939 resultados para Fe3 immobilized
Dissertao para obteno do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
Dissertation for the Master degree in Biotechnology
Dissertation to obtain a Master Degree in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine at Faculty of Sciences and Technology,Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Dissertao apresentada para a obteno do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia
Dissertao para obteno do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Qumica e Bioqumica
Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) have been widely used to control patients who need to be immobilized for some kind of medical intervention, such as an invasive procedure or synchronism with mechanical ventilation. The purpose of this monograph is to review the pharmacology of the NMBAs, to compare the main differences between the neuromuscular junction in neonates, infants, toddlers and adults, and moreover to discuss their indications in critically ill pediatric patients. Continuous improvement of knowledge about NMBAs pharmacology, adverse effects, and the many other remaining unanswered questions about neuromuscular junction and neuromuscular blockade in children is essential for the correct use of these drugs. Therefore, the indication of these agents in pediatrics is determined with extreme judiciousness. Computorized (Medline 1990-2000) and active search of articles were the mechanisms used in this review.
PURPOSE: The recovery of a bone fracture is a process that is not yet fully understood. The literature conflicts on the results obtained by the interposition of foreign tissue inside a damaged bone. The objective of the present study was to ascertain the effect of placing muscle tissue between the stumps of a fractured bone. METHOD: The study was carried out on 10 rabbits divided into 2 groups (n = 5): Group 1-partial fracture of the humerus and interposition of muscle tissue; Group 2-complete fracture of the humerus and interposition of muscle tissue. The fractured limb of all animals was immobilized for 8 weeks. At the end of this time, the rabbits were killed and their operated humeri were carefully removed for roentgenological and histological assessment. RESULTS: All humeri of Group 1 recovered their integrity and normal aspect. However, the healing of the humeri of Group 2 was not perfect. Gross angulation of the bone diaphysis occurred in all animals, and immature trabecular bone, osteochondral tissue, and persistence of muscle tissue substituted normal bone. CONCLUSIONS: Interposed muscle does not affect partial bone fracture healing but causes instability in a complete fracture.
The objective of the work presented in this thesis was the development of an innovative approach for the separation of enantiomers of secondary alcohols, combining the use of an ionic liquid (IL) - both as solvent for conducting enzymatic kinetic resolution and as acylating agent - with the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) as solvent for extraction. Menthol was selected for testing this reaction/separation approach due to the increasing demand for this substance, which is widely used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food industries. With a view to using an ionic ester as acylating agent, whose conversion led to the release of ethanol, and due to the need to remove this alcohol so as to drive reaction equilibrium forward, a phase equilibrium study was conducted for the ehtanol/()-menthol/CO2 system, at pressures between 8 and 10 MPa and temperatures between 40 and 50 oC. It was found that CO2 is more selective towards ethanol, especially at the lowest pressure and highest temperature tested, leading to separation factors in the range 1.6-7.6. The pressure-temperature-composition data obtained were correlated with the Peng-Robinson equation of state and the Mathias-Klotz-Prausnitz mixing rule. The model fit the experimental results well, with an average absolute deviation (AAD) of 3.7 %. The resolution of racemic menthol was studied using two lipases, namely lipase from Candida rugosa (CRL) and immobilized lipase B from Candida antarctica (CALB), and two ionic acylating esters. No reaction was detected in either case. (R,S)-1-phenylethanol was used next, and it was found that with CRL low, nonselective, conversion of the alcohol took place, whereas CALB led to an enantiomeric excess (ee) of the substrate of 95%, at 30% conversion. Other acylating agents were tested for the resolution of ()-menthol, namely vinyl esters and acid anhydrides, using several lipases and varying other parameters that affect conversion and enantioselectivity, such as substrate concentration, solvent and temperature. One such acylating agent was propionic anhydride. It was thus performed a phase equilibrium study on the propionic anhydride/CO2 system, at temperatures between 35 and 50 oC. This study revealed that, at 35 oC and pressures from 7 MPa, the system is monophasic for all compositions. The enzymatic catalysis studies carried out with propionic anhydride revealed that the extent of noncatalyzed reaction was high, with a negative effect on enantioselectivity. These studies showed also that it was possible to reduce considerably the impact of the noncatalyzed reaction relative to the reaction catalyzed by CRL by lowering temperature to 4 oC. Vinyl decanoate was shown to lead to the best results at conditions amenable to a process combining the use of supercritical CO2 as agent for post-reaction separation. The use of vinyl decanoate in a number of IL solvents, namely [bmim][PF6], [bmim][BF4], [hmim][PF6], [omim][PF6], and [bmim][Tf2N], led to an enantiomeric excess of product (eep) values of over 96%, at about 50% conversion, using CRL. In n-hexane and supercritical CO2, reaction progressed more slowly.(...)
O presente trabalho descreve, basicamente a caracterização dos constituintes da fração argila, principalmente da caulinita e sua permutabilidade com alguns cátions metálicos, em solo Amazônico. Para tanto, amostras de Latossolo Amarelo foram coletadas em um perfil de estrada da Usina Hidrelétrica Balbina, Km 12, próximo ao município de Presidente Figueiredo (AM). Estas foram secadas ao ar (TFSA), desagregadas e separadas granulometricamente nas frações areia, silte e argila. As amostras da fração argila foram tratadas com H2O2/HC1 para eliminar a matéria orgânica e óxido de ferro. As amostras da fração argila sem tratamento e tratada foram caracterizadas por difração de raios X de pó e espectroscopia no infravermelho. Os constituintes químicos da fração argila tratada foram determinados por espectrometria de absorção atômica, volumetria e gravimetria. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as amostras da fração argila sem tratamento apresentaram a seguinte constituição: gibsita goethita, quartzo, matéria orgânica e caulinita. A fração argila tratada apresentou basicamente quartzo c caulinita, sendo a caulinita membro final da série caulinítica, com pouca distribuição de cargas negativas. Nas amostras tratadas foram efetuados também experimentos de permutabilidade com Na+, K+ e Fe3+ e os teores determinados por espectrofotometria na região do ultravioleta-visível e fotometria de chama. Os resultados mostram que a fração argila tratada possui capacidade de retenção de 2,21% de água de absorção, no caso de cátions monovalentes: 1,3 e 2,7 meq/100 g de amostra, para o K+ e Na+, respectivamente. No entanto, essa fração retêm cerca de 21,7 meq/100 g de amostra para o Fe3+. Esse valor elevado para a retenção de Fe3+ é provavelmente atribuído ao fenômeno de permutabilidade entre o Fe3+ e a caulinita acompanhado dc redução no valor de pH para 2,2, seguida de substituição de Fe3+ por Al3+, no sítio octaédrico, revelada pela espectroscopia no infravermelho.
O rio Tarum e seus afluentes, os igaraps Matrinch e da Bolvia (Manaus-AM) esto impactados por resduos provenientes de um aterro sanitrio e secundariamente por esgotos domsticos. Com o intuito de determinar as conseqncias desse impacto foram estudadas as caractersticas fsicas e qumicas e quantificados os metais potencialmente txicos nas guas em trs perodos pluviomtricos. Foi constatado que h alteraes considerveis nas caractersticas qumicas, especialmente em NH4+, Ni, Pb, Cu e Zn, quando comparados s guas naturais da regio. A condutividade, dureza, alcalinidade, PO4(3-), NH4+, K+, Na+, Ca2+, Fe3+ e Mg+ que foram os ndices que melhor qualificaram as guas estudadas, indicam que sua qualidade tende a ser um pouco melhor no incio das chuvas no igarap da Bolvia, mas no h diferenas marcantes sua montante. Essas variaes mostram que o perodo de amostragem afeta as caractersticas da gua, mas no por igual e que apesar da tendncia de diluio ser maior no final do perodo chuvoso, no h significativa melhora na qualidade da gua nesse perodo. No foram constatadas variaes qumicas na composio das guas em funo da contaminao ser proveniente do aterro ou diretamente dos esgotos.
Dissertao de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomdica (rea de especializao em Engenharia Clnica)
The relaxivity displayed by Gd3+ chelates immobilized onto gold nanoparticles is the result of complex interplay between nanoparticle size, water exchange rate and chelate structure. In this work we study the effect of the length of -thioalkyl linkers, anchoring fast water exchanging Gd3+ chelates onto gold nanoparticles, on the relaxivity of the immobilized chelates. Gold nanoparticles functionalized with Gd3+ chelates of mercaptoundecanoyl and lipoyl amide conjugates of the DO3A-N-(-amino)propionate chelator were prepared and studied as potential CA for MRI. High relaxivities per chelate, of the order of magnitude 28-38 mM-1s-1 (30 MHz, 25 C) were attained thanks to simultaneous optimization of the rotational correlation time and of the water exchange rate. Fast local rotational motions of the immobilized chelates around connecting linkers (internal flexibility) still limit the attainable relaxivity. The degree of internal flexibility of the immobilized chelates seems not to be correlated with the length of the connecting linkers. Biodistribution and MRI studies in mice suggest that the in vivo behavior of the gold nanoparticles is determined mainly by size. Small nanoparticles (HD= 3.9 nm) undergo fast renal clearance and avoidance of the RES organs while larger nanoparticles (HD= 4.8 nm) undergo predominantly hepatobiliary excretion. High relaxivities, allied to chelate and nanoparticle stability and fast renal clearance in vivo suggests that functionalized gold nanoparticles hold great potential for further investigation as MRI Contrast Agents. This study contributes to understand the effect of linker length on the relaxivity of gold nanoparticles functionalized with Gd3+ complexes. It is a relevant contribution towards design rules for nanostructures functionalized with Gd3+ chelates as Contrast Agents for MRI and multimodal imaging.
The present work explores the best conditions for the enzymatic synthesis of poly (ethylene glutarate) for the first time. The start-up materials are the liquids; diethyl glutarate and ethylene glycol diacetate, without the need of addition of extra solvent. The reactions are catalyzed by lipase B from Candida antarctica immobilized on glycidyl methacrylate-ter-divinylbenzene-ter-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate at 40 C during 18 h in water bath with mechanical stirring or 1 h in ultrasonic bath followed by 6 h in vacuum in both the cases for evaporation of ethyl acetate. The application of ultrasound significantly intensified the polyesterification reaction with reduction of the processing time from 24 to 7 h. The same degree of polymerization was obtained for the same enzyme loading in less time of reaction when using the ultrasound treatment. The degree of polymerization for long-term polyesterification was improved approximately 8-fold due to the presence of sonication during the reaction. The highest degree of polymerization achieved was 31, with a monomer conversion of 96.77%. The ultrasound treatment demonstrated to be an effective green approach to intensify the polyesterification reaction with enhanced initial kinetics and high degree of polymerization.
The authors acknowledge to Sofia Neves from ICVS for her help in the antibodies selection.
Dissertao de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil