1000 resultados para Feminilidade - (Psicologia)


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Este artigo tem o objetivo de relatar uma metodologia adotada numa disciplina da área de Psicologia que trata do desenvolvimento humano, para ensinar as etapas do desenvolvimento. A metodologia envolveu a técnica do seminário, entretanto, rompeu com um modelo reprodutivista de educação. Uma das mudanças adotadas, envolveu a pesquisa de material de estudo, não se prendendo apenas a teoria, mas incluindo a busca de fontes mais próximas da realidade. Neste processo, procuramos também atingir o aluno na sua totalidade, de forma que ele pudesse envolver toda sua pessoa. Através do estimulo à criatividade, desenvolvemos também vários tipos de inteligência da aluno, assim como sua inteligência emocional.


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José Artur Molina busca nesta obra identificar na sociedade vienense de fins do século XIX as razões que levaram Sigmund Freud a analisar as mulheres a partir de um ponto de vista essencialmente falocêntrico. Naquela época, Viena, capital do Império Austro-Húngaro, assistia a uma verdadeira revolução social, política e cultural, que seria o canto do cisne de sua frágil construção política que se desintegraria depois da I Guerra Mundial. Este cenário borbulhante forneceria as condições ideais para o nascimento da psicanálise. Freud construiu uma teoria singular, com conceitos como inconsciente, pulsão e um método que incluía a escuta, a associação livre e a transferência. As mulheres histéricas foram as protagonistas desta criação. Freud encontra a razão do sofrimento delas: o cerceamento de seus desejos. A psicanálise revoluciona o tratamento das histerias, mas seu conceito de feminino se enclausura numa lógica fálica. Molina tenta desvendar porque isto aconteceu, não apenas discutindo as imagens de mulheres presentes na obra de Freud, mas também as construções femininas de autores vienenses seminais, como o romancista Schnitzler e o pintor Klimt, e o quanto tais concepções se deviam ao visível colapso das condições estabelecidas para a mulher e às mudanças que estavam perceptivelmente a caminho na Viena da Belle Époque.


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Este volume reúne artigos de autoria de professores e alunos do Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento da Unesp e tem como objetivo compartilhar, com especialistas e estudiosos de Psicologia e ciências humanas, os resultados de pesquisas feitas em 2009 e 2010 para a produção de dissertações de mestrado. Os artigos estão reunidos em torno de dois eixos principais. O primeiro apresenta como tema aglutinador Psicologia do desenvolvimento humano e aprendizagem. Nessa primeira parte do livro, os autores focam suas análises na aprendizagem e sua relação com a linguagem e a atuação docente. Na segunda parte, Desenvolvimento humano e diferentes fatores no transcurso do ciclo vital, os temas dos artigos giram em torno das vivências humanas, da infância à velhice. São tratadas questões como estresse infantil, estresse na gestação e no puerpério e reflexões de adolescentes, adultos e idosos sobre a morte. Organizado pelas professoras Tânia Gracy Martins do Valle e Ana Cláudia Bortolozzi Maia, este livro é uma interessante fonte de informações sobre as mais recentes pesquisas da área de Psicologia do Desenvolvimento.


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The relationship between affective-emotional problems and school learning is present in areas of Psychology and Education. In the present study, of theoretical and bibliographic characteristics, we investigated elements that might confirm the thesis of the historicity of cognitive and affective processes, giving to these processes a social and symbolic connotation . Through the Historic-Cultural Psychology we approached the subject-object relationship and affective-cognitive unit proposing to overcome the subjectivist and organicist thinking. The study suggested the importance for us to (re) think the relationships that the subject establishes with the environment, the role of knowledge and practical conditions of life and education. Besides, it highlighted the activity as a main category in the constitution of needs and motives, as well in the formation of desires and the objectification of them. In this way, it enhances the learning and promotes the development, considering that the formation of subjectivity in each subject is the effect of an educative process that shall be object of study of both Psychology and Education.


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In separating the phenomena of their social, human, and ecological contexts, and by not taking into account intentional and valorative categories, natural-scientific methodologies impede the comprehension of some human activities which include values, chiefly ethical and political. In this context, scientism is the dogmatic and non-thematized acceptance of natural-scientific methods. From this point on, in the context of psychology, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate how scientism can function as an epistemological and methodological obstacle to an ethical and political understanding of psychology. Thus, at first, through reflections based on problems encountered in the literature on the subject, scientism's dogmas and some counterpoints are presented; some of its consequences are addressed, by taking up two examples from current literature - the labeling and the racial interpretations, and, finally, a program of research which deals with these problems is presented as an alternative: critical psychology.


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This article analyzes the ideas and the work of Anísio Teixeira in the 1920s and 1930s, focusing on his views about the value of measurement for educational reform in Brazil. Considering that the thinking and practices of Teixeira should be understood in the context in which it was developed, the study presents the history of the presence of psychological knowledge in education, with special attention to the entrance of the Psychometrics in the New School movement. The paper concludes that, by defending the use of measurement, Teixeira has remained true to the goal of the New School that required to diagnoses scientifically the school universe, which was necessary to respond to the growing demand for schooling and the educational disabilities of the Brazilian educational institutions.


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The curricula study allows the verification of trends, concepts and the identification of teaching practices, enabling the planning and implementation of changes when necessary. The material presented here is part of the results obtained in a postgraduate research that deals with the training of psychologists to work with people with disabilities, which appealed to the document analysis. To accomplish this task it was used a methodological procedure named searching through radical, which allowed greater agility to the search, enabling the quick identification of the courses containing topics of interest for research, facilitating their selection to study. The use of document analysis as a methodology allowed both the collection and organization of information that were diffused, providing them new configuration as source of information, as the processing and interpretation of the raw data, giving them direction and adding them value. In 36 courses, 35 had at least one subject related to persons with disabilities, and the sum of these resulted in 85 subjects for analysis. The interpretation of data obtained through reading the menus brought information about prevalent intentions on the menus of the subjects, to research in the area, teaching procedures, techniques and possibilities of action and insertion of psychologists in different contexts in which they can deal with disability. In a positive perspective, the results showed that there seems to be a tendency to enhance the interface of psychology with other knowledge areas to understand the issues related to disability.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this article, we aim to describe and explain what is the model “practical group of displacements”, introduced in 1937 by Piaget’s work La construction du reel chez l’enfant (Neuchâtel, Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé), essential to comprehension of the construction of space. To this end, we introduce the mathematical notation to describe it, we give the meaning of this notation in the child’s behavior and explains the mathematical structure of group underlying the model.


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The text aims to refl ect about masculinity and femininity in children’s education, an almost entirely feminine environment, bringing fi ndings of a study that investigated the social relations of gender in this level of teaching in a school where a man worked as a teacher. Data was composed by observations of pedagogical practices of a woman teacher and a man teacher of Early Childhood Education. After that, those teachers, the pedagogical coordinator, the headmaster and a nursery worker were interviewed. Based on theoretical contributions about culture and gender, the paper shows that the masculine and the feminine identities and social roles for both sexes, historically, are human constructions that can be modifi ed, especially at school.


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The concern with aging has increased in recent decades throughout the world, before the gradual increase in life expectancy of the population. Researchers have been developing a diverse in nature, in order to subsidize the activities of professionals in the field of Gerontology to promote autonomy, preservation of cognitive functions and thus contribute to healthy aging. This article presents a review of the literature on memory and aging from the perspective of cognitive psychology. The bibliography contains studies focusing on different subjects, in this sense. A significant number of works have been undertaken in order to investigate mechanisms and benefits of training on memory in healthy elderly and / or cognitive improvement. A concept that deserves attention in such studies is the study of aspects of meta-memory. However, there are still relatively few controlled studies on the subject.