988 resultados para Epiploon necrosis


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The activation of T cells by antigens or mitogens leads to the secretion of cytokines and enzymes that shape the inflammatory response. Among these molecular mediators of inflammation is a heparanase enzyme that degrades the heparan sulfate scaffold of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Activated T cells use heparanase to penetrate the ECM and gain access to the tissues. We now report that among the breakdown products of the ECM generated by heparanase is a trisulfated disaccharide that can inhibit delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) in mice. This inhibition of T-cell mediated inflammation in vivo was associated with an inhibitory effect of the disaccharide on the production of biologically active tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) by activated T cells in vitro; the trisulfated disaccharide did not affect T-cell viability or responsiveness generally. Both the in vivo and in vitro effects of the disaccharide manifested a bell-shaped dose-response curve. The inhibitory effects of the trisulfated disaccharide were lost if the sulfate groups were removed. Thus, the disaccharide, which may be a natural product of inflammation, can regulate the functional nature of the response by the T cell to activation. Such a feedback control mechanism could enable the T cell to assess the extent of tissue degradation and adjust its behavior accordingly.


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Mucosal vascular addressin cell adhesion molecule 1 (MAdCAM-1) is involved in trafficking of lymphocytes to mucosal endothelium. Expression of MAdCAM-1 is induced in the murine endothelial cell line bEnd.3 by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin 1, and bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Here we show that TNF-alpha enhances expression of a firefly luciferase reporter directed by the MAdCAM-1 promoter, confirming transcriptional regulation of MAdCAM-1. Mutational analysis of the promoter indicates that a DNA fragment extending from nt -132 to nt +6 of the gene is sufficient for TNF-alpha inducibility. Two regulatory sites critical for TNF-alpha induction were identified in this region. DNA-binding experiments demonstrate that NF-kappa B proteins from nuclear extracts of TNF-alpha-stimulated bEnd.3 cells bind to these sites, and transfection assays with promoter mutants of the MAdCAM-1 gene indicate that occupancy of both sites is essential for promoter function. The predominant NF-kappa B binding activity detected with these nuclear extracts is a p65 homodimer. These findings establish that, as with other endothelial cell adhesion molecules, transcriptional induction of MAdCAM-1 by TNF-alpha requires activated NF-kappa B proteins.


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La respuesta clínica a los anti-TNF-α en los pacientes con Artritis Reumatoide (AR) es muy variable, en muchos casos se logra la remisión de la enfermedad, sin embargo una cantidad sustancial de pacientes no responden y persisten con actividad de la enfermedad o presentan recaídas a pesar del tratamiento. Los marcadores clínicos, radiológicos, serológicos y genéticos disponibles para el diagnóstico y seguimiento de la enfermedad tienen un valor limitado a la hora de predecir de manera precisa la respuesta al tratamiento y las recaídas. El factor reumatoide (FR) y los anticuerpos anti-péptidos cíclicos citrulinados (anti-PCC) son los principales marcadores biológicos en la AR y forman parte de los criterios de clasificación de la enfermedad, sin embargo, la relación entre los cambios en la concentración de estos autoanticuerpos y la respuesta a los anti-TNF- es variable en los diferentes estudios y no se aceptan como factores de predicción y de seguimiento de la respuesta a estos fármacos. Las concentraciones séricas del fármaco y los anticuerpos anti-fármaco (ADAb anti-drug antibodies) han sido estudiados como marcadores séricos relacionados con la actividad del enfermedad. Diferentes investigadores han demostrado que la pérdida de eficacia a los anti-TNF-α está asociada con el desarrollo de ADAb, que a su vez se correlaciona con la ausencia de concentraciones séricas adecuadas del fármaco...


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Background: Increased levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and oxidative stress have been implicated as factors contributing to hepatic injury in fatty liver diseases. As steatosis is associated with an accelerated progression of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C (HCV), we hypothesized that the messenger (m)RNA expression of genes involved with the production of reactive oxygen species, inflammation and cellular injury would be increased in liver tissue from subjects with steatosis and chronic HCV. Methods: Real-time polymerase chain reaction was performed to determine relative mRNA expression levels of collagen I, TNF-alpha, cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP 2E1), transforming growth factor-beta1 and CD14 in liver biopsies from 38 patients with chronic HCV. The mRNA expression levels were compared between subjects with and without steatosis, fibrosis, and inflammation. Results: Multivariate analysis demonstrated that collagen I mRNA expression was increased by 199% in steatosis (P = 0.02), 85% in moderate to severe fibrosis (P = 0.02) and 157% in inflammation (P = 0.03). Livers of patients with steatosis also had an increase in TNF-alpha mRNA expression by 50% (P = 0.03) and CYP 2E1 expression by 37% (P = 0.04) compared with non-steatotic livers. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha protein was localized to Kupffer cells, bile ducts and portal inflammatory cells by immunohistochemistry. Conclusion: Increased expression of TNF-alpha may be involved in the pathogenesis of liver injury and progression of fibrosis in individuals who have steatosis in association with chronic HCV. (C) 2003 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.


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In a previous study of 37 autopsied stillbirths with non-dysmorphic intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR), 26 cases were associated with placental infarction, a morphologic marker of uteroplacental insufficiency. Nine of the 26 cases with both IUGR and placental infarction, where archival tissue was available, had grey matter ischaemic lesions that were subsequently identified as pontosubicular necrosis. This lesion is now regarded as a localized form of apoptosis. A further eight third trimester stillbirth cases with both IUGR and placental infarction were ascertained prospectively. Sixteen of these 17 cases showed pontosubicular apoptosis, identified morphologically and verified using activated caspase-3 and TUNEL. Five of the 17 cases showed apoptosis in the frontal or temporal cortex as well. In this current study, pontosubicular apoptosis was strongly associated with IUGR and placental infarction in third trimester stillborns, suggesting that uteroplacental insufficiency leading to chronic fetal hypoxaemia may cause cerebral apoptosis.


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The cytokine, tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) plays a key role in the pathogenesis of many chronic inflammatory and rheumatic diseases, in particular, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis. Controlled trials have shown that the TNF inhibitors (etanercept, infliximab and adalimumab) significantly reduce symptoms and signs, improve function and quality of life, and reduce radiologically evident damage in patients with rheumatoid diseases. For reasons that are not entirely clear, etanercept does not work in Crohn's disease. Injection site and intravenous reactions and increased risk of infection (in particular, reactivation of tuberculosis) are associated with the use of these agents. Increased risk of lymphoproliferative disease, the development of lupus-like syndromes and demyelination, including optic neuritis and reactivation of multiple sclerosis, are under evaluation in long-term follow-up studies. The TNF inhibitors are expensive (about $18000 per year), and in some patients need to be given continuously to maintain benefit, even in the presence of other immunosuppressive therapy.


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A key function of activated macrophages is to secrete proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF alpha; however, the intracellular pathway and machinery responsible for cytokine trafficking and secretion is largely undefined. Here we show that individual SNARE proteins involved in vesicle docking and fusion are regulated at both gene and protein expression upon stimulation with the bacterial cell wall component lipopolysaccharide. Focusing on two intracellular SNARE proteins, Vti1b and syntaxin 6 (Stx6), we show that they are up-regulated in conjunction with increasing cytokine secretion in activated macrophages and that their levels are selectively titrated to accommodate the volume and timing of post-Golgi cytokine trafficking. In macrophages, Vti1b and syntaxin 6 are localized on intracellular membranes and are present on isolated Golgi membranes and on Golgi-derived TNF alpha vesicles budded in vitro. By immunoprecipitation, we find that Vti1b and syntaxin 6 interact to form a novel intracellular Q-SNARE complex. Functional studies using overexpression of full-length and truncated proteins show that both Vti1b and syntaxin 6 function and have rate-limiting roles in TNF alpha trafficking and secretion. This study shows how macrophages have uniquely adapted a novel Golgi-associated SNARE complex to accommodate their requirement for increased cytokine secretion.


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Cell-mediated immunity is important for anti-Candida host defence in mucosal tissues. In this study we used cytokine-specific gene knockout mice to investigate the requirement for T helper type 1 (Th1) and Th2 cytokines in recovery from oral candidiasis. Knockout mice used in this study included interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-10, IL-12p40, interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), and tumour necrosis factor (TNF). The mice were challenged either orally or systemically with Candida albicans yeasts, and levels of colonization were determined. IL-12p40 knockout mice developed chronic oropharyngeal candidiasis, but were not more susceptible to systemic challenge. On the other hand, TNF knockout mice displayed increased susceptibility to both oral and systemic challenge, but only in the acute stages of infection. TNF apparently has a protective effect in the acute stages of both oral and systemic candidiasis, whereas IL-12p40 is essential for recovery from oral but not systemic candidiasis. The role of IL-12p40, and its relation to T-cell-mediated responses remain to be determined.


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Background More than 50% of patients with Crohn's disease become either steroid resistant or dependent. Accordingly, development of new treatments for steroid-dependent Crohn's disease is a research priority. Aim To evaluate CDP571, a humanized antibody to tumour necrosis factor-α, for the treatment of steroid-dependent Crohn's disease. Methods Patients with steroid-dependent Crohn's disease (n = 271) were enrolled in a 36-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Steroid dependence was defined as use of prednisolone or prednisone (15–40 mg/day) or budesonide (9 mg/day) for ≥8 weeks, a previous failed attempt to decrease or discontinue steroids within 8 weeks of screening, and a Crohn's Disease Activity Index score of ≤150 points. Patients were randomized to receive intravenous CDP571 10 mg/kg or placebo 8-weekly through to week 32. Steroids were then tapered using a defined schedule. The primary efficacy endpoint was the percentage of patients with steroid sparing, defined as discontinuation of steroid therapy without a disease flare (Crohn's Disease Activity Index score ≥220 points) at week 36. Results Steroid sparing occurred in 53 of 181 (29.3%) CDP571 patients and 33 of 90 (36.7%) placebo patients (P = 0.24). Adverse events occurred at similar frequencies in both treatment groups. Conclusions CDP571 was ineffective for sparing steroids in patients with steroid-dependent Crohn's disease. CDP571 was well tolerated.


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Anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) therapy for the management of rheumatic diseases has been reimbursed in Australia progressively per agent and disease indication since 2003. Initial projections of uptake were grossly overestimated. In this article the anti-TNF experience in Australia is reviewed, including results of an eligibility study, Australian Rheumatology Association guidelines, anti-TNF registry, and a report of adverse effects. These observations may assist APLAR countries currently coming to terms with anti-TNF drug registration and funding.