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Dye exclusion tests are used to determine the number of live and dead cells. These assays are based on the principle that intact plasma membranes in live cells exclude specific dyes, whereas dead cells do not. Although widely used, the trypan blue (TB) exclusion assay has limitations. The dye can be incorporated by live cells after a short exposure time, and personal reliability, related to the expertise of the analyst, can affect the results. We propose an alternative assay for evaluating cell viability that combines the TB exclusion test and the high sensitivity of the flow cytometry technique. Previous studies have demonstrated the ability of TB to emit fluorescence when complexed with proteins. According to our results, TB/bovine serum albumin and TB/cytoplasmic protein complexes emit fluorescence at 660 nm, which is detectable by flow cytometry using a 650-nm low-pass band filter. TB at 0.002% (w/v) was defined as the optimum concentration for distinguishing unstained living cells from fluorescent dead cells, and fluorescence emission was stable for 30 min after cell treatment. Although previous studies have shown that TB promotes green fluorescence quenching, TB at 0.002% did not interfere with green fluorescence in human live T-cells stained with anti-CD3/fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) monoclonal antibody. We observed a high correlation between the percentage of propidium iodide+CD3/FITC+ and TB+CD3/FITC+ cells, as well as similar double-stained cell profiles in flow cytometry dot-plot graphs. Taken together, the results indicate that a TB exclusion assay by flow cytometry can be employed as an alternative tool for quick and reliable cell viability analysis.


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La cartographie peptidique est une méthode qui permet entre autre d’identifier les modifications post-traductionnelles des protéines. Elle comprend trois étapes : 1) la protéolyse enzymatique, 2) la séparation par électrophorèse capillaire (CE) ou chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance (HPLC) des fragments peptidiques et 3) l’identification de ces derniers. Cette dernière étape peut se faire par des méthodes photométriques ou par spectrométrie de masse (MS). Au cours de la dernière décennie, les enzymes protéolytiques immobilisées ont acquis une grande popularité parce qu’elles peuvent être réutilisées et permettent une digestion rapide des protéines due à un rapport élevé d’enzyme/substrat. Pour étudier les nouvelles techniques d’immobilisation qui ont été développées dans le laboratoire du Professeur Waldron, la cartographie peptidique par CE est souvent utilisée pour déterminer le nombre total de peptides détectés et leurs abondances. La CE nous permet d’avoir des séparations très efficaces et lorsque couplée à la fluorescence induite par laser (LIF), elle donne des limites de détection qui sont 1000 fois plus basses que celles obtenues avec l’absorbance UV-Vis. Dans la méthode typique, les peptides venant de l’étape 1) sont marqués avec un fluorophore avant l’analyse par CE-LIF. Bien que la sensibilité de détection LIF puisse approcher 10-12 M pour un fluorophore, la réaction de marquage nécessite un analyte dont la concentration est d’au moins 10-7 M, ce qui représente son principal désavantage. Donc, il n’est pas facile d’étudier les enzymes des peptides dérivés après la protéolyse en utilisant la technique CE-LIF si la concentration du substrat protéique initial est inférieure à 10-7 M. Ceci est attribué à la dilution supplémentaire lors de la protéolyse. Alors, afin d’utiliser le CE-LIF pour évaluer l’efficacité de la digestion par enzyme immobilisée à faible concentration de substrat,nous proposons d’utiliser des substrats protéiques marqués de fluorophores pouvant être purifiés et dilués. Trois méthodes de marquage fluorescent de protéine sont décrites dans ce mémoire pour étudier les enzymes solubles et immobilisées. Les fluorophores étudiés pour le marquage de protéine standard incluent le naphtalène-2,3-dicarboxaldéhyde (NDA), la fluorescéine-5-isothiocyanate (FITC) et l’ester de 6-carboxyfluorescéine N-succinimidyl (FAMSE). Le FAMSE est un excellent réactif puisqu’il se conjugue rapidement avec les amines primaires des peptides. Aussi, le substrat marqué est stable dans le temps. Les protéines étudiées étaient l’-lactalbumine (LACT), l’anhydrase carbonique (CA) et l’insuline chaîne B (INB). Les protéines sont digérées à l’aide de la trypsine (T), la chymotrypsine (CT) ou la pepsine (PEP) dans leurs formes solubles ou insolubles. La forme soluble est plus active que celle immobilisée. Cela nous a permis de vérifier que les protéines marquées sont encore reconnues par chaque enzyme. Nous avons comparé les digestions des protéines par différentes enzymes telles la chymotrypsine libre (i.e., soluble), la chymotrypsine immobilisée (i.e., insoluble) par réticulation avec le glutaraldéhyde (GACT) et la chymotrypsine immobilisée sur billes d’agarose en gel (GELCT). Cette dernière était disponible sur le marché. Selon la chymotrypsine utilisée, nos études ont démontré que les cartes peptidiques avaient des différences significatives selon le nombre de pics et leurs intensités correspondantes. De plus, ces études nous ont permis de constater que les digestions effectuées avec l’enzyme immobilisée avaient une bonne reproductibilité. Plusieurs paramètres quantitatifs ont été étudiés afin d’évaluer l’efficacité des méthodes développées. La limite de détection par CE-LIF obtenue était de 3,010-10 M (S/N = 2,7) pour la CA-FAM digérée par GACT et de 2,010-10 M (S/N = 4,3) pour la CA-FAM digérée par la chymotrypsine libre. Nos études ont aussi démontrées que la courbe d’étalonnage était linéaire dans la région de travail (1,0×10-9-1,0×10-6 M) avec un coefficient de corrélation (R2) de 0,9991.


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Experimental method for measuring photoacoustic(PA) signals generated by a pulsed laser beam in liquids is described. The pulsed PA technique is found to be a convenient and accurate method for determination of quantum yield in fluorescent dye solutions. Concentration dependence of quantum yield of rhodamine 6G in water is studied using the above method. The results indicate that the quantum yield decreases with increase in concentration in the quenching region in agreement with the existing reports based on radiometric measurements.


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The fluorescence spectrum of the schiff base obtained from salicylaldehyde and 2-aminophenol is studied using an argon-ion laser as the excitation source and its fluorescence quantum yield (Qf) is determined using a thermal lens method. This is a nondestructive technique that gives the absolute value of Qf without the need for a fluorescence standard. The quantum-yield values are calculated for various concentrations of the solution in chloroform and also for various excitation wavelengths. The value of Qf is relatively high, and is concentration dependent. The maximum value of Qf obtained is nearly 0.78. The high value of the fluorescence quantum yield will render the schiff base useful as a fluorescent marker for biological applications. Photostability and gain studies will assess its suitability as a laser dye.


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Pulsed photoacoustic technique which is found to be a very convenient and accurate method, is used for the determination of absolute fluorescence quantum yield of laser dye rhodamine B. Concentration and power dependence of quantum yield of rhodamine B in methanol for excitation at 532 nm is reported here. Results show that a rapid decrease in quantum yield as the concentration is increased and finally it reaches the limit corresponding to fluorescence quenching.


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Wheat, although moderately tolerant to salt, can not be cultivated in many areas. However, in the triticeae tribe, some of the wild wheat relatives are highly tolerant, e.g. Thinopyrum bessarabicum, which grows on the sea shore. Eight primary hexaploid tritipyrum lines, amphiploids between Triticum durum and Thinopyrum bessarabicum have been produced which can set seed in at least 250 mM NaCl. These tritipyrums (2n=6x=42, AABBEbEb) due to reasons such as brittle rachis, continuous production of tillers, late maturity, tall stature and meiotic instability will not fulfill the requirements of a successful commercial salt tolerant crop. To overcome such problems the substituted tritipyrum, in which selected Eb chromosomes are replaced by D genome chromosomes of 6x wheat, was produced from 6x tritipyrum x 6x wheat hybrids (F1: 2n=6x=42, AABBDEb) followed by selfing and backcrossing with 6x tritipyrum. The fertile plants among the above progenies were screened by the genomic fluorescent in situ hybridization technique to identify their Eb and D chromosome constitution. This study showed that producing tritiprum with variable numbers of Eb and D genome chromosomes is feasible and that FISH is a useful technique for determining the number of Eb chromosomes present.


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The incorporation of caseins and whey proteins into acid gels produced from unheated and heat treated skimmed milk was studied by confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) using fluorescent labelled proteins. Bovine casein micelles were labelled using Alexa Fluor 594, while whey proteins were labelled using Alexa Fluor 488. Samples of the labelled protein solutions were introduced into aliquots of pasteurised skim milk, and skim milk heated to 90 degrees C for 2 min and 95 degrees C for 8 min. The milk was acidified at 40 degrees C to a final pH of 4.4 using 20 g gluconodelta-lactone/l (GDL). The formation of gels was observed with CSLM at two wavelengths (488 nm and 594 nm), and also by visual and rheological methods. In the control milk, as pH decreased distinct casein aggregates appeared, and as further pH reduction occurred, the whey proteins could be seen to coat the casein aggregates. With the heated milks, the gel structure was formed of continuous strands consisting of both casein and whey protein. The formation of the gel network was correlated with an increase in the elastic modulus for all three treatments, in relation to the severity of heat treatment. This model system allows the separate observation of the caseins and whey proteins, and the study of the interactions between the two protein fractions during the formation of the acid gel structure, on a real-time basis. The system could therefore be a valuable tool in the study of structure formation in yoghurt and other dairy protein systems.


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We have carried out experiments to investigate the ageing of latent fingerprints deposited on black PVC over a period of 4-15 weeks. A thumbprint was used in each case and before deposition of the print the donor rubbed their thumb around their nose to add sebaceous deposits. We have studied the effect of heat, light and moisture and we find that moisture is the most significant factor in the degradation of the latent print. We have attempted to enhance these latent prints by dusting with valine powder or powders composed of valine mixed with gold or red fluorescent commercial fingerprint powders. In order to make a direct comparison between “treated” and “untreated” prints, the prints were cut in half with one half being “treated” and one not. Our studies show the best results being obtained when powders of valine and red fluorescent powders are applied prior to cyanoacrylate fuming.


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Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma rangeli are human-infective blood parasites, largely restricted to Central and South America. They also infect a wide range of wild and domestic mammals and are transmitted by a numerous species of triatomine bugs. There are significant overlaps in the host and geographical ranges of both species. The two species consist of a number of distinct phylogenetic lineages. A range of PCR-based techniques have been developed to differentiate between these species and to assign their isolates into lineages. However, the existence of at least six and five lineages within T. cruzi and T. rangeli, respectively, makes identification of the full range of isolates difficult and time consuming. Here we have applied fluorescent fragment length barcoding (FFLB) to the problem of identifying and genotyping T. cruzi, T. rangeli and other South American trypanosomes. This technique discriminates species on the basis of length polymorphism of regions of the rDNA locus. FFLB was able to differentiate many trypanosome species known from South American mammals: T. cruzi cruzi. T. cruzi marinkellei, T. dionisii-like, T. evansi, T. lewisi, T. rangeli, T. theileri and T. vivax. Furthermore, all five T. rangeli lineages and many T. cruzi lineages could be identified, except the hybrid lineages TcV and TcVI that could not be distinguished from lineages III and II respectively. This method also allowed identification of mixed infections of T. cruzi and T. rangeli lineages in naturally infected triatomine bugs. The ability of FFLB to genotype multiple lineages of T. cruzi and T. rangeli together with other trypanosome species, using the same primer sets is an advantage over other currently available techniques. Overall, these results demonstrate that FFLB is a useful method for species diagnosis, genotyping and understanding the epidemiology of American trypanosomes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tissue engineering is an important branch of regenerative medicine that uses cells, materials (scaffolds), and suitable biochemical and physicochemical factors to improve or replace specific biological functions. In particular, the control of cell behavior (namely, of cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation) is a key aspect for the design of successful therapeutical approaches. In this study, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) fiber mats were prepared using the electrospinning technology (the fiber diameters were in the micrometer range). Furthermore, the electrospun fiber mats thus formed were functionalized using the layer-by- layer (LbL) technique with chitosan and alginate (natural and biodegradable polyelectrolytes having opposite charges) as a mean for the immobilization of pDNA/dendrimer complexes. The polyelectrolyte multilayer deposition was confirmed by fluorescence spectroscopy using fluorescent-labeled polyelectrolytes. The electrospun fiber mats coated with chitosan and alginate were successfully loaded with complexes of pDNA and poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers (generation 5) and were able of releasing them in a controlled manner along time. In addition, these mats supported the adhesion and proliferation of NIH 3T3 cells and of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) in their surface. Transfection experiments using a pDNA encoding for luciferase showed the ability of the electrospun fiber mats to efficiently serve as gene delivery systems. When a pDNA encoding for bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) was used, the osteoblastic differentiation of hMSCs cultured on the surface of the mats was promoted. Taken together, the results revealed that merging the electrospinning technique with the LbL technique, can be a suitable methodology for the creation of biological active matrices for bone tissue engineering.


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This paper presents a dimmable electronic ballast designed for multiple fluorescent lamps applications. A ZCS-PWM Boost rectifier and a classical resonant Full-Bridge inverter compose this new electronic ballast, providing conditions for the obtaining of high input power-factor, and soft-switching processes for all semiconductor devices employed in the structure. The instantaneous average input current control technique is employed in the Boost rectifier. Concerning the Full-Bridge inverter, it is controlled by the imposition of phase-shift in the current processed through the sets of resonant filters + lamps, according to an adaptation in a specially designed control IC, called IR2159. Experimental results are presented in order to validate the analyses developed in this paper.


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A double antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS-ELISA) was developed and employed for simultaneous direct detection of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) from bursal samples and to measure the humoral response, using the same basic immunoreagents, the purified and non-purified antigen, capture antibody and chicken hyperimmune sera were prepared, and standardized for this purpose, the DAS-ELISA was applied to both 80 bursal suspensions and 224 corresponding serum samples from vaccinated and non-vaccinated commercial hocks, Bursae samples were collected at 2 weeks of age, and submitted to histological examination, virus isolation in specific pathogen-free chickens embryos, and the DAS-ELISA technique, Serum titres obtained in indirect ELISA and serum neutralization test were compared with those in DAS-ELISA, the agreement was 80% between DAS-ELISA, and the conventional techniques, with high sensitivity (87%) and specificity (90%).


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the indirect immunoperoxidase virus neutralization (IPVN) and mouse neutralization test (MNT) to detect antibodies against rabies virus from vaccinated dogs and cattle. The IPVN was set up for the ability to measure 0.5 International Units/ml (IU) of antibody required by the World Health Organization and the Office International des Epizooties as the minimum response for proof of rabies immunization. IPVN was developed and standardized in chicken embryo related (CER) cell line when 141 dog and 110 cattle sera were applied by serial five-fold dilutions (1:5, 1:25, 1:125) as well as the positive and negative reference controls, all added in four adjacent wells, of 96-well microplates. A 50 µl amount of CVS32 strain dilution containing 50-200 TCID50/ml was mixed to each serum dilution, and after 90 min 50 µl of 3 x 10(5) cells/mlcell suspension added to each well. After five days of incubation, the monolayers were fixed and the IPVN test performed. The correlation coefficient between the MNT and IPVN performed in CER cells was r = 0.9949 for dog sera (n = 100) and r = 0.9307 for cattle sera (n = 99), as well as good specificity (94.7%), sensitivity (87.5%), and agreement (96.6%) were also obtained. IPVN technique can adequately identify vaccinated and unvaccinated animals, even from low-responding vaccinated animals, with the advantage of low cost and faster then MNT standard test.


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An electronic ballast for multiple tubular fluorescent lamp systems is presented. The proposed structure has a high value for the power factor, a dimming capability, and soft switching of the semiconductor devices operated at high frequencies. A zero-current switching pulse width modulated SEPIC converter is used as the rectifying stage and it is controlled using the instantaneous average input current technique. The inverting stage consists of classical resonant half-bridge converter with series-resonant parallel-loaded filters. The dimming control technique is based on varying the switching frequency and monitoring the phase shift of the current drained by the filters and lamps in order to establish a closed loop control. Experimental results are presented that validate the theoretical analysis.


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This paper presents a new methodology for the determination of fluorescent lamp models based on equivalent resistances. One important feature of the proposed methodology is concerned with the inclusion of the filaments into the model, considering the effects of dimming operation on the equivalent resistances. The classical Series-Resonant Parallel-Loaded Half-Bridge inverter is used as the power stage of the ballast. Moreover, the variation of the inverter's switching frequency is the dimming technique assumed for the analyses. Results obtained with a F32T8 lamp indicate that the accuracy of the model is very satisfactory. Thus, the lamp models obtained with the proposed methodology have the potential to serve as an important tool for ballast designers, considering the necessity for evaluating the lamp/ballast compatibility, according to issues concerned to the operating conditions of the electrodes' filaments.