453 resultados para Entrepreneur


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Este artigo, baseado em três livros de Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950), trata de sua tese sobre o processo de declínio e perecimento do sistema capitalista e da burguesia como classe social dominante.


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This paper presents a new field for professional Public Relations: startups. And this new alignment brings context and typology with the business public relations as an entrepreneur and manager of a communications agency. This new type of business, startups, with accelerated growth characteristics and high-risk investments, and alternative becomes simultaneously an opportunity to undertake innovative projects up and turn into a business. In this sense, the work part of the mix of innovation and diffusion of new ideas, with the capacity of Public Relations professional to adapt and work with many different sectors. Considering this context, the study seeks, finds that public relations professionals become essential for mediating the process of scenario analysis for the deployment of startups, and can be very useful in the case of managers and initiators the agency itself as a startup company offering a strategic advantage by combining management and communication


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The Project presents as main subject the relationship between entrepreneurship and the Public Relations professional. In the entrepreneurship, business plan is stood up, a document able to assist the entrepreneur to plan the activities related to implementation or creation of a new business. Assuming the business plan is an essential instrument of the entrepreneurial process, this study aims to describe the important use of the business plan for the creation or maintenance of a company and verify the Public Relations acting possibilities in the construction of this plan. For this, the project presents a study on a business plan for a small company with family structure, located in Sao Paulo countryside, in operation for over 30 years. Through the process of the business plan elaboration, it can be seen that the Public Relations professional has important skills that can be assist in the preparation of this plan, such as Marketing tools and communication knowledge and ability to establish a mission, the vision and the company values. Besides, this professional presents entrepreneurial characteristics that can help him in his activities, actions and planning


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Founded in 1921, the company currently known as Lupo S/A is one of the most ancient textile and clothing industries in Brazil. In this article we aim to describe the general lines of the trajectory of this family company, currently producing socks, nightwear and sports articles. The focus of this paper is on the analysis of some strategies used by the company along its formation and development process, and, particularly, the way these strategies made possible the productive restructuring associated to the overcoming of the strong crisis which began in the end of the 80's and early 90's, contributing to its recent consolidation in the clothing industry. The leading hypothesis of the study is that pioneering connected to a strong organizational culture that has been formed and constructed since its foundation and that was reestablished in a more recent management were the factors which were responsible for the advances able to generate an innovation environment in products as well as in processes and management. The theoretical reflection selected to subsidize the cognitive construction of the study of the company is based on the historical approach of the development of the textile industry in Brazil and in studies about the importance of the action of the entrepreneur, in the role of the organizational culture and of innovation to choose strategies in companies. The research involved the analysis of documents and data of the company, as well as interviews with directors and employees. The results show a traditional company model, but also show the presence of a very advanced entrepreneurial dynamic. Modern world – known as a fordist industrial model – could already be noticed in the company when this production pattern was not clearly defined yet in the Brazilian industry. Nowadays, the company faces the challenge of globalization and the open competition in the international market which brings the rivalry of the greatest and best globalized companies.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Economia - FCLAR


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Entrepreneurial intention is a primary step to create new venture in the entrepreneurial process. Environmental conditions are one of the main factors that are strengthening or weakening intention of prospective entrepreneur. Therefore, it is important to develop conducive environments for entrepreneurship to promote entrepreneurial intention. Moreover, the promoted entrepreneurial intention will raise the rate of new venture creation. This paper investigates the relationships between five key environments for entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention. The five entrepreneurial environments are: government policies and procedures, socioeconomic conditions, entrepreneurial and business skills, financial assistance, and non-financial assistance, respectively. Conjoint analysis was used to determine the significance of five environmental factors conducive to entrepreneurial intention. In this conjoint experiment, 1370 decisions were made by 137 university students. Significant relationships were found between all of these environmental factors and intention. Comparative importance of environmental factors was also calculated, along with sub-conjoint analyses based on characteristics of the sample.


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This thesis focuses on the limits that may prevent an entrepreneur from maximizing her value, and the benefits of diversification in reducing her cost of capital. After reviewing all relevant literature dealing with the differences between traditional corporate finance and entrepreneurial finance, we focus on the biases occurring when traditional finance techniques are applied to the entrepreneurial context. In particular, using the portfolio theory framework, we determine the degree of under-diversification of entrepreneurs. Borrowing the methodology developed by Kerins et al. (2004), we test a model for the cost of capital according to the firms' industry and the entrepreneur's wealth commitment to the firm. This model takes three market inputs (standard deviation of market returns, expected return of the market, and risk-free rate), and two firm-specific inputs (standard deviation of the firm returns and correlation between firm and market returns) as parameters, and returns an appropriate cost of capital as an output. We determine the expected market return and the risk-free rate according to the huge literature on the market risk premium. As for the market return volatility, it is estimated considering a GARCH specification for the market index returns. Furthermore, we assume that the firm-specific inputs can be obtained considering new-listed firms similar in risk to the firm we are evaluating. After we form a database including all the data needed for our analysis, we perform an empirical investigation to understand how much of the firm's total risk depends on market risk, and which explanatory variables can explain it. Our results show that cost of capital declines as the level of entrepreneur's commitment decreases. Therefore, maximizing the value for the entrepreneur depends on the fraction of entrepreneur's wealth invested in the firm and the fraction she sells to outside investors. These results are interesting both for entrepreneurs and policy makers: the former can benefit from an unbiased model for their valuation; the latter can obtain some guidelines to overcome the recent financial market crisis.


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Affrontare il tema del conferimento di azienda, così come esaminare ogni aspetto inerente, più in generale, l'azienda, può apparire estremamente arduo e complicato, stante il rischio di ripetere, in modo quasi scontato, "cose già dette" nel corso degli anni, prendendo le mosse da contributi noti ed arcinoti, soprattutto con riferimento alla disciplina dell'imprenditore commerciale, ossia alla prima tematica che viene presa in considerazione da parte del neofita del diritto commerciale. Tuttavia, a ben vedere, l'esaustività e completezza di tali studi non impedisce di affrontare, nell'attualità, alcuni aspetti che, anche grazie ai continui interventi del legislatore, presentano elementi degni di approfondimento. In tale ottica, quindi, è stato impostato il presente lavoro di ricerca. Così, ad un primo capitolo prevalentemente compilativo e volto ad individuare, nell'ordinamento giuridico, tutte le disposizioni che possono assumere rilevanza nell'inquadramento della disciplina del conferimento di azienda, nonchè le nozioni base di tale operazione, ne seguono altri due che si caratterizzano, rispettivamente: a) l'uno (il secondo capitolo), quale concreta individuazione delle modalità di esecuzione dell'operazione di conferimento di azienda, dalla decisione di procedere in tal senso, alla concreta esecuzione dell'apporto; b) l'altro (il terzo capitolo), quale esame di alcuni aspetti problematici che emergono a seguito dell'esecuzione dell'apporto, sia con riferimento agli effetti prodotti nei rapporti ricompresi nell'oggetto dell'apporto, sia con riferimento al ruolo dei diversi soggetti che, direttamente e/o indirettamente, ne subiscono i riflessi. In entrambi i capitoli (due e tre), peraltro, si affrontano non solo aspetti connessi alla disciplina dell'impresa ancora in bonis, ma anche, data l'attualità degli interventi operati dal legislatore nell'ambito della risoluzione della crisi dell'impresa, le questioni inerenti l'utilizzo di tale operazione quale forma di liquidazione dell'attivo. Si chiude l'elaborato con alcune riflessioni inerenti le forme di reazione agli abusi che, sovente, caratterizzano l'apporto dell'azienda.


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In Sicilia lo strumento principale che ha caratterizzato le modalità d’intervento dei poteri pubblici in economia è stato quello della partecipazione diretta o indiretta, quello cioè della Regione che si propone come ente fautore del sostegno allo sviluppo dell’industria e successivamente come soggetto imprenditore. Le formule organizzative attraverso le quali si è concretizzato l’intervento regionale in economia furono la società per azioni a partecipazione regionale, l’azienda autonoma regionale e l’ente pubblico regionale1. La storia dello sviluppo economico siciliano nel secondo dopoguerra conferma come il ricorso allo strumento dell’ente pubblico economico sia stato molto frequente nella realtà locale come, peraltro, anche in altre Regioni d’Italia. Tracce, queste, di una vicenda storica che intuiamo subito avere complesse implicazioni tali da generare la necessità di interrogarsi sul modo nel quale le istituzioni politiche hanno influito sulle dinamiche economiche siciliane nel secondo dopoguerra; per quanto noti e approfonditi siano stati infatti gli elementi caratterizzanti e i percorsi peculiari dello sviluppo economico siciliano, rimangono scarsamente approfonditi il tenore dei rapporti e i nessi politici, istituzionali ed economici tra centro e periferia, in altre parole rimane ancora parzialmente inesplorata quella parte dell’indagine inerente l’evoluzione dei processi di industrializzazione della Sicilia nel secondo dopoguerra attuata parallelamente dalle autorità regionali e dallo Stato attraverso i loro enti e strumenti. È lecito chiedersi quali siano stati i tempi, le modalità, gli ostacoli e gli eventuali risultati delle azioni di pianificazione intraprese dai poteri pubblici centrali e regionali nella prospettiva dello sviluppo economico del territorio; il coordinamento delle azioni di promozione del progresso industriale si presentava in tal senso, sin dall’inizio, come una delle sfide fondamentali per un adeguato e consistente rilancio economico delle aree più arretrate del Mezzogiorno italiano; ecco che lo studio dei provvedimenti legislativi emanati rappresenta un approfondimento indispensabile e obiettivo primario di questo lavoro.


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The dissertation contains five parts: An introduction, three major chapters, and a short conclusion. The First Chapter starts from a survey and discussion of the studies on corporate law and financial development literature. The commonly used methods in these cross-sectional analyses are biased as legal origins are no longer valid instruments. Hence, the model uncertainty becomes a salient problem. The Bayesian Model Averaging algorithm is applied to test the robustness of empirical results in Djankov et al. (2008). The analysis finds that their constructed legal index is not robustly correlated with most of the various stock market outcome variables. The second Chapter looks into the effects of minority shareholders protection in corporate governance regime on entrepreneurs' ex ante incentives to undertake IPO. Most of the current literature focuses on the beneficial part of minority shareholder protection on valuation, while overlooks its private costs on entrepreneur's control. As a result, the entrepreneur trade-offs the costs of monitoring with the benefits of cheap sources of finance when minority shareholder protection improves. The theoretical predictions are empirically tested using panel data and GMM-sys estimator. The third Chapter investigates the corporate law and corporate governance reform in China. The corporate law in China regards shareholder control as the means to the ends of pursuing the interests of stakeholders, which is inefficient. The Chapter combines the recent development of theories of the firm, i.e., the team production theory and the property rights theory, to solve such problem. The enlightened shareholder value, which emphasizes on the long term valuation of the firm, should be adopted as objectives of listed firms. In addition, a move from the mandatory division of power between shareholder meeting and board meeting to the default regime, is proposed.