6 mL) e água pH 3(10 mL), e eluição dos analitos com 4 mL de acetona.
O desenvolvimento e implantação de sistemas de gestão da qualidade e o uso de programas e ferramentas da qualidade são algumas das opções mais utilizadas pelos gestores para aumentar a competitividade de suas empresas. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o resultado de uma pesquisa tipo survey em que se verificaram e analisaram as principais características do processo de certificação ISO 9001, seus benefícios, suas dificuldades e quais programas e ferramentas da qualidade são utilizados em 236 empresas do interior do Estado de São Paulo. A pesquisa revelou que a certificação ISO 9001 gera benefícios significativos às organizações, tais como: melhoria dos processos internos e nos seus produtos; aumento da satisfação dos clientes; diminuição do número de não conformidades e de devoluções; aumento da produtividade e do lucro; melhoria no gerenciamento dos recursos e valorização da imagem da empresa no mercado. Ela também ratificou a importância da utilização dos programas e ferramentas da qualidade como forma de as empresas se adequarem melhor aos requisitos da norma ISO 9001. As dificuldades de desenvolvimento e implantação desses sistemas não se confirmaram para a amostra pesquisada. Apenas a resistência à mudança, dentre todas apresentadas, mereceu destaque para os pesquisados.
No problema de minimização de troca de ferramentas procura-se por uma sequência para processar um conjunto de tarefas de modo que o número requerido de trocas de ferramentas seja o menor possível. Neste trabalho propõe-se um algoritmo para resolver este problema baseado em um ordenamento parcial das tarefas. Uma sequência ótima é obtida expandindo-se as sequências parciais enumeradas. Testes computacionais são apresentados.
O problema de minimização de troca de ferramentas (MTSP) busca uma sequência de processamento de um conjunto de tarefas, de modo a minimizar o número de trocas de ferramentas requeridas. Este trabalho apresenta uma nova heurística para o MTSP, capaz de produzir bons limitantes superiores para um algoritmo enumerativo. Esta heurística possui duas fases: uma fase construtiva que é baseada em um grafo em que os vértices correspondem a ferramentas e existe um arco k = (i, j) que liga os vértices i e j se e somente se as ferramentas i e j são necessárias para a execução de alguma tarefa k; e uma fase de refinamento baseada na meta-heurística Busca Local Iterativa. Resultados computacionais mostram que a heurística proposta tem um bom desempenho para os problemas testados, contribuindo para uma redução significativa no número de nós gerados de um algoritmo enumerativo.