954 resultados para FAR DETECTOR
A quasi-optical interferometric technique capable of measuring antenna phase patterns without the need for a heterodyne receiver is presented. It is particularly suited to the characterization of terahertz antennas feeding power detectors or mixers employing quasi-optical local oscillator injection. Examples of recorded antenna phase patterns at frequencies of 1.4 and 2.5 THz using homodyne detectors are presented. To our knowledge, these are the highest frequency antenna phase patterns ever recovered. Knowledge of both the amplitude and phase patterns in the far field enable a Gauss-Hermite or Gauss-Laguerre beam-mode analysis to be carried out for the antenna, of importance in performance optimization calculations, such as antenna gain and beam efficiency parameters at the design and prototype stage of antenna development. A full description of the beam would also be required if the antenna is to be used to feed a quasi-optical system in the near-field to far-field transition region. This situation could often arise when the device is fitted directly at the back of telescopes in flying observatories. A further benefit of the proposed technique is simplicity for characterizing systems in situ, an advantage of considerable importance as in many situations, the components may not be removable for further characterization once assembled. The proposed methodology is generic and should be useful across the wider sensing community, e.g., in single detector acoustic imaging or in adaptive imaging array applications. Furthermore, it is applicable across other frequencies of the EM spectrum, provided adequate spatial and temporal phase stability of the source can be maintained throughout the measurement process. Phase information retrieval is also of importance to emergent research areas, such as band-gap structure characterization, meta-materials research, electromagnetic cloaking, slow light, super-lens design as well as near-field and virtual imaging applications.
A generalized asymptotic expansion in the far field for the problem of cylindrical wave reflection at a homogeneous impedance plane is derived. The expansion is shown to be uniformly valid over all angles of incidence and values of surface impedance, including the limiting cases of zero and infinite impedance. The technique used is a rigorous application of the modified steepest descent method of Ot
The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for transforming the way publicservices are delivered, has been an area of investment and focus in many countries in recentyears. The UK government envisioned moving from e-Government to transformationalgovernment by 2008, and initiatives such as the National Programme for IT (NPfIT) wereunderway towards this end. NPfIT was the largest civil IT programme worldwide at an initialestimated cost of £12.4bn over a ten-year period. It was launched in 2002 by the UKgovernment as part of its policy to transform the English NHS and to implement standardised ITsolutions at a national level. However, this top down, government led approach came underincreasing scrutiny, and is now being reconfigured towards a more decentralised mode of operations. This paper looks into the implementation of NPfIT and analyses the reasons behindits failure, and what effect the new NHS reforms are likely to have on the health sector. Wedraw from past studies (Weill and Ross, 2005) to highlight the key areas of concern in ITgovernance, using the NPfIT as an illustration
The May 2014 European Parliament (EP) elections were characterised by the success of far-right Eurosceptic parties, including the French Front National, UKIP, the Danish People’s Party, the Hungarian Jobbik, the Austrian FPÖ, the True Finns and the Greek Golden Dawn. However, a closer look at the results across Europe indicates that the success of far-right parties in the EP elections is neither a linear nor a clear-cut phenomenon: (1) the far right actually declined in many European countries compared to the 2009 results; (2) some of the countries that have experienced the worst of the economic crisis, including Spain, Portugal and Ireland, did not experience a significant rise in far-right party support; and (3) ‘far right’ is too broad an umbrella term, covering parties that are too different from each other to be grouped in one single party family.
The book is concerned with the rise of the Greek Golden Dawn. Although most literature focuses on demand and supply-side explanations, this book progresses beyond the state of the art by examining the Golden Dawn as an outlier and focusing on political culture as an explanation for its dramatic rise.
This conceptual paper argues that national differences in human resource management (HRM) matter and can be explained by cultural and institutional theories. We explore briefly the nature of each set of theories and some of the critiques that have been made of them. We argue that in general much of the differences in HRM between countries are determined by institutional factors, and that management has more influence over the effect of national cultural differences than it has over institutional differences and therefore in most cases the appropriate tests will be tests against institutional differences. Where institutions are less constraining, cultural differences may be the appropriate template.
While the 2014 European Parliament elections were marked by the rise of far right-wing parties, the different patterns of support that we observe across Europe and across time are not directly related to the economic crisis. Indeed, economic hardship seems neither sufficient nor necessary for the rise of such parties to occur. Using the cross-national results for the 2004, 2009 and 2014 EP elections in order to capture time and country variations, we posit the economy affects the rise of far right-wing parties in more complex ways. Specifically, we compare the experience of high debt countries (the ‘debtors’) and the others (the ‘creditors’) and explore the relationship between far right-wing party success on the one hand, and unemployment, inequality, immigration, globalization and the welfare state on the other hand. Our discussion suggests there might be a trade off between budgetary stability and far right-wing party support, but the choice between Charybdis and Scylla may be avoided if policy makers carefully choose which policies should bear the brunt of the fiscal adjustment.
A bibliography covering the archaeology of Bactria, Sogdiana, Arachosia and Gandhāra in the period of the Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek kingdoms