384 resultados para Fans.
Les années 1960 au Québec sont marquées par un vigoureux courant nationaliste prônant l’affirmation politique et culturelle des francophones dans la province. Également, le phénomène de l’américanisation du territoire québécois s’accélère. C’est dans ce cadre historique particulier que naissent en 1968 les Expos de Montréal, équipe du circuit de baseball le plus important au monde, soit la Ligue du baseball majeur. La MLB s’installe alors dans un territoire où le baseball est centenaire. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’étudier les débats et réactions suscités par l’avènement de Montréal dans le baseball majeur, en déterminant l’influence qu’y ont joué le nationalisme québécois des années 1960, l’américanisation du Québec et la longue histoire du baseball dans la province. Si les deux communautés linguistiques de celle-ci sont ici à l’étude, il n’en demeure pas moins que l’attention est davantage portée sur les francophones que les anglophones. En effet, ceux-ci ont semblé davantage interpelés par la création des Expos. D’ailleurs, parmi les deux groupes, les positions les plus documentées sont celles des chroniqueurs sportifs, qui se retrouvent donc au cœur de notre étude. Les opinions d’amateurs de baseball, de politiciens, d’hommes d’affaires ou de simples citoyens québécois sont également rapportées et analysées, mais dans une plus faible mesure.
Les années 1960 au Québec sont marquées par un vigoureux courant nationaliste prônant l’affirmation politique et culturelle des francophones dans la province. Également, le phénomène de l’américanisation du territoire québécois s’accélère. C’est dans ce cadre historique particulier que naissent en 1968 les Expos de Montréal, équipe du circuit de baseball le plus important au monde, soit la Ligue du baseball majeur. La MLB s’installe alors dans un territoire où le baseball est centenaire. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’étudier les débats et réactions suscités par l’avènement de Montréal dans le baseball majeur, en déterminant l’influence qu’y ont joué le nationalisme québécois des années 1960, l’américanisation du Québec et la longue histoire du baseball dans la province. Si les deux communautés linguistiques de celle-ci sont ici à l’étude, il n’en demeure pas moins que l’attention est davantage portée sur les francophones que les anglophones. En effet, ceux-ci ont semblé davantage interpelés par la création des Expos. D’ailleurs, parmi les deux groupes, les positions les plus documentées sont celles des chroniqueurs sportifs, qui se retrouvent donc au cœur de notre étude. Les opinions d’amateurs de baseball, de politiciens, d’hommes d’affaires ou de simples citoyens québécois sont également rapportées et analysées, mais dans une plus faible mesure.
The capillary-pressure characteristics of 22 samples of lithified post-Paleozoic Indian-Ocean carbonates were compared to published data from older carbonate rocks (lower Paleozoic Hunton Group of Texas and Oklahoma). The Indian-Ocean samples are considerably more porous than are the Paleozoic samples, yet all of the Indian-Ocean samples fit readily into a descriptive petrofacies scheme previously established for the Hunton Group. The Indian-Ocean samples may be assigned to four petrophysical facies (petrofacies) based on the shapes of their capillary-pressure curves, their pore-throat-size distributions, their estimated recovery efficiency values (for nonwetting fluids), and the visual characteristics of their pore systems, as observed with a scanning-electron microscope. Petrofacies assignments for the Indian-Ocean samples are as follows. Petrofacies I includes six samples collected from the coarse basal portions of event deposits (primarily turbidites). These samples have large throats, leptokurtic throat-size distributions, low- to moderate recovery efficiency values, concave cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and high porosity values. Petrofacies II includes two sedimentologically dissimilar samples that have medium-size throats, platykurtic throat-size distributions, moderate- to-high recovery efficiency values, gently sloping cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and high porosity values. Petrofacies III includes two polymictic sandstones and a skeletal packstone that have small throats, polymodal throat-size distributions, moderate recovery efficiency values, gently sloping cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and high porosity values. Petrofacies IV includes 11 samples, mostly recrystallized neritic carbonates, that have small throats, leptokurtic throat-size distributions, high recovery efficiency values, convex cumulative-intrusion capillary-pressure curves, and low porosity values. Comparison of petrofacies assignment to core-, thin-section-, and smear-slide data, and to inferred depositional setting, suggests that pore systems in most samples from Holes 765C and 766A result from primary depositional features, whereas pore systems in samples from Hole 761C and one sample from Hole 765C have been strongly influenced by diagenetic processes. For Hole 761C, prediction of petrophysical parameters should be most successful if based on diagenetic facies patterns. By contrast, the distribution of favorable reservoir facies and of permeability barriers in less highly altered rocks collected from Holes 765C and 766A is related to depositional patterns. Recovery efficiency is inversely related to both porosity and median throat size for the present data set. This relationship is similar to that observed for carbonates of the lower Paleozoic Hunton Group and the Ordovician Ellenburger dolomite, but opposite of that observed for some other ancient carbonates. The coarse deposits of the massive basal units of turbidites are petrophysically distinct and form a coherent petrophysical group (Petrofacies I) with substantial reservoir potential. Two samples assigned to Petrofacies I have extremely large throats (median throat size at least 4 ?m, and at least six times that of any other sample) and therefore high permeability values. These two samples come from thin, coarse turbidites that lack or have poorly developed fine divisions and are interpreted to have been deposited on channeled suprafan lobes in a proximal mid-fan setting. The restriction of extremely high permeability values to a single depositional facies suggests that careful facies mapping of deep-sea fans in a deliberate search for such coarse turbidites could dramatically enhance the success of exploration for aquifers or hydrocarbon reservoirs. Such reservoirs should have substantial vertical heterogeneity. They should have high lateral permeability values but low vertical permeability values, and reservoir sections should include numerous thin units having widely differing petrophysical characteristics.
The cores described in this report were taken on the FANFARE Expedition in July 1959 by Scripps Institution of Oceanography from the R/V H. M. Smith and the R/V Spencer F. Baird. A total of 49 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study. The coring sites, all in the eastern tropical central Pacific.
Transportation Department, Office of Noise Abatement, Washington, D.C.
Transportation Department, Office of Noise Abatement, Washington, D.C.
"Issued May 1981."
Mode of access: Internet.
Issued Jan. 1980.
Composed primarily of articles written by Bruno Eckert's group, Forschungsinstitut für Kraftfahrwesen und Fahrzeugmotoren, Technische Hochschule, Stuttgard. Translated by various groups and individuals both in and out of the Navy Dept. Preliminary translation done by German prisoners of war.
Mode of access: Internet.
Currently there is no structured data standard for representing elements commonly found in transmedia fictional universes. There are websites dedicated to individual universes, however, information found on these sites separates the various formats into books, movies, comics, etc.; concentrate on only the bibliographic aspects of the material; and are only full-text searchable. We have created an ontological model that will allow researchers, fans, brand managers, and creators to search for and retrieve the information contained in these worlds based on how they are structured. We conducted a domain analysis and user studies based on the contents of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, the Marvel Universe, and Star Wars in order to build a new model using the Ontology Web Language (OWL) and an artificial intelligence reasoning engine. This model can infer connections between characters, elements of power, items, places, events, etc. This model will facilitate better search and retrieval of the information contained within these vast story universes for all users interested in them. The result of this project is and OWL ontology that is intuitive for users; can be used by AI systems; and has been updated to reflect real user needs based on user research.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
A hundred years ago the international craze for picture postcards distributed millions of images of popular stage actresses around the world. The cards were bought, sent, and collected by many whose contact with live theatre was sometimes minimal. Veronica Kelly's study of some of these cards sent in Australia indicates the increasing reach of theatrical images and celebrity brought about by the distribution mechanisms of industrial mass modernity. The specific social purposes and contexts of the senders are revealed by cross-reading the images themselves with the private messages on the backs, suggesting that, once outside the industrial framing of theatre or the dramatic one of specific roles, the actress operated as a multiply signifying icon within mass culture – with the desires and consumer power of women major factors in the consumption of the glamour actress card. A study of the typical visual rhetoric of these postcards indicates the authorized modes of femininity being constructed by the major postcard publishers whose products were distributed to theatre fans and non-theatregoers alike through the post. Veronica Kelly is working on a project dealing with commercial managements and stars in early twentieth-century Australian theatre. She teaches in the School of English, Media Studies, and Art History at the University of Queensland, is co-editor of Australasian Drama Studies, and author of databases and articles dealing with colonial and contemporary Australian theatre history and dramatic criticism. Her books include The Theatre of Louis Nowra (1998) and the collection Our Australian Theatre in the 1990s (1998).
The particle size of the bed sediments in or on many natural streams, alluvial fans, laboratory flumes, irrigation canals and mine waste deltas varies exponentially with distance along the stream. A plot of the available worldwide exponential bed particle size diminution coefficient data against stream length is presented which shows that all the data lie within a single narrow band extending over virtually the whole range of stream lengths and bed sediment particle sizes found on Earth. This correlation applies to both natural and artificial flows with both sand and gravel beds, irrespective of either the solids concentration or whether normal or reverse sorting occurs. This strongly suggests that there are common mechanisms underlying the exponential diminution of bed particles in subaerial aqueous flows of all kinds. Thus existing models of sorting and abrasion applicable to some such flows may be applicable to others. A comparison of exponential laboratory abrasion and field diminution coefficients suggests that abrasion is unlikely to be significant in gravel and sand bed streams shorter than about 10 km to 100 km, and about 500 km, respectively. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.