952 resultados para Environmental impact statement
This paper investigates the main perceptual biases developed by consumers regarding the environmental impact of products. It shows that these biases make consumers unable to distinguish between advertisements for highly versus less sustainable products, but that the inclusion of relevant information can increase the efficiency of arguments for true sustainability.
Egyre többen ismerik fel, hogy az élelmiszer-fogyasztás egészségügyi és környezeti hatása is jelentős. A különböző életstílusú társadalmi csoportok fogyasztási szerkezete eltérő lehet. Jelen tanulmány ezerfős, országos reprezentatív minta alapján vizsgálja az élelmiszer-fogyasztási szerkezet eltéréseit a nemek és különböző iskolázottságú fogyasztók körében. Jellemző fogyasztási klasztereket tár fel a fogyasztás szerkezete alapján. A fogyasztás szerkezeti és mennyiségi értékein túlmenően az ökológiai lábnyom indikátorával a fogyasztás környezetterhelését is számszerűsíti. _____ Concern about both health and environmental impacts of food consumption is increasing. Social groups with various lifestyles can have different food consumption structure. The present study analyses the differences in the food consumption structure among genders and educational groups based on a national, representative survey of 1000 adults. Food consumption clusters are identified based on food consumption structure. Beyond the analysis of food consumption and its structure, its environmental impact is quantified by the ecological footprint indicator.
Environmentally conscious construction has received a significant amount of research attention during the last decades. Even though construction literature is rich in studies that emphasize the importance of environmental impact during the construction phase, most of the previous studies failed to combine environmental analysis with other project performance criteria in construction. This is mainly because most of the studies have overlooked the multi-objective nature of construction projects. In order to achieve environmentally conscious construction, multi-objectives and their relationships need to be successfully analyzed in the complex construction environment. The complex construction system is composed of changing project conditions that have an impact on the relationship between time, cost and environmental impact (TCEI) of construction operations. Yet, this impact is still unknown by construction professionals. Studying this impact is vital to fulfill multiple project objectives and achieve environmentally conscious construction. This research proposes an analytical framework to analyze the impact of changing project conditions on the relationship of TCEI. This study includes green house gas (GHG) emissions as an environmental impact category. The methodology utilizes multi-agent systems, multi-objective optimization, analytical network process, and system dynamics tools to study the relationships of TCEI and support decision-making under the influence of project conditions. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is applied to the evaluation of environmental impact in terms of GHG. The mixed method approach allowed for the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. Structured interviews of professionals in the highway construction field were conducted to gain their perspectives in decision-making under the influence of certain project conditions, while the quantitative data were collected from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for highway resurfacing projects. The data collected were used to test the framework. The framework yielded statistically significant results in simulating project conditions and optimizing TCEI. The results showed that the change in project conditions had a significant impact on the TCEI optimal solutions. The correlation between TCEI suggested that they affected each other positively, but in different strengths. The findings of the study will assist contractors to visualize the impact of their decision on the relationship of TCEI.
Construction projects are complex endeavors that require the involvement of different professional disciplines in order to meet various project objectives that are often conflicting. The level of complexity and the multi-objective nature of construction projects lend themselves to collaborative design and construction such as integrated project delivery (IPD), in which relevant disciplines work together during project conception, design and construction. Traditionally, the main objectives of construction projects have been to build in the least amount of time with the lowest cost possible, thus the inherent and well-established relationship between cost and time has been the focus of many studies. The importance of being able to effectively model relationships among multiple objectives in building construction has been emphasized in a wide range of research. In general, the trade-off relationship between time and cost is well understood and there is ample research on the subject. However, despite sustainable building designs, relationships between time and environmental impact, as well as cost and environmental impact, have not been fully investigated. The objectives of this research were mainly to analyze and identify relationships of time, cost, and environmental impact, in terms of CO2 emissions, at different levels of a building: material level, component level, and building level, at the pre-use phase, including manufacturing and construction, and the relationships of life cycle cost and life cycle CO2 emissions at the usage phase. Additionally, this research aimed to develop a robust simulation-based multi-objective decision-support tool, called SimulEICon, which took construction data uncertainty into account, and was capable of incorporating life cycle assessment information to the decision-making process. The findings of this research supported the trade-off relationship between time and cost at different building levels. Moreover, the time and CO2 emissions relationship presented trade-off behavior at the pre-use phase. The results of the relationship between cost and CO2 emissions were interestingly proportional at the pre-use phase. The same pattern continually presented after the construction to the usage phase. Understanding the relationships between those objectives is a key in successfully planning and designing environmentally sustainable construction projects.
According to the U.S. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), federal action to manipulate habitat for species conservation requires an environmental impact statement, which should integrate natural, physical, economic, and social sciences in planning and decision making. Nonetheless, most impact assessments focus disproportionately on physical or ecological impacts rather than integrating ecological and socioeconomic components. We developed a participatory social-ecological impact assessment (SEIA) that addresses the requirements of NEPA and integrates social and ecological concepts for impact assessments. We cooperated with the Bureau of Land Management in Idaho, USA on a project designed to restore habitat for the Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). We employed questionnaires, workshop dialogue, and participatory mapping exercises with stakeholders to identify potential environmental changes and subsequent impacts expected to result from the removal of western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis). Via questionnaires and workshop dialogue, stakeholders identified 46 environmental changes and associated positive or negative impacts to people and communities in Owyhee County, Idaho. Results of the participatory mapping exercises showed that the spatial distribution of social, economic, and ecological values throughout Owyhee County are highly associated with the two main watersheds, wilderness areas, and the historic town of Silver City. Altogether, the SEIA process revealed that perceptions of project scale varied among participants, highlighting the need for specificity about spatial and temporal scales. Overall, the SEIA generated substantial information concerning potential impacts associated with habitat treatments for Greater Sage-Grouse. The SEIA is transferable to other land management and conservation contexts because it supports holistic understanding and framing of connections between humans and ecosystems. By applying this SEIA framework, land managers and affected people have an opportunity to fulfill NEPA requirements and develop more comprehensive management plans that better reflect the linkages of social-ecological systems.
Although its great potential as low to medium temperature waste heat recovery (WHR) solution, the ORC technology presents open challenges that still prevent its diffusion in the market, which are different depending on the application and the size at stake. Focusing on the micro range power size and low temperature heat sources, the ORC technology is still not mature due to the lack of appropriate machines and working fluids. Considering instead the medium to large size, the technology is already available but the investment is still risky. The intention of this thesis is to address some of the topical themes in the ORC field, paying special attention in the development of reliable models based on realistic data and accounting for the off-design performance of the ORC system and of each of its components. Concerning the “Micro-generation” application, this work: i) explores the modelling methodology, the performance and the optimal parameters of reciprocating piston expanders; ii) investigates the performance of such expander and of the whole micro-ORC system when using Hydrofluorocarbons as working fluid or their new low GWP alternatives and mixtures; iii) analyzes the innovative ORC reversible architecture (conceived for the energy storage), its optimal regulation strategy and its potential when inserted in typical small industrial frameworks. Regarding the “Industrial WHR” sector, this thesis examines the WHR opportunity of ORCs, with a focus on the natural gas compressor stations application. This work provides information about all the possible parameters that can influence the optimal sizing, the performance and thus the feasibility of installing an ORC system. New WHR configurations are explored: i) a first one, relying on the replacement of a compressor prime mover with an ORC; ii) a second one, which consists in the use of a supercritical CO2 cycle as heat recovery system.
The aim of the Ph.D. research project was to explore Dual Fuel combustion and hybridization. Natural gas-diesel Dual Fuel combustion was experimentally investigated on a 4-Stroke, 2.8 L, turbocharged, light-duty Diesel engine, considering four operating points in the range between low to medium-high loads at 3000 rpm. Then, a numerical analysis was carried out using a customized version of the KIVA-3V code, in order to optimize the diesel injection strategy of the highest investigated load. A second KIVA-3V model was used to analyse the interchangeability between natural gas and biogas on an intermediate operating point. Since natural gas-diesel Dual Fuel combustion suffers from poor combustion efficiency at low loads, the effects of hydrogen enriched natural gas on Dual Fuel combustion were investigated using a validated Ansys Forte model, followed by an optimization of the diesel injection strategy and a sensitivity analysis to the swirl ratio, on the lowest investigated load. Since one of the main issues of Low Temperature Combustion engines is the low power density, 2-Stroke engines, thanks to the double frequency compared to 4-Stroke engines, may be more suitable to operate in Dual Fuel mode. Therefore, the application of gasoline-diesel Dual Fuel combustion to a modern 2-Stroke Diesel engine was analysed, starting from the investigation of gasoline injection and mixture formation. As far as hybridization is concerned, a MATLAB-Simulink model was built to compare a conventional (combustion) and a parallel-hybrid powertrain applied to a Formula SAE race car.
The growing market of electrical cars, portable electronics, photovoltaic systems..etc. requires the development of efficient, low-cost, and low environmental impact energy storage devices (ESDs) including batteries and supercapacitors.. Due to their extended charge-discharge cycle, high specific capacitance, and power capabilities supercapacitors are considered among the most attractive ESDs. Over the last decade, research and development in supercapacitor technology have accelerated: thousands of articles have been published in the literature describing the electrochemical properties of the electrode materials and electrolyte in addition to separators and current collectors. Carbon-based supercapacitor electrodes materials have gained increasing attention due to their high specific surface area, good electrical conductivity, and excellent stability in harsh environments, as well as other characteristics. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in activated carbon derived from low-cost abundant sources such as biomass for supercapacitor electrode materials. Also, particular attention was given to a major challenging issue concerning the substitution of organic solutions currently used as electrolytes due to their highest electrochemical stability window even though their high cost, toxicity, and flammability. In this regard, the main objective of this thesis is to investigate the performances of supercapacitors using low cost abundant safe, and low environmental impact materials for electrodes and electrolytes. Several prototypes were constructed and tested using natural resources through optimization of the preparation of appropriate carbon electrodes using agriculture by-products waste or coal (i.e. Argan shell or Anthracite from Jerrada). Such electrodes were tested using several electrolyte formulations (aqueous and water in salt electrolytes) beneficing their non-flammability, lower cost, and environmental impact; the characteristics that provide a promising opportunity to design safer, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly devices compared to organic electrolytes.
The continuous growth of global population brings an exponential increase on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission in the atmosphere contributing to the increase of the planet temperature. Therefore, it is mandatory to adopt renewable energy production systems like photovoltaic or wind power: unfortunately, the main limit of these technologies is the natural intermittence of the energy sources that limits their applicability. The key enabling technology for a widespread usage of clean power sources are electrochemical energy storage systems, most commonly known as batteries. Batteries will enable the storage of energy during overproduction period and the release during low production period stabilizing the power outcome, allowing the connection to the main grid and increasing the applicability of renewable energy sources. Despite the high number of benefits that the widespread use of batteries will bring, starting from the reduction of CO2 emitted in the atmosphere, it is necessary also to take care of the environmental impact of processes and materials used for the production of electrochemical storage systems. In addition, there are many different battery systems, with different chemistries and designs that require specific strategies. Nowadays, the most part of the materials and chemicals used for battery production are toxic for humans and the environment. For this reason, this Ph.D. thesis addresses the challenging scope of lowering the environmental impact of manufacturing processes of different electrochemical energy storage systems using natural derived or low carbon footprint materials while increasing the performances with respect to commercial devices. The activities carried out during my Ph.D. cover a high number of different electrochemical storage systems involving a wide range of electrochemical processes from capacitive to faradic. New materials, different production processes and new battery design, all in view of sustainability and low environmental impact, increased the innovative and challenging aspects of this work.
The increasing consumption rates among citizens and the uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources have made environmental pollution and management of waste the main problems facing humanity in its upcoming future. Together with generation of energy and transport, industrial production certainly plays a key role in the genesis of these problems. It is for this reason that the concepts of environmental, social and economic sustainability have emerged over the years as the cornerstones for future development. In light of this, the most forward-looking industries have begun to study their impact on environment and society in order to improve their performances and, at the same time, to anticipate the increasingly rigorous environmental regulations. In this work, various performance indicators related to the Italian ceramic tile sector will be presented and discussed. In particular, the emission factor of characteristic pollutants will be reported on a period of up to fifteen years while data regarding waste management, concentration of pollutants and emission legal limits for the last decade will be here disclosed as a result of a vast analysis on recorded data. The collected information describes the present level of performance of the ceramic tile manufacturing industries in Italy and shows how recycling is now a consolidated reality and how some pollutants, such as particulate matter, fluorine and lead are actually disappearing from production processes and how others, such as volatile organic compounds, are increasing instead. Moreover, the adoption of alternative raw materials for the production of ceramic tiles is discussed and the implementation of the recycling of various waste is addressed at experimental or industrial scale. Finally, the development of a new ceramic engobe with high content of waste glass (20%) is presented as an experimental example of reutilization of resources in the ceramic tile industry.
There is a lot of interest to optimize aquaculture production due to its overexploitation of marine resources, ocean pollution and habitat destruction. Since feed production is one of the greatest issues in aquaculture, feeding strategy optimization is important. The study of several different feed additives or supplementation is important to secure optimal growth, gut health, and function in farmed fish. Feed additives are typically supplied to ensure good health and to help the animal ward off pathogens during both normal and challenging conditions, which could stress animals and promote insurgence of pathologies or pathogens invasions. In this context has an increasing interest the study of host associated microbiome to understand the influence of novel functional feed on the health and physiology of animals. To achieve a more sustainable aquaculture sector, show a great importance the understanding of the environmental impact of this human activity in terms of habitat destruction, ocean pollution and reduction marine environments biodiversity. Marine microbiomes, either free-living or associated with multicellular hosts, is acquiring an increasing interest because their role in supporting the functioning and biodiversity of marine ecosystems, providing essential ecological services. Becoming extremely important to understand how these activities can affect marine microbiomes by altering their function and diversity. In this thesis work, we were able to present a comprehensive evaluation of different functional feeds assessing their effects in terms of growth and gut health of three fish species, Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and Zebrafish (Danio rerio). We also explored the impact of Aquaculture on the surrounding marine microbiomes, using Patella caerulea as a model holobionts. Finally, we provided a synoptical study on the microbiomes of the water column and surface sediments in North-Western Adriatic Sea (Italy), providing the finest-scale mapping of marine microbiomes in the Mediterranean Sea.