935 resultados para Economia de empresas
The sustainable development is the center of many discussions about the environment, economy and society. Environmental issues bring out problems with the fauna and flora, water resources, land use, population growth, residues, basic sanitation, and others. In this sense, the aim of the present work was to develop an environmental diagnostics and propose measures to mitigate the most significant environmental impacts generated by four enterprises in Antonio Crepaldi Industrial District, located at the city of Presidente Prudente/SP. In the study, it was used the methodology proposed by Moreira (2006), and it was done the following activities: monitoring and analyses of the production process, identification of potential environmental aspects and impacts; assessment of the impacts according to its nature, relevance and significance; proposition of measures to mitigate the critical impacts. As a final result, it was obtained an environmental diagnosis about the situation of each of the four companies studied, and it was possible to know the level of criticality of the impacts in each one, and proposing mitigation measures to control or minimizing them, bringing many benefits to the organization
The goal of this paper is to critically analyze the practices developed by Solidarity Economy and to merge them with social technologies, aiming to achieve social transformation of popular groups. This transformation consists in the empowerment of those groups in means of work organization, considering their self-management and also the development of techniques and technologies utilized. Based on the understanding that technical development has no neutral character and it follows linearity within society, a discussion around the forms and uses of technology is conducted here, aiming at the perspective of changes in technologies’ development and also assigning social character to them. To think of social technology requires us to consider the space in which it is inserted, once it refers to a collective demand that belongs to self-managed groups. Therefore, to intent beyond self-management work, new productive forces are discussed here, and also the analysis and adhesion of an alternative technology for popular cooperatives
As tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs), em especial, o setor de telefonia passou e, ainda, passa por mudanças importantes: o aumento do número de características incorporadas aos aparelhos celulares. Isto moldou o ambiente competitivo de alta concentração, através de aquisições das empresas (e ativos tecnológicas) e da emergência de “novos” competidores. Buscou-se analisar a trajetória recente da indústria de telequipamentos, no que diz respeito às estratégias das empresas. Bem como identificar tendências tecnológicas e o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias
Nos últimos 40 anos, a biotecnologia tem evoluído significativamente, gerando uma série de repercussões e possibilidades para diversos setores. Embora os avanços tenham impactos muito amplos, um dos setores que mais se beneficiam do desenvolvimento da biotecnologia é a agricultura. Em meio a um contexto favorável para o desenvolvimento da biotecnologia no Brasil, buscaremos analisar o papel do setor público, de instituições de pesquisa e ensino e de empresas nacionais e transnacionais, bem como o estímulo à cooperação entre universidades e empresas do setor de defensivos agrícolas e sementes
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A teoria em finanças tem evoluído cada vez mais aproximando a teoria financeira às práticas reais adotadas nas empresas e nos mercados financeiros. A partir de Modigliani e Miller, que contribuíram para o ramo das finanças com a teoria da Irrelevância Financeira, o caminho se abriu para uma série de debates a cerca da importância das variáveis financeiras na determinação do valor da empresa. Foram levantados questionamentos a respeito da perfeição dos mercados e apresentado argumentos como a assimetria de informações, os custos de agência, a restrição financeira e outras implicações à teoria do investimento. Atualmente o que se sabe é que o fator investimento está altamente ligado às finanças e, portanto, relaciona-se com os meios de financiamento presentes no mercado e com a organização interna e financeira das firmas, esse ramo de estudo recebe o nome de Finanças Corporativas. Diante da teoria financeira, o objetivo é analisar a indústria siderúrgica de duas economias atualmente em destaque, Brasil e China através da análise econômico-financeira de quatro empresas de capital aberto do setor: Gerdau, Usiminas, Baosteel e Masteel. Cabe destacar que a indústria siderúrgica é base para outras indústrias, como construção civil, automóveis, máquinas, entre outros e, por isso, é tida como sinalizadora do desenvolvimento econômico de um país, assim também, o Brasil e a China são caracterizados como grandes potenciais emergentes e fontes de atração de investimentos internacionais
This study aims to analyze the experience of Solidarity Economy in the City of Várzea Paulista - SP and from the incubation of the enterprise of aesthetics Casa da Beleza. Therefore, we need to present a historical overview of the Solidarity Economy in Brazil to understand how and why it has been developing in the country, as it has become State policies on the national scene, as well as on municipal. The research also discusses what the role of government in the development of the Solidarity Economy, promotion of social policies and local development, with the big question: What is the role of government in promoting Várzea Paulista social policies Solidarity Economy? Finally, this research seeks to understand how the Solidarity Economy causes changes in social conditions from the point of view of women who are venture incubated by Casa da Beleza
This work aims to evaluate the different trajectories in terms of production structure, technological capabilities and performance in international trade of pharmaceutical industries in Brazil and India. For this, we build international trade indicators, based on data provided by the COMTRADE, the UN database for trade. Through the indicators, it is observed that the countries have different results in the catch-up process of the pharmaceutical industry. India has built a productive structure strongly based on generic drugs, with which it is able to greatly meet domestic demand and export to many countries worldwide. Brazil remains in a position of dependence of foreign production, with a high level of imports and exports to the region of Latin America
The internationalization of research and development (R&D) activities has been lifted to an eminent role over the last years, how confirm the greater intensity of R&D investment inflows into countries other than the home countries of the multinational enterprises (MNE). As the industrialization of the Brazilian economy has been marked by the presence of MNE, this paper aims to discuss some characteristics of the Brazilian subsidiaries of foreign MNE concerning R&D activities. To do so, we draw on a comprehensive survey applied to MNE affiliates in Brazil in 2006. It allows us to describe the locally-conducted R&D activities, its specificities and perspectives of future inversions. Among its findings, there are evidences pointing that in Brazil the R&D internationalization the phases of investment in manufactures and in R&D may occur almost simultaneously, depending on the sector s involvement in the globalization process.
This article aims to discuss the use of business games for educational purposes taking into account evidence about the difficulty in managing financial resources. The use of business games is justified because the young generation tha are coming to the education system have grown up using business games, allowing a more motivating learning environment and stimulating investment and on how the concept to provide learning. Instead of pushing content well defined and wel-formatted for the student, promotes the use of games promote at the same time, a chalenge whose solution entails learning effort. Thus, the use of games affect educators, students and aducational institutions, requiring them new attitudes and patterns of thought about schooling. The elaboration of this article was based on experiences gained with the development and use of games for educational purposes, specifically the game "Mercado Virtual". Several articles have been published on research with indergraduates and postgraduate courses in business administration and engineering field. They have shown that the evaluation of the player, based on their decisions during the game, to detect specific aspects of learning. This exploratory research is based on data obteained in various experiments with the game Mercado Virtual.
This study addresses the topic of e-commerce as a competitive strategy for companies seeking innovation and to reach new markets. In last few years, the e-commerce has intensified in Brazil, as a result, many companies have adapted to that new market demand and have invested in new strategies. An example, is the use of social medias to promote the products, specifically the fashion retail industry, which promotes its products through partnerships with fashion blogs. To prove this new market trend, based on researches and indicators, this study will present growth data of e-commerce in Brazil, the fashion industry characteristics and the influence of blogs to increase sales, to further, understand its relation to the growth in e-commerce of fashion and future expectations
Many researchers emphasize the increasing dynamics of business globalization, virtually as a new order of driving rules to be considered and included regarding operations management. In this sense, and trying to attain a set of suitable competitive conditions according to the needs of their business, the very internal processes of management and decision making have been growing in terms of complexity and range of issues to be considered. To do so, it is important to understand and absorb possible changes in competitive conditions as they arise. This paper aims to present a conceptual model and a case study to illustrate the assessment of the relationships involving actors within an operations network. The understanding of the basis behind these relationships and the identification of the existing hierarchic profile governing them, represent primary items to be considered embedded in a decision making system. The results obtained suggest the possibility to make use of the proposed model as an auxiliary tool to assess existing relationships within an operations network.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
Contractors Odebrecht, Camargo Correa and Andrade Gutierrez play an important role in Brazil's economy stressed by the number of jobs they add, capital accumulation and diversification through the acquisition of state firms and assets. Abroad, they rank among the top companies in the industry. Is there a behavioral standard among these firms? How did they grow? Why did they diversify? What triggers them to internationalization and what are the strategies they adopt in the foreign markets? The attempt to shed light on these questions resulted in the observation of patterns inside Brazilian market as they grew and diversified, but such a pattern could not be detected in the internationalization process
Neste trabalho, discute-se a fixação de taxas de retorno de concessões no Brasil, com aplicação específica ao caso da metodologia da Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT). Mostra-se a inadequação da regulamentação vigente, baseada no conceito de taxa interna de retorno (TIR), e não de custo de oportunidade do capital. A partir de um exemplo com dados referentes ao auge da crise financeira internacional (dezembro de 2008), evidencia-se também a falta de lógica decorrente da utilização de retornos e preços passados na estimação de taxas de retorno, um procedimento comum a toda a área de concessões de serviços públicos no Brasil. Propõe-se uma metodologia alternativa cujos resultados são sensíveis às condições correntes de mercado de capitais, que produz resultados coerentes com a situação então vigente.