886 resultados para Feature sizes
Sample size calculations are advocated by the CONSORT group to justify sample sizes in randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The aim of this study was primarily to evaluate the reporting of sample size calculations, to establish the accuracy of these calculations in dental RCTs and to explore potential predictors associated with adequate reporting. Electronic searching was undertaken in eight leading specific and general dental journals. Replication of sample size calculations was undertaken where possible. Assumed variances or odds for control and intervention groups were also compared against those observed. The relationship between parameters including journal type, number of authors, trial design, involvement of methodologist, single-/multi-center study and region and year of publication, and the accuracy of sample size reporting was assessed using univariable and multivariable logistic regression. Of 413 RCTs identified, sufficient information to allow replication of sample size calculations was provided in only 121 studies (29.3%). Recalculations demonstrated an overall median overestimation of sample size of 15.2% after provisions for losses to follow-up. There was evidence that journal, methodologist involvement (OR = 1.97, CI: 1.10, 3.53), multi-center settings (OR = 1.86, CI: 1.01, 3.43) and time since publication (OR = 1.24, CI: 1.12, 1.38) were significant predictors of adequate description of sample size assumptions. Among journals JCP had the highest odds of adequately reporting sufficient data to permit sample size recalculation, followed by AJODO and JDR, with 61% (OR = 0.39, CI: 0.19, 0.80) and 66% (OR = 0.34, CI: 0.15, 0.75) lower odds, respectively. Both assumed variances and odds were found to underestimate the observed values. Presentation of sample size calculations in the dental literature is suboptimal; incorrect assumptions may have a bearing on the power of RCTs.
In this work, a method that synchronizes two video sequences is proposed. Unlike previous methods, which require the existence of correspondences between features tracked in the two sequences, and/or that the cameras are static or jointly moving, the proposed approach does not impose any of these constraints. It works when the cameras move independently, even if different features are tracked in the two sequences. The assumptions underlying the proposed strategy are that the intrinsic parameters of the cameras are known and that two rigid objects, with independent motions on the scene, are visible in both sequences. The relative motion between these objects is used as clue for the synchronization. The extrinsic parameters of the cameras are assumed to be unknown. A new synchronization algorithm for static or jointly moving cameras that see (possibly) different parts of a common rigidly moving object is also proposed. Proof-of-concept experiments that illustrate the performance of these methods are presented, as well as a comparison with a state-of-the-art approach.
In clinical practice, traditional X-ray radiography is widely used, and knowledge of landmarks and contours in anteroposterior (AP) pelvis X-rays is invaluable for computer aided diagnosis, hip surgery planning and image-guided interventions. This paper presents a fully automatic approach for landmark detection and shape segmentation of both pelvis and femur in conventional AP X-ray images. Our approach is based on the framework of landmark detection via Random Forest (RF) regression and shape regularization via hierarchical sparse shape composition. We propose a visual feature FL-HoG (Flexible- Level Histogram of Oriented Gradients) and a feature selection algorithm based on trace radio optimization to improve the robustness and the efficacy of RF-based landmark detection. The landmark detection result is then used in a hierarchical sparse shape composition framework for shape regularization. Finally, the extracted shape contour is fine-tuned by a post-processing step based on low level image features. The experimental results demonstrate that our feature selection algorithm reduces the feature dimension in a factor of 40 and improves both training and test efficiency. Further experiments conducted on 436 clinical AP pelvis X-rays show that our approach achieves an average point-to-curve error around 1.2 mm for femur and 1.9 mm for pelvis.
Der diesjährige 10. Trockenrasen-Sonderteil von Tuexenia beginnt mit einem Bericht über die aktuellen Aktivitäten der European Dry Grassland Group (EDGG). Zunächst geben wir einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Mitgliederzahl. Dann berichten wir vom letzten European Dry Grassland Meeting in Tula (Russland, 2014) und vom letzten European Dry Grassland Field Workshop in Navarra (Spanien, 2014) und informieren über künftige Veranstaltungen der EDGG. Anschließend erläutern wir die Publikationsaktivitäten der EDGG. Im zweiten Teil des Editorials geben wir eine Einführung zu den fünf Artikeln des diesjährigen Trockenrasen-Sonderteils. Zwei Artikel beschäftigen sich mit der Syntaxonomie von Trockenrasen in Ost- bzw. Südosteuropa: der eine präsentiert erstmalig eine Gesamtklassifikation der Trockenrasengesellschaften Serbiens und des Kosovo während der andere Originalaufnahmen sub-montaner Graslandgesellschaften aus den bislang kaum untersuchten ukrainischen Ostkarpaten analysiert. Zwei weitere Artikel behandeln Trockenrasen-Feuchtwiesen-Komplexe im ungarischen Tiefland: Der eine behandelt den Einfluss der Landnutzung auf die Phytodiversität von Steppen und Feuchtwiesen, der andere den Einfluss von Niederschlagsschwankungen in einem Zeitraum von drei Jahren auf die Ausbildung salzbeeinflusster Steppen-Feuchtwiesen-Komplexe. Der fünfte Artikel analysiert landnutzungsbedingte Veränderungen des Graslands des Tsentralen-Balkan-Nationalparks in Bulgarien über einen Zeitraum von 65 Jahren
Effects of conspecific neighbours on survival and growth of trees have been found to be related to species abundance. Both positive and negative relationships may explain observed abundance patterns. Surprisingly, it is rarely tested whether such relationships could be biased or even spurious due to transforming neighbourhood variables or influences of spatial aggregation, distance decay of neighbour effects and standardization of effect sizes. To investigate potential biases, communities of 20 identical species were simulated with log-series abundances but without species-specific interactions. No relationship of conspecific neighbour effects on survival or growth with species abundance was expected. Survival and growth of individuals was simulated in random and aggregated spatial patterns using no, linear, or squared distance decay of neighbour effects. Regression coefficients of statistical neighbourhood models were unbiased and unrelated to species abundance. However, variation in the number of conspecific neighbours was positively or negatively related to species abundance depending on transformations of neighbourhood variables, spatial pattern and distance decay. Consequently, effect sizes and standardized regression coefficients, often used in model fitting across large numbers of species, were also positively or negatively related to species abundance depending on transformation of neighbourhood variables, spatial pattern and distance decay. Tests using randomized tree positions and identities provide the best benchmarks by which to critically evaluate relationships of effect sizes or standardized regression coefficients with tree species abundance. This will better guard against potential misinterpretations.
Patient-specific biomechanical models including local bone mineral density and anisotropy have gained importance for assessing musculoskeletal disorders. However the trabecular bone anisotropy captured by high-resolution imaging is only available at the peripheral skeleton in clinical practice. In this work, we propose a supervised learning approach to predict trabecular bone anisotropy that builds on a novel set of pose invariant feature descriptors. The statistical relationship between trabecular bone anisotropy and feature descriptors were learned from a database of pairs of high resolution QCT and clinical QCT reconstructions. On a set of leave-one-out experiments, we compared the accuracy of the proposed approach to previous ones, and report a mean prediction error of 6% for the tensor norm, 6% for the degree of anisotropy and 19◦ for the principal tensor direction. These findings show the potential of the proposed approach to predict trabecular bone anisotropy from clinically available QCT images.
We present a novel algorithm to reconstruct high-quality images from sampled pixels and gradients in gradient-domain rendering. Our approach extends screened Poisson reconstruction by adding additional regularization constraints. Our key idea is to exploit local patches in feature images, which contain per-pixels normals, textures, position, etc., to formulate these constraints. We describe a GPU implementation of our approach that runs on the order of seconds on megapixel images. We demonstrate a significant improvement in image quality over screened Poisson reconstruction under the L1 norm. Because we adapt the regularization constraints to the noise level in the input, our algorithm is consistent and converges to the ground truth.
Background: It is yet unclear if there are differences between using electronic key feature problems (KFPs) or electronic case-based multiple choice questions (cbMCQ) for the assessment of clinical decision making. Summary of Work: Fifth year medical students were exposed to clerkships which ended with a summative exam. Assessment of knowledge per exam was done by 6-9 KFPs, 9-20 cbMCQ and 9-28 MC questions. Each KFP consisted of a case vignette and three key features (KF) using “long menu” as question format. We sought students’ perceptions of the KFPs and cbMCQs in focus groups (n of students=39). Furthermore statistical data of 11 exams (n of students=377) concerning the KFPs and (cb)MCQs were compared. Summary of Results: The analysis of the focus groups resulted in four themes reflecting students’ perceptions of KFPs and their comparison with (cb)MCQ: KFPs were perceived as (i) more realistic, (ii) more difficult, (iii) more motivating for the intense study of clinical reasoning than (cb)MCQ and (iv) showed an overall good acceptance when some preconditions are taken into account. The statistical analysis revealed that there was no difference in difficulty; however KFP showed a higher discrimination and reliability (G-coefficient) even when corrected for testing times. Correlation of the different exam parts was intermediate. Conclusions: Students perceived the KFPs as more motivating for the study of clinical reasoning. Statistically KFPs showed a higher discrimination and higher reliability than cbMCQs. Take-home messages: Including KFPs with long menu questions into summative clerkship exams seems to offer positive educational effects.
Fragestellung/Einleitung: Es ist unklar inwiefern Unterschiede bestehen im Einsatz von Key Feature Problemen (KFP) mit Long Menu Fragen und fallbasierten Typ A Fragen (FTA) für die Überprüfung des klinischen Denkens (Clinical Reasoning) in der klinischen Ausbildung von Medizinstudierenden. Methoden: Medizinstudierende des fünften Studienjahres nahmen an ihrer klinischen Pädiatrie-Rotation teil, die mit einer summativen Prüfung endete. Die Überprüfung des Wissen wurde pro Prüfung elektronisch mit 6-9 KFP [1], [3], 9-20 FTA und 9-28 nichtfallbasierten Multiple Choice Fragen (NFTA) durchgeführt. Jedes KFP bestand aus einer Fallvignette und drei Key Features und nutzen ein sog. Long Menu [4] als Antwortformat. Wir untersuchten die Perzeption der KFP und FTA in Focus Gruppen [2] (n of students=39). Weiterhin wurden die statistischen Kennwerte der KFP und FTA von 11 Prüfungen (n of students=377) verglichen. Ergebnisse: Die Analyse der Fokusgruppen resultierte in vier Themen, die die Perzeption der KFP und deren Vergleich mit FTA darstellten: KFP wurden als 1. realistischer, 2. schwerer, und 3. motivierender für das intensive Selbststudium des klinischen Denkens als FTA aufgenommen und zeigten 4. insgesamt eine gute Akzeptanz sofern gewisse Voraussetzungen berücksichtigt werden. Die statistische Auswertung zeigte keinen Unterschied im Schwierigkeitsgrad; jedoch zeigten die KFP eine höhere Diskrimination und Reliabilität (G-coefficient) selbst wenn für die Prüfungszeit korrigiert wurde. Die Korrelation der verschiedenen Prüfungsteile war mittel. Diskussion/Schlussfolgerung: Die Studierenden erfuhren die KFP als motivierenden für das Selbststudium des klinischen Denkens. Statistisch zeigten die KFP eine grössere Diskrimination und höhere Relibilität als die FTA. Der Einbezug von KFP mit Long Menu in Prüfungen des klinischen Studienabschnitts erscheint vielversprechend und einen „educational effect“ zu haben.
Previous studies on issue tracking systems for open source software (OSS) focused mainly on requests for bug fixes. However, requests to add a new feature or an improvement to an OSS project are often also made in an issue tracking system. These inquiries are particularly important because they determine the further development of the software. This study examines if there is any difference between requests of the IBM developer community and other sources in terms of the likelihood of successful implementation. Our study consists of a case study of the issue tracking system BugZilla in the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE). Our hypothesis, which was that feature requests from outsiders have less chances of being implemented, than feature requests from IBM developers, was confirmed.
This paper shows that countries characterized by a financial accelerator mechanism may reverse the usual finding of the literature -- flexible exchange rate regimes do a worse job of insulating open economies from external shocks. I obtain this result with a calibrated small open economy model that endogenizes foreign interest rates by linking them to the banking sector's foreign currency leverage. This relationship renders exchange rate policy more important compared to the usual exogeneity assumption. I find empirical support for this prediction using the Local Projections method. Finally, 2nd order approximation to the model finds larger welfare losses under flexible regimes.
Current statistical methods for estimation of parametric effect sizes from a series of experiments are generally restricted to univariate comparisons of standardized mean differences between two treatments. Multivariate methods are presented for the case in which effect size is a vector of standardized multivariate mean differences and the number of treatment groups is two or more. The proposed methods employ a vector of independent sample means for each response variable that leads to a covariance structure which depends only on correlations among the $p$ responses on each subject. Using weighted least squares theory and the assumption that the observations are from normally distributed populations, multivariate hypotheses analogous to common hypotheses used for testing effect sizes were formulated and tested for treatment effects which are correlated through a common control group, through multiple response variables observed on each subject, or both conditions.^ The asymptotic multivariate distribution for correlated effect sizes is obtained by extending univariate methods for estimating effect sizes which are correlated through common control groups. The joint distribution of vectors of effect sizes (from $p$ responses on each subject) from one treatment and one control group and from several treatment groups sharing a common control group are derived. Methods are given for estimation of linear combinations of effect sizes when certain homogeneity conditions are met, and for estimation of vectors of effect sizes and confidence intervals from $p$ responses on each subject. Computational illustrations are provided using data from studies of effects of electric field exposure on small laboratory animals. ^