980 resultados para Ensaios em ANSYS workbench e ANSYS classic


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Diplomity ksittelee hisseiss erikoistapauksessa kytettvn kulmakorin suunnittelua ja tuotteistamista. Ty suoritetaan KONE Oyj:lle. Diplomityss luotiin kulmakorille modulaarinen tuotearkkitehtuuri ja mritettiin korin toimitusprosessi. Tyn tavoitteena oli saavuttaa 48,12% asiakkaiden mahdollisista vaatimuksista ja vhent suunnitteluun kuluvaa aikaa aikaisemmasta 24 tunnista neljn tuntiin. Tyn tavoite saavutettiin kokeneen tapauskohtaisten kulmakorien suunnittelijan kommenttien perusteella. 48,12% asiakasvaatimuksista sisllytettiin tuotemalliin konfigurointimahdollisuuksina. Tyn alussa on esitelty tuotesuunnittelua, laadun hallintaa, parametrista mallinnusta, massakustomointia ja tuotetiedon hallintaa. Sen jlkeen on ksitelty kulmakorin tuotteistamisen kannalta kaikki trkeimmt muuttujat. Tmn jlkeen kulmakorin tuotemalli suunnitellaan ja mallinnetaan systemaattisesti ylhlt-alas mallinnustapaa kytten ja luodaan osille ja kokoonpanoille valmistuskuvat. Ptykaluna tyss kytettiin Pro/ENGINEER-ohjelmistoa. Tll mallinnettiin parametrinen tuotemalli ja rakenteiden lujuustarkastelussa kytettiin ohjelmistoa Ansys. Tyn tavoite saavutettiin analysoimalla massakustomoinnin perusteiden olennaisimmat osat ja seuraamalla analyyttist ja systemaattista tuotekehitysprosessia. Laatua painottaen tuotearkkitehtuuri validoitiin suorittamalla rajoitettu tuotanto, joka sislsi kolme tuotemallilla konfiguroitua kulmakoria. Yksi koreista testikasattiin Hyvinkn tehtaalla.


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Fluid particle breakup and coalescence are important phenomena in a number of industrial flow systems. This study deals with a gas-liquid bubbly flow in one wastewater cleaning application. Three-dimensional geometric model of a dispersion water system was created in ANSYS CFD meshing software. Then, numerical study of the system was carried out by means of unsteady simulations performed in ANSYS FLUENT CFD software. Single-phase water flow case was setup to calculate the entire flow field using the RNG k-epsilon turbulence model based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. Bubbly flow case was based on a computational fluid dynamics - population balance model (CFD-PBM) coupled approach. Bubble breakup and coalescence were considered to determine the evolution of the bubble size distribution. Obtained results are considered as steps toward optimization of the cleaning process and will be analyzed in order to make the process more efficient.


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Tyn tavoitteena oli selvitt kaupallisen dynamiikansimulointiohjelmiston so-veltuvuus roottoridynamiikan analysointiin. Tyss keskityttiin erityisesti rootto-rin dynamiikkaan vaikuttavien epideaalisuuksien mallintamiseen. Simulointitu-losten tarkkuutta selvitettiin mittauksilla. Lisksi vertailtiin yleiskyttisen dyna-miikan simulointiohjelmiston ja roottoridynamiikan erikoisohjelmiston teoriaa. Tutkittava roottori oli paperikoneen putkitela. Telan joustavuus kuvattiin ele-menttimenetelmll ratkaistujen moodien avulla. Elementtimallissa huomioitiin telan vaipan seinmnpaksuusvaihtelu, joka vaikuttaa telan massa- ja jykkyysja-kaumaan. Dynamiikkaohjelmistossa mallinnettiin telan tuennasta tulevat hertteet. Dynamiikkaohjelmistona kytettiin ADAMS:ia ja FEM-ohjelmana ANSYS:st. Tuloksista havaittiin kytetyn menetelmn soveltuvan roottoridynamiikan ana-lysointiin ja roottorin epideaalisuuksien mallintamiseen. Simulointimallilla saa-tiin esille murtolukukriittiset pyrimisnopeudet ja telan kriittinen pyrimisnopeus vastasi hyvin mittaustuloksia.


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Resumo A prevalncia da nefrolitase est aumentando em todo o mundo e resulta em nus significativo para o sistema de sade. Novos estudos revelam que a formao de clculos urinrios est associada a vrias morbidades graves. No entanto, poucos estudos observacionais ou ensaios clnicos randomizados de qualidade demonstraram que intervenes clnicas especficas diminuem a recorrncia da nefrolitase. Portanto, nesta reviso so analisadas as evidncias disponveis da terapia mdica expulsiva para clculos ureterais; avaliam-se os dados da teraputica no farmacolgica, incluindo modificaes dietticas e terapia base de sucos ctricos; e discute-se a eficcia dos diurticos tiazdicos no tratamento da hipercalciria associada nefrolitase recorrente.


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The objective of the work is to study the flow behavior and to support the design of air cleaner by dynamic simulation.In a paper printing industry, it is necessary to monitor the quality of paper when the paper is being produced. During the production, the quality of the paper can be monitored by camera. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the camera lens clean as wood particles may fall from the paper and lie on the camera lens. In this work, the behavior of the air flow and effect of the airflow on the particles at different inlet angles are simulated. Geometries of a different inlet angles of single-channel and double-channel case were constructed using ANSYS CFD Software. All the simulations were performed in ANSYS Fluent. The simulation results of single-channel and double-channel case revealed significant differences in the behavior of the flow and the particle velocity. The main conclusion from this work are in following. 1) For the single channel case the best angle was 0 degree because in that case, the air flow can keep 60% of the particles away from the lens which would otherwise stay on lens. 2) For the double channel case, the best solution was found when the angle of the first inlet was 0 degree and the angle of second inlet was 45 degree . In that case, the airflow can keep 91% of particles away from the lens which would otherwise stay on lens.


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The phosphonium salt room temperature ionic liquid tetradecyltrihexylphosphonium chloride (THPC) has been employed as an efficient reusable media for the palladium catalyzed Suzuki cross-coupling reaction of aryl halides, including aryl chlorides, under mild conditions. The cross-coupling reactions were found to proceed in THPC containing small amounts ofwater and toluene (single phase) using potassium phosphate and 1% Pd2(dba)3'CHCI3. Variously substituted iodobenzenes, including electron rich derivatives, reacted efficiently in THPC with a variety of arylboronic acids and were all complete within 1 hour at 50C. The corresponding aryl bromides also reacted under these conditions with the addition of a catalytic amount of triphenylphosphine that allowed for complete conversion and high isolated yields. The reactions involving aryl chlorides were considerably slower, although the addition of triphenylphosphine and heating at 70C allowed high conversion of electron deficient derivatives. Addition of water and hexane to the reaction products results in a triphasic system, from which the catalyst was then recycled by removing the top (hexanes) and bottom (aqueous) layers and adding the reagents to the ionic liquid which was heated again at 50C; resulting in complete turnover of iodobenzene. Repetition of this procedure gave the biphenyl product in 82-97% yield (repeated five times) for both the initial and recycled reaction sequences. IL ESTERIFICATIONREACTION A new class oftrialkylphosphorane has been prepared through reaction of a trialkylphosphine with 2-chlorodimethylmalonate in the presence oftriethylamine. These new reagents promote the condensation reaction of carboxylic acids with alcohols to provide esters along with trialkylphosphine oxide and dimethylmalonate. The condensation reaction of chiral secondary alcohols can be controlled to give either high levels of inversion or retention through a subtle interplay involving basicity of the reaction media, solvent, and tuning the electronic and steric nature of the carboxylic acid and stenc nature of the phosphorane employed. A coherent mechanism is postulated to explain these observations involving reaction via an initial acyloxyphosphonium ion.


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Affiliation: Dpartement de biochimie, Facult de mdecine, Universit de Montral


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Cette dissertation explore la carrire de la rencontre manque Lacanienne dans la littrature canonique amricaine du dix-neuvime sicle travers le prisme de la psychanalyse, la dconstruction, le postmodernisme et le postcolonialisme. Je me concentre particulirement sur La Lettre carlate de Hawthorne et Moby-Dick de Melville, en montrant comment ils sont investis dans l'conomie narrative de la rencontre manque, l'conomie de ce qui est au-del de la symbolisation et l'assimilation. Lintroduction examine les contours et les dtours historiques, philosophiques et thoriques du concept de la rencontre manque. Cette dissertation a donc deux objectifs: d'une part, elle tente d'examiner le statut et la fonction de la rencontre manque dans la littrature amricaine du dix-neuvime sicle, et dautre part, elle explore comment la thorisation de la rencontre manque pourrait nous aider aller au-del de la thorisation binaire qui caractrise les scnes gopolitiques actuelles. Mon premier chapitre sur La Lettre carlate de Hawthorne, tente de tracer la carrire du signifiant comme une navette entre l'archive et l'avenir, entre le sujet et l'objet, entre le signifiant et le signifi. Le but de ce chapitre est de rendre compte de la temporalit du signifiant et la temporalit de la subjectivit et dexpliquer comment ils rpondent la temporalit du tuch. En explorant la dimension crypto-temporelle de la rencontre manque, ce chapitre tudie l'excs de cryptes par la potique (principalement prosopope, anasmie, et les tropes d'exhumation). Le deuxime chapitre labore sur les contours de la rencontre manque. En adoptant des approches psychanalytiques et dconstructives, ce chapitre ngocie la temporalit de la rencontre manque (la temporalit de l'automaton et de la rptition). En explorant la temporalit narrative (prolepse et analepse) conjointement la psycho-potique du double, ce chapitre essaie de dvoiler les vicissitudes de la mlancolie et la dpression narcissique dans Moby-Dick (en particulier la rptition d'Achab lors de sa rencontre originelle dnarre ou jamais raconte avec le cachalot blanc et sa position mlancolique par rapport l'objet qu'il a perdu). En exposant la nature du trauma comme une rencontre manque, dont les rsidus se manifestent symptomatiquement par la rptition (et le doublement), ce chapitre explique le glissement de la lettre (par l'entremise du supplment et de la diffrance). Le troisime chapitre largit la porte de la rencontre manque pour inclure les Autres de l'Amrique. Le but principal de ce chapitre est d'valuer les investitures politiques, culturelles, imaginaires et libidinales de la rencontre manque dans le Rel, le Symbolique nationale des tats-Unis et la ralit gopolitique actuelle. Il traite galement de la relation ambigu entre la jouissance et le Symbolique: la manire dont la jouissance anime et rgit le Symbolique tout en confondant la distinction entre le Rel et la ralit et en protgeant ses manuvres excessives.


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This presentation was the product of an invitation to speak at a symposium for students and faculty from a variety of different non-law departments at the University of Tennessee, where in 1973 I had started what became a six-year legal campaign to divert the Tennessee Valley Authority from impounding the last flowing 33 miles of the Little Tennessee River behind TVAs Tellico Dam.


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The study envisaged herein contains the numerical investigations on Perforated Plate (PP) as well as numerical and experimental investigations on Perforated Plate with Lining (PPL) which has a variety of applications in underwater engineering especially related to defence applications. Finite element method has been adopted as the tool for analysis of PP and PPL. The commercial software ANSYS has been used for static and free vibration response evaluation, whereas ANSYS LS-DYNA has been used for shock analysis. SHELL63, SHELL93, SOLID45, SOLSH190, BEAM188 and FLUID30 finite elements available in the ANSYS library as well as SHELL193 and SOLID194 available in the ANSYS LS-DYNA library have been made use of. Unit cell of the PP and PPL which is a miniature of the original plate with 16 perforations have been used. Based upon the convergence characteristics, the utility of SHELL63 element for the analysis of PP and PPL, and the required mesh density are brought out. The effect of perforation, geometry and orientation of perforation, boundary conditions and lining plate are investigated for various configurations. Stress concentration and deflection factor are also studied. Based on these investigations, stadium geometry perforation with horizontal orientation is recommended for further analysis.Linear and nonlinear static analysis of PP and PPL subjected to unit normal pressure has been carried out besides the free vibration analysis. Shock analysis has also been carried out on these structural components. The analytical model measures 0.9m x 0.9m with stiffener of 0.3m interval. The influence of finite element, boundary conditions, and lining plate on linear static response has been estimated and presented. Comparison of behavior of PP and PPL in the nonlinear strain regime has been made using geometric nonlinear analysis. Free vibration analysis of the PP and PPL has been carried out in vacuum condition and in water backed condition, and the influence of water backed condition and effect of perforation on natural frequency have been investigated.Based upon the studies on the vibration characteristics of NPP, PP and PPL in water backed condition and in vacuum condition, the reduction in the natural frequency of the plate in immersed condition has been rightly brought out. The necessity to introduce the effect of water medium in the analysis of water backed underwater structure has been highlighted.Shock analysis of PP and PPL for three explosives viz., PEK, TNT and C4 has been carried out and deflection and stresses on plate as well as free field pressure have been estimated using ANSYS LS-DYNA. The effect of perforations and the effect of lining plate have been predicted. Experimental investigations of the measurement of free field pressure using PPL have been conducted in a shock tank. Free field pressure has been measured and has been validated with finite element analysis results. Besides, an experiment has been carried out on PPL, for the comparison of the static deflection predicted by finite element analysis.The distribution of the free field pressure and the estimation of differential pressure from experimentation and the provision for treating the differential pressure as the resistance, as a part of the design load for PPL, has been brought out.


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A sandwich construction is a special form of the laminated composite consisting of light weight core, sandwiched between two stiff thin face sheets. Due to high stiffness to weight ratio, sandwich construction is widely adopted in aerospace industries. As a process dependent bonded structure, the most severe defects associated with sandwich construction are debond (skin core bond failure) and dent (locally deformed skin associated with core crushing). Reasons for debond may be attributed to initial manufacturing flaws or in service loads and dent can be caused by tool drops or impacts by foreign objects. This paper presents an evaluation on the performance of honeycomb sandwich cantilever beam with the presence of debond or dent, using layered finite element models. Dent is idealized by accounting core crushing in the core thickness along with the eccentricity of the skin. Debond is idealized using multilaminate modeling at debond location with contact element between the laminates. Vibration and buckling behavior of metallic honeycomb sandwich beam with and without damage are carried out. Buckling load factor, natural frequency, mode shape and modal strain energy are evaluated using finite element package ANSYS 13.0. Study shows that debond affect the performance of the structure more severely than dent. Reduction in the fundamental frequencies due to the presence of dent or debond is not significant for the case considered. But the debond reduces the buckling load factor significantly. Dent of size 8-20% of core thickness shows 13% reduction in buckling load capacity of the sandwich column. But debond of the same size reduced the buckling load capacity by about 90%. This underscores the importance of detecting these damages in the initiation level itself to avoid catastrophic failures. Influence of the damages on fundamental frequencies, mode shape and modal strain energy are examined. Effectiveness of these parameters as a damage detection tool for sandwich structure is also assessed


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Hat Stiffened Plates are used in composite ships and are gaining popularity in metallic ship construction due to its high strength-to-weight ratio. Light weight structures will result in greater payload, higher speeds, reduced fuel consumption and environmental emissions. Numerical Investigations have been carried out using the commercial Finite Element software ANSYS 12 to substantiate the high strength-to-weight ratio of Hat Stiffened Plates over other open section stiffeners which are commonly used in ship building. Analysis of stiffened plate has always been a matter of concern for the structural engineers since it has been rather difficult to quantify the actual load sharing between stiffeners and plating. Finite Element Method has been accepted as an efficient tool for the analysis of stiffened plated structure. Best results using the Finite Element Method for the analysis of thin plated structures are obtained when both the stiffeners and the plate are modeled using thin plate elements having six degrees of freedom per node. However, one serious problem encountered with this design and analysis process is that the generation of the finite element models for a complex configuration is time consuming and laborious. In order to overcome these difficulties two different methods viz., Orthotropic Plate Model and Superelement for Hat Stiffened Plate have been suggested in the present work. In the Orthotropic Plate Model geometric orthotropy is converted to material orthotropy i.e., the stiffeners are smeared and they vanish from the field of analysis and the structure can be analysed using any commercial Finite Element software which has orthotropic elements in its element library. The Orthotropic Plate Model developed has predicted deflection, stress and linear buckling load with sufficiently good accuracy in the case of all four edges simply supported boundary condition. Whereas, in the case of two edges fixed and other two edges simply supported boundary condition even though the stress has been predicted with good accuracy there has been large variation in the deflection predicted. This variation in the deflection predicted is because, for the Orthotropic Plate Model the rigidity is uniform throughout the plate whereas in the actual Hat Stiffened Plate the rigidity along the line of attachment of the stiffeners to the plate is large as compared to the unsupported portion of the plate. The Superelement technique is a method of treating a portion of the structure as if it were a single element even though it is made up of many individual elements. The Superelement has predicted the deflection and in-plane stress of Hat Stiffened Plate with sufficiently good accuracy for different boundary conditions. Formulation of Superelement for composite Hat Stiffened Plate has also been presented in the thesis. The capability of Orthotropic Plate Model and Superelement to handle typical boundary conditions and characteristic loads in a ship structure has been demonstrated through numerical investigations.


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The Kineticist's Workbench is a program that simulates chemical reaction mechanisms by predicting, generating, and interpreting numerical data. Prior to simulation, it analyzes a given mechanism to predict that mechanism's behavior; it then simulates the mechanism numerically; and afterward, it interprets and summarizes the data it has generated. In performing these tasks, the Workbench uses a variety of techniques: graph- theoretic algorithms (for analyzing mechanisms), traditional numerical simulation methods, and algorithms that examine simulation results and reinterpret them in qualitative terms. The Workbench thus serves as a prototype for a new class of scientific computational tools---tools that provide symbiotic collaborations between qualitative and quantitative methods.