1000 resultados para Efeito de arco em solos
Ações voluntárias de neutralização das emissões de GEE por atividades antrópicas devem ser incentivadas. Dentro desse contexto, membros da comissão organizadora da XVII RBMCSA apresentam proposta de revegetação como estratégia de sequestro do C emitido pelo evento. Usando o valor de 48,1 Mg de CO2eq. emitidos e a taxa de acumulação média de C na biomassa de tronco de 4 Mg ha-1 ano-1 estimou-se que serão necessários 4 anos para neutralização do C emitido, para um plantio em área de 5.000 m2. As ONGs Espaço Compartilharte e a RIOESBA são parceiras nesse projeto que propõem doar e distribuir as mudas no município de Teresópolis (região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), para produtores rurais e escolas, promovendo, com isso, o incentivo ao reflorestamento e conservação de Áreas de Preservação Permanente e atividades agroflorestais. Desta forma, espera concretizar a neutralização dos GEE da XVII Reunião Brasileira e Manejo e Conservação do Solo e da Água.
O Cerrado é o bioma de maior uso agrícola no Brasil, representando uma área de importância estratégica para a produção de grãos, fibras e biocombustíveis. Contudo, técnicas de manejo inadequadas podem resultar na perda de matéria orgânica do solo (MOS), degradação física e da fertilidade, e emissão de gases de efeito estufa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o estoque de carbono e nutrientes em solos sob diferentes usos no sudoeste goiano. Foram amostradas as camadas superficiais até 40 cm de profundidade de solos sob uso agrícola, pastagem, vegetação natural e silvicultura, totalizando 69 perfis. Solos sob vegetação natural apresentaram um estoque de carbono médio superior aos demais usos, mas apresentaram os menores níveis de fertilidade, o que pode ter limitado a atividade microbiana e permitiu a preservação da MOS. Por outro lado, os solos agrícolas apresentaram os maiores níveis de fertilidade e menores estoques de carbono, embora tenham sido observado solo com mais de 10 anos em SPD com estoque de carbono similar aos encontrados em áreas de reserva. Pastagens e silvicultura estão concentradas em solos menos argilosos e de menor fertilidade. Teores de potássio foram encontrados em maiores quantidades nas áreas de reserva, enquanto que maiores teores de fósforo e cálcio foram observados em solos agrícolas.
Os GEE produzidos pelas atividades humanas podem ser neutralizados com o plantio de árvores, que transformam CO2 em biomassa. O presente trabalho objetivou contabilizar todos os GEE originados da organização e produção da XVII Reunião Brasileira de Manejo e Conservação do Solo e da Água, incluindo transportes e consumo de energia elétrica. A Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre a Mudança do Clima (CQNUMC) é o principal órgão fornecedor de metodologias para mitigação das mudanças climáticas. Com base nestas e em dados fornecidos pelo Hotel Glória, pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) e Comissão Organizadora da XVI RBMCSA foi possível estimar as emissões de gases de efeito estufa da XVII RBMCSA. Foi estimado que 48,2 Mg de CO2 equivalentes (CO2eq) serão emitidas entre o período de junho de 2007 e agosto de 2008 devido à elaboração e produção do evento.
Com o objetivo de examinar o efeito da adubação nitrogenada na incidência do pulgao Cerosipha forbesi, foi instalado em maio de 1991, no campo experimental da EMBRAPA - CNPDA, em Jaguariúna,SP, um experimento em blocos causalizados com 4 repetições e 3 tratamentos, sendo T1, testemunha com 0 grama de sulfato de amônia por parcela; T2 com aplicação de 200 gramas de sulfato de amônia por parcela e T3 com 2000 gramas de sulfato de amônia por parcela. Cada parcela constou 4 fileiras com 10 plantas cada, sendo a parcela útil as duas fileiras centrais menos as plantas das extremidades. A avaliação foi feita em dezembro de 1991, tomando-se ao acaso 5 plantas da parcela útil, nas quais foram constados os pulgões encontrados. Os dados originais receberam transformação de arco-seno raiz quadrada de y. A maior incidência de pulgões foi verificada no tratamento testemunha - (7,712), seguido de tratamento T3 (4,249) e T2 (2,607). Não Houve diferença significativa pelo teste de Ducan ao nivel de 5% entre os tratamentos T1 e t2. Nesse experimento nao se verificou aumento da incidência do pulgão com o aumento da dose de nitrigenio.
A associação micorrízica é uma estratégia biológica de simbiose no solo entre alguns fungos e raiz das plantas. A manutenção desses fungos pode ser alterada de acordo com o manejo do solo e resiliência do agroecossistema. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência do preparo de área agrícola após um ano na densidade de esporos de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA), em Marapanim-Pa. O estudo foi conduzido em áreas de preparo convencional (corte e queima) e alternativo (corte e trituração). Em cada área, foram definidos quatro transectos (repetição), onde foram coletados solos nas profundidades de 0-5 e 5-10 cm. Após um ano de implantação da área de cultivo, o corte e queima apresentou maior número de FMA nas profundidades avaliadas. Após um ano do preparo de área, o sítio em que teve a vegetação queimada apresentou maior número de esporos de FMA, estratégia biológica para manutenção desses seres em área alterada drasticamente.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da eutrofização do solo em fragmentos remanescentes de vegetação nativa sobre a comunidade florística de arbóreas em paisagens agrícolas. Foram amostrados oito sítios de vegetação arbórea na Mata Atlântica, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, em pares formados de acordo com o uso do solo em seu entorno ? intensivo (UI) ou extensivo (UE) ? e com diferentes tamanhos: dois fragmentos pequenos, com cerca de 10 ha; dois médios, com 30 ha; dois grandes, com 100 ha; e outros dois sítios localizados dentro de uma área contínua de floresta. Um conjunto de parâmetros bióticos e de solos, além de métricas da paisagem, foi obtido e analisado segundo duas hipóteses: H01, a fertilidade do solo dos remanescentes naturais adjacentes a áreas agrícolas de uso intensivo é alterada; e H02, a eutrofização do solo dos remanescentes naturais adjacentes a áreas agrícolas de uso intensivo altera a composição da sua comunidade de arbóreas. Os teores de cálcio foram cerca de sete vezes maiores nos sítios adjacentes a UI, quando comparados aos fragmentos adjacentes a UE. Os teores de fósforo foram de 1,5 a 2,5 vezes maiores nos fragmentos pequenos e médios adjacentes a áreas de UI. A análise de ordenamento evidenciou que P, K, Ca, luz difusa, abertura de dossel, relação área/perímetro e isolamento dos fragmentos explicam 59% da composição das comunidades arbóreas.
The objective of this work was to determine the influence of hyperconjugative interactions on the ¹J CH coupling constant for hexamethylenetetramine (1) and adamantane (2). For this end, theoretical and experimental ¹J CH were obtained and hyperconjugative interactions were investigated using NBO. It was observed, theoretically and experimentally, that ¹J CH in 1 is 20 Hz larger than in 2, mainly due to the nN®s*C-H hyperconjugative interaction. This interaction occurs only in 1, with an energy of 9.30 kcal mol-1. It increases the s-character of the carbon atom in the C-H bond and the occupancy of the sigma*C-H orbital in (1).
It is very well known that the addition of polymers to a liquid increases the shear viscosity of the solution. In other words, the polymer increases the dissipation of the flow energy. Contrarily, in turbulent flow, some particular macromolecules in very low concentration are able to produce large attenuation in the turbulence and thus, decreasing the dissipation of the energy. This article present a brief revision about macroscopic and molecular models used to explain this dynamic effect. Some of the experimental techniques used to quantify the attenuation of the turbulence and the main active substances are also discussed.
Antimicrobials, among other veterinary drugs, are used worldwide in industry and agriculture to protect animal health and prevent economic loss. In recent years, they have been detected in various environmental compartments, including soil, surface and groundwater and have become a topic of research interest. Emphasizing this class of compounds, this review presents the different pathways which veterinary drugs enter in the environment, in particular contaminate soils. Also are presented regulatory aspects and guidelines, adsorption/desorption and degradation of these compounds in soils and the consequences of its dispersal in the environment.
This paper presents two techniques to evaluate soil mechanical resistance to penetration as an auxiliary method to help in a decision-making in subsoiling operations. The decision is based on the volume of soil mobilized as a function of the considered critical soil resistance to penetration in each case. The first method, probabilistic, uses statistical techniques to define the volume of soil to be mobilized. The other method, deterministic, determines the percentage of soil to be mobilized and its spatial distribution. Both cases plot the percentage curves of experimental data related to the soil mechanical resistance to penetration equal or larger to the established critical level and the volume of soil to be mobilized as a function of critical level. The deterministic method plots showed the spatial distribution of the data with resistance to penetration equal or large than the critical level. The comparison between mobilized soil curves as a function of critical level using both methods showed that they can be considered equivalent. The deterministic method has the advantage of showing the spatial distribution of the critical points.
The rice husk and its ash are abundant and renewable and can be used to obtain alternative building materials. An increase in the consumption of such waste could help minimize the environmental problems from their improper disposal. This study aimed to evaluate the use of ashes as a cargo mineral (filler). However, the rice husk chemically interferes in the conduct of the based cement mixtures. Thus, different mixes cement-rice husk with and without the addition of ash were evaluated in order to highlight the influence of its components (husk; ash), which could otherwise be excluded or be underestimated. Cylindrical samples (test of simple compression and traction by diametrical compression) and samples extracted from manufactured pressed board (test of bending and parallel compression to the surface), were used to evaluate the behavior of different mixtures of components (rice hush; RHA - rice husk ahs). The results of the mechanical tests showed, in general, there is not a statistical difference between the mixtures, which are associated with the chemical suppressive effect of the rice husk ash. The mixture of rice husk of 10 mm, with an addition of 35% of the rice husk ash, is notable for allowing the highest consumption of rice husk and rice husk ash, to reduce 25% the consumption of cement and to allow the storage (without emissions to the atmosphere), around 1.9 ton of CO2 per ton of cement consumed, thus contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions, which can stimulate rural constructions under an ecological point of view.
Kohleria eriantha (Benth.) Hanst is a plant belonging to the family Gesneriaceae, with an underground organ, which is associated with vegetative reproduction. This organ is a rhizome, whose stem bears buds covered with modified leaves that store up starch. In small sections of this rhizome, containing six buds (1.5 to 2.0cm long), only one bud sprouted. The sprouted bud could be differentiated into two morphological pattern: aerial part or rhizome. Sprouting of the rhizome pattern occurred in sections kept on substrate with low water content (1mL of water), or lacking water, whereas sprouting of the aerial part pattern occurred in sections on substrate with high water content (12mL of water). Temperature at 20ºC also stimulated sprouting of the rhizome pattern, regardless of the water volume in the substrate. Sprouting of the rhizome pattern occurred still in sections on substrate to which polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG) solution was added at the concentrations of 161.2, 235.2 and 340.0g/L, resulting in potentials of -3, -6 and -12 MPa, respectively. Sections kept on substrate with low water content (1 ml of water) showed a reduction in the dry matter content and high osmotic concentration in comparison with those on substrate with high water content. The results obtained revealed that forming of the rhizome pattern was influenced by water content and temperature. It is suggested that sprouting of the rhizome pattern was induced by the low water potential in the sections, when kept on substrate with low water content. Moreover, it was observed that the rhizome buds of Kohleria eriantha showed a high degree of plasticity.
The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of plonk on compressive behavior and mechanical attributes such as consistency, optimum moisture for compaction and maximum density of a Red-Yellow Latosol (Oxisol) to evaluate the effect of plonk and compaction state in splashed particles, from Lavras (MG) region. The plonk was obtained from an artisanal sugarcane brandy alembic. Undisturbed and disturbed soil samples were collected at 0 to 3 cm and 60 to 63 cm depths. Disturbed soil samples were used for soil characterization, determination of consistence limits and Normal Proctor essay after material incubation with plonk. Undisturbed soil samples were saturated with plonk or distilled water (control) during 48 hours for testing the compressibility and resistance to splash by using simulated rainfall. The plonk altered the consistence limits of studied layers. For the 0-3 cm layer, the plonk reduced the friable range, and for the 60-63 cm layer the effect was in the opposite direction. For both layers, the plonk increased Dmax and decreased Uoptimum. Regardless of the plonk treatment, both layers presented the same load support capacity. The compaction degree of samples influenced the splash erosion. The increase of the applied pressure over the samples resulted in increase of splash material quantity. At the 60-63 cm layer, the plonk treatment reduced the splash material quantity by increasing the applied pressure, mainly when the samples were at field capacity.
Dental materials that release fluoride have been shown to be effective in caries inhibition around restorations. Adhesive materials would also be effective in caries inhibition by sealing and protecting cavity margins from acidic demineralization. This in vitro study tested the hypothesis that composite restorations with a dentin adhesive system have a caries preventive effect similar to that of an adhesive material with fluoride - glass-ionomer cement - on root surfaces. Twenty roots from extracted sound third molars were embedded in polystyrene resin and ground flat. Standardized cavities were prepared in leveled root surfaces and randomly restored with (a) Chelon-Fil (Espe) or (b) Z100/SingleBond (3M). Baseline indentations were measured at 100, 200 and 300 mum from the occlusal margins of each restoration and the surface microhardness values were obtained using a Knoop diamond indenter. A 2.0 mm wide margin around the restorations was submitted to a pH-cycling model, at 37ºC. After that, surface microhardness was measured again, as it was before. The differences between baseline and final surface microhardness were considered for statistical analysis. The median values of differences were (a): -3.8; -0.3; -1.0; and (b): 3.3; 2.5; 1.7, for the distances of 100, 200 and 300 mum, respectively. The Kruskal-Wallis test did not show statistically significant difference between 100, 200 and 300 mum distances in each tested group. There was no difference between the studied materials at the distances of 200 and 300 mum. Chelon-Fil was statistically different from Z100/SingleBond, at 100 mum (p<0.05). Under the studied conditions, the glass-ionomer cement had a higher caries preventive effect than the composite/dentin adhesive restorations.
The present work evaluated the effect of low doses of X-irradiation on the repairing process of sutured and nonsutured skin wounds in rats. For that, rats underwent a surgical proceedure, in which a 20 x 5-millimeter rectangular wound approximately 2-millimeter-deep was made in the dorsal region of each animal, and were divided in four groups: nonirradiated nonsutured; irradiated nonsutured ; nonirradiated sutured and irradiated sutured. The animals under irradiation were protected, during exposure, with a 2-millimeter-thick lead apron in such a way that only the incision was irradiated. Each animal was submitted to 18 seconds of exposure, undergoing a total of 7.4 rads. The evaluation of the effects of X-rays on the repairing process was carried out through microscopic observation by means of hematoxylin-eosin staining for morphological evaluation, and silver impregnation under polarized light for the observation of collagen synthesis. The results have shown that X-irradiation has caused delay in the repairing process, but it did not stop its development. The irradiated nonsutured group was considered to show the greater delay when compared with the other groups.