906 resultados para Embryo and religion


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The encounter of East and West has initiated a period of reforms in Muslim societies. Some of the legal reforms enacted by premodern and modem Muslim states have been hailed as victories for women's rights in Islam. A historical and comparative perspective on the issue reveals that this is far from being true. Reforms constitute a far more complex issue. In many Muslim countries, Islamic law remained the main reference in matters pertaining to family and personal laws. To this day, women's rights remain a sensitive issue. A look at some modem Muslim legislations regarding divorce and polygamy illustrates both the tension that exists between the duties of modem states to uphold women's rights and their alleged Islamic principles and the tension that exists between state and religion. Paradoxically, recent developments in Iran illustrate aptly that some sort of reforms of family laws may be envisioned within the strictures of an Islamic society where Islamic law rules. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pode a experiência religiosa ser substituída pela experiência estética? Os estudiosos se dividem na resposta. Situando a pergunta no quadro de referência conceitual e epistemológico que distingue entre religião substantiva e religião funcional, levantamos a hipótese de que não há substituição substantiva, mas pode haver substituição funcional entre essas experiências. Levantamos a hipótese ulterior de que a experiência estética pode ser uma experiência do sagrado. As hipóteses foram examinadas com os dados obtidos em entrevistas com oito renomados artistas plásticos, por ocasião da 23ª Bienal de São Paulo, em 1996. Os dados revelaram diferenças, continuidades e analogias entre arte e religião assim como entre arte e sagrado, que permitiram reconhecer em alguns casos substituição funcional da religião pela arte, principalmente se dotada da densidade do sagrado.


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A violência está presente a nível nacional e mundial no cotidiano de muitas famílias e se configura como um fenômeno de múltiplas determinações, podendo estar presente no cenário público e privado. Diante dos diversos tipos de violência presentes no espaço social, encontra-se a violência praticada pelo homem contra sua companheira. O presente estudo, com enfoque qualitativo, objetivou de maneira geral investigar de que forma o Centro de Referência Especializado da Assistência Social – Proteção e Atendimento Especializado a Famílias e Indivíduos (CREAS PAEFI “Adulto”) do município de Colatina, compõe a rede de apoio social e afetiva de mulheres/mães vítimas de violência física e/ou psicológica por parte de seus maridos/companheiros na percepção dos profissionais atuantes no serviço e, também, na percepção das próprias mulheres vítimas de violência usuárias do serviço. Para tanto, participaram da pesquisa 10 mulheres/mães usuárias do CREAS PAEFI “Adulto” do município de Colatina/ES, com faixa etária variando de 34 a 45 anos, que sofreram violência física e/ou psicológica por parte de seus maridos/companheiros e que possuíam pelo menos um filho. Também participaram da pesquisa 6 profissionais, com faixa etária variando de 25 a 38 anos, que faziam parte da equipe técnica do serviço. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi estruturadas realizadas individualmente em sala cedida pelo CREAS PAEFI “Adulto”. Para a organização dos dados utilizou-se a Análise de Conteúdo, sendo estes organizados em eixos temáticos e discutidos com base na Teoria Bioecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano de Urie Bronfenbrenner. Como resultados principais, pode-se notar que as interações estabelecidas entre os profissionais e as mulheres vítimas de violência usuárias do CREAS favoreceram processos proximais que promoveram mudanças positivas nas características pessoais das mulheres e reforçaram as relações que elas possuíam com suas famílias, principalmente com os filhos. Também foi verificado no macrossistema, que os papéis sociais estabelecidos pela sociedade para o homem e para a mulher estavam presentes nos discursos das usuárias do serviço, os quais naturalizavam a mulher como responsável pelos filhos, casa e marido, e o homem como o provedor da casa. A maternidade foi considerada por todas as usuárias como um fator importante em suas vidas e causou mudanças na dinâmica familiar com o companheiro.Verificou-se o comprometimento e envolvimento dos profissionais no atendimento às mulheres que se mostraram interessadas e engajadas com o atendimento e que tinham o objetivo de reconstruir suas vidas. A articulação do CREAS com a rede de atendimento à mulher vítima de violência no município de Colatina foi considerada satisfatória, principalmente levando em consideração o fato de que a cidade é pequena, o que facilita o contato entre os serviços. Algumas mulheres expuseram outras fontes de apoio que atuaram concomitantemente ao CREAS como, os amigos e a religião (Deus). Conclui-se que o CREAS PAEFI foi um serviço integrante da rede de apoio sócio afetiva das mulheres vítimas de violência que participaram do estudo, atuando como um microssistema significativo que favoreceu o desenvolvimento das mulheres frente à situação de violência vivenciada


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As relações do envolvimento religioso com os traços da personalidade em indivíduos do meio rural e indivíduos do meio urbano foram investigadas neste trabalho. Este estudo tem como objectivo o estabelecimento de associações entre traços de personalidade e religião, procedendo a um estudo comparativo entre uma amostra, constituída por indivíduos do meio urbano. A amostra rural foi recolhida no distrito de Portalegre e contou com a participação de 200 sujeitos escolhidos aleatoriamente, tendo sido também recolhida uma amostra de outros 200 sujeitos no meio urbano, em específico na região da Grande Lisboa, de uma forma aleatória. As idades dos participantes estão compreendidas entre os 18 e os 103 anos (M=44,20; DP=19,637), sendo os individuos de ambos os sexos. Procedeu-se a uma caracterização sociodemográfica da amostra e recorreu-se à aplicação de quatro instrumentos, a DUREL (Koening, 1997), o BFI (Oliver & John, 2001), o PANAS (Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988) e a PDS (Paulhus, 1998). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram associações sigmificativas entre as dimensões da personalidade, com as dimensões da religiosidade. Verificou-se que os indivíduos com alta religiosidade. Verificou-se que os indivíduos com uma religiosidade apresentam traços mais vincados de amabilidade e de conscienciosidade. Por outro lado verificou-se que os indivíduos com alta religiosidade no meio urbano apresentam um nível mais elevado de neuroticismo e de abertura à experiência do que no meio rural. ABSTRACT: The relation between the religious involvement with the personality traits in individuals from rural and urban environment were investigated in this work . This study aims to establish associations between personality traits and religion, by carrying out a comparative study of a sample consisting of individuals from rural areas and a sample of individuals from urban areas. The rural sample was collected in the district of Portalegre, in which participated 200 individuals randomly chosen, a sample of 200 individuals in the urban area, specifically in the area of Lisbon city, chosen at random, were also collected. The ages of participants are between 18 and 103 years old (M= 44.20, SD=19.637). A social-demographic characterization of the sample was carried out and four measures were used – Durel (Koenig et al., 1997), BFI (Oliver & John, 2001), the PANAS (Watson Clark & Tellegen, 1988) and PDS (Paulhus, 1998). Results showed significant associations between dimensions of personality and dimensions of religiosity. It was found that individuals with a high religiosity have more pronouneed trits of kindness and conscientiousness. Moreover it was found that individuals with high religiosity in urban areas have a higher level of neuroticism and openness to experience than in rural areas.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação de Mestre António da Silva Vieira


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Human Rights as a Way of Life is about the political dimension of Henri Bergson's work, focusing mainly on The Two Sources of Morality and Religion, the last original book by the French philosopher, published in 1932.


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A epilepsia é uma das patologias neurológicas mais comuns em todo o mundo, com repercussões importantes na Qualidade de Vida (QDV) dos indivíduos. Deste modo, o objetivo do tratamento ultrapassa a remissão total das crises epiléticas, dado que também prioriza a QDV do indivíduo com epilepsia. A QDV tem vindo a ser associada a alguns fatores modificáveis, importantes para a sua promoção. Assim, pretende-se com o presente estudo identificar se a Adesão à Terapêutica, as Estratégias de Coping e a Espiritualidade são preditores da QDV de indivíduos com epilepsia. O SF-36 v1.0, a Medida de Adesão aos Tratamentos, o COPE-R e a Escala de Avaliação de Espiritualidade em Contextos de Saúde foram administrados a 94 indivíduos com diagnóstico de epilepsia entre quatro e 49 anos. A relação entre as variáveis foi analisada através do modelo de regressão linear múltipla. Os resultados revelam que a Adesão à Terapêutica, a Esperança/Otimismo predizem positivamente a QDV. Já as estratégias de Coping Desinvestimento Comportamental, Expressão de Sentimentos e Religião predizem-na negativamente. Estes resultados são importantes para os profissionais de saúde, na medida em que a identificação de preditores modificáveis da QDV sugere pistas para intervenções que promovam a QDV de indivíduos com epilepsia.


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Trabalho de Projecto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Artes Performativas (Escritas de Cena).


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The aim of this study is to examine the relationship among psychological, clinical and sociodemographic variables, and quality of life in women with urinary incontinence. The sample consisted of 80 women diagnosed with urinary incontinence (UI) followed in a Northern Central Hospital in Portugal. Participants answered the Incontinence Quality of Life (I-QOL); Satisfaction with Sexual Relationship Questionnaire (SSRQ); Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scales (HADS) and the Brief Cope. The results revealed that women with higher quality of life considered their symptoms of urine loss as mild or moderated compared to those with severe urine loss. The less severe urine loss was associated with greater sexual satisfaction and less use of religion and self-blame as coping strategies. In terms of coping, women who considered the loss of urine as severe expressed more feelings regarding UI. Stress urinary incontinence, high sexual satisfaction, and less use of denial, distraction, and religion as coping strategies, predicted higher quality of life. According to the results, UI has an impact on women’s sexual satisfaction and quality of life. Therefore, intervention programs should target these women, including their partners, helping them to adjust to their condition and teaching effective coping strategies in order to improve their sexual satisfaction and quality of life.


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This paper is a joined publication of the Depts. of Genetics and of Technology, of the E. S. A. "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de São Paulo, and deals with the variation of the percentage oil content in the whole seeds, the embryos and the seed-coat of 28 varieties of castor-beans (Ricinus communis, L.). Primarily, the authors, as a justification of this paper, make reference to the applications which castor-oil has in industry, medicine, etc. In accordance with the weight of 100 seeds, the varieties of castor-beans were classified into 3 classes : small seeds (100 seeds less than 30 g), medium seeds (100 seeds between 30 g and 60) and large seeds (100 seeds more than 60 g). The percentage of oil in the seed, embryo and seed-coat, the dimensions of the seeds and the weight of 100 seeds are given for every variety in table 1. In order to obtain an estimate of the variability for the methods of determination of the oil percentage, in the 3 differents parts of the seeds and also in the 3 groups of seeds, the coefficient of variability was calculate (table 2). It is showed that the variation in the seed and embryo is low and that in the seed-coat is very high. The analysis of variance, with regard to the difference among the 3 types of seeds (small, medium and large), among the 3 parts of the seed (whole seed, embryo and seed-coat) and residual error, is given in table 3. Only, the oil content of whole seeds among types of seeds was significant at the 5% level. The t test among the correspondent means is not significant for the difference between medium and large seeds is significant between both these types (medium and large) and small seeds. The fiducial limits in relation to the mean of the oil percentage in the 3 differents types of seed, show that there is one variety (n. 1013-2), which has a percentage of oil, in the medium type of seed, significantly at the 5% level (table 4), higher than the general mean. Since the distribution of the percentage of oil in the seedcoat is discontinuous, 5 groups were established (table 5). All the differences between groups are significant (table 6). For practical purposes, when we have to remove the seed coat, one should eliminate those varieties which loose at least 3% of oil by this procedure. There is a significant linear correlation at 5% level between the percentage of oil in the seed and in the embryo, of the smali and medium type of seeds (table 7), and also, when taking the 3 types together (lower part of table 7), one finds that the same is true. Also, the correlation between the percentages of oil in the embryo and in the seed-coat of the 3 types together is significant at 5% level. According to the results obtained in relation to the percentage in 28 varieties studied, it can be recommended, for breeding purposes, to work only with those varieties which belong to the medium and the large types of seeds.


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Fatty acid degradation in most organisms occurs primarily via the beta-oxidation cycle. In mammals, beta-oxidation occurs in both mitochondria and peroxisomes, whereas plants and most fungi harbor the beta-oxidation cycle only in the peroxisomes. Although several of the enzymes participating in this pathway in both organelles are similar, some distinct physiological roles have been uncovered. Recent advances in the structural elucidation of numerous mammalian and yeast enzymes involved in beta-oxidation have shed light on the basis of the substrate specificity for several of them. Of particular interest is the structural organization and function of the type 1 and 2 multifunctional enzyme (MFE-1 and MFE-2), two enzymes evolutionarily distant yet catalyzing the same overall enzymatic reactions but via opposite stereochemistry. New data on the physiological roles of the various enzymes participating in beta-oxidation have been gathered through the analysis of knockout mutants in plants, yeast and animals, as well as by the use of polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis from beta-oxidation intermediates as a tool to study carbon flux through the pathway. In plants, both forward and reverse genetics performed on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana have revealed novel roles for beta-oxidation in the germination process that is independent of the generation of carbohydrates for growth, as well as in embryo and flower development, and the generation of the phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid and the signal molecule jasmonic acid.


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Cultured primary fetal cells from one organ donation could possibly meet the exigent and stringent technical aspects for development of therapeutic products. These cell types have fewer technological limitations for cellular proliferation capacity (simple culture conditions) and maintenance of differentiated phenotype, and they also have low probability for transmission of communicable diseases. Master and Working Cell Banks (MCB, WCB) can be obtained from one fetal organ donation, permitting multiple tissues (skin, bone, cartilage, muscle and intervertebral disc) to be processed in short periods of time with identical methods to assure a stringent tracing of the processes for the production of standardized therapeutic agents. Clinical use of biologics from embryo and fetal tissues is relatively new and current legislation and ethics have some differences between countries to date. In addition, specific cell delivery systems for each tissue type can be adapted to the clinical application. Since it is the intention that banked primary fetal cells enhance the prospective treatment of hundreds of thousands of patients with only one organ donation, it is imperative to show consistency, traceability and safety of the processes including donor tissue selection, cell banking, cell testing and growth of cells in out-scaling for the preparation of bio-engineered products for clinical application.


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Fanon, Senghor, and Ela took a radical stance in criticising the structures and mechanisms of power in hegemonic situations and relations between colonial subjects and colonial masters. They aimed to liberate African societies by decolonising the mind, culture and religion of colonial subjects. In this respect, we are concerned with the continuities and ruptures of the colonial encounter and its unequal relationships. Switzerland does not have an official colonial history and yet, Swiss companies and migrants were and are part of the world's colonies. In our contribution, we question what makes an event postcolonial : in other words, how are postcolonial relations negotiated in Switzerland? We discuss this question by analysing two annual sacred journeys in Switzerland that have been invented for and by African Christians (clerics and laity) together with the leaders of the Swiss Catholic church : one to the relics of African saints in St. Maurice, canton Valais and the other to the Black Madonna, the Virgin Mary of Einsiedeln, in the canton Schwyz. These events are empowered by the performance of African choirs - their music, dance, and costumes - but to which end and in which way?